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acctcom - search and print process accounting files activation-client - activation debugging tool adb - general-purpose debugger.

Check mdb addbib - create or extend a bibliographic database. alarm - schedule an alarm signal alias, unalias - create or remove a pseudonym or shorthand for a command or seri es of commands aliasadm - manipulate the NIS+ aliases map . You can delete, Edit, add, change,l ist,Print an alias. amt - The amt command is for use in a Common Criteria security certified system. The command is used to verify that the low level functions necessary to enforce the object reuse requirements of the Controlled Access Protection Profile are w orking correctly.amt lists test results with a "pass" or "fail" for each test it performs, unless output is suppressed with the -s option. appcert - examine application-level products for unstable use of Solaris interfa ces apptrace - The apptrace utility runs the executable program specified by command and traces all function calls that the program-command makes to the Solaris sha red libraries. apropos - The apropos utility displays the man page name, section number, and a short description for each man page whose NAME line contains keyword. This infor mation is contained in the /usr/share/man/windex database created by catman(1M). arch - The arch utility displays the application architecture of the current hos t system. Due to extensive historical use of this command without any options, a ll SunOS 5.x SPARC based systems will return "sun4" as their application archite cture. Use of this command is discouraged. Instead, the uname command is recomme nded asa - The asa utility will write its input files to standard output, mapping car riage-control characters from the text files to line-printer control sequences. at, batch - execute commands at a later time. The at utility reads commands from standard input and groups them together as an at-job, to be executed at a later time. The at-job is executed in a separate invocation of the shell, running in a separate process group with no controlling terminal, except that the environme nt variables, current working directory, file creation mask (see umask(1)), and system resource limits (for sh and ksh only, see ulimit(1)) in effect when the a t utility is executed is retained and used when the at-job is executed. at-poke - at-poke tests the accessibility of applications. at-poke displays a li st of accessible applications running on the desktop. Each application can be ex amined to view the accessible object hierarchy of the application. atok12migd - atok12migd merges the contents of an ATOK8 dictionaries with those of an ATOK12 dictionary. atok12migs - Migrates the style setting from ATOK8 to ATOK12 atokx2cvttool - ATOK for Solaris Environment Transfer Support Tool atq - The atq utility displays the at jobs queued up for the current user. at(1) is a utility that allows users to execute commands at a later date. If invoked by a user with the authorization, atq will display all jobs i n the queue. If no options are given, the jobs are displayed in chronological or der of execution. When an authorized user invokes atq without specifying usernam e, the entire queue is displayed; when a username is specified, only those jobs belonging to the named user are displayed. atrm - The atrm utility removes delayed-execution jobs that were created with th e at(1) command, but have not yet executed. The list of these jobs and associate d job numbers can be displayed by using atq(1).atrm removes each job-number you specify, and/or all jobs belonging to the user you specify, provided that you ow n the indicated jobs. audioconvert - audioconvert converts audio data between a set of supported audio encodings and file formats. It can be used to compress and decompress audio dat a, to add audio file headers to raw audio data files, and to convert between sta ndard data encodings, such as -law and linear PCM. audiofile-config - The audiofile-config tool enables you to specify which compil

er and linker flags should be used to compile and link programs that use the aud iofile library. audioplay - The audioplay utility copies the named audio files (or the standard input if no filenames are present) to the audio device. If no input file is spec ified and standard input is a tty, the port, volume, and balance settings specif ied on the command line will be applied and the program will exit. audiorecord - record an audio file auths - print authorizations granted to a user. The auths command prints on stan dard output the authorizations that you or the optionally-specified user or role have been granted. Authorizations are rights that are checked by certain privil eged programs to determine whether a user may execute restricted functionality. auto_ef - auto encoding finder. The auto_ef utility identifies the encoding of a given file. The utility judges the encoding by using the iconv code conversion, determining whether a certain code conversion was successful with the file, and also by performing frequency analyses on the character sequences that appear in the file. awk - pattern scanning and processing language. banner - banner prints its arguments (each up to 10 characters long) in large le tters on the standard output. bart - basic audit reporting tool. bart(1M) is a tool that performs a file-level check of the software contents of a system. basename - deliver portions of path names. The basename utility deletes any pref ix ending in / and the suffix (if present in string) from string, and prints the result on the standard output. It is normally used inside substitution marks (` `) within shell procedures. In short it will take the value of only the file nam e after directory name. bash - GNU Bourne-Again SHell. batch - execute commands at a later time. The at utility reads commands from sta ndard input and groups them together as an at-job, to be executed at a later tim e. The at-job is executed in a separate invocation of the shell, running in a se parate process group with no controlling terminal, except that the environment v ariables, current working directory, file creation mask (see umask(1)), and syst em resource limits (for sh and ksh only, see ulimit(1)) in effect when the at ut ility is executed is retained and used when the at-job is executed. bc - arbitrary precision arithmetic language. The bc utility implements an arbit rary precision calculator. It takes input from any files given, then reads from the standard input. If the standard input and standard output to bc are attached to a terminal, the invocation of bc is interactive, causing behavioral constrai nts described in the following sections. bc processes a language that resembles C and is a preprocessor for the desk calculator program dc, which it invokes aut omatically unless the -c option is specified. In this case the dc input is sent to the standard output instead. The bc command does not recognize the logical op erators && and ||. Can perform sine,cosine, exponential, log, arctangent, Bessel function , Square root bdiff - bdiff is used in a manner analogous to diff to find which lines in filen ame1 and filename2 must be changed to bring the files into agreement. Its purpos e is to allow processing of files too large for diff. If filename1 (filename2) i s -, the standard input is read. bfs - big file scanner. The bfs command is (almost) like ed(1) except that it is read-only and processes much larger files. Files can be up to 1024K bytes and 3 2K lines, with up to 512 characters, including new-line, per line (255 for 16-bi t machines). bfs is usually more efficient than ed(1) for scanning a file, since the file is not copied to a buffer. It is most useful for identifying sections of a large file where csplit(1) can be used to divide it into more manageable pi eces for editing. In short cat is used for smaller files while bfs for larger fi les bg - runs the current or specified jobs in the background bonobo-slay - kill running bonobo processes. bonobo-slay cleans up bonobo proces ses that might have encountered lifecycle management issues. bunzip2, bzcat, bzip2, bzip2recover - Check Zip file

busstat - report bus-related performance statistics. busstat provides access to the bus-related performance counters in the system. These performance counters a llow for the measurement of statistics like hardware clock cycles, bus statistic s including DMA and cache coherency transactions on a multiprocessor system. Eac h bus device that supports these counters can be programmed to count a number of events from a specified list. Each device supports one or more Performance Inst rumentation Counters (PIC) that are capable of counting events independently of each other. bzcmp, bzdiff - Bzcmp and bzdiff are used to invoke the cmp or the diff program on bzip2 compressed files. All options specified are passed directly to cmp or d iff. If only 1 file is specified, then the files compared are file1 and an uncom pressed file1.bz2. If two files are specified, then they are uncompressed if nec essary and fed to cmp or diff. The exit status from cmp or diff is preserved. bzegrep, bzfgrep, bzgrep - Bzgrep is used to invoke the grep on bzip2-compressed files.All options specified are passed directly to grep. If no file is specifie d, then the standard input is decompressed if necessary and fed to grep. Otherwi se the given files are uncompressed if necessary and fed to grep. If bzgrep is i nvoked as bzegrep or bzfgrep then egrep or fgrep is used instead of grep. bzless, bzmore - file perusal filter for crt viewing of bzip2 compressed text. I n the following description, bzless and less can be used interchangeably with bz more and more. cachefspack - The cachefspack utility is used to set up and maintain files in th e cache. This utility affords greater control over the cache, ensuring that the specified files are in the cache whenever possible. cachefsstat - information includes cache hits and misses, consistency checking, and modification operations. If path is not specified, all mounted cache file sy stems are used. cal - The cal utility writes a Gregorian calendar to standard output. If the y ear operand is specified, a calendar for that year is written. If no operands ar e specified, a calendar for the current month is written. calendar - The calendar utility consults the file calendar in the current directory and writes lines that contain today's or tomorrow's date anywhere in the line to standard output. Most reasonable month-day dates such as Aug. 24, august 24, 8/24, and so forth, are recognized, but not 24 August or 24/8 . On Fridays and weekends "tomorrow" extends through Monday. calendar can be invoked regularly by using the crontab(1) or at(1) commands. cancel - The cancel utility cancels print requests. There are two forms of t he cancel command. The first form of cancel has two optional arguments: print requests (request-ID) and destinations (destination). Specifying request-ID with destination cancels request-ID on destination. Specifying only the destina tion cancels the current print request on destination. If destination is not specified, cancel cancels the requested print request on all destinations.The se cond form of cancel cancels a user's print requests on specific destinations. Us ers can only cancel print requests associated with their username. captoinfo - captoinfo looks in filename for termcap descriptions. For each on e found, an equivalent terminfo description is written to standard output, alon g with any comments found. A description which is expressed as relative to another description (as specified in the termcap tc = field) is reduc ed to the minimum superset before being displayed. If no filename is given, t hen the environment variable TERMCAP is used for the filename or entry. If TERMCAP is a full pathname to a file, only the terminal whose name is specif ied in the environment variable TERM is extracted from that file. If the environ ment variable TERMCAP is not set, then the file /usr/share/lib/termcap is read . cat - The cat utility reads each file in sequence and writes it on the standard output. If no input file is given, cat reads from the standard input file. catman - The catman utility creates the preformatted versions of the on-line m anual from the nroff(1) or sgml(5) input files. This feature allows easy dist ribution of the preformatted manual pages among a group of associated machine s (for example, with rdist(1)), since it makes the directories of preformatted

