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Wow! The past 2 months was a blast!

Praise God for all His blessings and for all the lessons learned! Indeed, life is all about God! The objective of this newsletter is to give thanks to God. Please rejoice with us! Christian Agape Fellowship Church
CAFE Leadership Team I thank God for the great opportunity of serving alongside these men and women. Each one is unique and different but everyone has a passion for serving God.
Last February, we launched the Love Matrix Team Edition wherein we had 14 teams with one goal: To love one another. Praise God that Love Matrix Teams were able to meet up, pray for each other, and get updated with what's going on in each other's lives. Some team pictures

Praise God that He led us through the theme, Partners in Pursuing Purity last March to April. We read through the book of 1 Corinthians and had a series of 8 messages uncovering our impurities and challenging us to live in purity. Some issues we dealt with include: Pride, Sexual Immorality, Self-Discipline, Sensitivity, etc. To check out any of the messages, click here.

Praise God we just finished our 2012

Summer Camp entitled, Working Together as a Spiritual Family last Apr 27-29. A total of 43 men and women including both students and young professionals heard the gospel and experienced life-to-life connection with fellow believers in Christ.
Contact Info: Eusebio Yu 09235042357 Bank of the Philippine Islands Acct. Name: Eusebio Yu Acct. #: 0019-0884-56

Maximizing Marriage Praise God we broke the 1,000 fan mark this April! To date, we already have 1,024 fans coming from all over the world such as the United States, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Canada, and of course the Philippines. We're also receiving some testimonials from loyal subscribers of the site. One of which is the ff: One of my fave page,i always visit this site everytime i open my fb.keep it up,and God bless - Lea Santilleses Nunez
Christian Leaders / Ministers in Family Ministry

Family Updates Praise God, Ethan graduated from Nursery last March 18 a day before the birthday of Grace. We're so happy and proud of him. Please pray for us as we are planning to homeschool him this coming June.

Last April 9, we celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. Thank God for His faithfulness to us! Check out our Wedding Video

Prayer Concerns

Last April 19, we had the privilege of meeting fellow Christian leaders reaching out to couples and families (See picture above). It was a great joy to hear what God is doing through the different ministries to couples, families, moms & dads, and even teens. Organizations include the PCEC, Asia-Pacific Media Ministries, FamilyLife Philippines, & True Love Waits Philippines. I blogged about it here.

1) Please pray for our walk with God that we would continue to follow Him by faith. 2) Pray for strength and good health for our whole family. 3) Pray for CAFE that we would be able to effectively follow-up those who went to the Summer Camp. 4) Pray for the Bloggers' Marriage Seminar planned this coming May 20, 2-5pm. 5) Pray for God's perfect timing and provision for the launch of the Maximizing Marriage ministry to 100 couples.

Contact Info: Eusebio Yu 09235042357 Bank of the Philippine Islands Acct. Name: Eusebio Yu Acct. #: 0019-0884-56

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