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Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan

Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

March 24 26, 2010 Orlando, FL

Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan

Maria Leggett Manager, Legal Business Analysis

Company Confidential

Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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March 24 26, 2010 Orlando, FL

Whos Been Here?

I used to be able to do this in the old system. This new system is so frustrating. Its so complicated.. I dont have time to learn something new. I was told that I have to take this training.

Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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March 24 26, 2010 Orlando, FL

Session Objectives
In this session, you will learn:
How to analyze and assess learner feedback The components of a continuous learning training strategy to develop a training plan Strategies to keep training relevant and continuous by providing just-in-time learning to users Various techniques and tools to deliver training via a variety of mediums

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Determine the Training

Company Confidential

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Survey Your Audience

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Find the Pain Points

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Delivery Methods

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Collect Feedback from the Experts

Conduct focus group sessions with your business experts. Ask them how they envision the training. Create a Steering Committee of business experts and ask them to review the training plan, training materials.

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Training Plan
Prepare a training plan that answers these questions:
Training Curriculum Audience Needs Assessment Resources and Materials Delivery Methods Evaluation and Measurement Training Continuum

Handout: Training Plan Template


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Training Curriculum
Target Audience Preferred Delivery Important Functionality Learning Blocks System Features Competencies


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Continuous Training Framework

Break training into small modules that can be delivered in 1 to 2 hour sessions.


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Opportunities for Practice

Provide opportunities for real world practice.


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Develop the Training

Company Confidential


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Training Material
Variety of Materials in Different Formats
Training Manuals Job Aids/Quick Guides Getting Started Guides Show Me Demonstrations Frequently Asked Questions Glossary Weekly Tips Embedded Help/EPSS Monthly Newsletters

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Getting Started Guides

On-boarding document for new users.


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Show Me Demonstrations


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Quick Tips
1-2 page document outlining tips Great takeaway for learners who attend training or participate in a survey.

Point out tips and tricks that even experienced users may not know.

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FAQs and Glossary

Glossaries are helpful with complex terminology.

Provide users 24x7 access to frequently asked questions.


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Weekly Quick Tips

Keep training fresh by sending weekly quick tips via email. Use monthly newsletter as a larger forum to discuss several topics. Post newsletters to a SharePoint or Web site for future reference.


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Embedded Help/EPSS

Provide learners with JIT in the application.


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Training Delivery
Deliver training via different mediums
Classroom ILT training Asynchronous e-Learning Synchronous ILT training via collaboration tools On the Job Training/Mentoring Video/Phone Conferences Mobile Applications


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Promote the Training

Company Confidential


Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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Champion the Learning

Secure support from key stakeholders within your organization.
Recruit your champions to promote the learning via meetings or emails. Share training value with management and ask them to share with their direct reports.


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Communicate Changes Early

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Communicate and Promote

Develop an organizational readiness campaign.
Gather a team or representatives (power users, managers, anyone with who has a pulse for what the learners need) and engage them in the User Acceptance Testing. Recruit successful learners in a department or business unit to be the subject of a case study distributed to all learners.


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Sneak Preview

Preview of the software to prepare users on what they need to learn


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Promote Training as a Solution


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Continue the Training

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Adjunct Support
Enlist learners to continue the training momentum by delivering training to their department or business unit.
Deliver Train-the-Trainer sessions to keep training consistent. Provide them with proper materials finalized training presentations and instructor guides. Follow up with your adjunct support to ensure materials get feedback.


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Instructor Guide


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Training Portal


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Provide Practice Opportunities


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Create a Learning Community

Engage learners to learn from each other. Start the forum with a tip and allow users to share feedback and tips.


Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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Evaluate and Revise

Gather Voice of the Customer (VOC)
Assess the current level of the learners and define additional follow up training at scheduled times after the initial launch. Conduct Level 1 4 evaluations. Talk to Managers, Steering Committee Members, and Stakeholders.