manual pages self-contained and independent of the unformatted entries. cd, chdir, pushd, popd, dirs - change working directory. [ chdir is used in sh & pushd, popd, dirs are used in csh while cd is used in al shell ] cdda2wav - a sampling utility that dumps CD audio data into wav sound files. cd da2wav can retrieve audio tracks from CDROM drives that are capable of reading audio data digitally to the host cddb-slave2-properties - modify CD database preferences. The cddb-slave2-propert ies tool enables you to configure a CD database that can be queried by your system. A CD database contains information about CDs, such as the name of the a rtist, the title, and the track list. When an application plays a CD, the appl ication can query the CD database to obtain information about the CD, and th en display the information. cdrecord - Cdrecord is used to record data or audio Compact Discs on an Orange Book CD-Recorder or to write DVD media on a DVDRecorder. cdrw - The cdrw command provides the ability to create data and audio CDs. T his command also provides the ability to extract audio tracks from an audio CD a nd to create data DVDs. The CD or DVD device must be MMC-compliant to create a CD or DVD with the cdrw command. charmap - A character set description file or charmap defines characteristics f or a coded character set. Other information about the coded character set may al so be in the file. Coded character set character values are defined using symbo lic character names followed by character encoding values. chat - The chat program implements a conversational text-based exchange bet ween the computer and any serial device, including (but not limited to) a modem, an ISDN TA, and the remote peer itself, establishing a connection between th e PointTo-Point Protocol daemon (pppd) and the remote pppd process. checkeq - typeset mathematics test.eqn and neqn are language processors to assis t in describing equations. checknr - checknr checks a list of nroff(1) or troff(1) input files for certa in kinds of errors involving mismatched opening and closing delimiters and unkno wn commands. chgrp - change file group ownership. chkey - chkey is used to change a user's secure RPC public key and secret key pair. chkey prompts for the old secure-rpc password and verifies that it is correct by decrypting the secret key. chmod - change the permissions mode of a file chown - change file ownership cjpeg - compress an image file to a JPEG file. ckdate, errdate, helpdate, valdate - prompts for and validates a date The ckd ate utility prompts a user and validates the response. It defines, amo ng other things, a prompt message whose response should be a date, text for he lp and error messages, and a default value (which will be returned if the user responds with a <RETURN>). The user response must match the defined forma t for a date. ckgid, errgid, helpgid, valgid - prompts for and validates a group id ckgid prom pts a user and validates the response. It defines, among other things, a promp t message whose response should be an existing group ID, text for help and erro r messages, and a default value (which will be returned if the user respon ds with a carriage return). ckint, errint, helpint, valint - display a prompt; verify and return an integ er value ckitem - ckitem, erritem, helpitem - build a menu; prompt for and return a m enu item ckkeywd - prompts for and validates a keyword ckpath, errpath, helppath, valpath - display a prompt; verify and return a path name ckrange, errange, helprange, valrange - prompts for and validates an intege r ckstr, errstr, helpstr, valstr - display a prompt; verify and return a string answer

cksum - write file checksums and sizes cktime, errtime, helptime, valtime - display a prompt; verify and return a time of day ckuid, erruid, helpuid, valuid - prompts for and validates a user ID ckyorn, erryorn, helpyorn, valyorn - prompts for and validates yes/no clear - The clear utility clears the terminal screen if this is possible. It loo ks in the environment for the terminal type, if this is not already specified by the term operand, and then looks up the terminfo database to figure out how to clear the screen. clusterdb - clusterdb is a utility for reclustering tables in a PostgreSQL d atabase. It finds tables that have previously been clustered, and clusters them again on the same index that was last used. Tables that have never been clus tered are not affected.clusterdb is a wrapper around the SQL command CLUSTER [cl uster(5)]. There is no effective difference between clustering databases via t his utility and via other methods for accessing the server. cmp - The cmp utility compares two files. cmp will write no output if the file s are the same. Under default options, if they differ, it writes to standard output the byte and line numbers at which the first difference occurred. Bytes and lines are numbered beginning with 1. If one file is an initial subseq uence of the other, that fact is noted. skip1 and skip2 are initial byte offsets into file1 and file2 respectively, and may be either octal or decimal; a leading 0 denotes octal. col - reverse line-feeds filter The col utility reads from the standard input an d writes to the standard output. It performs the line overlays implied by rev erse line-feeds, and by forward and reverse halfline-feeds. Unless -x is used, all blank characters in the input will be converted to tab characters wher ever possible. col is particularly useful for filtering multi-column output made with the .rt command of nroff(1) and output resulting from use of the tbl(1) preprocessor. comm - select or reject lines common to two files The comm utility reads file1 and file2, which must be ordered in the current collating sequence, a nd produces three text columns as output: lines only in file1; lines only in file2; and lines in both files. If the input files were ordered according to t he collating sequence of the current locale, the lines written will be in the c ollating sequence of the original lines. If not, the results are unspecified. The following options are supported: -1 Suppresses the output column of lines unique to file1. -2 Suppresses the output column of lines unique to file2. -3 Suppresses the output column of lines duplicated in file1 and fi le2. command - execute a simple command The command utility causes the shell to treat the arguments as a simple command, suppressing the shell function lookup. If t he command_name is the same as the name of one of the special built-in utili ties, the special properties will not occur. In every other respect, if command_ name is not the name of a function, the effect of command (with no options) will be the same as omitting command. The command utility also provides informat ion concerning how a command name will be interpreted by the shell. compress, uncompress, zcat - compress, uncompress files or display expanded fi les The compress utility will attempt to reduce the size of the named files by using adaptive Lempel-Ziv coding. Except when the output is to the standard out put, The uncompress utility will restore files to their original state after they have been compressed using the compress utility. If no files are specif ied, the standard input will be uncompressed to the standard output. The zcat utility will write to standard output the uncompressed form of files that have been compressed using compress. It is the equivalent of uncompress -c . Input files are not affected. coreadm - core file administration. coreadm specifies the name and location of c ore files produced by abnormally-terminating processes. See core. Only users w ho have the sys_admin privilege can execute the command cp - copy files cpio - copy file archives in and out. The cpio command copies files into an

d out of a cpio archive. cputrack - monitor process and LWP behavior using CPU performance counters. Th e cputrack utility allows CPU performance counters to be used to monitor th e behavior of a process or family of processes running on the system. If int erval is specified with the -T option, cputrack samples activity every interva l seconds, repeating forever. If a count is specified with the -N option, the s tatistics are repeated count times for each process tracked. If neither are spec ified, an interval of one second is used. If command and optional args are s pecified, cputrack runs the command with the arguments given while monitori ng the specified CPU performance events. Alternatively, the process ID of a n existing process can be specified using the -p option. createdb - create a new PostgreSQL database. createdb creates a new PostgreSQL d atabase. Normally, the database user who executes this command becomes t he owner of the new database. However a different owner can be specified via th e -O option, if the executing user has appropriate privileges. createlang - define a new PostgreSQL procedural language. createlang is a uti lity for adding a new programming language to a PostgreSQL database. createuser - define a new PostgreSQL user account createuser creates a new Postg reSQL user (or more precisely, a role). Only superusers and users with CREATEROLE privilege can create new users, so createuser must be invoked by someone who can connect as a superuser or a user with CREATEROLE privilege. crle - configure runtime linking environment. The crle utility provides for the creation and display of a runtime linking configuration file. The configurati on file is read and interpreted by the runtime linker,, during proc ess start-up. Without any arguments, or with just the -c option, crle displays c onfiguration information. This information includes the contents of a configur ation file, any system defaults and the command-line required to regenerate th e configuration file. When used with any other options, a new configuration file is created or updated. crontab - The crontab utility manages a user's access with cron (see cron(1M)) by copying, creating, listing, and removing crontab files. If invoked without options, crontab copies the specified file, or the standard input if no fil e is specified, into a directory that holds all users' crontabs. If crontab is i nvoked with filename, this overwrites an existing crontab entry for the use r that invokes it. crypt - encode or decode a file. The crypt utility encrypts and decrypts the co ntents of a file. crypt reads from the standard input and writes on the stand ard output. The password is a key that selects a particular transformation. If no password is given, crypt demands a key from the terminal and turns off printing while the key is being typed in. crypt encrypts and decrypts with the same key: cs00toatok - conversion cs00 user dictionary to ATOK user dictionary csh - shell command interpreter with a C-like syntax csplit - split files based on context. The csplit utility reads the file named by the file operand, writes all or part of that file into other files as directe d by the arg operands, and writes the sizes of the files. ct - spawn login to a remote terminal. The ct utility dials the telephone number of a modem that is attached to a terminal and spawns a login process to that terminal. The telno is a telephone number, with equal signs for secondary di al tones and minus signs for delays at appropriate places. (The set of legal characters for telno is 0 through 9, -, =, *, and #. The maximum length teln o is 31 characters). If more than one telephone number is specified, ct will tr y each in succession until one answers; this is useful for specifying alternate dialing paths. ctags - create a tags file for use with ex and vi. The ctags utility makes a ta gs file for ex(1) from the specified C, C++, Pascal, FORTRAN, yacc(1), and lex(1) sources. A tags file gives the locations of specified object s (in this case functions and typedefs) in a group of files. Each line of the tags file contains the object name, the file in which it is defined, and an ad dress specification for the object definition. Functions are searched with a pa

ttern, typedefs with a line number. Specifiers are given in separate fields on t he line, separated by <SPACE> or <TAB> characters. Using the tags file, e x can quickly find these objects' definitions. ctrun - execute command in a process contract. The ctrun utility starts a comman d in a newly created process contract. ctrun holds the contract and c an be instructed to output or respond to events that occur within the contract . ctstat - display active system contracts ctwatch - watch events in a contract or group of contracts cu - call another UNIX system. The command cu calls up another UNIX system, a te rminal, or possibly a non-UNIX system. It manages an interactive convers ation with possible transfers of files. It is convenient to think of cu as op erating in two phases. The first phase is the connection phase in which the c onnection is established. cu then enters the conversation phase. The -d optio n is the only one that applies to both phases. cut - cut out selected fields of each line of a file date - write the date and time.The date utility writes the date and time to stan dard output or attempts to set the system date and time. By default, the current date and time is written. Specifications of native language translations of mon th and weekday names are supported. The month and weekday names used for a language are based on the locale specified by the environment variable LC_TIME. dc - desk calculator. dc is an arbitrary precision arithmetic package. Ordinari ly it operates on decimal integers, but one may specify an input base, out put base, and a number of fractional digits to be maintained. The overall str ucture of dc is a stacking (reverse Polish) calculator. If an argument is given, input is taken from that file until its end, then from the standard input. b c is a preprocessor for dc that provides infix notation and a C-like syntax tha t implements functions. bc also provides reasonable control structures for progr ams. dd - convert and copy a file.The dd utility copies the specified input file to t he specified output with possible conversions. The standard input and output are used by default. The input and output block sizes may be specified to take advantage of raw physical I/O. Sizes are specified in bytes encrypt, decrypt - encrypt or decrypt files. This utility encrypts or decrypts t he given file or stdin using the algorithm specified. If no output file is specified, output is to standard out. If input and output are the same file, t he encrypted output is written to a temporary work file in the same filesystem and then used to replace the original file. On decryption, if the input and o utput are the same file, the cleartext replaces the ciphertext file. The outp ut file of encrypt and the input file for decrypt contains the following info rmation: Output format version number, 4 bytes in network byte order. The curr ent version is 1. Iterations used in key generation function, 4 bytes in networ k byte order.IV (ivlen bytes)[1]. iv data is generated by random bytes equal to one block size. Salt data used in key generation (16 bytes). Cipher text dat a. deroff - remove nroff/troff, tbl, and eqn constructs. deroff reads each of the f ilenames in sequence and removes all troff(1) requests, macro calls, backsl ash constructs, eqn(1) constructs (between .EQ and .EN lines, and between del imiters), and tbl(1) descriptions, perhaps replacing them with white space (blan ks and blank lines), and writes the remainder of the file on the standard out put. deroff follows chains of included files (.so and .nx troff commands); if a file has already been included, a .so naming that file is ignored and a .nx naming that file terminates execution. If no input file is given, deroff reads the standard input. devattr - devattr displays the values for a device's attributes. The display can be presented in two formats. Used without the -v option, only the attribut e values are shown. Used with the -v option, the attributes are shown in an attribute=value format. When no attributes are given on the comma nd line, all attributes for the specified device are displayed in alphabetica l order by attribute name. If attributes are given on the command line, only t

