ED Lecture Notes

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ENGINEERING DRAWING UNITI SCALES Plain Scales: 1. A room of 1728 m3 volume is shown by a cube of 216 cm3 volumes.

Find R.F and construct a plain scale to read upto 42 m. and mark a distance of 22 m on the scale. 2. A rectangular plot of land of area 16 m2 is represented on a map by a similar rectangle of 1 cm2. Calculate the R.F of the scale of the map. Construct a plain scale to read meters from the map. The scale should be long enough to measure upto 60 m. on the scale indicate a distance of 45 m. 3. A study of map reading showed that a distance of 1 cm on it represent an actual distance of 5 KM on the field. Construct a plain scale to read to single kilometer. Mark on it a distance of 69 km. what is the representative fraction? 4. The distance between Bombay and Poona is 180 km. a passenger train covers the distance in 6 hours. Construct a plain scale to measure time upto a single minute. The R.F of the scale is 1:200000. Find the distance covered by the train in 36 minutes. 5. A room of 1000m3 volumes is shown by a cube of 125cm3 volumes. Find R.F and construct a plain scale to read upto 30 m. and mark a distance of 18 m on the scale. 6. The distance between vadodara and Surat is 130 km. a passenger train covers the distance in 2.5 hours. Construct a plain scale to measure time upto a single minute. The R.F of the scale is 1:260000. Find the distance covered by the train in 45 minutes. 7. A car is running at a speed of 50 km/hour. Construct a plain scale to show 1 km and to measure upto 6 km. mark also on the scale the distance covered by the car in 5 minutes. 8. On a map of Gujarat, 1 cm represents 5 km. Construct a plain scale long enough to measure a distance between Ahmedabad and Baroda. Indicate on it a distance between Ahmedabad and anand. Distance between Ahmedabad and Baroda is 100 km and Ahmedabad- Anand is 65 km. 9. A 4 cm long line on a map represents a 1.5 m length. Determine the R.F and draw a scale long enough to measure up to 6 m. show a distance of 4.6 m on it. 10. An area of 49 sq cm on a map represents an area of 16 m2 on the field. Draw a scale long enough to measure 8 m. mark a distance of 6m 9 dm on the scale. 11. A cube of 5 cm sides represents a tank of 1000 m3 volume. Find the R.F and construct a scale to measure up to 35 m and mark a distance of 27 m on it. 12. Construct a scale of 1:14 to read feet and inches and long enough to measure 7 feet. Show a distance of 5 feet 10 inches on it. 13. A cube of 5 cm side shows a tank of 8000 m3 volume. Find the R.F. and construct a scale to measure up to 70 m and mark a distance of 53 m on it. 14. A cube of 8 cm3 shows a tank of 1000 m3 volume. Find the R.F. and construct a scale to measure up to 70 m and mark a distance of 61 m on it. 15. An area of 81 sq cm on a map represents an area of 36 m2 on the field. Draw a scale long enough to measure 9 m. mark a distance of 7m 4 dm on the scale.

16. A 1.6 cm long line on a map represents a 6 m length. Determine the R.F and draw a scale long enough to measure up to 60 m. show a distance of 46 m on it. Comparative scales 1. On a map, a scale of mile is shown. On measuring from this scale, a distance of 25 miles is shown by a line 10 cm long. Construct this scale to read miles and to measure upto 40 miles. Construct a comparative scale, attached to this scale, to read kilometers upto 60 km. 1 mile = 1.609 km 2. On a Russian map, a scale of versts is shown. On measuring it with a metric scale, 150 versts are found to measure 15 cm. Construct a comparative scale for the two units to measure upto 200 versts and 200 km respectively. 1 versts = 1.067 km 3. On a Russian map, a scale of versts is shown. On measuring it with a metric scale, 120 versts are found to measure 10 cm. Construct a comparative scale for the two units to measure upto 150 versts and 150 km respectively. 1 versts = 1.067 km 4. On a railway map, an actual distance of 36 miles between two stations is represented by a 10 cm long line. Draw a plain scale to show a mile, and which is long enough to read up to 60 miles. Also draw a comparative scale attached to it show a kilometer and read up to 90 km. 1 mile = 1609 meters 5. The distance between two towns is 150 km. a passenger train covers this distance in 5 hours. Construct a scale to measure off the distance covered by the train in a single minute and up to 1 hour. The scale is drawn to 1: 200,000. Show on it the distance covered in 38 meters. 6. The distance between two towns is 300 km. a passenger train covers this distance in 1 hour. Construct a scale to measure off the distance covered by the train in a single minute and up to 1 hour. The scale is drawn to 1: 2000000. Show on it the distance covered in 42 meters. Scale of chord: 7. Construct a scale of chords showing 50 divisions and with its aid set-off angles of 250, 400, 550, and 1300. 8. Construct a scale of chords showing 100 divisions and with its aid set-off angles of 350, and 1100. 9. Construct a scale of chords showing 50 divisions and with its aid set-off angles of 650, and 1450.


