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GB Software handbook


Table of Contents
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Main screen Main menu Function buttons Multilanguage panel Status bar 5 5 6 6 6



3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8

Vehicle configuration.
Change gas Lambda (optional) Gas level Emissions Pressure Temperature Enter K Injectors

7 8 8 11 11 13 14 16

3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 2

Display Diagnosis Automatic calibration Change calibration Save current configuration Load new configuration Programming the control unit Update map sheets End program LANDI RENZO S.p.A.

16 17 19 21 21 22 23 23 23



5.1 With Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 Professional operating systems 25


6.1 Programming for the first time 28




The LANDIRENZO OMEGAS program enables technicians at LANDIRENZO retailers to work on the LANDIRENZO OMEGAS injection control units. Specifically, it is possible to program the gas control units with the vehicle archive data, and display and change some of the parameters on which the control unit acts. The program can be used with no in-depth knowledge of how a PC operates, apart from a basic knowledge of the Windows interface. The LANDIRENZO OMEGAS program requires one of the following operating systems: Windows 98 SE, Windows ME, Windows 2000 or Windows XP. At least version 5.5 of Internet Explorer must also be installed. The later version, Internet Explorer 6.0, is recommended. If a new version of the software is being installed, the old versions should be disinstalled completely and the new software installed from the new CD-ROMs. The new CDs also include a folder entitled EncPak IE containing a file entitled Install.htm. This file contains the correct links to other files on the CD that enable the Internet Explorer files needed for the control unit programming procedure to be installed on the various computers. The minimum PC specifications are: 486 processor, 8Mb RAM, SVGA 640X480 256 colour graphics card, CD ROM reader (or Internet connection), at least 10 Mb free on the hard disk (this last figure depends on the number of vehicles and information files present in the archive, since about 600 Kb are required for each vehicle information file). For optimal functionality, a system with a Pentium 133 or higher, 16 Mb of RAM and an SVGA 800X600 graphics card is recommended. To install the the LANDIRENZO OMEGAS Program: - execute setup.exe - or use autorun to install the program automatically. The installation program starts automatically press next (three times as requested), install and finish. The progress of the totally automatic installation is shown. The only information requested is the folder in which the program is to be installed. If no folder is specified the program will be installed in a folder entitled <PROGRAMMI\Landi Renzo\Landi Renzo Omegas. After completing the installation, double click on the LANDI RENZO OMEGAS icon on the desktop, or press Start\Programs\Landi Renzo\Landi Renzo Omegas. Before using LANDIRENZO OMEGAS check that Acrobat Reader 4.0 or a later version is installed on the PC: this program is needed to consult the vehicle information files. However, the Landi Renzo CD contains a copy of this program.




The main screen shown in Fig. 1 appears every time the program is started. Its essential component elements are: 1. Main menu 2. Function buttons 3. Multilingual panel 4. Status bar

FIG. 1


FIG. 2

The main menu contains all the program settings and commands. Specifically: 1 - FILE (fig. 2): contains the commands: OPEN CONFIGURATION.: opens files not present in the LPG or METHANE folder in the LR OMEGAS directory ; SAVE CONFIGURATION: saves files, including to folders other than the LPG or METHANE folder in the LR OMEGAS directory; PRINT CONFIGURATION: prints the pages in the F1 Vehicle Configuration menu; PRINT CORRECTION prints the page of the F5 Change Configuration menu; ; PRINT DIAGNOSIS prints the page of the F3 Diagnosis menu; FITTING INSTRUCTIONS detailed explanation given in chapter 5; EXIT: closes the LANDIRENZO OMEGAS software; 2 - CONNECTION (fig. 3): includes the CONNECT and DISCONNECT commands to respectively connect and disconnect from the control unit; 3 - HELP (fig. 4): contains ABOUT..., a window showing the program identification data and copyright information.