hose attributes are shown, displayed in command line order. devfree - release devices from exclusive use devreserv - reserve devices for exclusive use df - displays number of free disk blocks and free files diff - compare two files. The diff utility will compare the contents of file 1 and file2 and write to standard output a list of changes necessary to conver t file1 into file2. This list should be minimal. Except in rare circum stances, diff finds a smallest sufficient set of file differences. No output wi ll be produced if the files are identical. The normal output contains lines of these forms: n1 a n3,n4, n1,n2 d n3, n1,n2 c n3,n4, where n1 and n2 represent lines file1 and n3 and n4 represent lines in file2 These lines resemble e d(1) commands to convert file1 to file2. By exchanging a for d and reading backw ard, file2 can be converted to file1. As in ed, identical pairs, where n1=n2 or n3=n4, are abbreviated as a single number. diff3 - 3-way differential file comparison . Synopsis diff3 [-exEX3] filename1 f ilename2 filename3. Description : diff3 compares three versions of a file. It publishes disagreeing ranges of text flagged with the following codes: 1. = === all three files differ 2.====1 filename1is different 3. ====2 filename2is di fferent 4. ====3 filename3is different diffmk - diffmk compares two versions of a file and creates a third version t hat includes "change mark" (.mc) commands for nroff(1) and troff(1). oldfi le and newfile are the old and new versions of the file. diffmk generates markedfile, which, contains the text from newfile with troff(1) "change mark" requests (.mc) inserted where newfile differs from oldfile. When markedfile is formatted, changed or inserted text is shown by | at the right margin o f each line. The position of deleted text is shown by a single *. digest - The digest utility calculates the message digest of the given fil es or stdin using the algorithm specified. If more than one file is given, each line of output is the digest of a single file. mailp, digestp, filep, newsp, filofaxp, franklinp, timemanp, timesysp - frontend s to the mp Text to PDL (Printer Descrip-tion Language) pretty print filter dircmp - The dircmp command examines dir1 and dir2 and generates various t abulated information about the contents of the directories. Listings of fil es that are unique to each directory are generated for all the options. If no option is entered, a list is output indicating whether the file names common to both directories have the same contents. dirname - deliver portions of path names. The basename utility deletes any prefi x ending in / and the suffix (if present in string) from string, and prints the result on the standard output. It is normally used inside substitution marks (`` ) within shell procedures. disable, enable - enable/disable LP printers. The enable command activates pri nters, enabling them to print requests submitted by the lp command. enable must be run on the printer server. The disable command deactivates printers, disabling them from printing requests submitted by the lp command. By de fault, any requests that are currently printing on printer will be reprinted in their entirety either on printer or another member of the same class of pri nters. The disable command must be run on the print server. Use lpstat -p to c heck the status of printers. enable and disable only effect queueing on t he print server's spooling system. Executing these commands from a client sy stem will have no effect on the server. dispgid - displays a list of all valid group names dispuid - displays a list of all valid user names djpeg - decompress a JPEG file to an image file. djpeg decompresses the named J PEG file, or the standard input if no file is named, and produces an image f ile on the standard output. dmesg- collect system diagnostic messages to form error log. dmesg looks in a sy stem buffer for recently printed diagnostic messages and prints them on the stan dard output. domainname - set or display name of the current domain. dos2unix - convert text file from DOS format to ISO format.

dropdb - remove a PostgreSQL database. dropdb destroys an existing PostgreSQL da tabase. The user who executes this command must be a database superuser or the owner of the database. dropdb is a wrapper around the SQL command DROP DATABASE [drop_database(5)]. There is no effective difference between dr opping databases via this utility and via other methods for accessing the ser ver. droplang - remove a PostgreSQL procedural language. dropuser - remove a PostgreSQL user account du - summarize disk usage.The du utility writes to standard output the size o f the file space allocated to, and the size of the file space allocated to each subdirectory of, the file hierarchy rooted in each of the specified file s. dumpcs - show codeset table for the current locale. dumpcs shows a list of print able characters for the user's current locale, along with their hexadecimal code values. The display device is assumed to be capable of displaying chara cters for a given locale. With no option, dumpcs displays the entire list of printable characters for the current locale. dumpkeys - dump keyboard translation tables. dumpkeys writes the current content s of the keyboard streams module's translation tables, in the format specif ied by keytables(4), to the standard output. echo - The echo utility writes its arguments, separated by BLANKS and termina ted by a NEWLINE, to the standard output. If there are no arguments, only th e NEWLINE character is written. echo is useful for producing diagnostics in co mmand files, for sending known data into a pipe, and for displaying the conte nts of environment variables. ecpg - embedded SQL C preprocessor. ecpg is the embedded SQL preprocessor for C programs. It converts C programs with embedded SQL statements to normal C co de by replacing the SQL invocations with special function calls. The output f iles can then be processed with any C compiler tool chain. ecpg will convert ea ch input file given on the command line to the corresponding C output file. I nput files preferably have the extension .pgc, in which case the extension will be replaced by .c to determine the output file name. If the extension of the input file is not .pgc, then the output file name is computed by appending .c to the full file name. ed edit egrep eject elfsign enable endmqcsv endmqlsr endmqm endmqtrc enhance env eog eqn - typeset mathematics test.eqn and neqn are language processors to assist in describing equations. esd-config esdcat esdctl esdmon esdplay esdrec esdsample evftobdf evolution evolution-1.4

evolution-addressbook-export - Export the local address book to a file. ex expr exstr extcheck factor - factor writes to standard input all prime factors for any positive inte ger less than or equal to 10**14. The prime factors are written the proper numbe r of times. If factor is used without an argument, it waits for an integer to be entered. After entry of the integer, it factors it, writes its prime factors th e proper number of times, and then waits for another integer. factor exits if a 0 or any non-numeric character is entered. If factor is invoked with an argument (integer), it writes the integer, factors it and writes all the prime factors a s described above, and then exits. If the argument is 0 or non-numeric, factor w rites a 0 and then exits. true, false - provide truth values. The true utility does nothing, successfully. The false utility does nothing, unsuccessfully. They are typically used in a sh ell script sh as: while true:do command; done. which executes command forever. t rue has exit status 0. false always will exit with a non-zero value. fax2ps - fax2ps reads one or more TIFF facsimile image files and prints a compressed form of PostScript that is suitable for printing on the standard outp ut. fax2tiff - fax2tiff creates a TIFF file containing CCITT Group 3 or Group 4 encoded data from one or more files containing "raw" Group 3 encoded data, typic ally obtained directly from a fax modem. history, fc - process command history list fc-cache - fc-cache, fonts.cache - create an index of FreeType font files in a directory fc-cache, fonts.cache - create an index of FreeType font files in a director y. If font pattern is not given, fc-list lists all available faces and styles in the current font configuration. fdetach - detach a name from a STREAMS-based file descriptor fdformat - format floppy diskette or PCMCIA memory card jobs, fg, bg, stop, notify - control process execution. jobs displays the status of the jobs that were started in the current shell environment. When jobs r eports the termination status of a job, the shell removes its process ID fro m the list of those "known in the current shell execution environment." job_id s pecifies the jobs for which the status is to be displayed. If no job_id is given, the status information for all jobs will be displayed. The following opti ons will modify/enhance the output of jobs: -l (The letter ell.) Prov ides more information about each job listed. This information includes the jo b number, current job, process group ID, state and the command that formed th e job.; -n Displays only jobs that have stopped or exited since last notified.; -p Displays only the process IDs for the process group leaders of the selected jobs.;; By default, jobs displays the status of all the sto pped jobs, running background jobs, and all jobs whose status has changed and ha ve not been reported by the shell. If you are running a job and wish to do somet hing else you may hit the key <^Z> (<Control-Z>) which sends a STOP signal to the current job. The shell will then normally indicate that the job has b een "Stopped" (see OUTPUT below), and print another prompt. You can then manipu late the state of this job, putting it in the background with the bg command, or run some other commands and then eventually bring the job back into the fo reground with the foreground command fg. A <^Z> takes effect immediately and is like an interrupt, in that pending output and unread input are discarded whe n it is typed. There are several ways to refer to jobs in the shell. A job can be referred to by the process id of any process of the job or by one of the fo llowing: %number The job with the given number.; %string Any jo b whose command line begins with; string; works only in the interactive m ode when the history file is active.; %?string - Any job whose command line cont ains string;works only in the interactive mode when the history file is active