CONSTRUCTION OF ELLIPSE BY GENERAL (ECCENTRICITY) METHOD 1. Construct an ellipse when the distance between the focus and the directrix is 30 mm and eccentricity is . Draw a normal and a tangent at any point p on the curve using directrix. 2. A fixed point is 75 mm from a fixed straight line. Draw the locus of a point P moving such a way that its distance from the fixed straight line is twice its distance from the fixed point. ARC OF CIRCLE/INTERSECTING ARC/ FOCI METHOD 3. The major axis of an ellipse is 150 mm long and the minor axis is 100 mm long. Find the foci and draw the ellipse by arcs of circles method. Draw a tangent to the ellipse at a point on it 25 mm above the major axis. CONCENTRIC CIRCLE METHOD 4. The foci of an ellipse are 80 mm apart and the minor axis is 55 mm long. Determine the length of the major axis and draw the ellipse by concentric circles method. Draw a curve parallel to the ellipse and 20 mm from it. 5. Two fixed points A and B are 100 mm apart. Trace the complete path of a point P moving (in the same plane as that of A and B) in such a way that the sum of its distances from A and B is always equal to 125 mm. Name the curve and draw another curve parallel to and 25 mm away from this curve. 6. Two points A and B are 50 mm apart. Draw the curve traced out by a point p moving in such away that the difference between its distances from A and B is always constant and equal to 20 mm. 7. The distance between two fixed points is 90 mm. a point P moves such that the difference of its distance from the two fixed points is always equal to 60 mm. draw the loci of P. OBLONG/ RECTANGLE METHOD 8. The foci of an ellipse are 85 mm apart and the minor axis is 60 mm long. Determine the length of the major axis and draw the ellipse by oblong method. PARALLELOGRAM METHOD 9. inscribe an ellipse in a parallelogram having sides 150X100 mm long and included angle of 1200

10. Two points A and B are 100 mm apart. A point C is 75 mm from A and 60 mm from B. Draw an ellipse passing through A, B and C. COMBINED METHOD 11. The foci of an ellipse are 100 mm apart and the minor axis is 70 mm long. Determine the length of the major axis and draw the half of the ellipse by concentric circle method and other half by oblong method. PARABOLA GENERAL (ECCENTRICITY) METHOD 12. A fixed point is 75 mm from a fixed straight line. Draw the locus of a point P moving such a way that its distance from the fixed straight line is equal to its distance from the fixed point. Name the curve. Draw a normal and tangent on the curve. OBLONG/ RECTANGLE METHOD 13. Construct a parabola in a rectangle 40mmX60mm. Locate the foci and draw tangent and normal at any point on the curve. 14. A ball is thrown up in air reaches a maximum height of 50 m and travels a horizontal distance of 80 m. Trace the path of the ball assuming it to be parabolic. And also determine angle of projection. 15. A stone is thrown from a building of 7 m height and at its higher flight the stone just crosses a palm tree of 14 m height. Trace the path of the stone if the distance between building and tree is 3.5 m. 16. A cricket ball thrown from the ground level reaches the wicket keepers gloves. Maximum height reached by the ball is 5meters. The ball travels a horizontal distance of 11meters from the point of projection. Trace the path of the ball. TANGENT METHOD 17. A fountain jet discharges water from ground level at an inclination of 600 to the ground. The jet travels a horizontal distance of 12 m, from the point of discharge and falls on the ground. Trace the path of the jet.

PARALLELOGRAM METHOD 18. Draw a parabola passing through three vertices of a triangle of sides 30 mm, 45 mm and 60 mm. The corner of the triangle common to 45 mm and 60 mm

sides lies on the axis of parabola. Draw a tangent and normal at a point on the curve 20 mm from the axis. HYPERBOLA GENERAL (ECCENTRICITY) METHOD 19. A fixed point F is 7.5 cm from a fixed straight line. Draw the locus of a point P moving in such a way that its distance from the fixed straight line 2/3 times its distance from F. Name the curve. Draw normal and tangent at a point 6 cm from it. 20. Draw a straight line AB of any length mark a point F, 75 mm from AB. Trace the path of a point P moving in such a way that the ratio of its distance from the point F, to its distance from AB is 3:2. Plot at least 8 points. Name the curve. Draw a normal and a tangent to the curve at a point on it, 50 mm from F. 21. Construct an hyperbola when distance between, the focus and the directrix as 40 mm and eccentricity is 4/3. Also draw normal and tangent to the curve at any point on the hyperbola. RECTANGULAR HYPERBOLA Orthogonal Asymptote Method 22. A point P is 30 mm and 50 mm respectively from two straight lines which are at right angles to each other. Draw a rectangular hyperbola from P within 10 mm distance from each other. 23. Construct a rectangular hyperbola when a point P on it is at a distance of 15 mm and 20 mm respectively from the two asymptotes. 24. Construct a rectangular hyperbola, when a point P on it is at a distance of 18 and 30 mm from two asymptotes. Also draw a tangent and a normal to the curve at a point 20 mm from asymptotes. Oblique Asymptote Method 25. Two straight lines OA and OB make an angle of 750 between them. P is a point 40 mm from OA and 50 mm from OB. Draw a hyperbola through P, with OA and OB as asymptotes, marking at least 10 points. CYCLOIDAL CURVES: CYCLOIDS

1. A circle of 40 mm diameter rolls on a straight line without slipping. In the initial position the diameter PQ of the circle is parallel to the line on which it rolls. Draw the locus of the points P and Q for one complete revolution of the circle. 2. A circle of diameter 30 mm rolls on a flat surface without slipping. Trace the path of a point lying on its circumference for one and half a revolution of the circle. Draw a normal and tangent to the curve at a point 20 mm above the directing. 3. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side equal to 60 mm. Trace the loci of the vertices A, B and C, when the circle circumscribing ABC rolls without slipping along a fixed straight line for one revolution. 4. A circle of 35 mm diameter rolls on a horizontal line. Draw the curve traced out by a point R on the circumference for half revolution of the circle, for the remaining half revolution, the circle rolls on the vertical line. The point R vertically above the centre of the circle in the starting point/position 5. A circle of 50 mm diameter rolls on a horizontal line for half revolution clockwise and then on a line inclined at 600 to the horizontal for another half revolution clockwise. Draw the curve traced by a point p on the circumference of the circle, taking the top most point on the rolling circle as the initial position of the generating point. 6. A wheel of 60 diameter, rolls downward on a vertical wall for half revolution and then on the horizontal floor for the remaining half revolution without slipping. Draw the locus of a point p on the circumference of the wheel, the initial position of which is the contact point with wall. Name the curve. EPICYCLOIDS 1. Draw an epicycloids given the radii of the generating and directing circle as r = 20 mm and R = 72 mm respectively. Also draw a normal and tangent at any point on the curve. 2. Construct an epicycloids taking diameter of the rolling circle and directing circle as 50 mm. 3. A circle of 50 diameters rolls without slipping on the outside of another circle of diameter 150. Show the path of a point on the periphery of the rolling circle, diametrically apposite to the initial point of contact between the circles.