FIG. 3



The buttons in the centre of the screen enable program functions to be executed. They can be clicked on with the mouse, or the corresponding function key can be pressed. The functions are. F1 VEHICLE CONFIGURATION: this displays a page that can be used to set the correct input signals from the vehicle and the characteristic parameters of the gas system fitted to the vehicle. F2 DISPLAY: this displays a page showing all the fundamental parameters for the gas system to function correctly; F3 DIAGNOSIS: displays a page showing error messages. F4 AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION: accessing this menu activates an automatic procedure for vehicle calibration. F5 CHANGE CALIBRATION: menu used to optimise the calibration on a file created/present in the control unit. F6 SAVE CURRENT CONFIGURATION: menu used to save the current configuration present on the vehicle. F7 LOAD NEW CONFIGURATION: menu used to load files stored in the archive. F8 PROGRAM CONTROL UNIT: menu used to update the control unit software version. F9 UPDATE SHEETS AND MAPS: can be used to update the information sheets and maps present in the software. F10 EXIT: ends the program.

FIG. 4


The panel appears on the right of the window, and allows the user to select the language for all the written parts and messages of the program. This parameter is simple to use just press the button for the language desired and the whole program is INSTANTLY configured in the selected language. The operation can also be performed by right clicking anywhere on the window to display a quick menu containing the languages shown on the buttons in the multilanguage panel.

2.5 STATUS BAR (FIG. 1 REF. 4)

The bar in the lower part of the window contains program status information. The bar is divided into 3 fields, showing, from left to right: 1 Whether or not the control unit is connected. 2 If the control unit is connected, the name of the file it contains. 3 The control unit software version. The status bar cannot be modified directly.




The first time the LANDIRENZO OMEGAS program is used some parameters needed for the program to function correctly must be configured. They are: - Internet connection to be used (ONLY if an INTERNET connection is available). The first setting is performed directly inside the LANDIRENZO OMEGAS program. To select the Internet connection proceed as follows: 1) Select SETTINGS CONTROL PANEL INTERNET OPTIONS in the Windows Start menu. 2) Select CONNECTIONS Enable the option CONNECT TO THE INTERNET WHEN NECESSARY. A checkmark will appear next to the option. In the USE REMOTE ACCESS CONNECTION box, choose the connection you normally use to connect to your ISP. Confirm with OK. NOTE: if these settings have already been enabled you do not need to do anything. These settings, and the window sizes, are saved permanently in the memory even after the computer has been switched off. Every time the program is started the data saved previously will be reloaded. They are: - Language - Position and dimensions of main window. The program automatically searches for the serial port to which the serial cable used to program the LANDIRENZO OMEGAS control unit is connected.

3.1 VEHICLE CONFIGURATION 3.1.1 Change gas


6 8 10


1 FUEL TYPE: Used to set the fuel type: - METHANE - LPG 2 INJECTOR TYPE: Window showing the type of injector fitted on the vehicle. The wiring informs the control unit what type of injector is fitted, so if another model injector should be fitted and the file loaded presented piloting that is not compatible with the injector, the software would not allow the change to gas. It then provides an opportunity to change the piloting to make it compatible with the injector fitted.




15 16 17


FIG. 5


3 ENGINE TYPE: Indicates the type of engine in the vehicle can be set to turbo engine or aspirated engine. 4 INJECTOR SIZE: This identifies the dimensions of the MED injector fitted. These days only medium size injectors are available, so this button is disabled. 5 ENGINE SIZE: Can be used to set the engine size of the motor vehicle, from a minimum of 900 cc to a maximum of 8000 cc. 6 REV SIGNAL TYPE: Used to set weak or standard signals. A WEAK signal must be selected if the input revs are from the ignition coil transistor piloting signal. The STANDARD option is used when the connection to the coil negative is used. If connection is to the rev counter than either option may be used although WEAK SIGNAL is preferable. 7 NUMBER OF CYLINDERS: The number of cylinders present in the transformed car must be set. The software accepts 3, 4 5, 6 or 8 cylinders. The window displays the possibility of setting 5, 6 or 8 cylinders only if an 8 cylinder control unit is connected. 8 IGNITION TYPE: The software allows the following parameters to be set: A Single coil B Dual coil C Rev counter This information is used by the control unit to correctly calculate the engine regime from the period read on the rev input. Select SINGLE COIL if the vehicle has a coil for each cylinder an the signal is taken from the o negative of the coil transistor pilot. Select DUAL COIL if the vehicle has a coil that pilots two cylinders and takes the o negative from the coil transistor pilot. Use the REV COUNTER option in all other cases. 9 TYPE OF CHANGE: Used to set the type of change to make: It can be set as: - in acceleration - in deceleration - start with gas 10 REV THRESHOLD FOR THE CHANGE: This is the minimum threshold that must be exceeded to permit the change from petrol to gas; it is set to a default value of 1600 rpm. It may be set to values from 0 to 3000 rpm. 11 WATER TEMPERATURE FOR THE CHANGE (if optional water temperature sensor installed): With the rev threshold for the change, this is the other parameter that must be fulfilled for the change from petrol to gas. It may be set to values between 40C and 120C.