.;%% - Current job.; %+ - Equivalent to %%.; %- - Previous job.;; The shell l earns immediately whenever a process changes state. It normally informs you whenever a job becomes blocked so that no further progress is possible, but only just before it prints a prompt. This is done so that it does not oth erwise disturb your work. When the monitor mode is on, each background job th at completes triggers any trap set for CHLD. When you try to leave the shell w hile jobs are running or stopped, you will be warned that `You have sto pped (running) jobs.' You may use the jobs command to see what they are. If you do this or immediately try to exit again, the shell will not warn you a seco nd time, and the stopped jobs will be terminated. fg will move a background j ob from the current environment into the foreground. Using fg to place a jo b in the foreground will remove its process ID from the list of those "known in the current shell execution environment." The fg command is available only on systems that support job control. If job_id is not specified, the current job is brought into the foreground. bg resumes suspended jobs from the current environment by running them as background jobs. If the job specified by jo b_id is already a running background job, bg has no effect and will exit success fully. Using bg to place a job into the background causes its process ID to beco me ``known in the current shell execution environment'', as if it had bee n started as an asynchronous list. The bg command is available only on systems that support job control. If job_id is not specified, the current job is placed in the background.stop stops the execution of a background job(s) by using its job_id, or of any process by using its pid. See ps(1). fgrep - search a file for a fixed-character string. The fgrep (fast grep) utilit y searches files for a character string and prints all lines that contain that string. fgrep is different from grep(1) and from egrep(1) because it searc hes for a string, instead of searching for a pattern that matches an expressi on. fgrep uses a fast and compact algorithm. The characters $, *, [, ^, |, (, ), and \ are interpreted literally by fgrep, that is, fgrep does not recog nize full regular expressions as does egrep. These characters have special m eaning to the shell. Therefore, to be safe, enclose the entire string within sin gle quotes ('). file - determine file type. The file utility performs a series of tests on ea ch file supplied by file and, optionally, on each file listed in ffile in a n attempt to classify it. If the file is not a regular file, its file typ e is identified. The file types directory, FIFO, block special, and character special are identified as such. If the file is a regular file and the file i s zero-length, it is identified as an empty file. If file appears to be a text f ile, file examines the first 512 bytes and tries to determine its programmin g language. If file is a symbolic link, by default the link is followed and fil e tests the file to which the symbolic link refers. If file is a relocatable object, executable, or shared object, file prints out information regardi ng the file's execution requirements. This information includes the machi ne class, byte-ordering, static or dynamic linkage, and any software or hardware capability requirements. file-roller - The File Roller application enables you to create, view, modif y, or unpack an archive. An archive is a file that acts as a container for other files. An archive can contain many files, folders, and subfolders, usually in compressed form filesync - synchronize ordinary, directory or special files.The filesync utility synchronizes files between multiple computer systems, typically a serve r and a portable computer. filesync synchronizes ordinary, directory or special files. Although intended for use on nomadic systems, filesync is useful for backup and file replication on more permanently connected systems. SYNOPS IS - filesync [-aehmnqvy] [-o src | dst] [-f src | dst | old | new] [-r dire ctory...];;filesync [-aehmnqvy] -s source-dir -d dest-dir filename... find - find files. The find utility recursively descends the directory hierarch y for each path seeking files that match a Boolean expression written in the pri maries given below. find is able to descend to arbitrary depths in a file hierarchy and does not fail due to path length limitations (unless a path ope

rand specified by the application exceeds PATH_MAX requirements). finger - display information about local and remote users. By default, the finge r command displays in multi-column format the following information about each l ogged-in user: o user name; o user's full name; o terminal name (prepended w ith a `*' (asterisk) if write-permission is denied); o idle time; o login time; o host name, if logged in remotely fmli - The fmli command invokes the Form and Menu Language Interpreter and o pens the frame(s) specified by the filename argument. The filename argument i s the pathname of the initial frame definition file(s), and must follow the naming convention,, or for a menu, form or text fr ame respectively, where xxx is any string that conforms to UNIX system file n aming conventions. The FMLI descriptor lifetime will be ignored for all frames opened by argument to fmli. These frames have a lifetime of immortal by defau lt. fmt - simple text formatters. fmt is a simple text formatter that fills and jo ins lines to produce output lines of (up to) the number of characters specifie d in the -w width option. The default width is 72. fmt concatenates the inputf iles listed as arguments. If none are given, fmt formats text from the standard input. Blank lines are preserved in the output, as is the spacing between wor ds. fmt does not fill nor split lines beginning with a `.' (dot), for compatibi lity with nroff(1). Nor does it fill or split a set of contiguous non-blank lines which is determined to be a mail header, the first line of which must begi n with "From". Indentation is preserved in the output, and input lines with diff ering indentation are not joined (unless -c is used). fmt can also be used as an in-line text filter for vi(1). The vi command: !}fmt;; reformats the text b etween the cursor location and the end of the paragraph. -c - Crown margin m ode. Preserve the indentation of the first two lines within a paragraph, a nd align the left margin of each subsequent line with that of the second lin e. This is useful for tagged paragraphs.; -s - Split lines only. Do not join s hort lines to form longer ones. This prevents sample lines of code, and o ther such formatted text, from being unduly combined.; -w width | -width Fill output lines to up to width columns. fmtmsg - display a message on stderr or system console fold - filter for folding lines. The fold utility is a filter that will fold lin es from its input files, breaking the lines to have a maximum of width colum n positions (or bytes, if the -b option is specified). Lines will be broken by the insertion of a NEWLINE character such that each output line (referred to lat er in this section as a segment) is the maximum width possible that does not exceed the specified number of column positions (or bytes). A line will no t be broken in the middle of a character. The behavior is undefined if width is less than the number of columns any single character in the input would o ccupy. gaim gaim-remote gcalctool gconf-editor gconf-merge-tree gconftool-2 gcore gdialog gdk-pixbuf-csource gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders gdm gdm-binary gdmXnest gdmXnestchooser gdmchooser gdmflexiserver gdmgreeter

gdmlogin gdmphotosetup gdmsetup gdmthemetester gedit gencat geniconvtbl genlayouttbl genmsg getconf getdev getdgrp getent getfacl getopt getopts gettext gettxt getvol ggv ghex2 gif2tiff gkb_xmmap glade-2 glib-genmarshal glib-gettextize glib-mkenums gnome-about gnome-accessibility-keyboard-properties gnome-at-properties gnome-audio-profiles-properties gnome-background-properties gnome-calculator gnome-cd gnome-character-map gnome-cleanup gnome-control-center gnome-default-applications-properties gnome-desktop-item-edit gnome-display-properties gnome-doc-common gnome-file-types-properties gnome-font-properties gnome-font-viewer gnome-keybinding-properties gnome-keyboard-layout gnome-keyboard-properties gnome-keyring-daemon gnome-mouse-properties gnome-network-preferences gnome-open gnome-panel gnome-panel-preferences gnome-panel-screenshot gnome-perfmeter gnome-pilot-make-password gnome-printinfo gnome-search-tool gnome-session

gnome-session-properties gnome-session-remove gnome-session-save gnome-smproxy gnome-sound-properties gnome-sound-recorder gnome-sys-suspend gnome-terminal gnome-text-editor gnome-theme-manager gnome-theme-thumbnailer gnome-thumbnail-font gnome-typing-monitor gnome-ui-properties gnome-volcheck gnome-volume-control gnome-window-properties gnome-wm gnomevfs-cat gnomevfs-copy gnomevfs-info gnomevfs-ls gnomevfs-mkdir gobject-query gpatch gpdf gpilot-install-file gpilotd-control-applet gpilotd-session-wrapper graph grep groups growisofs gst-complete - perform bash completion for gst-launch command lines. gst-complet e-0.8 enables bash to provide context-sensitive tab completion for gst-laun ch command lines. gst-complete-0.8 - perform bash completion for gst-launch command lines. gst-com plete-0.8 enables bash to provide context-sensitive tab completion for gstlaunch command lines. gst-compprep gst-compprep-0.8 gst-feedback gst-feedback-0.8 gst-inspect gst-inspect-0.8 gst-launch gst-launch-0.8 gst-launch-ext-0.8 gst-md5sum gst-md5sum-0.8 gst-register gst-register-0.8 gst-thumbnail gst-typefind gst-typefind-0.8 gst-xmlinspect gst-xmlinspect-0.8 gst-xmllaunch gst-xmllaunch-0.8 gstreamer-properties

gswitchit-plugins-capplet gtk-demo gtk-query-immodules-2.0 gtkdocize gucharmap gunzip gzcat gzcmp gzdiff gzegrep gzexe gzfgrep gzforce gzgrep gzip gzless gzmore gznew hash, rehash, unhash, hashstat - evaluate the internal hash table of the cont ents of directories. head - The head utility copies the first number of lines of each filename to the standard output. If no filename is given, head copies lines from the stan dard input. The default value of number is 10 lines.When more than one file is s pecified, the start of each file will look like: ==> filename <==. Thus, a commo n way to display a set of short files, identifying each one, is: example% head -9999 filename1 filename2 ... hostid - The hostid command prints the identifier of the current host in hexade cimal. This numeric value is likely to differ when hostid is run on a different machine. hostname - The hostname command prints the name of the current host, as given b efore the login prompt. The super-user can set the hostname by giving an argum ent. machid, sun, iAPX286, i286, i386, i486, i860, pdp11, sparc, u3b, u3b2, u3b5, u3 b15, vax, u370 - get processor type truth value The following commands will retu rn a true value (exit code of 0) if you are using an instruction set that th e command name indicates. euctoibmj, ibmjtoeuc - Code conversion between Japanese EUC and IBM-Japanese iconv - The iconv utility converts the characters or sequences of characters in file from one code set to another and writes the results to standard output . If no conversion exists for a particular character, an implementation-defined conversion is performed on this character. id - Return User Identity. If No User Operand Is Provided, The Id Utility Writ es The User And Group Ids And The Corresponding User And Group Names Of Th e Invoking Process To Standard Output. If The Effective And Real Ids Do N ot Match, Both Are Written. If Multiple Groups Are Supported By The Underlyi ng System, /Usr/Xpg4/Bin/Id Also Writes The Supplementary Group AffiliAtions Of The Invoking Process. idnconv - Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) encoding conversion utility. i dnconv converts the codeset or encoding of given text, if applicable. You ca n change the conversion with different options. idnconv reads from file or standard input and writes the results to standard output. imqadmin - launch the Message Queue administration console.imqadmin launches the graphical user interface application that performs most Message Queue adminis tration tasks. These tasks include managing broker instances (including physica l destinations) and administered objects. imqbrokerd - start a Message Queue broker instance imqbrokerd starts an instance of the Message Queue broker. The Message Queue broker is the main component of a Message Queue message server. The broker performs reliable delivery of mes sages to and from Java Message Service (JMS) clients. imqbrokerd uses command li