HYPOCYCLOIDS 1. Show by means of a drawing that when the diameter of the directing circle is twice that of the generating circle, the hypocycloid is a straight line. Take the diameter of the generating circle equal to 50mm. (OR) A circle of 40 mm diameter rolls on the concave side of another circle of 40 mm radius. Draw the path traced by a point on the generating circle for one complete revolution. (OR) The diameter of directing circle is twice that of the generating circle. Show that the hypocycloid is straight line .choose the diameter of rolling circle as 40 mm. 2. Draw a hypocycloid of a circle of 30 mm diameter which rolls inside of another circle of 160 mm diameter for one complete revolution counterclockwise. Draw a tangent and a normal to it a t a point 60 mm from the centre of the directing circle. 3. A circus man rides a motor bike in side a globe of 6 m diameter. The motor bike has the wheel of 1 m diameter .Draw the locus of the point on the circumference of the motor bike wheel for one complete revolution. Adopt suitable scale.

Involutes 1. An elastic string 145 mm long has its one end attached to the circumference of a circular disc of 40 mm diameter. Draw the curve traced out by the other end of the string, when it is completely wound around the disc, keeping the string a always tight and name the curve. 2. Trace the paths of the ends of the straight line AP, 120mm long, when it rolls without slipping, on a semi circle having its diameter AB 80 mm long. Assume the line AP to be tangent to the semi circle in the starting position. 3. Draw the involutes of a hexagon of side 40 mm. draw a tangent and a normal to the curve at a distance of 95 mm from the center of the hexagon. 4. A line AC of 150 long is tangential to a circle of diameter 60. Trace the paths of A and C, when the line AC rolls on the circle without slipping. 5. Draw the involutes of a pentagon of side 40 mm. draw a tangent and a normal to the curve at a distance of 112 mm from the center of the square.


1. Two pegs fixed on a wall are 4.5 m apart. The distance between the pegs measured parallel to the floor is 3.6 m. If one peg is 1.5 m above the floor, find the height of the second peg and the inclination of the line joining the two pegs with the floor. 2. The point A is on H.P and 40 mm in front of V.P. Another point B is On V.P and Below H.P. The line joining their front views makes an angle of 450 with xy while the line joining their top views makes an angle of 300. Find the distance of point B from H.P. 3. The point P is 15 mm above the H.P and 20 mm in front of V.P. Another point Q is 25 mm behind the V.P. and 40 mm below the H.P. Draw projections of P and Q keeping the distance between their projectors equal to 90 mm. Draw straight lines joining (a ) their top views (b) their front views. 4. Two points P and Q are in the H.P. The point P is 30 mm in front of V.P. and Q is behind the V.P. The distance between their projectors is 80 mm and line joining their top views makes an angle of 400 with xy. Find the distance of the point Q from the V.P. PROJECTION OF STRAIGHT LINES: 1. The front view of a.ine AB, 80 mm long measures 55 mm while its top view measures 70 mm. End A is in both H.P. and V.P. draw the projections and find its inclinations with the reference planes Also locate its traces. 2. Front view of a line PQ is inclined at 300 to xy line and measures 60 mm. The line is inclined at 450 to the V.P. The end P is in the H.P. and V.T of the line is 20 mm below the H.P. Draw the projections of the line and find its true length and inclinations with the reference planes. Also locate its H.T. 3. A line AB 90 mm long is inclined at 300 to H.P. and 20mm in front of the V.P. its front view measures 65 mm. Draw the top view of AB and determine its inclination with the V.P. 4. A line AB, 90 mm long is inclined at 450 to the H.P. and its top view makes an angle of 600 with the V.P. The end A is in the H.P. and 12 mm in front of the V.P. Draw its front view and finds its true inclination with the V.P. 5. A line AB 120 mm long is inclined at 450 to the H.P. and 300 to the V.P. Its mid point C is in the V.P. and 20 mm above H.P. The end A is in the third quadrant and B is in the first quadrant. Draw the projections of the line. 6. A line AB 75 mm long, A is 50 mm in front of V.P. and 15 mm above H.P. B is 15 mm in front of V.P. and is above H.P. Top view of AB is 50 mm long. Draw and measure the front view. Find true inclinations. 7. A line measuring 80 mm long has one of its ends 60 mm above H.P. and 20 mm in front of V.P. The other end is 15 mm above H.P. and in front of V.P. The front view of the line is 60 mm long. Draw the top view. 8. A line CD of 100 mm length is inclined at 300 to H.P. and 450 to V.P. The point A is 15 mm above H.P. and 20 mm in front of the V.P. Draw the projections of the line.

9. Draw the projections of a line AB 90 mm long, its mid point M being 50 mm above H.P. and 40 mm in front of the V.P. The end A is 20 mm above the H.P. and 10 mm in front of the V.P. show the inclinations of the line with the H.P. and the V.P. 10. The mid point of a straight line AB is 60 mm above the H.P. and 50 mm in front of the V.P. The line measures 80 mm long and inclined at 300 to the H.P. and 450 to the V.P. Draw its projections. 11. The top view of a 75 mm long line AB measure 65 mm while the length of its front view is 50 mm. Its one end A is in the H.P. and 12 mm in front of the V.P. Draw the projections of the of AB and determine its inclinations with the H.P and The V.P. 12. The front view of a line AB measures 65 mm and makes an angle of 450 with xy. A is in the H.P. and the V.T of the line is 15 mm below the H.P. The line is inclined at 300 to the V.P. Draw the projections of the line AB and find its true length and inclination with the H.P. also locate its H.T. 13. A line AB 75 mm long has its end A in the H.P and 12 mm in front of the V.P. the line is inclined at 600 to the H.P and 300 to the V.P. Draw its projections. 14. A line AB 100 mm long has its front view inclined at an angle of 450 with xy. The point A is in the V.P, 25 mm above H.P. the length of the front view is 60 mm. Draw the top view of the line and measure its length. Also find the inclinations of the line AB to H.P. and V.P.