12 GAS TEMPERATURE FOR THE CHANGE: If set in page F5, this, with the rev threshold for the change and the water temperature for the change, is another parameter that must be fulfilled for the change from petrol to gas. It may be set to values between 30C and 90C. 13 DELAY IN CHANGE FROM PETROL TO GAS: (if optional water temperature sensor installed) When the multifunction relay is connected, the gas ECU reads the water temperature and sets the delay indicated. 14 DELAY IN CHANGE FROM PETROL TO GAS WITH GAS TEMPERATURE (if no temperature sensor installed): When the multifunction relay is connected, the gas ECU reads the water temperature and sets the delay indicated. 15 OVERLAP TIME: This is the time in which the petrol and gas fuel supplies overlap. It is set by default to 0 seconds, but can be increased up to 2 seconds. 16 ZERO CONTROL UNIT AND RETURN TO BASE PARAMETERS: When key 9 is pressed previously entered data (from 1 to 8) are changed and restored to the default values. Parameters 1, 4, 5 and 6 must be modified as indicated in line 10, with the multifunction relay disconnected and the switch off. If modifications are made without respecting the switch off condition, they will only be displayed, and will be lost the next time the control unit is connected/disconnected. 17 WARNING! ONLY CHANGE THE PARAMETERS IN RED WITH THE MULTIFUNCTION RELAY OFF AND THE SWITCH OFF 18 STATUS BAR: The following are indicated in the status bar, from left to right: A type of fuel being used; B number of engine revs; C gas injection time, petrol injection time; D engine water temperature, gas temperature and gas pressure; E Lamda voltage and rich (red) or lean (green) vehicle carburation during operation (if the sensor is connected).


3.1.2 Lambda (optional)


1 TYPE OF LAMBDA SENSOR This is used to set the type of lambda sensor fitted on the vehicle for correct signal interpretation. The following values can be set: A - 0 - 1 Volt; B - 0 - 5 Volt; C - 5 - 0 Volt; D - 0.8 - 1.6 Volt. 2 NUMBER OF LAMBDA SENSORS Used to set when two lambda sensors are present, and to display their signals. Used to set when two lambda sensors are present, and to display their signals.

FIG. 6

3.1.3 Gas level



FIG. 7

1 GAS LEVEL SENSOR TYPE Used to enter the type of gas level sensor that has been installed. The following level indicators can be set: A - A.E.B.; B - 0 - 90 ohm; C - Landi Renzo; D - Not standard; E Inverted non standard. The standard predefined setting is the Landi Renzo sensor. Selecting the option NOT STANDARD or INVERTED NOT STANDARD the settings for the type of gas level sensor used can be customised by setting suitable thresholds. 2 AUTOMATIC RETURN TO PETROL (fig. 7 ref. 2) If the control has been activated two conditions are possible: Respectively - MAP sensor not present A - MAP sensor present and set B A: if the MAP sensor is not present the switch back is controlled by the absolute pressure based on the references listed in the table shown in figure 6. In this case the injection time/absolute gas pressure string appears in the GAS LEVEL pages. When the absolute pressure rises for a precise injection time (fig. 7 ref. 4) below the absolute pressure reference entered (fig. 7 ref. 5) set for the time (fig. 7 ref. 3), the switch back to petrol is triggered automatically. WARNING: For METHANE turbo vehicles NEVER proceed to MAP connection and sensor parameter entry.

FIG. 8



B: if the MAP sensor is present, the change back is controlled by the differential pressure; in this case, however, the original vehicle signal must be parameterised chapter 3.1.5.

3.1.4 Emissions
1 2
This function may be useful for the emissions produced in case of abundant HCs injected when returning from cut-off (see Megane Scenic, which has a return to minimum from cut-off of around 1000 rpm, and thus a 140% enrichment entered for 40 injections prevents switching off) or if the engine exits from cutoff to a very low rev regime. Setting: - % (fig. 9 ref. 1) > 100 enriches the number of injections set exiting from cut off (fig. 9 ref. 2). - % (fig. 9 ref. 1) < 100 makes lean the first the number of injections set exiting from cut off (fig. 9 ref. 2).