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Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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SECTION 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ............................................................................................. 3 SECTION 2.0 BUSINESS NEEDS ..................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 3.0 TEAM.......................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 PERSON(S) / TEAM MEMBERS THAT ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WRITING THE PLAN: .............................. 5 3.2 SPONSORS OF THE PLAN:.............................................................................................................. 5 3.3 KEY DEPARTMENTS / STAFF INVOLVED OR AFFECTED BY THE PLAN: .............................................. 5 SECTION 4.0 TRAINING CURRICULUM OUTLINE.................................................................... 6 SECTION 5.0 OTHER CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................... 8 SECTION 6.0 REVISION HISTORY.............................................................................................. 11

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Section 1.0 Project Overview

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Section 2.0 Business Needs

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Section 3.0 Team

3.1 Name Person(s) / Team members responsible for writing the plan: Email address Phone Number

3.2 Name

Sponsors of the plan: Email address Phone Number


Key departments / staff involved or affected by the plan: Function # Staff Impacted


Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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Section 4.0 Training Curriculum Outline

Training Title Competency Addressed Suggested Target Audience High Level Agenda Delivery Method Items and Availability Priority

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Section 5.0 Resources and Materials
Training Media

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Section 6.0 Delivery Methods

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Section 7.0 Evaluation and Measurement


Tracking and Reporting


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Section 8.0 Training Continuum


Ongoing Course Identification Process


Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Page 10 Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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Section 9.0 Revision History

Version Date Name Description

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TeamConnect 3.1 Upgrade

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SECTION 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW ........................................................................................... 15 SECTION 2.0 BUSINESS NEEDS ................................................................................................... 15 AUDIENCE NEEDS ASSESSMENT .......................................................................................................... 15 SECTION 3.0 TEAM ........................................................................................................................... 17 3.1 PERSON(S) / TEAM MEMBERS RESPONSIBLE FOR WRITING THE PLAN:............................................ 17 3.2 SPONSORS OF THE PLAN: ............................................................................................................ 17 3.3 KEY DEPARTMENTS / STAFF INVOLVED OR AFFECTED BY THE PLAN: ............................................. 17 SECTION 4.0 TRAINING CURRICULUM OUTLINE.................................................................. 18 SECTION 5.0 RESOURCES AND MATERIALS........................................................................... 22 SECTION 6.0 DELIVERY METHODS........................................................................................... 23 SECTION 8.0 TRAINING CONTINUUM....................................................................................... 25 SECTION 9.0 REVISION HISTORY.................................................................................................. 26

Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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Section 1.0 Project Overview

The TeamConnect application needed to be moved to new and more functional servers. In addition, Mitratech released the 3.1 version of TeamConnect. This major upgrade is a huge improvement to the interface and application performance of TeamConnect. Textron needs to implement this release to improve the user experience. With the significant upgrade to the user interface, extensive re-training will be required for the attorneys and legal staff. There are also significant new features with the upgrade that require training sessions.

Section 2.0 Business Needs

Textron needs to upgrade to 3.1 to improve user experience and improve platform stability and better application support. The user interface of TeamConnect has changed drastically with the new version and therefore, extensive training will need to be conducted to help users transition to the new version. In addition, business processes in TeamConnect have evolved or changed since TeamConnect was first implemented in 2004. After extensive data cleanup, the goal is to use the launch of the new version to train new and existing users on proper procedures of entering data into TeamConnect to ensure accurate, valid legal data. Audience Needs Assessment TeamConnect currently has 225 users. The different legal process areas in TeamConnect are Legal Matters Litigation and Non-Litigation, Intellectual Property, Legal Entities and Corporate Secretary Functions, Site Remediation, Invoicing Manual and Electronic and the Processing of Service of Process on TeamConnect and its Business Units. TeamConnect Functions 59% of users enter new matter records 48% of users update and track legal records in TeamConnect 59% of user search for data in TeamConnect 55% of users enter invoices 43% of users review and approve invoices 11% of users utilize TeamConnect for Intellectual Property information 7% of users utilize TeamConnect for Compliance information 13% of users create new contact records
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TeamConnect Level of Expertise 2% of users consider themselves experts 48% of users consider themselves skilled 41% of users consider themselves occasional users 9% of users consider themselves new or beginner users