1. A hexagonal lamina with its edge 50 mm has its plane inclined at 450 to H.P. and lying with one of its edges in H.P. The plane of one of its diagonal is inclined at 450 to xy. The corner nearest to V.P. is 15 mm in front of it. Draw its projections. 2. A plate having shape of an isosceles triangle has base 50 mm and altitude 70 mm. It is so placed that in front view it is seen an equilateral triangle of 50 mm sides and one side inclined at 450 to xy. Draw its top view. 3. A square ABCD of 50 mm side has its corner A in the H.P. its diagonal AC inclined at 300 to the H.P and the diagonal BD inclined at 450 to V.P. and parallel to H.P. Draw its projections. 4. A pentagonal plane of 30 mm side has on of its sides in the V.P and inclined at 600 to the H.P. while the surface of the plane makes an angle of 400 to V.P. Draw its projections. 5. A rectangular plate of sides 70X40 mm, has one of its shorter edges in V.P inclined at 400 to H.P. Draw its top view if its front view is a square of side 40 mm. 6. The top view of a circular lamina of diameter 60 mm resting on H.P is an ellipse of major axis 60 mm and minor axis 40 mm. Draw its front view when the major axis of the ellipse in the top view is horizontal. Find the angle of inclination of the lamina with H.P. 7. A semicircular plate of 80 mm diameter has its straight edge in the V.P. and inclined at 600 to the H.P. the surface of the plate makes an angle of 300 with the V.P. Draw its projections. 8. A circular plate of 60 mm diameter has a hexagonal hole of 20 mm side centrally punched. Draw the projections of the plate resting on H.P. on a point, with its surface inclined at 300 to H.P. Any two parallel sides of the hexagonal hole are perpendicular to V.P. Draw the projections of the plate. 9. A composite plate of negligible thickness is made up of a rectangle 60X40 mm, and a semicircle on its larger side. Draw its projections when the longer side is parallel to H.P and inclined at 450 to the V.P. the surface of the plate making 300 with the H.P. 10. A circular plate of negligible thickness and 50 mm diameter appears as an ellipse in the front view having its major axis 50 mm long and minor axis is 30 mm long. Draw its top view when the major axis of the ellipse is horizontal. 11. A regular pentagon of 30 mm side resting on one of its edges on H.P. which is inclined at 450 to V.P its surface is inclined at 300 to the H.P. Draw the projections. 12. A regular hexagon of 40 mm has a corner in the H.P its surface is inclined at 450 to the H.P and the top view of the diagonal through the corner which is in the H.P makes an angle of 600 with the V.P Draw its projections. 13. Draw the projections of a regular pentagon of side 40 mm, having its surface inclined at 300 to the V.P and the side on which it rests on V.P makes an angle of 600 with H.P. PROJECTIONS OF SOLIDS:


1. A pentagonal prism of base side 25 mm and axis length 50 mm rests on the H.P on one of the base corners with the base edges containing it being equally inclined to the H.P. The axis is inclined at 450 to the H.P and the plane containing the axis is inclined at 300 to the V.P. Draw the projections of the prism. 2. A square prism side of base 30 mm and axis 50 mm long, has its axis inclined at 600 to H.P. It has an edge of its base in the H.P and inclined at 450 to V.P Draw its projections. 3. One of the body diagonals of a cube of 45 mm edge is parallel to the H.P and inclined at 450 to the V.P Draw the front view and top view of the cube. 4. A right circular cylinder of diameter of base 50 mm and length of axis 70 mm rests on the H.P on its base such that its axis inclined at 450 to H.P and top view of the axis is inclined at 600 to the V.P Draw its projections. 5. One end of a longer edge of a regular hexagonal prism of side of base 30 mm and height 80 mm is on the V.P and the other end of the same edge is on the ground. The axis makes 300 to the V.P and 400 to the ground. Draw its projections. 6. Draw the projections of a triangular prism, base 40 mm side and axis 50 mm long, rests on one of its base on the H.P with a vertical face perpendicular to the V.P. 7. A triangular prism of base side 45 mm and length of axis 75 mm has a corner in the H.P the face opposite to that corner makes 500 to the H.P While the axis of the solid makes 300 to the V.P. Obtain the two views of the solid. 8. A square pyramid base 40 mm side and axis 75 mm long is placed on the ground on one of its slant edges. So that the vertical plane passing through that edge and the axis makes an angle of 300 with V.P. draw its projections. 9. A pentagonal pyramid, base 25 mm side and axis 50 mm long has one of triangular faces in the V.P and the edges of the base contained by that face makes an angle of 300 with the H.P. Draw its projections. 10. A hexagonal pyramid base 25 mm side and axis 55 mm long, has one of its slant edges on the ground. A plane containing that edge and the axis is perpendicular to the H.P and inclined ad 450 to the V.P. Draw its projections when the apex is nearer the V.P than the base. 11. A cone of base diameter 40 mm and axis height 60 mm rests on the ground on a point of its base circle such that the axis of the cone is inclined at 400 to the H.P. and 300 to the V.P. Draw its top and front views. 12. Hexagonal pyramid side of base 30 mm and axis 50 mm long rests with one of the corners of its base on H.P. Its axis is inclined at 350 to H.P and 450 to V.P. Draw its projections. 13. A square pyramid base 40 mm side and axis 90 mm long, has a triangular face on the ground and vertical plane containing the axis makes an angle of 450 with the V.P. draw its projections. 14. draw the projections of a cylinder, base 30 mm diameter and axis 40 mm long, rests with a point of its base circle on H.P such that the axis making an angle of 300 with H.P and its top view perpendicular to V.P


