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Making a Plan #2

An Age of Exploration
Submitted By: Amanda Regis

EDEL 453: Teaching Elementary School Social Science Nevada State College Spring 2012 Instructor: Karen Powell

Title of Unit: An Age of Exploration

Strand: History

Grade Level: Fifth UNIT PLANNER

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Summary of Lesson Plan

This lesson talks about early trade between countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and how the exchange of goods and ideas changed the cultures of these countries. This lesson uses the Houghton Mifflin social studies book Teachers Edition (TE) for fifth grade, entitled, United States History, and it consists of pages 84-89.

H1.5.3 Discuss the interactions of early explorers with native cultures.



MONDAY week #1

H1.5.7 Examine the cultural exchange among the Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans.

TE United States History, pages 84-89 Writing materials Drawing materials Copies of the Vocabulary and Study Guide worksheet

This lesson talks about changes in technology during the Renaissance, and the Portuguese discovery of a sea route around Africa to Asia. This lesson uses the Houghton Mifflin social studies book Teachers Edition (TE) for fifth grade, entitled, United States History, and it consists of pages 90-95.

H2.5.4 Explain why slavery was introduced into colonial America. H1.5.4 Identify the contributions of Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans to North American beliefs and traditions. TE United States History, pages 90-95 Writing materials Globe Copies of the Vocabulary and Study Guide worksheet

TUESDAY week #1

Have globe prepared ahead of time.

This lesson discusses European exploration of the Americas and the effect these explorations had on the peoples of both continents.

H1.5.3 Discuss the interactions of early explorers with native cultures.


This lesson uses the Houghton Mifflin social studies book Teachers Edition (TE) for fifth grade, entitled, United States History, and it consists of pages 96-103.

H2.5.1 Describe motivations for and expeditions of European exploration of the Americas.

TE United States History, pages 96-103 Writing materials Globe Current world map Copies of the Vocabulary and Study Guide worksheet

Have globe and world map prepared ahead of time.

This lesson discusses Spanish explorations and conquests in the Americas during the 1500s. This lesson uses the Houghton Mifflin social studies book Teachers Edition (TE) for fifth grade, entitled, United States History, and it consists of pages 104-109.

THURSDAY week #1

H2.5.1 Describe motivations for and expeditions of European exploration of the Americas. H1.5.6 Identify individuals and groups responsible for founding and settling the American colonies.

TE United States History, pages 104-109 Writing materials Copies of the Vocabulary and Study Guide worksheet

This lesson discusses the growth of Spanish settlements in what is now the southeastern and southwestern United States. This lesson uses the Houghton Mifflin social studies book Teachers Edition (TE) for fifth grade, entitled, United States History, and it consists of pages 110-115.

FRIDAY week #1

H2.5.1 Describe motivations for and expeditions of European exploration of the Americas.

TE United States History, pages 110-115 Writing materials Copies of the Vocabulary and Study Guide worksheet

EDEL 453 - Unit Plan

Spring 2012

Karen Powell- Instructor

Submitted by: Amanda Regis

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