FIG. 9

3.1.5 Pressure

If the MAP sensor is not present select the parameter not present from the pull down menu. However, if the sensor is present the wire should be connected and present selected from the pull down menu (fig. 10 ref. 1).

FIG. 10



Key 3 is used to start a guided procedure to enter the parameters of the sensor:

The first step is the possibility of proceeding taking into account the fact that all the data present previously have been lost.

If the MAP sensor is not present select the parameter not present from the pull down menu. However, if the sensor is present the wire should be connected and present selected from the pull down menu (fig. 10 ref. 1).

Once the first value has been acquired, the program requests that the engine revs are increased to 3000 rpm.

FIG. 11



Leave the engine at minimum.

The software processes the acquired data and parameterises the sensor.

FIG. 12

3.1.6 Temperature

1 - GAS TEMPERATURE SENSOR TYPE Identifies the type of gas sensor used. The 2K2 sensor is set by default. 2 - ENABLE CHANGE WITH GAS TEMPERATURE This change is set as enabled by default. 3 - ENABLE CHANGE WITH WATER TEMPERATURE The control is enabled by default and cannot be disabled; the change is only possible if the condition of T water greater than temperature set in page F1 gas change (Fig. 5 point 11) has been met. If no water sensor is fitted this control is ignored by the software.

FIG. 13



4 USE VEHICLE ENGINE TEMPERATURE SENSOR To use the original engine temperature sensor of the car, the signal can be parameterised using a hand tester and constructing the Temperature/Voltage characteristics of the sensor by points.

FIG. 14

3.1.7 ENTER K
This is the main carburation map. The three main variables are: - RPM on the abscissa - Tinj petrol on the ordinate - K coefficient in the cells The chain of calculation of the Tinj gas values is:


Tinj_gas = (Tinj_petrol - Tdead_petrol) * K1(Tinj_petrol, revs) * K2(Pressure) *K3(Temp_water) * K4(Temp_gas) + Tdead_gas where: Tinj_petrol: petrol injection time. Tdead_benz: petrol injector dead time. K1(Tinj_petrol, revs): map K coefficient. K2(Pressure):pressure compensation.K3(Temp_water): water temperature compensation. K4(Temp_gas): gas temperature compensation. Tdead_gas: gas injector dead time. The gas injector dead time and the petrol dead time are two characteristic parameters of the corresponding injectors and are used to compensation the transitory openings and closings of the injectors. As can be seen in Fig. 12, they differ depending on whether they concern main injections (point 1), or to extra injections (point 2). By changing the K COEFFICIENT MAP CELL CENTRES the following cell centres may be modified: - RPM (from 0 tp 8000)- RPM (from 0 to 8000) - Tinj petrol (from 0 tp 40 mS.

FIG. 15

FIG. 16



FIG. 17

CALIBRATION PROCEDURE The objective is to ensure that the petrol does not change the related Tinj in the change from petrol to gas, and the phases to follow to obtain good carburation are: 3 - click on start/finish calibration 1 (so that the switch control occurs automatically when button 2 is pressed); - go to a precise vehicle functioning point characterised by a specific cell of the map above (E.g. 1000 RPM, Tinj 2 petrol 4.5 mS); - allow the petrol injection time to stabilise then click button 2; the vehicle will change to gas; - evaluate the percentage variation in the petrol injection time during gas functioning compared to the petrol injection time during petrol functioning by observing bar 3; - if the space bar assumes high percentage values this means that the petrol control unit increases the injection times during operation on gas, i.e. the vehicle is lean while operating on gas and therefore the K coefficient of the cell in which we are located must be increased; if the space bar assumes low percentage values this means that the petrol control unit decreases the injection times while operating on gas, i.e. that the vehicle is rich and therefore the K coefficient of the cell in which we are located must be decreased. Variations of 2% in the petrol/gas change are considered acceptable.

N.B.: while operating on petrol or on gas, the percentage bar (point 3) loses all significance. If you try to exit the calibration before it has been completed, the system will warn that you need to close the procedure to be able to continue.