ne options to specify broker configuration properties. imqcmd - manage Message Queue brokers imqdbmgr - manage a plugged-in JDBC-compliant Message Queue data store imqkeytool - generate a self-signed certificate for secure communication imqobjmgr - manage Message Queue administered objects imqusermgr - command utility for managing a Message Queue user repository indxbib - create an inverted index to a bibliographic database infocmp - compare or print out terminfo descriptions initdb - create a new PostgreSQL database cluster intltool-extract - generate header file from XML source file.intltool-extract g enerates header files from the strings in the specified input files which g ettext can use to merge strings into the .pot file. intltool-merge - merge translated strings into various file types, such as XML. intltool-merge merges translated strings in .po files in po-directory with the original application file filename, to create the file output-file which con tains both the original and the localized strings. Afterwards, the application XML file contains repeated xml-nodes, where each xml-node contains one of all translations and an xml:lang attribute. intltool-prepare - update pot files and merge the pot files with translation (p o) files. intltool-prepare opens the source files and header files that are specified in the po/POTFILES files, to search for strings that have been marke d for translation, and updates the .pot files. intltool-prepare then merges t he .pot files with the translation (.po) files. intltool-update - update .po file with marked translatable strings from the ap plication source code. The intltool-update, intltoolize, intltool-extract, and intltool-unicodify utilities identify localizable content in application sou rce code, and extract this content into translatable .po message catalog f iles. intltool-update updates the message catalog files with the translatable content from the application source code. intltoolize - prepare a source code tree to use the intltool utilities. intltool ize prepares a package to use the intltool utilities. intltoolize links or copies various files needed by the intltool utilities to the appropriate locati on, for use when building the package. You must change your working direct ory to the top-level directory of the package before running intltoolize. iostat - report I/O statistics. The iostat utility iteratively reports terminal, disk, and tape I/O activity, as well as CPU utilization. The first line o f output is for all time since boot; each subsequent line is for the prior int erval only. To compute this information, the kernel maintains a number of coun ters. For each disk, the kernel counts reads, writes, bytes read, and bytes writ ten. The kernel also takes hi-res time stamps at queue entry and exit points, which allows it to keep track of the residence time and cumulative res idence-length product for each queue. Using these values, iostat produces highl y accurate measures of throughput, utilization, queue lengths, transactio n rates and service time. For terminals collectively, the kernel simply counts the number of input and output characters. ipcclean - remove shared memory and semaphores from a failed PostgreSQL server. ipcrm - ipcrm removes one or more messages, semaphores, or shared memory iden tifiers. ipcs - The ipcs utility prints information about active interprocess commu nication facilities. The information that is displayed is controlled by the options supplied. Without options, information is printed in short format for message queues, shared memory, and semaphores that are currently active in the system. isainfo - describe instruction set architectures isalist - display the native instruction sets executable on this platform jds-help - launch a Help browser based on the GConf ghelp URL handler jdshelp - jdshelp displays the Java Desktop System online Help. If a URL is spec ified, jdshelp displays the topic referenced by the URL. The URL must be a ghelp URL. If no argument is specified, jdshelp displays the complete online Help. jistoeuc, jistosj, euctojis, euctosj, sjtojis, sjtoeuc - Code conversion bet

ween JIS, PC kanji, and Japanese EUC join - relational database operator. The join command forms, on the standard out put, a join of the two relations specified by the lines of file1 and file2. T here is one line in the output for each pair of lines in file1 and file2 tha t have identical join fields. The output line normally consists of the common fi eld, then the rest of the line from file1, then the rest of the line from file 2. This format can be changed by using the -o option (see below). The -a option can be used to add unmatched lines to the output. The -v option can b e used to output only unmatched lines. The default input field separators ar e blank, tab, or newline. In this case, multiple separators count as one fie ld separator, and leading separators are ignored. The default output field sep arator is a blank. If the input files are not in the appropriate collating sequence, the results are unspecified. The default input field separators are bl ank, tab, or newline. In this case, multiple separators count as one field s eparator, and leading separators are ignored. The default output field separat or is a blank. If the input files are not in the appropriate collating sequ ence, the results are unspecified. jpegtran - jpegtran performs various useful transformations of JPEG files. jpegtran can translate the coded representation from one variant of JPEG to anot her, for example from baseline JPEG to progressive JPEG or vice versa. jpe gtran can also perform some rearrangements of the image data, for example turn ing an image from landscape to portrait format by rotation. sh , jsh- standard and job control shell and command interpreter jtops - postscript filter for printing Japanese characters on Sun Laser Writer or Japanese postscript printer jtty - set Japanese terminal characteristics kanji - show the list of Kanji codes. The kanji command shows the list of printa ble characters in the current locale. When invoked without an option, encoding numbers of current locale are shown along with the characters. kbd - manipulate the state of keyboard, or display the type of keyboard, or ch ange the default keyboard abort sequence effect. The kbd utility manipulates the state of the keyboard, or displays the keyboard type, or allows the defaul t keyboard abort sequence effect to be changed. The abort sequence also applies to serial console devices. The kbd utility sets the /dev/kbd default keyboard d evice. kdestroy - destroy Kerberos tickets. The kdestroy utility destroys the user's active Kerberos authorization tickets by writing zeros to the specified c redentials cache that contains them. If the credentials cache is not spec ified, the default credentials cache is destroyed. If the credentials cache doe s not exist, kdestroy displays a message to that effect. keylogin - decrypt and store secret key with keyserv The keylogin command prompt s for a password, and uses it to decrypt the user's secret key. The key can b e found in the /etc/publickey file (see publickey(4)) or the NIS map ``pu blickey.byname'' or the NIS+ table ``cred.org_dir'' in the user's home domain. The sources and their lookup order are specified in the /etc/nsswitch .conf file. See nsswitch.conf(4). Once decrypted, the user's secret key is stored by the local key server process, keyserv(1M). This stored key is used when issuing requests to any secure RPC services, such as NFS or NIS+. The pr ogram keylogout(1) can be used to delete the key stored by keyserv . keylogin fa ils if it cannot get the caller's key, or the password given is incorrect. For a new user or host, a new key can be added using newkey(1M), nisaddcr ed(1M), or nisclient(1M) keylogout - delete stored secret key with keyserv. keylogout deletes the key sto red by the key server process keyserv(1M). Further access to the key is revok ed; however, current session keys might remain valid until they expire or are re freshed. Deleting the keys stored by keyserv causes any background jobs or scheduled at(1) jobs that need secure RPC services to fail. Since only one copy of the key is kept on a machine, it is a bad idea to place a call to thi s command in your .logout file since it affects other sessions on the same m achine.

kill - terminate or signal processes. The kill utility sends a signal to the pro cess or processes specified by each pid operand. For each pid operand, the kill utility will perform actions equivalent to the kill(2) function called with th e following arguments: 1. The value of the pid operand will be used as the pid argument. 2. The sig argument is the value specified by the -s opt ion, the -signal_name option, or the -signal_number option, or, if none of th ese options is specified, by SIGTERM. The signaled process must belong to th e current user unless the user is the super-user. kinit - obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting ticket kkcvtocs00 - kkcvtocs00 is a utility that is necessary to use the words of yo ur user dictionary of cs00 on JFP system as well as one of kkcv on JLE system . kkcvtocs00 can be used as a filter; if filename is given, it is used as an input. Otherwise, the standard input is used for it. The standard output i s always used as an output. The input format should be the format of "jiritsugo -file" in kkcvdicedit which is specified for a line. kkcvtocs00 shows an e rror message for a line that is not on the format, and ignore the line. klist - list currently held Kerberos tickets kpasswd - change a user's Kerberos password ksh, rksh - KornShell, a standard/restricted command and programming languag e kstat - display kernel statistics. The kstat utility examines the available kern el statistics, or kstats, on the system and reports those statistics which mat ch the criteria specified on the command line. Each matching statistic is printed with its module, instance, and name fields, as well as its actual value. ktutil - Kerberos keytab maintenance utility last - display login and logout information about users and terminals.The last command looks in the /var/adm/wtmpx file, which records all logins and l ogouts, for information about a user, a terminal, or any group of users and ter minals. Arguments specify names of users or terminals of interest. If multipl e arguments are given, the information applicable to any of the arguments is pr inted. For example, last root console lists all of root's sessions, as well as all sessions on the console terminal. last displays the sessions of the speci fied users and terminals, most recent first, indicating the times at which th e session began, the duration of the session, and the terminal on which the sess ion took place. last also indicates whether the session is continuing or was c ut short by a reboot.The pseudo-user reboot logs in when the system is shutdow n and when it reboots. Thus,last reboot gives an approximate record of when th e operating system instance was shutdown and when it rebooted. This can be use d to calculate the availability of the operating system over time.last with no arguments displays a record of all logins and logouts, in reverse order.If la st is interrupted, it indicates how far the search has progressed in /var/adm /wtmpx. If interrupted with a quit signal (generated by a CTRL-\), last indica tes how far the search has progressed, and then continues the search.The follo wing options are supported: -a - Displays the hostname in the last column.;; -f filename - Uses filename as the name of the accounting file instead of /var/adm /wtmpx.;; -n number|-number - Limits the number of entries displayed to that sp ecified by number. These options are identical;the -number option is provided as a transition tool only and is removed in future releases. lastcomm - display the last commands executed, in reverse order ldapmodify, ldapadd - ldap entry addition and modification tools The ldapmodif y utility opens a connection to an LDAP server, binds and modifies or adds entri es. The entry information is read from standard input or from file, specified u sing the -f option. The ldapadd utility is implemented as a hard link to the ld apmodify tool. When invoked as ldapadd, the -a (add new entry) option is turned on automatically. ldapdelete - ldap delete entry tool ldaplist - search and list naming information from an LDAP directory using the configured profile ldapmodrdn - ldap modify entry RDN tool

ldapsearch - ldap search tool ldd - list dynamic dependencies of executable files or shared objects. The ldd utility lists the dynamic dependencies of executable files or shared obj ects. ldd uses the runtime linker,, to generate the diagnostics. T he runtime linker takes the object being inspected and prepares the object as would occur in a running process. By default, ldd triggers the loading of any lazy dependencies. ldd lists the path names of all shared objects that would be loaded when filename is loaded. ldd expects the shared objects that are b eing inspected to have execute permission. If a shared object does not have execute permission, ldd issues a warning before attempting to process the file. lesskey - specify key bindings for less. Lesskey is used to specify a set of key bindings to be used by less. The input file is a text file which describes t he key bindings, If the input file is "-", standard input is read. If no inp ut file is specified, a standard filename is used as the name of the input file, which depends on the system being used: On Unix systems, $HOME/.lesskey is used; on MS-DOS systems, $HOME/_lesskey is used; and on OS/2 systems $HOME/le sskey.ini is used, or $INIT/lesskey.ini if $HOME is undefined. The output f ile is a binary file which is used by less. If no output file is specified, and the environment variable LESSKEY is set, the value of LESSKEY is used as t he name of the output file. Otherwise, a standard filename is used as the name of the output file, which depends on the system being used: On Unix and O S-9 systems, $HOME/.less is used; on MS-DOS systems, $HOME/_less is used; and on OS/2 systems, $HOME/less.ini is used, or $INIT/less.ini if $HOME i s undefined. If the output file already exists, lesskey will overwrite it. libart2-config - helper script for building with libart2. The libart2-config too l is used to determine the compiler and linker flags that should be used to compile and link programs that use the libart2 library. line - read one line. The line utility copies one line (up to and including a new-line) from the standard input and writes it on the standard output. It re turns an exit status of 1 on EOF and always prints at least a new-line. It is often used within shell files to read from the user's terminal. listdgrp -lists members of a device group. listdgrp displays the members of the device groups specified by the dgroup list. listusers - list user login information. Executed without any options, this comm and lists all user logins sorted by login. The output shows the login ID a nd the account field value from the system's password database as specified by /etc/nsswitch.conf. -g groups Lists all user logins belonging to group , sorted by login. Multiple groups can be specified as a comma-separated li st.;; -l logins Lists the user login or logins specified by logins, sorte d by login. Multiple logins can be specified as a comma-separated list. ln - make hard or symbolic links to files loadkeys, dumpkeys - load and dump keyboard translation tables. loadkeys re ads the file specified by filename, and modifies the keyboard streams module's translation tables. If no file is specified, loadkeys loads the file: /usr/share/lib/keytables/type_tt/layout_dd, where tt is the value r eturned by the KIOCTYPE ioctl, and dd is the value returned by the KIOCLAY OUT ioctl (see kb(7M)). These keytable files specify only the entries that change between the specified layout and the default layout for the particular k eyboard type. On self-identifying keyboards, the value returned by the KIOC LAYOUT ioctl is set from the DIP switches. dumpkeys writes the current conte nts of the keyboard streams module's translation tables, in the format spec ified by keytables(4), to the standard output. locale - get locale-specific informatio. The locale utility writes information about the current locale environment, or all public locales, to the standa rd output. For the purposes of this section, a public locale is one provided by the implementation that is accessible to the application. When locale is invoked without any arguments, it summarizes the current locale environment for each locale category as determined by the settings of the environment variables. The following options are supported: -a Writes information about all avai lable public locales. The available locales include POSIX, representing

