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Title of Unit: Economics Unit Title of Lesson: Resources and Economy 1

Lesson Plan # 2 out of 5

Summary of the Lesson Plan: This social studies lesson is for4th graders to learn about the different types of resources there are in the eastern part of the U.S. and also about the economy and how it works. This lesson uses the Houghton Mifflin Social Studies textbook Resources and Economy (p.78-83). Target Population: 4th grade Students at all learning levels Whole group reading & discussion, small group reading &discussion, Small group & independent assessment Objectives: E9.4.5-Explain why all those who trade must benefit from the trade, using an example such as trading baseball cards.

Procedure: 1. Teacher will ask students how many of them have been to the eastern part of the United States and will point it out on a map. 2. If some students raise their hands teacher will ask them what it is like living there. Teacher will ask: Did you live in a small town or big city? What were the streets like? Are their many businesses? What kinds of businesses do you remember seeing? Can you give one example of a resource in (name of town/city)? 3. Teacher will then tell students that today we are going to be learning about resources and economy in the eastern part of the United States. 4. Teacher will write vocab words with definitions on the board and will go over them with students. 5. Students will take turns reading pgs. 78-81 out loud. Teacher will stop periodically to ask Talk About It questions, point out vocab words, and discuss the pictures in the book. 6. Teacher will read pgs. 82-83 out loud stopping to discuss the vocab words in the book. 7. Teacher will direct students back to pg. 81 and will ask what trade is again. Once students understand clearly what trade means teacher will ask students to discuss in their small groups why trade has to benefit both parties.
EDEL 453-Spring 2012 Submitted by: Angelica Holguin Page 1 of 2

Title of Unit: Economics Unit Title of Lesson: Resources and Economy 1

Lesson Plan # 2 out of 5

8. Teacher will pass around markers and chart paper to each table.

Assessment: Students will write one reason as to why trade has to benefit both parties on their chart paper. Each group will then rotate to the next table clockwise and add a different reason to the chart paper on that table. They will continue this process until they are back at their own table. Students will study their chart paper and write a RAFT. Role-toilet paper salesman, A-Toilet Paper Enterprises LLC, F-formal speech, T- why your company should be involved in a trade with me

Materials: Social Studies book: Resources and Economy, p. 78-83 Paper & pencils Whiteboard, and markers Chart paper

EDEL 453-Spring 2012

Submitted by: Angelica Holguin

Page 2 of 2

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