15. A pentagonal prism of base side 25 mm and axis length 50 mm rests on the H.P on one of the base corners with the base edges containing it being equally inclined to the H.P. The axis is inclined at 450 to the H.P and the plane containing the axis is inclined at 300 to the V.P. Draw the projections of the prism. 16. Hexagonal pyramid side of base 30 mm and axis 50 mm long rests with one of the corners of its base on H.P. Its axis is inclined at 350 to H.P and 450 to V.P. Draw its projections. 17. A triangular prism of side of base 25 and 65 long rests on a corner of the base on H.P. with a base inclined at 600 to H.P. and a rectangular face perpendicular to V.P. A section plane H.P. and inclined at 300 to V.P. bisects the axis of the prism. Draw the projections and determine the true shape of the section. 18. A cube of a 50 mm long edges resting on the H.P. with its vertical faces equally inclined to the V.P. draw its projections. 19. Draw the projections of a cylinder, base 40 mm diameter and axis 50 mm long. 20. Draw the projection of a hexagonal prism has one of its rectangular faces parallel to the H.P. its axis is perpendicular to the V.P. and 3.5 cm above the ground. Draw its projections when the nearer end is 2 cm in front of V.P. side of base 2.5 cm long. And axis 5 cm long. 21. Draw the projections of a hexagonal prism of base 25 mm and axis 60 mm long. When it is resting on one of its corner of the base on H.P. The axis of the solid is inclined at 450 to H.P. 22. Draw the projection of a pentagonal prism of base 25 mm side and axis 50 mm long when it is resting on one of its rectangular faces on H.P. The axis of the solid is inclined at 450 to V.P. 23. A pentagonal prism of base side 25 mm and axis length 50 mm rests on the H.P on one of the base corners with the base edges containing it being equally inclined to the H.P. The axis is inclined at 450 to the H.P and the plane containing the axis is inclined at 300 to the V.P. Draw the projections of the prism. 24. A square prism side of base 30 mm and axis 50 mm long, has its axis inclined at 600 to H.P. It has an edge of its base in the H.P and inclined at 450 to V.P Draw its projections. 25. One of the body diagonals of a cube of 45 mm edge is parallel to the H.P and inclined at 450 to the V.P Draw the front view and top view of the cube. 26. A right circular cylinder of diameter of base 50 mm and length of axis 70 mm rests on the H.P on its base such that its axis inclined at 450 to H.P and top view of the axis is inclined at 600 to the V.P Draw its projections. 27. One end of a longer edge of a regular hexagonal prism of side of base 30 mm and height 80 mm is on the V.P and the other end of the same edge is on the ground. The axis makes 300 to the V.P and 400 to the ground. Draw its projections. 28. Draw the projections of a triangular prism, base 40 mm side and axis 50 mm long, rests on one of its base on the H.P with a vertical face perpendicular to the V.P.


29. A triangular prism of base side 45 mm and length of axis 75 mm has a corner in the H.P the face opposite to that corner makes 500 to the H.P While the axis of the solid makes 300 to the V.P. Obtain the two views of the solid. 30. A square pyramid base 40 mm side and axis 75 mm long is placed on the ground on one of its slant edges. So that the vertical plane passing through that edge and the axis makes an angle of 300 with V.P. draw its projections. 31. A pentagonal pyramid, base 25 mm side and axis 50 mm long has one of triangular faces in the V.P and the edges of the base contained by that face makes an angle of 300 with the H.P. Draw its projections. 32. A hexagonal pyramid base 25 mm side and axis 55 mm long, has one of its slant edges on the ground. A plane containing that edge and the axis is perpendicular to the H.P and inclined ad 450 to the V.P. Draw its projections when the apex is nearer the V.P than the base. 33. A cone of base diameter 40 mm and axis height 60 mm rests on the ground on a point of its base circle such that the axis of the cone is inclined at 400 to the H.P. and 300 to the V.P. Draw its top and front views. 34. Hexagonal pyramid side of base 30 mm and axis 50 mm long rests with one of the corners of its base on H.P. Its axis is inclined at 350 to H.P and 450 to V.P. Draw its projections. 35. A square pyramid base 40 mm side and axis 90 mm long, has a triangular face on the ground and vertical plane containing the axis makes an angle of 450 with the V.P. draw its projections.



