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Rob, My comments are as follows: Page 3 - page number missing, please add -add ''at top of right column where 'Contributors' header is. Looks like there's room to push rest of column down to make this t -insert space between 'Wright' and '-' -insert space between 'Walsh' and '-' - change 'Hawk Eyes by Horses By Tom Martin' to 'Hawk Eyesby Tom Martin' - insert space between 'Advertisers' and '-' - insert space between 'Sub editors' and '-' Page 5 - remove vertical 'Editorial' in right hand margin. Not sure if its necessary for a one page article that has 'Editorial' as a header anyway. - can we add the name of thephotographer please? I.e. 'Photo by Fred Bloggs' underneath. Page 6 - Headline needs to be 'British Wildlife Festival' - can we have a smaller gap between the intro para and the rst header? It looks like a mistake andunbalances the layout. - can we add the page number - in reviews featuring multiple bands we should always have the rst time each band is mentioned in bold - column 1, para 2 'Super Luxury' in bold - column 1, para 3 'Bad Guys' in bold - column 1, para 3 change'17 minutes...' to '17 minutes.' - column 1, para 4 'Ultimate Thrush' in bold - column 1, para 5 'Divorce' in bold - column 1, para 6 'Disasteradio' in bold - column 2, para 1 'Yugoslavian Boys' in bold - column 2, para2 'Teeth of the Sea' in bold - column 2, para 3 'Cold Pumas' in bold - column 2, para 4 'Hookworms' in bold Page 7 -column 1, para 1 'Blacklisters' in bold - column 1, para 2 'Zun Zun Egui' in bold - column 1, para 4 'Magnapinna' in bold - column 1, para 5 'Stanger Son' in bold - column 2, para 1 'Juffage' in bold - column 2, para 2 'Galaxians' in bold - column 2, para 3 'Bearfoot Beware' in bold

- column 2, para 4 'Wooderson' in bold - column 2, para 5 'Gum Takes Tooth' in bold Page 8 - can we add the page number - can we have a smaller gap between the intro para and the rst para? - quotes should be in normal font, not italic. - 'Mindhammers' and 'Modern Bodies' are titles of albums and as such should be in italic without inverted commasto t with the Vibrations Style Guide Page 9 - replace vertical 'British Wildlife Festival' in right margin with 'Hawk Eyes' -can we add the name of the photographer please? Page 10 - can we add thepage number - can we add the name of the photographer please? - column 2, last para change date to '26 March' Page 12 - remove the dash after every 'ET' and 'SA' - I think the different coloured font is enough to make it clear when each is speaking. - can we add the page number Page 13 - can we add the name of the photographer please? Page 15 - 'Camping It Up with Melvyn Benn'? Do we really want to say that? Is MB gay? Will he be horried? Offended? Highly amused? I don't know him at all so can't really say. But, do we really want to say this AND get press passes? Ever again? - the vertical text in the right hand margin should be the intro para at the start of the article. Page 17 - the vertical text in the right hand margin should be removed - it just repeats what's in the intro para - can we close the gap bweteen the intro para and the rst question please? - can we add the name of the photographer please? Page 19 - is this the start of a new regular column by Sam? If so is it going to be called 'Sam Saunders Returns' every time? If not the header probabley needs changing and the intro para needs to be a bit clearer about whether the article is a one off or the start of a new series. How many readers will even know who Sam is?Perhaps we should explain.

Page 20 -can we have a smaller gap between the intro para and the rst para? - bottom of column 1 'Words Emma Quinlan Images Giles Smith' needs to be removed. Page 21 -can we add the name of the photographer please? Page 22 - add page number - can we add the name of the photographer please? Page 25 - can we even up the para layout please. It looks a bit of a mess. - can we put all instances of Life Processes, This Is Broken Lines and The Maisonin italic without inverted commas please. - add page number Page 26 - can we add the name of the photographer please? - can we put all instances ofThis Is Broken Lines and The Maisonin italic without inverted commas please. - the 'Honour Before Glory' text at bottom right needs to be moved to the top right margin and made vertical. Page 27 - add page number - can we add the name of the photographer please? Pages 34-37 - do we have photographs for the live reviews? If so can we have a credit for the photographer attached to each one, please? Page 34 - can we add a page number please? - column 1 rst header - add 'Leeds' after 'Brudenell' - column 1, rst para 'Cowtown' in bold - can we have a return after every para across the whole Reviews section, please. Some reviews have them, some don't. - column 1 para 2 'Two Minute Noodles' in bold - column 1 para 3 'Bilge Pump' in bold - column 1, para 4 'Shallows' in bold - column 2, para 2 'Hookworms' and 'These Monsters' in bold - column 2, para3 'Hawk Eyes' in bold - column 2, heading 'Pulled Apart By Horses @ The Leadmill, Shefeld' in bold red font -column 2, para 5 replace 'PABH' with 'the band' Page 35 - column 1, change heading to 'Submotion Orchestra @ The Wardrobe, Leeds' - column 1, change heading to 'Extra Curricular @ The Hi Club,