Methods of Learning 75% prefer Instructor-Led Training 33% prefer online training 38% prefer to use job aids and quick tip sheets 25% prefer to use training manuals 18% prefer to use FAQs 11% prefer to use Online Help

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Section 3.0 Team

3.1 Name Maria Leggett Person(s) / Team members responsible for writing the plan: Email address Phone Number

3.2 Name Julie Duffy

Sponsors of the plan: Email address Phone Number


Key departments / staff involved or affected by the plan: Function Legal administration and support, legal invoice processing 225 # Staff Impacted

Department Enterprise Legal

Session 604 Successful Training Implementation through a Continuous Learning Plan Maria Leggett, Textron Inc.

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Section 4.0 Training Curriculum Outline

Training Title Competency addressed New Features in TeamConnect Suggested Target Audience All Users High Level Agenda Items Navigating in TeamConnect Setting up personal preferences in TeamConnect Setting up Email Notifications Introduction to Collections Managing Collections Defining Search Result Settings Customizing Searching Exporting Search Results Delivery Method and Availability Instructor-Led Webex/online tutorial/Quick Guides/Manuals Instructor-Led Webex/online tutorial/Quick Guides/Manuals

Getting Started with TeamConnect

Searching in TeamConnect

Searching for data in TeamConnect

All Users

TeamConnect Matter Records

Working with Records

All Matter Users

TeamConnect Records Creating a New Record Editing and Updating a Record Cancelling Edits and Handling Unsaved Edits Copying a Record Printing a Record Record Security Adding History Records Working with Relations Adding Record Assignees Uploading Documents Adding Involved Parties Managing Records Expenses Managing Tasks and Appointments Searching for Contacts Viewing Contacts Using Contact Collections Duplicate Contacts Creating New Contacts Editing and Updating Contacts Printing Contacts Managing Address Books Viewing and Subscribing to Address Books Printing Address Books

Instructor-Led Webex/online tutorial/Quick Guides/Manuals

TeamConnect Contacts

Working with Contact Records

All Users

Instructor-Led Webex/online tutorial/Quick Guides/Manuals

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Training Title Competency addressed Suggested Target Audience All IP Users High Level Agenda Items TeamConnect IP Records Creating a New Record Editing and Updating a Record Cancelling Edits and Handling Unsaved Edits Copying a Record Printing a Record Record Security Adding History Records Working with Relations Adding Record Assignees Uploading Documents Adding Involved Parties Managing Records Expenses Managing Task and Appointments Working with Patent Foreign Filings and Trademark Countries TeamConnect Corporate Secretary Records Creating a New Record Editing and Updating a Record Cancelling Edits and Handling Unsaved Edits Copying a Record Printing a Record Record Security Adding History Records Working with Relations Adding Record Assignees Uploading Documents Adding Involved Parties Managing Records Expenses Managing Task and Appointments Delivery Method and Availability