the POSIX locale.;; -c Writes the names of selected locale categories. The -c option increases readability when more than one category is selected (for e xample, via more than one keyword name or via a category name). It is val id both with and without the -k option.;; -k Writes the names and values o f selected keywords. The implementation may omit values for some keywords; see OPERANDS.;; -m Writes names of available charmaps; see loc aledef(1). localedef - define locale environment logger - add entries to the system log. The logger command provides a method f or adding one-line entries to the system log file from the command line. One o r more message arguments can be given on the command line, in which case each is logged immediately. If this is unspecified, either the file indicated with -f or the standard input is added to the log. Otherwise, a file can be spe cified, in which case each line in the file is logged. If neither is specified , logger reads and logs messages on a line-by-line basis from the standard i nput. login - sign on to the system. The login command is used at the beginning of eac h terminal session to identify oneself to the system. login is invoked by the system when a connection is first established, after the previous user has ter minated the login shell by issuing the exit command. If login is invoked as a co mmand, it must replace the initial command interpreter. To invoke login in t his fashion, type: exec login;; from the initial shell. The C shell and Korn shell have their own builtins of login. logins - list user and system login information. This command displays informati on on user and system logins known to the system. Contents of the output is con trolled by the command options and can include the following: user or system login, user id number, passwd account field value (user name or other informa tion), primary group name, primary group id, multiple group names, multipl e group ids, home directory, login shell, and four password aging parameters. T he default information is the following: login id, user id, primary group na me, primary group id and the account field value. Output is sorted by u ser id, system logins, followed by user logins. logname - return user's login name. The logname utility will write the user's login name to standard output. The login name is the string that would be re turned by the getlogin(3C) function. Under the conditions where getlogin() woul d fail, logname will write a diagnostic message to standard error and exit wit h a non-zero exit status. look - find words in the system dictionary or lines in a sorted list. The lo ok command consults a sorted filename and prints all lines that begin with str ing. If no filename is specified, look uses /usr/share/lib /dict/words with collating sequence -df. look limits the length of a word to sea rch for to 256 characters. lookbib - find references in a bibliographic database lpget - get printing configuration lpset - set printing configuration in /etc/printers.conf or other supported dat abases. The lpset utility sets printing configuration information in the system configuration databases. Use lpset to create and update printing configuratio n in /etc/printers.conf, or printers.org_dir (NIS+). See nf(4) and printers.conf(4). Only a superuser or a member of Group 14 may execu te lpset. lpstat - print information about the status of the print service ls - list contents of directory mac - The mac utility calculates the message authentication code (MAC) of th e given file or files or stdin using the algorithm specified. mach - display the processor type of the current host magnifier - magnifier provides a simple fullscreen or splitscreen magnifier fo r GNOME. magnifier also provides a magnification service API for use by assist ive technologies such as gnopernicus, and is more commonly used in this service mode. mail, rmail - read mail or send mail to users

mailcompat mailq mailstats mailx makedev makeuuid man mconnect mdb - modular debugger. The mdb utility is an extensible utility for low-level d ebugging and editing of the live operating system, operating system crash dumps, user processes,user process core dumps, and object files. mesg metacity metacity-message metacity-theme-viewer metacity-window-demo mkcodetab mkdir mkfifo mkisofs mkmsgs mkpwdict mktemp moe montbl more mp mpstat mqrc mqver msgfmt mt mv native2ascii nautilus nautilus-cd-burner nautilus-file-management-properties nawk nbtocomp ncab2clf neqn - typeset mathematics test.eqn and neqn are language processors to assist i n describing equations. netstat newform newgrp news newtask nfsstat nice nisaddcred niscat nischgrp nischmod nischown nischttl nisdefaults niserror nisgrep nisgrpadm

nisln nisls nismatch nismkdir nispasswd nispath nisprefadm nisrm nisrmdir nistbladm nistest nl nohup nroff oawk od - octal dump. The od command copies sequentially each input file to standard output and transforms the input data according to the output types specified by the -t or -bcCDdFfOoSsvXx options. If no output type is specified, the defau lt output is as if -t o2 had been specified. Multiple types can be specified by using multiple -bcCDdFfOoSstvXx options. Output lines are written for each ty pe specified in the order in which the types are specified. If no file is s pecified, the standard input is used. oid2name on - execute a command on a remote system with the local environment The on program is used to execute commands on another system, in an environment simil ar to that invoking the program. All environment variables are passed and the cu rrent working directory is preserved. To preserve the working directory, the w orking file system must be either already mounted on the host or be exported to it. Relative path names will only work if they are within the current file system. Absolute path names may cause problems. The standard input is connected to the standard input of the remote command. The standard output and the stan dard error from the remote command are sent to the corresponding files for the on command. optisa orbit-idl-2 orbit2-config packtocomp page pagesize pal2rgb panel-test-applets pango-querymodules pargs passmgmt passwd paste patch pathchk pax pcred pdflaunch pdp11 perl pfcsh pfexec pfiles pfksh pflags

pfsh pg pg_config pg_controldata pg_ctl pg_dump pg_dumpall pg_resetxlog pg_restore pgbench pgrep pkg-config pkgadm pkgcond pkginfo pkgmk pkgparam pkgproto pkgtrans pkill pktool pldd plimit pmap policytool poolstat postgres postmaster ppgsz ppm2tiff pppd pppdump pppstats ppriv pr praliases prctl preap prex printf priocntl prodreg profiles projects prstat prun ps psig pspell-config psql pstack pstop ptime ptree putdev putdgrp pvs pwait pwconv pwd

pwdx ras2tiff - ras2tiff converts a file in the Sun rasterfile format to TIFF. B y default, the TIFF image is created with data samples packed (PlanarConfigura tion=1), compressed with the Lempel-Ziv and Welch algorithm (Compression= 5), and with each strip no more than 8 kilobytes. These characteristics can b e overridden or explicitly specified with the options described below. Any colo rmap information in the rasterfile is carried over to the TIFF file by inclu ding a Colormap tag in the output file. If the rasterfile has a colormap, the PhotometricInterpretation tag is set to 3 (palette). Otherwise, the Photometric Interpretation tag is set to 2 (RGB) if the depth is 24, or to 1 (min-is-black) if the depth is not 24. rcapstat - report resource cap enforcement daemon statistics .The rcapstat comma nd reports on the projects capped by rcapd(1M). Each report contains sta tistics that pertain to the project and paging statistics. Paging refers to the act of relocating portions of memory, called pages, to or from physical memor y. rcapd pages out the most infrequently used pages. rcp - remote file copy. The rcp command copies files between machines. Each file name or directory argument is either a remote file name of the form: hostname :path. or a local file name (containing no ":" (colon) characters, or "/" (back slash) before any ":" (colon) characters). rdate - set system date from a remote host. rdate sets the local date and time f rom the hostname given as an argument. You must have the authoriz ation on the local system. Typically, rdate is used in a sta rtup script. rdate requests are responded to by the "time" service on the specif ied host. To enable the "time" service, use the following commands: svcadm ena ble time:stream; svcadm enable time:dgram;; The rdate command is IPv6-enabled. rdist - remote file distribution program. The rdist utility maintains copies o f files on multiple hosts. It preserves the owner, group, mode, and modificat ion time of the master copies, and can update programs that are executing. (Not e: rdist does not propagate ownership or mode changes when the file contents hav e not changed.) Normally, a copy on a remote host is updated if its size or mo dification time differs from the original on the local host. With the -y opti on (younger mode), only the modification times are checked, not the size. See O PTIONS below. rdjpgcom - display text comments from a JPEG file read - read a line from standard input. read a line from standard input.The shel l input mechanism. One line is read and is broken up into fields using the cha racters in IFS as separators. The escape character, (\), is used to remove any s pecial meaning for the next character and for line continuation. In raw mode , -r, the \ character is not treated specially. The first field is assigne d to the first name, the second field to the second name, and so on, with leftov er fields assigned to the last name. The -p option causes the input line to be taken from the input pipe of a process spawned by the shell using |&. If the -s flag is present, the input will be saved as a command in the history file. The flag -u can be used to specify a one digit file descriptor unit n to read fr om. The file descriptor can be opened with the exec special command. The default value of n is 0. If name is omitted, REPLY is used as the default name. The exi t status is 0 unless the input file is not open for reading or an end-of-fi le is encountered. An end-of-file with the -p option causes cleanup for t his process so that another can be spawned. If the first argument contains a ?, the remainder of this word is used as a prompt on standard error when the shell is interactive. The exit status is 0 unless an end-of-file is encounter ed. readcd - read or write data Compact Discs realplay - Realplayer for JDS on Solaris. RealPlayer retrieves audio, video, tex t, animation and other media to your desktop faster by using streaming technolo gy. The media files, or clips, you play are specially created so that they com e to your desktop in much smaller pieces that are ready to be used. Because of t his, you don't have to wait for a whole video file, for instance, to be dow

