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Allysia Garland Dr. OConnor PSY 300-02 13 January 2012 Ted Bundy When you hear the name Ted Bundy many instantly thing of a horrendous man, they never look beyond who he became. In my opinion a lot but not serial killers roots for their misbehavior is based in their childhood years. While watching the film I felt that Bundy was at a disadvantage, he was mentally ill and he may not have been aware and the court officials were blinded by his criminal acts to even give him any remorse. Bundy grew up in a broken family with many psychological problems of their own. I feel that when he was younger being exposed to his parents (grandparents) had started something to grow inside him that would hinder him of ever being adaptable to society. The darkness inside him that formed due to the issues with his family would be always slightly there peeking through until an event would just snap and let it completely manifest in his mind. Which I believe was the betrayal of his mother and girlfriend. Often when children are in a harmful environment such as with abusive people and alcoholics I feel that it will only leave them two paths later in life. They will either be strong willing to be something different and more proactive in a better lifestyle than what they were exposed to, or they will fall along the path and eventually fall into criminal behavior. Bundy was exposed to such and unfortunately he fell into the criminal category and he would think that he was above the law and that would only satisfy him for a short time. Bundys criminal background proved he was in no right mind to distinguish fright from wrong.

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I think that Bundy wasnt what we perceived him to be, I believe he had mental issues which should have been follow upped on after his trial. I dont think he was as bad and evil as everyone thought he was. I believe that Bundy was an emotionally unstable, hurt and untrusting of any other being. I believe that Bundy deserved a different ruling at his court. I think there are a lot of people who are just too trusting or easily deceived, because a few women and probably more than we know didnt fall into Bundys trap. Im sure if anyone looked into Bundys eyes they see the dark malice in them, and wouldnt be so willing to walk off with him. I feel that he probably didnt hide it as well as anyone thought he did, people are just too naive. I think Bundy believed all women were evil, and had masks themselves as he always wore a mask. He would choose victims who resembled his former girlfriend, which was long hair parted down the middle, always very pretty girls who were kind. He would trick them pretending to be injured and lure them to their death; he then would put makeup on them, as they were dead, almost like he was painting their mask. He was psychologically damaged from his previous relationship that failed and was stuck in the painful cycle, which drove him to mad behavior. When Bundy was first arrested he was confident that he wouldnt be charged with anything, but he was wrong. During his second arrest he fought and tried to escape but was brought in. Bundy inside was frightened and knew what he would face, but he wore a confident and cocky mask during his imprisonment and trials. He had no trust in anyone and wanted to represent himself, he fired his defense attorneys. One who witnessed Bundys execution even said that he saw Bundys mask break and he was frightened and scared as he went to death. During his

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sentence to death he fought till the last minute to get more time, obviously frightened for his life to end. Why do I think that a man, who murdered many women after the betrayal of two significant women in his life didnt kill the two that betrayed him? I think that even though he was a murderous man who seemed to care for no one those two women were the few he cared about. I believe Ted didnt have it in him to take their lives, and instead he killed many women who looked like the previous girlfriend just to say, this is all your fault. Bundy was an unstable person and emotionally troubled, he took his pain and put it into the women he killed and probably treated them in a way he wished he could have done to the previous girlfriend just so he could feel fulfilled. Since none of these women were her I feel he was never fulfilled and this was a vicious cyclenever ending. When I looked at the eyes of Bundy that was constantly appearing on the screen two sets stood out to me a reoccurring look from when he was a child, a cold malicious stare from his dark eyes. At such a young age I wonder what made that ice over in his eyes. When did it melt, or hide away inside him? Bundy must have in my opinion locked away his difference when he went to college, as they said he changed his personality completely. In many images or videos Bundy had these cold eyes that were glaring and dark almost emotionless but left a prickling hair standing feeling. In other times he had these sarcastic eyes that said, I know all. Did Bundys eyes make his many masks? That is what I am left wondering. I cant determine if Bundy would have changed or not, but it bothers me that if he would have been raised right in a good environment his life may have been normal. Obviously Bundy was capable of loving and caring because he loved his girlfriend and was hurt when they broke

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up. I dont know much medical treatments or studies for anti-social/psychopath disorders. I dont know if a medication could fix his imbalance. For all I know the damage could be permanent seeing his mind was already matured. But I feel that under Bundys piercing star and cocky attitude was someone very lost and broken who just needed the right help.

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