FIG. 18



3.1.8 Injectors

Some special characteristics of the injector and its piloting are shown in this page.

1 MAX 12 V CURRENT TIME (Tmax) This is the time for which 12V is supplied to the injector. 2 MAINTENANCE CURRENT (Cm) This is the current supplied to the injector in the maintenance phase. 3 INJECTOR IMPEDANCE This is the resistance of the injector.

FIG. 19


4 MINIMUM GAS INJECTOR OPENING TIME If the calculation of the Tinj gas supplies a value lower than this minimum time, the system uses the set value as minimum time. 5 MINIMUM EXTRA GAS INJECTIONS OPENING TIME As point 4, applied to the extra injections.
Time Tj


This command allows all the significant signals the gas control unit works with to be displayed on one screen. A brief description of the information displayed is given below: 1 STATUS DISPLAY This shows, from left to right: A Multifunction relay; B Cut-off; C - Gas; D - Petrol. Active status is indicated by the red LED, and inactive status by green. 2 - PRESSURE Displays the pressure assumed by the gas in bars. 3 INJECTION TIME A - Gas Injection time used by the gas injectors. B - Petrol. Petrol injection time read by the LANDIRENZO OMEGAS control unit through the injector cut-off wiring.

FIG. 20



4 - WATER TEMPERATURE, GAS TEMPERATURE GAS, VOLTAGE FOR GAS INJECTORS A Water temperature Provides information about the water temperature read by the sensor applied to the T inserted in the engine cooling water circuit at the entrance to the reduction unit. B Gas temperature Provides information about the gas temperature read by the sensor applied to the injector rail. C Voltage for gas injectors Indicates the gas injector supply voltage. 5 - LAMBDA SENSOR This is the value in volts supplied by the Lambda sensor (if connected). 6 - EXIT To exit from the page displayed.

The functioning diagnosis page displays any malfunctioning of the components or the system that might occur while operating on gas. If an error message is displayed, it can be zeroed after the problem has been resolved by pressing button 1. The failures that can be detected are: DIAGNOSIS: GAS INJECTORS DIAGNOSIS When operating on gas an error is reported on an injector when open-load or shorts occur on the coil of an injector for a certain number of injections (10). DIAGNOSIS: LOW PRESSURE When operating on gas an error is reported if the pressure reading stays at a level that is: - less than 0.4 bars for aspirated engines and 1 bar for turbo engines, on LPG - less than 1.54 bars for aspirated engines and 2.6 bar for turbo engines, on Methane for a certain period of time (low pressure time for return, set in Tools on the Gas Level page) while at the same time the gas level is not reserve. DIAGNOSIS: HIGH PRESSURE When operating on gas an error is reported if the pressure reading stays at a level that is: - greater than 1.4 bars for aspirated engines and 2.85 bar for turbo engines, on LPG - greater than 2.5 bars for aspirated engines and 4.1 bar for turbo engines, on Methane for a certain period of time (5 seconds). DIAGNOSIS: SAFETY RELAY CONTROL UNIT SELF DIAGNOSIS An error is reported if a voltage over 6V is detected downstream the relay for longer than 150 seconds in the absence of the multifunction relay (and therefore with the relay disconnected). This situation corresponds to a jammed relay. A diagnostic error is also reported if a voltage of less than 6V is read for 5 seconds downstream of the relay in the presence of revs.