TeamConnect IP Working with Records Records

Instructor-Led Webex/online tutorial/Quick Guides/Manuals

TeamConnect Corporate Secretary Records

Working with Records

All Corporate Secretary Users

Instructor-Led Webex/online tutorial/Quick Guides/Manuals

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Training Title Competency addressed Working with Invoices and Accounts Suggested Target Audience All Users High Level Agenda Items Electronic Invoices Setting Up Records for Electronic Invoices Reviewing Electronic Invoices Making Adjustments to Electronic Invoices Approving Electronic Invoices Rejecting Electronic Invoices Printing Electronic Invoices Invoice Workflows Invoice Versions Searching for Invoices Marking an Invoice for NonPayment Manual Invoices Creating an invoice via a Template Adding Invoice Line Items Editing Invoices and Line Items Posting an Invoice Adjusting an Invoice Canceling an Invoice Approving an Invoice Rejecting an Invoice Printing an Invoice Uploading an Invoice Document Searching for Invoices Entering a Do Not Pay Invoice Activating AP Vendors Searching for an Active AP Vendor Downloading the W9 Form Requesting Vendor Activation Confirming a Vendor is Active to Invoice in TeamConnect Searching for Documents Uploading documents Checking Out a Document Checking In a Document Creating a Document Folder Copying a Document Moving Documents Generating a Document via a Template Delivery Method and Availability

TeamConnect Invoices

Instructor-Led Webex/online tutorial/Quick Guides/Manuals

TeamConnect Documents

Working with Documents in TeamConnnect

All Users

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Training Title Competency addressed Working with Budget and Reserves in TeamConnect Suggested Target Audience All Users High Level Agenda Items Creating a Record Budget Editing and Updating a Record Budget Entering Reserves on a Record Editing and Updating Reserves on a Record Adding Settlement Information Reviewing Matter Account Information Reviewing Account Transactions Delivery Method and Availability

TeamConnect Budgets and Reserves

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Section 5.0 Resources and Materials
Training Media The training materials will consist of: Frequently Asked Questions TeamConnect Glossary TeamConnect 3.1 Getting Started Guide Quick Guides short (1-2 page guides with steps on how to complete a specific task or function) Training Manuals Weekly Show Me Demonstrations and Tips

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Section 6.0 Delivery Methods
Based on the audience needs assessment, instructor-led training will be a large component in the delivery. With a dispersed workforce, the ITL training will consist of both classroom ILT and virtual ITL sessions. Prior to the launch of the training, demonstration sessions will be conducted to provide previews of the new system and allow for questions regarding the training delivery. Four weeks prior to the launch, learners will begin to receive email updates on the training schedule as well as information quick tips on some of the new functionality with the system.

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Section 7.0 Evaluation and Measurement
Evaluation All evaluations will be delivered and tracked through Textron University. Class participants must complete the class evaluation in order to receive training credit through Textron University. An email with a link to the training evaluation will be generated 1 day after the class completion. Tracking and Reporting Training sessions including instructor-led Webex sessions and self-paced online learning will be administered and tracked through Textron University. A TeamConnect 3.1 Training Curriculum will be established in Textron University and courses and class sessions and online training will be set up to fulfill the training curriculum. Training communication to the TeamConnect user community will include the listing of the class session numbers in Textron University for participants to locate and register for the class on Textron University. Outcome Measurement Level 1 assessment will be fulfilled through evaluations delivered through Textron University after a class completion to determine if high-level expectations were met with the training delivery. Level 2 assessment will be fulfilled through online self-checks and quizzes delivered through Textron University. These quizzes will not be required for class completion but will be used as other vehicles to determine training effectiveness.

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Section 8.0 Training Continuum
Sustainability A follow-up VOC survey will be conducted 1 month after launch to assess current ability with the new version and define additional follow up training. Assumptions It is assumed that learners will be motivated to register and attend training since the training is not a required activity. Risks Training plan may need to be implemented in phases particularly in the area of additional training resources due to other upgrade priorities such as user testing. Not all users will participate in the training rollout. Risk audience includes the attorneys who often are not active in the system or do not use the system properly. Gaps Given the short timeline, a complete learning assessment was not conducted prior to developing the training plan. A prior VOC survey indicates that users currently are not that experienced or familiar with TeamConnect. In addition to the new features and functionality of TeamConnect 3.1, the training plan will need to address basic system competencies such as creating matters, creating contacts, searching for records and entering and processing invoices. Ongoing Course Identification Process User surveys and course evaluations will identify current training successes as well as identify future needs.

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Section 9.0 Revision History
Version Date Name Description

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