36. pentagonal pyramid side of base 30 mm and axis 60 mm long, rests with its base on H.P and an edge of its base is parallel to V.P. it is cut by a section plane perpendicular to V.P and inclined at 450 to H.P passes through the axis at a point 35 mm above the base. Draw the sectional top view and true shape of the section. 37. A sphere of 60 mm diameter rests on H.P. it is cut by a section plane perpendicular to V.P and inclined at 600 to H.P. the section plane passes through a point on the surface of the sphere at a distance of 20 mm from its bottom and on the left side. Draw sectional top view and true shape of section. 38. A hexagonal pyramid of base edge 20 mm and height 40 mm rests on one of the corners of the base in H.P. with its axis is inclined at 30 0 to H.P and parallel to V.P. A vertical section plane inclined at 300 to V.P cuts the pyramid removing 15 mm length of the axis from apex. Draw the projections of the pyramid and find the true shape of the section. 39. A cone of base 55 mm diameter and axis 65 mm long rests with its base on H.P. A sectional plane perpendicular to both H.P and V.P cuts the cone at a distance of 8 mm from its axis. Draw its top view front view and sectional side view 40. A cube of edge 60 stands vertically on H.P. such that its vertical faces are equally inclined to V.P. A section plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined to H.P cuts the solid in such away that the true shape of the section is an equilateral triangle of 60 sides. Draw the projections, true shape of the section and determine the inclination of the section plane with H.P. 41. Cube of side 40 mm is resting on ground on one of its faces. All the vertical faces of the cube are equally inclined to VP. It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined to HP, so that the true shape of the section is a regular hexagon. Draw the projections, sectional top view and true shape of the section. 42. a cylinder of diameter 50 mm and axis 80 mm long rests on one of the points of the base in HP and its axis parallel to VP and inclined at 300 to HP. A horizontal sectioning plane cuts the cylinder at a distance 45 mm above the HP. Draw the sectional plan and elevation and true shape of the section. 43. A triangular prism of base 30 sides and axis 50 long is lying on H.P. on one of its rectangular faces with its axis inclined at 300 to V.P. It is cut by a section plane parallel to H.P. and at a distance of 12 above H.P. Draw the front and sectional top view. 44. A tetrahedron of side 50 is resting on H.P on one of its faces, with an edge of it parallel to V.P. and away from it. A section plane cuts it parallel to V.P. and at a distance of 10 from the apex. Draw the projections of the retained solid. 45. A hexagonal prism of side of base 25 and axis 60 long is resting on its base on H.P. such that an edge of the base is parallel to V.P. It is cut by a section plane inclined at 450 to V.P. and 10 away from the axis. Draw the projections of the solid. Also obtain an auxiliary front view, showing the true shape of the section 46. A cube of edge 60 stands vertically on H.P. such that its vertical faces are equally inclined to V.P. A section plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined to H.P cuts the solid in such away that the true shape of the section is an equilateral triangle of 60


sides. Draw the projections, true shape of the section and determine the inclination of the section plane with H.P. 47. A cube of 50 edges, rest on one face on H.P. with its vertical faces equally inclined to V.P. It is cut by a section plane, perpendicular to V.P. producing a large rhombus. Draw the projections, true shape of the section and determine the inclination of the section plane with H.P. 48. A triangular prism of side of base 25 and 65 long rests on a corner of the base on H.P. with a base inclined at 600 to H.P. and a rectangular face perpendicular to V.P. A section plane H.P. and inclined at 300 to V.P. bisects the axis of the prism. Draw the projections and determine the true shape of the section. 49. A cone of base 50 diameter and 60 height is resting on its base on H.P. It is cut by a section plane such that the true shape produced is a parabola of base 40 draws the projections of the solid. 50. A cylinder of 50 diameter and 70 long is resting on H.P. with its axis inclined at 300 to H.P. and parallel to V.P. A section plane perpendicular to H.P inclined at 45 0 to, V.P passes through the axis at 25 from one end of it. Draw the projections of the cut solid. 51. A cube of 60 long edges is resting on one of its edges on H.P. such that a face containing that edge is inclined at 450 to H.P. It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to H.P. such that the true shape of the section produced is a regular hexagon determine the inclination of the cutting plane with V.P and draw the projections of the solid and show the true shape of the section. 52. A hexagonal pyramid of base edge 20 mm and height 40 mm rests on one of the corners of the base in H.P. with its axis is inclined at 300 to H.P and parallel to V.P. A vertical section plane inclined at 300 to V.P cuts the pyramid removing 15 mm length of the axis from apex. Draw the projections of the pyramid and find the true shape of the section. 53. A sphere of 75 mm diameter is cut by a section plane perpendicular to the V.P and inclined at 300 to the H.P. in such a way that the true shape of the section is a circle of 50 mm diameter. Draw its front view, sectional top view and sectional side view. 54. A pentagonal prism side of base 30 mm and axis 60 mm lies with one of its rectangular faces on H.P and its axis is parallel to both H.P and V.P. A section plane perpendicular to H.P and inclined to 300 to V.P. bisects the axis. Draw the sectional front view and true shape of the section. 55. A hexagonal prism side of base 30 mm and axis 60 mm long rests with its base on H.P. such that one of its rectangular faces is parallel to V.P. A section plane perpendicular to H.P and parallel to V.P cuts the prism at a distance of 10 mm from its axis. Draw its top and sectional front views. 56. A cone of base 55 mm diameter and axis 65 mm long rests with its base on H.P. A sectional plane perpendicular to both H.P and V.P cuts the cone at a distance of 8 mm from its axis. Draw its top view front view and sectional side view. 57. a hollow cylinder of 40 mm out side diameter and 30 mm inside diameter is resting on a point on the rim in VP with axis inclined at 300 to VP and parallel to HP. The axis length of the cylinder is 60 mm. it is cut by a vertical section plane inclined at 600 to VP and bisecting the axis. Draw the sectional front view, top view and true shape of the section.


58. DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACE OF THE SOLIDS AND INTERPENETRATIONS OF SOLIDS 1. A sphere of 60 mm diameter rests on H.P. it is cut by a section plane perpendicular to V.P and inclined at 600 to H.P. the section plane passes through a point on the surface of the sphere at a distance of 20 mm from its bottom and on the left side. Draw sectional top view and true shape of section. 2. A right circular cone of base 60 mm diameter and 60 mm height stands on vertically with its base on HP. A semi-circular hole of 36 mm diameter is cut through the cone such that the axis of the hole is parallel to HP, perpendicular to VP and intersecting the axis of the cone 20 mm above the base. The flat surface of the hole is parallel to HP and perpendicular to VP. 3. A cube of 40 mm edge stands on one of its faces on H.P. with a vertical face making 450 to V.P. A hole of 30 mm diameter and whose axis is perpendicular to V.P and parallel to H.P is drilled centrally through the cube such that the hole passes through the opposite vertical edges of the cube. Obtain the development of the lateral surface of the cube with the hole. 4. A vertical cone of 40 mm diameter of base and height 50 mm is cut by a cutting plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at 300 to the H.P. so as to bisect the axis of the cone. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the truncated portion of the cone. 5. A cube of 40 mm edge stands on one of its faces on H.P. with a vertical face making 450 to V.P. A hole of 30 mm diameter and whose axis is perpendicular to V.P and parallel to H.P is drilled centrally through the cube such that the hole passes through the opposite vertical edges of the cube. Obtain the development of the lateral surface of the cube with the hole. 6. a cylinder 40 mm diameter and 70 mm axis length is resting on the base in the HP. It is cut by two section planes perpendicular to VP and inclined at 300 to HP and passing through extreme end of the diameter at the upper face. Draw the projections and development of the larger portion of the sectioned cylinder. 7. a cylinder of base diameter 40 mm and axis 55 mm long rests with its base on HP. It is so sectioned such that its elevation appears as a triangle of base 40 mm, height 55 mm and a side of 60 mm length. Develop its surface. 8. A vertical cylinder of base diameter 30 mm and axis 45 mm long is sectioned such that its front view appears as isosceles triangle of 30 mm and height 45 mm. Develop its surface. 9. A cube of 40 mm edge stands on one of its faces on H.P. with a vertical face making 450 to V.P. A hole of 30 mm diameter and whose axis is perpendicular to V.P and parallel to H.P is drilled centrally through the cube such that the hole passes through the opposite vertical edges of the cube. Obtain the development of the lateral surface of the cube with the hole. 10. A vertical cone of 40 mm diameter of base and height 50 mm is cut by a cutting plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at 300 to the H.P. so as to bisect the axis of


the cone. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the truncated portion of the cone. 11. A hexagonal prism of side of base 30 mm and axis 65 mm stands on one of its ends in H.P. with two of rectangular faces parallel to V.P. A circular hole of diameter 40 mm is drilled completely through the prism such that the axis of the hole is perpendicular to V.P and bisects the axis of the prism. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the prism showing the shape of the holes formed on it. 12. a funnel is made up of two truncated conical portions. The top portion which is 50 mm in height has top 75 mm diameter and bottom 30 mm diameter. The bottom portion is 75 mm in height has top 30 mm diameter and bottom 15 mm diameter. Draw the development of the funnel surface. 13. a cylinder of base 40 mm and axis 55 mm long rests with its base on HP. It is so sectioned such that its elevation appears as a triangle of base 40 mm, height 55 mm and a side of 60 mm length. Develop its surface. 14. a vertical cone of 80 mm diameter and axis 100 mm long, is penetrated by horizontal cylinder and 90 mm long such that, its axis is 5 mm behind the axis of the cone, at a height of 40 mm above its base. Show the lines of intersection, when the axes of both solids are parallel to V.P 15. A vertical cylinder of 50 mm diameter is penetrated by a horizontal cylinder of same size with their axes intersecting. Draw the curves of intersections if the axis of the horizontal cylinder is inclined at 450 to VP

UNIT-V INTERSECTIONS OF SOLIDS 1. A horizontal steam boiler of 3 m diameter is surmounted by a dome of the shape of a vertical cylinder of 1.4 m diameter. Draw the projections showing the curves of intersection, when their axes intersect each other at right angles. 2. A cylinder of 75 mm diameter, standing on its base on HP, is completely penetrated by another cylinder of 55 mm diameter, with their axes intersecting at right angle. Draw the projections, showing the lines of intersection, assuming that the axis of the smaller cylinder is parallel to VP.


3. a cone of base diameter 80 mm and height 125 mm stands with its base on HP. It is penetrated by a horizontal cylinder of diameter 35 mm. if the axis of the two solids intersect at a point on the cones axis 40 mm above the base, draw the projections of the curves of intersection. 4. a cone of base diameter 70 mm and height 100 mm rests on the HP and is penetrated by a Horizontal cylinder of diameter 45 mm and axis of cylinder is 9 mm away from the axis of the cone and a distance 30 mm above the base of the cone. Draw projections of the solids showing the curves of intersection between the solids. 5. A vertical cylinder of 70 mm diameter is penetrated by another cylinder of 45 mm diameter the axis of which is parallel to both HP and VP. The two axes are 9 mm apart. Draw the projections showing the curves of intersection. 6. a right circular cone of base diameter 90 mm, is resting on its base on HP. It is penetrated by a cylinder of 50 mm diameter, the axis of which is parallel to HP and inclined at 300 to VP. The axis of the horizontal cylinder is 40 mm above the base of the cone. The axes are separated by a distance of 10 mm. draw the projections, showing the line of intersection. 7. a cone base 60 mm diameter and axis 70 mm long, rests with its base on HP. It is penetrated by a horizontal cylinder of 36 mm diameter. The axis of the cylinder is parallel to VP. 25 mm above the base and 8 mm in front of the axis of the cone. Draw the curves of intersection. 8. A cylinder, 50 mm diameter of base and 100 mm height is centrally penetrated by a cone of 50 mm base diameter and 75 mm height. The axis of the cylinder which is vertical cuts the axis of the cone which is horizontal at 30 mm from the base of the cone. Draw the projections showing the curves of the intersection. 9. a horizontal cylinder pipe 40 mm diameter is joined with a vertical cylinder pipe of same diameter. The axes of the pipes are parallel to VP. Neglecting the pipe thickness draw the projections showing the curves of intersection, when their axes intersect each other at right angles.