FIG. 21



DIAGNOSIS: SYSTEM SOLENOID VALVES Shorts or opens on the coils of the gas solenoid valves can be diagnosed when operating on gas. Bearing in mind that the two solenoid valves are connected in parallel on the same contact, the only control inherent to the piloting output (reduction unit solenoid valve control) must be enabled. The fault is reported when the measured current absorption is not within work range for 5 seconds. DIAGNOSIS: PETROL INJECTORS (or, rather, DISCONNECT INJECTORS STAGE) When operating on gas an error is reported when no petrol injectors are reported on any channel of the injector disconnection unit for a certain period of time (8 seconds). Obviously the vehicle must not be in cut-off and this check must only be performed if the revs are between 650 and 1000 (minimum zone, where the petrol control unit may be presumed not to operate its injectors with particularly strange strategies), to avoid strange conditions of partialised petrol injections. DIAGNOSIS: GAS TEMPERATURE Can only be activated if enable change with gas temperature has been checked in the Temperature page from the Tool menu. Possibility of detection when operating on gas: - sensor disconnected: if an analog reading of a reference corresponding to absence of the temperature sensor occurs continuously for 10 seconds. temperature too low: temperature lower than a value set on the diagnosis page is read for 10 seconds. - temperature too high: a temperature higher than a value set on the diagnosis page is read for 10 seconds. DIAGNOSIS: WATER TEMPERATURE Can only be activated if enable change with water temperature has been checked in the Temperature page from the Tool menu. Possibility of detection when operating on gas: - sensor disconnected: if an analog reading of a reference corresponding to absence of the temperature sensor occurs continuously for 10 seconds. - temperature too low: a temperature lower than a value set on the diagnosis page is read for 10 seconds. - temperature too high: a temperature higher than a value set on the diagnosis page is read for 10 seconds. Counters showing the number of hours of operation of the vehicle on petrol and on gas are also displayed on this page; these can be zeroed by pressing button 2. DIAGNOSIS: PETROL INJECTORS The control unit checks that the injector disconnection unit is correctly connected. In practice, depending on the number of cylinders, the control unit must wait for activation of some inputs. This control is only enabled at low revs (between 650 and 1000, where no complete or partialised cut-off strategies should intervene): if no type of transition is observed for 8 seconds (a period that is perhaps too long, but which is maintained deliberately high to avoid contra-indications) on a reading channel, an error is diagnosed on the corresponding cylinder.




This procedure allows the operator to calibrate the vehicle mapping very quickly, thus obtained good vehicle handling. To proceed to automapping a water temperature threshold set at 50C must be exceeded. If the procedure is attempted when this condition has not been met message 1 will appear, as shown in the figure.

Fig. 22

If the temperature is higher than 50C, autocalibration starts when enter is pressed. The program requires the revs to be stabilised at 3000 rpm.

Fig. 23

The software automatically runs petrol-gas changes to scale the two injectors and thus obtain a correct carburation map. During these continual petrol gas changes it is important to keep the accelerator pedal steady to ensure that the system does not become unstable, increasing the time taken for auto mapping.

Fig. 24



Once correct mapping has been obtained the software performs a series of validation tests.

Fig. 25

If the outcome of these tests is positive the message Autocalibrationterminated correctly appears. WARNING: Exit the program using the EXIT key (1); this will ensure that the calibration performed will be correctly downloaded into the control unit. Always use the guide keys to exit screens, and NEVER use key 2 unless in extreme cases, such as program locked. Always use the guide keys to exit screens.

Fig. 26




Additional functionality that allows the created/downloaded map present in the control unit to be refined. While operating on gas the box corresponding to the current work zone will light up in red. A timely correction can be made in each of the sixteen cells corresponding to the sixteen possible operating zones of the vehicle. The increase zone (PgUp) (4) or decrease zone (PgDn) (5) keys are used to increase or decrease the percentage correction. 3 To perform a complete diagnosis of the vehicle it may be useful to use: - scantool cod. 616287001 5 - connection of the lambda sensor. The page also shows: 1 Fuel being used 2 Petrol injection times 3 Lambda sensor voltage 4 - PgUp 5 - PgDn 6 - Exit. WARNING: Close the program using the EXIT key (6); this will ensure that the calibration performed will be correctly downloaded into the control unit. Always use the guide keys to exit screens, and NEVER use key 7 unless in extreme cases, such as program not responding.


2 6

Fig. 27


Accessing SAVE CURRENT CONFIGURATION provides a possibility of saving the 3,4 cylinder or 5,6 or 8 cylinder file in the folder corresponding to the type of fuel being used. The program recognises the type of control unit connected and automatically saves the corresponding file in the 3,4 cylinder folder or the 5, 6 or 8 cylinder folder. The type of fuel chosen in the CHANGE GAS page (paragraph 3.1.1.) will determine that the METHANE file is saved in the corresponding METHANE folder or that the LPG file is saved in the corresponding LPG folder.
Fig. 28

The METHANE and LPG folders are structured with an archive on the left of the screen and are organised hierarchically in a three level tree. This means that to find a vehicle model the user must move through the tree selecting in sequence the right branch from those available. The first level corresponds to the type of fuel being used, and is automatically managed by the software once the type of fuel has been set in the F1 CHANGE GAS page in F1 VEHICLE CONFIGURATION. The second level corresponds to the vehicle manufacturers, listed alphabetically, and the branch corresponding to the manufacturer in question must be expanded (RIGHT ARROW or ENTER key).