nloaded before you begin to enjoy it. With RealPlayer, the video plays as yo ur Player receives the information. refer - expand and insert references from a bibliographic database reindexdb - reindex a PostgreSQL database rsh, remsh, remote_shell - remote shell. The rsh utility connects to the specifi ed hostname and executes the specified command. rsh copies its standard input to the remote command, the standard output of the remote command to its standard output, and the standard error of the remote command to its standard er ror. Interrupt, quit, and terminate signals are propagated to the remote comm and. rsh normally terminates when the remote command does. renice - alter priority of running processes. The renice command alters the sche duling priority of one or more running processes. By default, the processe s to be affected are specified by their process IDs. rgb2ycbcr - convert non-YCbCr TIFF images to YCbCr TIFF images rlogin - remote login rm, rmdir - remove directory entries rmformat - removable rewritable media format utility. The rmformat utility is us ed to format, label, partition, and perform other miscellaneous functions on removable, rewritable media that include floppy drives, and the PCMCIA mem ory and ata cards. The rmformat utility should also be used with all USB mass storage devices, including USB hard drives. This utility can also be used f or the verification and surface analysis and for repair of the bad sectors found during verification if the drive or the driver supports bad block management. roffbib - format and print a bibliographic database. roffbib prints out all reco rds in a bibliographic database, in bibliography format rather than as footnote s or endnotes. roles - print roles granted to a user rpcgen - an RPC protocol compiler rpcinfo - report RPC information rpm2cpio - convert Red Hat Package (RPM) to cpio archive rsvg - convert SVG files into raster images runat - The runat utility is used to execute shell commands in a file's hidd en attribute directory. Effectively, this utility changes the current working directory to be the hidden attribute directory associated with the file a rgument and then executes the specified command in the bourne shell (/bin/s h). If no command argument is provided, an interactive shell is spawned. Th e environment variable $SHELL defines the shell to be spawned. If this vari able is undefined, the default shell, /bin/sh, is used. rup - show host status of remote machines (RPC version). Rup Gives A Status Simi lar To Uptime For Remote Machines. It Broadcasts On The Local Network, And Disp lays The Responses It Receives. ruptime - show host status of local machines. rusers - who is logged in on remote machines rwho - who is logged in on local machines sag sar savecore scp script scrollkeeper-config scrollkeeper-extract scrollkeeper-gen-seriesid scrollkeeper-get-cl scrollkeeper-get-content-list scrollkeeper-get-extended-content-list scrollkeeper-get-index-from-docpath scrollkeeper-get-toc-from-docpath scrollkeeper-get-toc-from-id scrollkeeper-install

scrollkeeper-preinstall scrollkeeper-rebuilddb scrollkeeper-uninstall scrollkeeper-update sdiff serialver servertool setfacl setmqaut setmqcap setmqprd setpgrp setterm setuname sftp sh showrev sleep smartcard soelim soffice solstice sort sortbib sotruss sparc sparcv7 sparcv9 spell spline split srchtxt ssh ssh-add ssh-agent ssh-keygen ssh-keyscan stardict strace strchg strclean strconf strerr strings strmqcsv strmqm strmqtrc stty su sum - The sum utility calculates and prints a 16-bit checksum for the named f ile and the number of 512-byte blocks in the file. It is typically used to lo ok for bad spots, or to validate a file communicated over some transmission line. svcprop svcs swup_boots swupnot sync tabs - The tabs utility sets the tab stops on the user's terminal according t

o a tab specification, after clearing any previous settings. The user's terminal must have remotely settable hardware tabs. tail - deliver the last part of a file. The tail utility copies the named file t o the standard output beginning at a designated place. If no file is named, the standard input is used. talk - talk to another user. The talk utility is a two-way, screen-oriented comm unication program. tar - create tape archives and add or extract files.The tar command archives and extracts files to and from a single file called a tarfile. A tarfile is u sually a magnetic tape, but it can be any file. tar's actions are controlled by the key argument. The key is a string of characters containing exactly one fu nction letter (c, r, t , u, or x) and zero or more function modifiers (letters or digits), depending on the function letter used. The key string contains no SPACE characters. Function modifier arguments are listed on the command line in the same order as their corresponding function modifiers appear in the key string. c - Create. Writing begins at the beginning of the tarfile, instead of at the end.; r - Replace. The named files are written at the end of the tar file. A file created with extended headers must be updated with extended header s (see E flag under Function Modifiers). A file created without extended hea ders cannot be modified with extended headers.; t - Table of Contents. The nam es of the specified files are listed each time they occur in the tarfile. If no file argument is given, the names of all files and any associated extended a ttributes in the tarfile are listed. With the v function modifier, addition al information for the specified files is displayed.; u - Update. The named fi les are written at the end of the tarfile if they are not already in the tarfi le, or if they have been modified since last written to that tarfile. An update can be rather slow. A tarfile created on a 5.x system cannot be updated on a 4. x system. A file created with extended headers must be updated with extended headers (see E flag under Function Modifiers). A file created without extend ed headers cannot be modified with extended headers.; x - Extract or restore. The named files are extracted from the tarfile and written to the direct ory specified in the tarfile, relative to the current directory. Use the relat ive path names of files and directories to be extracted. tbl - tbl is a preprocessor for formatting tables for nroff(1) or troff(1). tcopy - copy a magnetic tape. The tcopy utility copies the magnetic tape mounte d on the tape drive specified by the source argument. The only assumpti on made about the contents of a tape is that there are two tape marks at the e nd. When only a source drive is specified, tcopy scans the tape, and displays in formation about the sizes of records and tape files. If a destination is specif ied, tcopy makes a copies the source tape onto the destination tape, with b locking preserved. As it copies, tcopy produces the same output as it does whe n only scanning a tape. tcsh - C shell with file name completion and command line editing tee - replicate the standard output. The tee utility will copy standard input to standard output, making a copy in zero or more files. tee will not buffer its o utput. The options determine if the specified files are overwritten or appen ded to. telnet - user interface to a remote system using the TELNET protocol test - evaluate condition. The test utility evaluates the condition and indicat es the result of the evaluation by its exit status. An exit status of zero ind icates that the condition evaluated as true and an exit status of 1 indicate s that the condition evaluated as false. tftp - trivial file transfer program. tftp is the user interface to the Intern et TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), which allows users to transfer files to and from a remote machine. The remote host and optional port may b e specified on the command line, in which case tftp uses host as the default hos t, and if specified, port as the default port, for future transfers. See the c onnect command below. thumbnail - create a TIFF file with thumbnail images. The thumbnail command show s how to use the SubIFD tag (#330) to store thumbnail images. thumbnail copies

a TIFF Class F facsimile file to the output file and, for each image, an 8-b it grayscale thumbnail sketch. The output file contains the thumbnail image wi th the associated full-resolution page linked below with the SubIFD tag. By defa ult, thumbnail images are 216 pixels wide by 274 pixels high. Pixels are calc ulated by sampling and filtering the input image with each pixel value passed th rough a contrast curve. tic - The command tic translates a terminfo file from the source format into the compiled format. The results are placed in the directory /usr/share/lib/ter minfo. The compiled format is necessary for use with the library rou tines in curses(3CURSES). If the environment variable TERMINFO is set, the c ompiled results are placed there instead of /usr/share/lib/terminfo. Total compi led entries cannot exceed 4096 bytes. The name field cannot exceed 128 byte s. Terminal names exceeding 14 characters will be truncated to 14 characters and a warning message will be printed. tiff2bw - convert a color TIFF image to grayscale tiff2ps - convert a TIFF image to PostScript tiffcmp - compare two TIFF files tiffcp - copy, and possibly convert, a TIFF file tiffdither - tiffdither converts a single-channel 8-bit grayscale image to a bilevel image using Floyd-Steinberg error propagation with thresholding. tiffdump - display verbatim information about TIFF files tiffinfo - display information about TIFF files tiffmedian - apply the median cut algorithm to data in a TIFF file tiffsplit - split a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files time - time a simple command. The time utility invokes utility operand with argu ment, and writes a message to standard error that lists timing statistics for u tility. The message includes the following information: o The elapsed (real) t ime between invocation of utility and its termination.; o The User CPU time , equivalent to the sum of the tms_utime and tms_cutime fields retur ned by the times(2) function for the process in which utility is executed.; o The System CPU time, equivalent to the sum of the tms_stime and tms_cst ime fields returned by the times() function for the process in which utility is executed.; When time is used as part of a pipeline, the times reported are unsp ecified, except when it is the sole command within a grouping command in that pi peline. timex - time a command; report process data and system activity The given command is executed; the elapsed time, user time and system time spent in exe cution are reported in seconds. Optionally, process accounting data for the comm and and all its children can be listed or summarized, and total system activi ty during the execution interval can be reported. The output of timex is written on standard error. tip - The tip utility establishes a full-duplex terminal connection to a remot e host. Once the connection is established, a remote session using tip behaves like an interactive session on a local terminal. tnfdump - The tnfdump utility converts the specified binary TNF trace files to ASCII. The ASCII output can be used to do performance analysis. The default mo de (without the -r option) prints all the event records (that were ge nerated by TNF_PROBE(3TNF)) and the event descriptor records only. It also or ders the events by time. tnfxtract - extract kernel probes output into a trace file. The tnfxtract utilit y collects kernel trace output from an in-core buffer in the Solaris kerne l, or from the memory image of a crashed system, and generates a binary TNF tra ce file like those produced directly by user programs being traced. Either b oth or neither of the -d and -n options must be specified. If neither is specified, trace output is extracted from the running kernel. If both a re specified, the -d argument names the file containing the (crashed) system me mory image, and the -n argument names the file containing the symbol table fo r the system memory image. The TNF trace file tnf_file produced is exactly th e same size as the in-core buffer; it is essentially a snapshot of that buffer . It is legal to run tnfxtract while kernel tracing is active, i.e., whi