UNIT-VI ISOMETRIC PROJECTIOS 59. Draw the isometric projection of frustum of a hexagonal pyramid, side of base 30 mm the side of top face 15 mm of height 50 mm. 60. A hexagonal prism, side of base 25 mm and axis 50 mm long rests on its base in HP. Its axis is parallel to VP. Draw the orthographic projections and provide the isometric projection of the solid. Show isometric scale. 61. A cone radius of base 25 mm and axis 50 mm long rests with one of its base edges on HP. Its axis is parallel to VP. Draw the orthographic projections and provide the isometric projection of the solids showing the tip towards viewer. Show the isometric scale.


62. A cylindrical block of base 60 mm diameter and height 90 mm standing on the HP with its axis perpendicular to the HP. Draw its isometric view. 63. Draw the isometric view of a pentagonal pyramid with side of base 25 mm and axis 60 mm long. The pyramid is resting on its base on HP with an edge of the base parallel to VP. 64. A hexagonal prism, side of base 25 mm and axis 50 mm long rests on its base in HP. Its axis is parallel to VP. Draw the orthographic projections and provide the isometric projection of the solid. Show isometric scale. 65. Draw the isometric view of a door steps having three steps of 22 cm tread and 15 cm rise. The steps measure 75 cm width wise. 66. A hexagonal prism, side of base 25 mm and axis 50 mm long rests on its base in HP. Its axis is parallel to VP. Draw the orthographic projections and provide the isometric projection of the solid. Show isometric scale. 67. Draw the isometric projection of a frustum of hexagonal pyramid side of base 30 mm and the side of the top face 15 mm of height 50 mm 68. Draw the isometric projection of a frustum of hexagonal pyramid side of base 30 mm and the side of the top face 15 mm of height 50 mm. 69. Draw the isometric view of a cone 40 mm diameters and axis 55 long. When its axis is horizontal. Draw isometric scale.

UNIT-VII TRANSFORMATION OF PROJECTIONS 1. Draw the isometric view of the following orthographic vies.


2. Draw the elevation and plan view of the following given figures

3. Draw the isometric view for the below isometric projections





UNIT-VIII PERSPECTIVE PROJECTIONS 10. Draw the perspective view of a rectangular plane of 40x30 mm which lies on the ground plane. One of the corners is touching the picture plane and an edge is inclined at 550 to picture plane. The station point is 30 mm in front of picture plane, 65 mm above the ground plane and lies in central plane which is at a distance of 30 mm to the right of the corner touching the picture plane. 11. A rectangular block, 32x22x16 mm is lying on ground on one of its largest faces. One of its vertical edges is in the picture plane and the longer face containing that edge is inclined at angle of 300 to the picture plane. The station point is 52 mm in front of the picture plane, 35 mm above the ground plane passing through the center of the block. Draw the perspective view of block. 12. A pentagonal prism, side of base 25 mm and axis 60 mm long, lies with one of its rectangular faces on ground plane such that a pentagonal face is touching the picture plane. The station point is 20 mm in front of the picture plane, 55 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane which is at 80 mm to the right of the prism. Draw the perspective view. 13. a square pyramid of side of base 40 mm and axis 50 mm long, rests with its base on the ground plane such that all the edges of the base are equally inclined to the PP. one of the corners of the base is touching the PP. the station point is 60 mm in front of the PP, 80 mm above the ground plane and lies in a central plane which passes through the axis of the pyramid. Draw the perspective view. 14. Draw the perspective view of cube of 25 mm edge resting on ground plane on one of its faces, it has one of its vertical edges in the PP, and all vertical faces are equally inclined to the picture plane. The station point is 55 mm in front the picture plane, 40 mm above the ground plane and is contained by central plane 9 mm to the left of the center of the cube. 15. Draw the perspective view of a horizontal circular laminar 50 mm diameter resting on the ground. The central of the plane is 35 mm behind PP; the station point is in the central plane, passing through the center of the circular plane and 80 mm in front of the PP, and 60 mm above the ground. 16. a triangular prism whose base is an isosceles triangle of sides 40 mm X30 mmX30 mm and axis 50 mm long rests with its base on the ground plane such that one of its vertical edge is 10 mm in front of the PP. one of the rectangular faces containing that edge is inclined at 450 to the PP, and in front of it. The station point is 80 mm in front of PP, 60 mm above the ground plane lies in a central plane, which is at 10 mm to the left of the center of the prism. Draw the perspective view. 17. A cylinder of 50 mm diameter and height 60 mm rests with its base on the ground plane such that the axis 30 mm behind the PP. a cone of base 50 mm diameter and axis is 25 mm long is placed centrally on the top of the cylinder, the station point is 25 mm in front of the PP, 100 mm above the GP and lies in


a central plane, which is 65 mm to the right of the axis of the solids. Draw the perspective view of the arrangement. 18. A rectangular pyramid of base 70X50 mm and altitude of 70 mm rests with its base on the ground. One corner of the base is 20 mm to the left of the eye and in PP. the 70 mm long side of the base recedes to the right at 400. the eye is 190 mm from PP and 130 mm above the ground plane. Draw the perspective view of the pyramid. 19. Draw the perspective view of a straight line AB, 55 mm long is parallel to and 15 mm above the ground plane and inclined at 400 to picture plane. The end A is 20 mm behind the picture plane. Station point is 30 mm in front of the picture plane and 45 mm above the ground plane and lies in central plane passing through the mid point of AB. 20. a pentagonal plane of 40 mm side lies on the ground. The corner which is nearest to picture is 15 mm behind it and an edge containing that corner is making an angle above the picture plane. Station point lies in central plane which is at a distance of 70 mm to the left of the corner nearest to the picture plane. Draw the perspective view of square plane. 21. a pentagonal lamina of 30 mm sides stands vertically on the ground plane with one of its corners on the ground such that the side opposite to this corner is parallel to the ground plane. The lamina is inclined at 300 to the picture plane. The corner nearest to the picture plane is 20 mm behind it. The station point is 40 mm in front of the picture plane, 55 mm above the ground the ground plane and passes through the centre of the lamina. Draw the perspective view.


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