The third and last level corresponds to the vehicle models. In this case the branch cannot be expanded any more, the user has only to select the model using the UP/DOWN ARROWS or the mouse. If the wrong branch has been expanded, it can be compressed by pressing the ENTER or LEFT ARROW key, clicking the - sign, or by double clicking on the branch.


Accessing LOAD CURRENT CONFIGURATION allows the user to load the 3,4 cylinder or 5,6 or 8 cylinder file in the gas control unit depending on the type of fuel being used. The program recognises the type of control unit connected and automatically selects the corresponding file in the 3,4 cylinder folder or the 5, 6 or 8 cylinder folder. The type of fuel chosen in the CHANGE GAS page (paragraph 3.1.1.) will determine that the METHANE file is loaded from the corresponding METHANE folder or that the LPG file is loaded from the corresponding LPG folder. The METHANE and LPG folders are structured with an archive on the left of the screen and are organised hierarchically in a three level tree. This means that to find vehicle model the user must move through the tree selecting in sequence the right branch from those available. The first level corresponds to the type of fuel being used, and is automatically managed by the software once the type of fuel has been set in the F1 CHANGE GAS page in F1 VEHICLE CONFIGURATION. The second level corresponds to the vehicle manufacturers, listed alphabetically, and the branch corresponding to the manufacturer in question must be expanded (RIGHT ARROW or ENTER key). The third and last level corresponds to the vehicle models. In this case the branch cannot be expanded any more, the user has only to select the model using the UP/DOWN ARROWS or the mouse. If the wrong branch has been expanded, it can be compressed by pressing the ENTER or LEFT ARROW key, clicking the - sign, or by double clicking on the branch.

Fig. 29




Accessing the CONTROL UNIT PROGRAMMING menu allows the user to update the control unit software. Pressing F8 accesses the screen shown above and the version of the firmware to download to the control unit version can be selected from those present. The 3-4 cylinder or 5-6-8 cylinder control unit version can also be selected (1). During the updating phase, the software loads the data present in the control unit, updates them and downloads them to the control unit.
Fig. 30


This function allows files and cards in the archive in the software to be updated.

Fig. 31

The update can be performed: - from a floppy disk - from a CD- ROM - by specifying a pathway

Fig. 32


To end the program press the EXC key in the main screen. If the control unit is connected, it is automatically disconnected.





The installation sheets present in the software associated with the calibration files can be displayed by accessing fitting instructions from the file menu.

Fig. 33






On Windows XP with a user that is not the administrator the drivers of the hardware keys are not installed and thus when booted the program starts at installer level (fig. 34) (it cannot find the hardware key, even if it is present).

Fig. 34

To be able to use the program completely the user must: open the program and open Help About two new subpages will be displayed, one with the activation code (fig. 36), to send to Landi, and another with an empty space to enter the return code (fig. 35).

Fig. 35

Fig. 36



To activate the product, enter the code and press the Register product button (figs. 37-38), then close down and restart the program, which this time will start properly (fig. 39).

Fig. 37

Fig. 38

Returning to the About menu, only the product code and additional information about the customer that has been inserted into the code generated by Landi will now be visible (figs. 40-41).

Fig. 39



Fig. 40





Programming the LANDIRENZO OMEGAS control unit for the first time must start, once the PC is connected to the control unit, with the entry of a series of data used to recognise certain characteristic parameters of the vehicle to calibrate. The parameters are: - type of fuel (enter with multifunction relay off). - engine size - type of rev signal (enter with multifunction relay off). - number of cylinders (enter with multifunction relay off). - type of ignition (enter with multifunction relay off). - rev threshold for the change - water temperature for the change When the program is opened all these parameters will be set to the default values, but must be customised according to the vehicle to be calibrated. After entering this data, proceed to AUTOMATIC CALIBRATION (paragraph 3.4). If connection to the control unit is difficult, this might be because it contains no control unit software. This program can be downloaded following the procedure described in paragraph 3.8 PROGRAMMING THE CONTROL UNIT.




lpg and ngv system

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