Figment by Daniel J. Mateus

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FIGMENT By Daniel J.


74 Copperwood Dr. MA 401-793-0694

INT. BOOTH AT A DINER - MOMENTS LATER A mans hand is holding a nickle as he is going through top 80s hits on a mini jukebox in his booth at a diner. He places the nickle in the slot, in turn, fed by the machine. He punches in option "T9" with his finger. The machine registers his choice, makes a sound, then the buttons pop back out. The waiter then arrives to his table. MATT: (V.O.) She aint coming. Touches the cold glass of water thats on the table. MATT: (V.O.) Why would she come? Touches the rim of the cup, playing with it almost. MATT: (V.O.) Shes always busy. Taps his fingers on the table. Matt looks around. Theres a waitress pouring some coffee in a mug for a customer. Customer is taking a sip. MATT: (V.O.) She did say she would make it. Everything freezes. There is no movement. There is no sound. Just a blank look on his face. MATT: (V.O.) I really need to stop worrying. Everything moves as it normally does, the restaurant is back to life. Footsteps can be heard from the distance. A woman enters the booth in one swift motion. This is JESSICA. JESSICA: (out of breath) Sorry Im a little late Matt. Did they already take your order? MATT: (smirking) No not yet, he hasnt come by. Jessica sets her purse down, clasps her hands and smiles. MATT: (CONTD) What?

JESSICA: (smirking) So tell me. How is this Emily chick doing? They get interrupted by a man who stands beside them. WAITER: My name is Sam. I will be serving you today, anything to drink to start off? MATT: (hesitantly) Um, Can I get, your chocolate shake? Sam writes his choice on a notepad. SAM: Good choice, happens to be one of my favorite drinks here. Matt smiles back to agree. Sam looks toward Jessica. JESSICA: Coffee. Black please. SAM: Ill be right back. The waiter turns and leaves. Short silence befalls. JESSICA: Well? MATT: Right. Emily. He begins to stare off into other parts of the diner, trying to remember. Notices a booth to his right. There are two people there and one of them is checking their phone, and weCUT TO: MONTAGE. EXT. DOWNTOWN PROVIDENCE. NIGHT. Streets of a busy city can be seen. Cars passing by, honking, and flashing on the street. We have a few shots of many different buildings and other types of architecture. Mass of people walking by.

END MONTAGE. EXT. FLASHBACK - STREET- NIGHT The same man at a distance is talking on his phone, he passes by a couple, one of them Matt and the other is a woman. WOMAN: Something on your mind? This is EMILY, who is around Matts age, elegant, a brunette. Shes glancing at Matt as they walk down the sidewalk, side by side. Cars can be seen driving by. MATT: (smiles in assurance) I was just thinking about you. Emily turns bright red and looks away, smiling. JESSICA: (V.O.) Your so corny. MATT: (V.O.) Shut up. I thought it was witty. Matt leans in to hold Emilys hand, interlocking their fingers. EXT. FEDERAL HILL PLAZA - NIGHT - CONTINUOUS They stumble across a large fountain in a plaza. There are numerous amount of coins that can be seen at the bottom. Emily lights up due to the sight of it and grabs his arm, pushing him toward the fountain. EMILY: (excited) Lets make a wish! MATT: (surprised) What? EMILY: Cmon! Lets just do it! MATT: Alright. Alright. Emily reaches in her pocketbook and grabs a quarter, while Matt checks his pockets and finds a penny.

EMILY: You ready? Close your eyes and toss the coin by flicking your thumb. MATT: Cant I just throw it normally? EMILY: Wheres the fun in that? Matt reluctantly closes his eyes and makes a wish. He flicks his thumb and the coin lands in the fountain. He opens his eyes, then he notices that Emily hasnt made a wish yet. He waits a moment, Emily makes a wink Matt with her left eye, she immediately closes it and flicks the coin in the fountain. MATT: You happy? EMILY: (smiling) Very. Matt notices a diner near the fountain. He walks towards it. MATT: (smirks) Oh hey, my wish came true. EMILY: (laughing) You wished for food? You jackass! MATT: No! He keeps walking toward the diner, turns around and starts walking backwards. MATT: (CONTD) Just to be with you a little longer! Emily stands there, smiling back and weCUT TO: INT: BACK TO SCENE - BOOTH - DAY. JESSICA: (laughing) Thats real cute. Im sure she got a kick out of that.

MATT: (smiles) I thought it was pretty creative to be honest. I try to be different. JESSICA: Thats one of your best qualities. Sam walks towards the booth. He hands Matt his shake, and starts drinking it out of the straw and pokes a round a bit with it. Sam then gives Jessica her coffee. SAM: Would you both like anything else. MATT: No, were all set thank you. Same leaves then heads into the kitchen. Jessica takes a quick sip of the coffee. A woman that looks like Emily is seen at a nearby table holding a carnation, mesmerized by its looks. JESSICA: So, what? Thats it? Tossed a coin and left. MATT: (cracking up) Theres more! Dont worry, it isn't over yet. CUT TO: EXT. FLASHBACK - DINER - NIGHT Theres a carnation on the table. Emilys hand swiftly grabs it off of the silver plated vase, examining it. EMILY: I love carnations, do you know why? MATT: No idea. Why? EMILY: I think that a carnation is natures form of simple beauty. Its nothing extravagant ya know? Just by looking at them, I think it means that you can find happiness, anywhere you go.

Matts leans in and grasps the flower. His hand is hovering right over her hand, who is touching the stem of the flower. With his fingertips, he touches the stem as well. They take a glance at one another and they both smile. The waiter walks up to greet the both of them. WAITER: (smiling) How may I treat the both of you this lovely evening? Both Matt and Emily move back into their seats and place the carnation in the vase, they regain their composure. MATT: Just some water thanks. The waiter nods and leaves inside, both Matt and Emily are very quiet. MATT: (CONTD) I wish I wasnt leaving. EMILY: Same, I love the time when were together. Matt smiles back. Then looks away, not happy in his situation. EMILY: (CONTD) (reassuring) Mr. Big Shot Ivy League student. I am VERY proud of you. MATT: Your proud. Im overwhelmed. EMILY: Why? MATT: The courses, the people, the experiences, hopefully I don't have a hard time there. I dont know what to expect. EMILY: (smirks) I expect nothing but greatness. Matt smiles back, almost chuckling.

EMILY: (CONTD) Youre a smart guy, and you do the right thing. You even have people here at home that will back you up and help you whenever you need it. Theres nothing to worry about. Matt holds her hand across the table. MATT: And, I can always count on you. EMILY: Of course. And weCUT TO: INT: BACK TO SCENE - BOOTH - DAY.

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