Leeds' - column 2 change heading to 'Arthur Rigby & The Baskervylles/ Hunting Bears @ Nation of Shopkeepers, Leeds' and put in bold red font - column 2, para 4 'Hunting Bears' in bold - column 2, para 5 amend 'Arthur Rigby and the Baskervylles' to 'Arthur Rigby & The Baskervylles' and put in bold Page 36 - can we add a page number please? - column 1 change header to 'Pengilly's/Garnets @ Brudenell Social Club, Leeds' - column 1,para2 rst mention of 'Garnets' in bold - column 1,para 3 'Pengilly's' in bold - column 1, para 5 (I think)'Iona Drum' in bold - column 1, para 6 (I think) 'Round Window' in bold - column 2, para 2'The Asa Hawks' in bold - column 2, para 4 'Swinepipe' in bold -column 2, para 5 'Paul Hession', 'Dave Kane' and 'Karl D'Silva'in bold Page 37 - all the white space looks a bit odd. I suggest we take up Tim's offer to provide some more previews that concentrate on coveringfrom mid April and thoughout May. Feel free to use any appropriate ones from the list of previews on the website Page 38 - can we have a page number please? - this is a fanatstic article - why no photos? If any of the above comments are contradicted by any of Rob's, then the Editor's take precedence. Steve

Hi all, I've just sent my proong comments but wanted to do a separate email on the design so that it doesn't get lost at the end of the proong email. As I said in my email last night, overall I like the new design very much. The cover is great and I like the way the 'picture frame' effect is repeated inside at different points, in particular the way its used (almost deconstructed, already!)in the Sam Airey article. I love the two column layout, the vertical text in the right margins provides good consistent agging up where we are, and the use of redfont is great.

There are two issues I feel I need to raise though. Firstly, there's a lack of consistency across the whole magazine with certain aspects of layout and design that I think need to be sorted out. For example, what is the standard format for article titles? Some have sub headings, some don't. Some are just plainly descriptive (Sam Airey) while others are more elaborate (Melvyn Benn & Leeds Fest). The sub headers are also all over the place. If we have them at all they should be in the same font/format as the main header (like 'Camping if up with Melvyn Benn - Leeds Reading 2012' - we're not really going to run with this though, surely?) and some don't (New pose - old school). Finally, are headers centred or left justied? We should do one or the other, not both. Secondly, my biggest beef is with the header font 'embellishments'. It's just too much!! 'British Wildlife', 'Sam Airey', 'Melvyn Benn & Leeds Fest' and most of the others to be honest are rendered almost unreadable because of all the tweaking. When I rst saw the 'Women in Music' header I had to look at it a few times to gure out what it said.Headlines should be instantly readable and understood otherwise thearticletotally fails at the rst hurdle!! With recognisable words you can work them out eventually, but you probably won't have to stray too far from everyday language to run into problems. For example, I plan to interview aband called Etai Keshiki sometime this year, a name hard enough to say/read anyway but I could imagine how totally indecipherable it would be if every other letter had been tweaked. On the positive side, I thought the 'Editorial' header looked ne the 'bobbles' on the two 'I's looked good, and if this sort of thing could be applied sparingly (and consistently - the application of types of tweaks to different letters seems to be pretty random) I think it could work.This is not an unimportant issue. Finally, I like the new masthead on the cover very much, but it bears no relation to the style of the font used for headers inside (and the cover masthead is all lower case, while the inside headers are all upper case). How many different font styles should we be using? Happy to discuss all/any of the above further if needed. Steve
Just gonna get my shots in early: 1) Design looks great to me, simple enough and no bullshit and I like the font. 2) Couple of things with the Live Reviews - there's no standardisation with the headings (plus

a couple of headings haven't been put in red - Pulled Apart/Arthur Rigby). Can I suggest two lines left after each review and one line between the heading and review (e.g. the KaneHession... review). This is probably my fault for not standardising it in the first place but that shall be resolved by next issue. 3) I'm also aware that by the time the mag goes out many of the previews will be redundant and we could maybe do with a few more May ones anyway - anyone got any quick thoughts on this? Happy to bash some out in the next few hours if needs be. 4) Any particular reason for the quotes in the Hawk Eyes feature being italicised? Perhaps not a bad idea in itself but needs to be standardised throughout the mag. Also - if I'm being particularly prickish (and I am) - 'brew' (c2,p1) needs a capital. Same goes for 'god' in the Spills article on p. 22 (c2,p5) - If we're going to blaspheme then let's at least do it properly. Cheers, Tim Master prick and grammatical nationalist party overlord.

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