le the in-core buffer is being written. tnfxtract insures that the output file i t generates is low-level consistent, that is, that only whole probes are written out, and that internal data structures in the buffer are not corrupted becaus e the buffer is being concurrently written. touch, settime - change file access and modification times The touch utility set s the access and modification times of each file. The file operand is cre ated if it does not already exist. The time used can be specified by -t time, by the corresponding time fields of the file referenced by -r re f_file, or by the date_time operand. If none of these are specified, touch us es the current time (the value returned by the time(2) function). If neither the -a nor -m options are specified, touch updates both the modification and access times. A user with write access to a file, but who is not the owner of t he file or a super-user, can change the modification and access times of that fi le only to the current time. Attempts to set a specific time with touch will res ult in an error. The settime utility is equivalent to touch -c [date_time] fi le.-a - Changes the access time of file. Does not change the modification time unless -m is also specified.; -c - Does not create a specified file if it does not exist. Does not write any diagnostic messages concerning this condi tion.; -m - Changes the modification time of file. Does not change the access time unless -a is also specified.; -r ref_file - Uses the corresponding times of the file named by ref_file instead of the current time.; -t time - Uses the specified time instead of the current time. time will be a decimal n umber of the form: [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS] tplot, t300, t300s, t4014, t450, tek, ver - graphics filters for various plotter s tput - The tput utility uses the terminfo database to make the values of terminal-dependent capabilities and information available to the shell (see sh( 1)); to clear, initialize or reset the terminal; or to return the long n ame of the requested terminal type. tput outputs a string if the capability at tribute (capname) is of type string, or an integer if the attribute is of type i nteger. If the attribute is of type boolean, tput simply sets the exit status (0 for TRUE if the terminal has the capability, 1 for FALSE if it does not), and produces no output. Before using a value returned on standard output, the u ser should test the exit status ($?, see sh(1)) to be sure it is 0. See the EXIT STATUS section tr - translate characters. The tr utility copies the standard input to the s tandard output with substitution or deletion of selected characters. The options specified and the string1 and string2 operands control translations that occu r while copying characters and single-character collating elements. -c - Complem ents the set of values specified by string1.; -C - Complements the set of cha racters specified by string1.; -d - Deletes all occurrences of input charact ers that are specified by string1.; -s - Replaces instances of repeated charac ters with a single character. troff - typeset or format documents. troff formats text in the filenames for typ esetting or laser printing. Input to troff is expected to consist of text i nterspersed with formatting requests and macros. If no filename argument i s present, troff reads standard input. A minus sign (-) as a filename indicates that standard input should be read at that point in the list of input files. T he output of troff is usually piped through dpost(1) to create a printable p ostscript file (see EXAMPLES). truss - trace system calls and signals tty - return user's terminal name. The tty utility writes to the standard output the name of the terminal that is open as standard input. The name that is used is equivalent to the string that would be returned by the ttyname(3C) fun ction. type - write a description of command type. The type utility indicates how each name operand would be interpreted if used as a command. type displays inform ation about each operand identifying the operand as a shell built-in, fu nction, alias, hashed command, or keyword, and where applicable, may display th e operand's path name. There is also a shell built-in version of type that is si

milar to the type utility. tzselect - select a time zone .The tzselect program asks you a series of quest ions about the current location and outputs the resulting time zone descrip tion to standard output. The output is suitable as a value for the TZ environme nt variable. All user interaction is through standard input and standard error. ul- do underlining. ulimit - limit, ulimit, unlimit - set or get limitations on the system resource s available to the current shell and its descendents The ulimit utility sets or reports the file-size writing limit imposed on files written by the shell and its child processes (files of any size may be read). Only a process with appropriate privileges can increase the limit. umask - get or set the file mode creation mask. The umask utility sets the file mode creation mask of the current shell execution environment to the value specified by the mask operand. This mask affects the initial value of the file permission bits of subsequently created files. If umask is called in a subshel l or separate utility execution environment, such as one of the following: (uma sk 002); nohup umask ...; find . -exec umask ...; it does not affect the file mode creation mask of the caller's environment. For this reason, the /us r/bin/umask utility cannot be used to change the umask in an ongoing session . Its usefulness is limited to checking the caller's umask. To change the umask of an ongoing session you must use one of the shell builtins. uname - The uname utility prints information about the current system on the st andard output. When options are specified, symbols representing one or more syst em characteristics will be written to the standard output. If no options are spe cified, uname prints the current operating system's name. expand, unexpand - expand TAB characters to SPACE characters, and vice versa. The expand utility copies files (or the standard input) to the standard out put, with TAB characters expanded to SPACE characters. BACKSPACE characters are preserved into the output and decrement the column count for TAB calculation s. expand is useful for pre-processing character files (before sorting, lookin g at specific columns, and so forth) that contain TAB characters. unexpand co pies files (or the standard input) to the standard output, putting TAB chara cters back into the data. By default, only leading SPACE and TAB characters are converted to strings of tabs, but this can be overridden by the -a option uniq - report or filter out repeated lines in a file. The uniq utility will read an input file comparing adjacent lines, and write one copy of each input line on the output. The second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent input lin es will not be written. Repeated lines in the input will not be detected if they are not adjacent. units - units converts quantities expressed in various standard scales to their equivalents in other scales. unix2dos - The unix2dos utility converts ISO standard characters to the correspo nding characters in the DOS extended character set. This command may be invoked from either DOS or SunOS. However, the filenames must conform to the convent ions of the environment in which the command is invoked. pack, pcat, unpack - compress and expand files. The pack command attempts to sto re the specified files in a compressed form. Wherever possible (and useful), e ach input file file is replaced by a packed file file.z with the same access m odes, access and modified dates, and owner as those of file. If pack is successf ul, file will be removed. The pcat command does for packed files what cat(1) doe s for ordinary files, except that pcat cannot be used as a filter. The specifie d files are unpacked and written to the standard output. The unpack command expa nds files created by pack. For each file specified in the command, a search is made for a file called file.z (or just file, if file ends in .z). If this file appears to be a packed file, it is replaced by its expanded version. The new file has the .z suffix stripped from its name, and has the same ac cess modes, access and modification dates, and owner as those of the packed file . unzip - unzip will list, test, or extract files from a ZIP archive. The defaul t behavior (with no options) is to extract into the current directory (and s

ubdirectories below it) all files from the specified ZIP archive. update-mime-database - update-mime-database updates the shared mime-info ca che according to the system described in the Shared MIME-Info Database specif ication from the X Desktop Group. updatemanager - The updatemanager command starts the Sun Update Manager app lication. The Sun Update Manager is a graphical user interface (GUI) that y ou can use to manage updates and patches on your Solaris system. uptime - The uptime command prints the current time, the length of time the system has been up, and the average number of jobs in the run queue over the las t 1, 5 and 15 minutes. It is, essentially, the first line of a w(1) command. uuencode, uudecode - encode a binary file, or decode its encoded representat ion. The uuencode utility converts a binary file into an encoded representation that can be sent using mail(1). It encodes the contents of source-file, or t he standard input if no source-file argument is given. The decode_pathname argument is required. The decode_pathname is included in the encoded file's hea der as the name of the file into which uudecode is to place the binary (decoded) data. uuencode also includes the permission modes of source-file (except set uid, setgid, and sticky-bits), so that decode_pathname is recreated with those same permission modes. The uudecode utility reads an encoded-file, strips off any leading and trailing lines added by mailer programs, and recreates the o riginal binary data with the filename and the mode specified in the header. uuglist - uuglist prints the list of service grades that are available on the system to use with the -g option of uucp(1C) and uux(1C). uum - uum command provides a Japanese language I/O environment on the terminal. When started, uum searches and reads initialization files in the following orde r. 1. Files under the directory set in the environment variable UUMRC 2. $HO ME/.uumrc 3. /etc/lib/locale/ja/wnn/ja/uumrc 4. /usr/lib/locale/ja/wnn/ja/uumr c. uum can connect to the Kana-Kanji conversion server jserver running on the machine from which uum started or another machine over the network. Even whe n uum cannot connect to the server, it can start to complete certain oper ations that do not require the communication with the Kana-Kanji conversion server. uucp, uulog, uuname - UNIX-to-UNIX system copy The uucp utility copies files nam ed by the source-file arguments to the destination-file argument. The uulog util ity queries a log file of uucp or uuxqt transactions in file /var/uucp /.Log/uucico/system or /var/uucp/.Log/uuxqt/system. The uuname utility lists the names of systems known to uucp. uustat - uucp status inquiry and job control uuto, uupick - public UNIX-to-UNIX system file copy. uuto sends source-file t o destination. uuto uses the uucp(1C) facility to send files, while it al lows the local system to control the file access. A source-file name is a path name on your machine. Destination has the form: system[!system] ... !user; whe re system is taken from a list of system names that uucp knows about. User is the login name of someone on the specified system. uupick accepts or rejec ts the files transmitted to the user. Specifically, uupick searches PUBDIR for files destined for the user. For each entry (file or directory) found, the follo wing message is printed on standard output: from system sysname: [file file-name ] [dir dirname] ?; uupick then reads a line from standard input to determine the disposition of the file: 1. <new-line> Go to next entry. 2. d Delete the ent ry. uux - UNIX-to-UNIX system command execution. The uux utility will gather zero or more files from various systems, execute a command on a specified system an d then send standard output to a file on a specified system. vacation - The vacation utility automatically replies to incoming mail. vacuumdb - garbage-collect and analyze a PostgreSQL database vi, view, vedit - screen-oriented (visual) display editor based on ex. The vi (visual) utility is a display-oriented text editor based on an underlying li ne editor ex. It is possible to use the command mode of ex from within vi and to use the command mode of vi from within ex. vgrind - The vgrind utility formats the program sources named by the filename

arguments in a nice style using troff(1). Comments are placed in italics, keywor ds in bold face, and as each function is encountered its name is listed on t he page margin. vmstat - vmstat reports virtual memory statistics regarding kernel thread, vi rtual memory, disk, trap, and CPU activity. volcheck - checks for media in a drive and by default checks all floppy media Th e volcheck utility tells Volume Management to look at each dev/pathname in seque nce and determine if new media has been inserted in the drive. The default acti on is to volcheck all checkable media managed by volume management. volrmmount - call rmmount to mount or unmount media The volrmmount utility calls rmmount(1M) to, in effect, simulate an insertion (-i) or an ejection (-e ). Simulating an insertion often means that rmmount will mount the media. Conve rsely, simulating an ejection often means that rmmount will unmount the media. However, these actions can vary depending on the rmmount configuration an d media type (see rmmount.conf(4)). vsig - synchronize a co-process with the controlling FMLI application vte - virtual terminal emulator. vte is simply a window wrapped around the vt e embeddable terminal emulation control, which does most of the work for gnome -terminal. vte is used mainly to test the control. Most users do not need to use vte directly, but use gnome- terminal instead. vumeter - visual audio-level meter.vumeter provides a visual indication of the a udio level of the audio device when esd, the enlightened sound daemon, is run ning. w - display information about currently logged-in users The w command displays a summary of the current activity on the system, including what each user is d oing. The heading line shows the current time, the length of time the system h as been up, the number of users logged into the system, and the average number o f jobs in the run queue over the last 1, 5 and 15 minutes. The fields displayed are: the user's login name, the name of the tty the user is on, the time of da y the user logged on (in hours:minutes), the idle time-that is, the number o f minutes since the user last typed anything (in hours:minutes), t he CPU time used by all processes and their children on that terminal (in minute s:seconds), the CPU time used by the currently active processes (in minutes:seco nds), and the name and arguments of the current process. wait - The shell itself executes wait, without creating a new process. If you get the error message cannot fork,too many processes, try using the wait com mand to clean up your background processes. If this doesn't help, the system p rocess table is probably full or you have too many active foreground proces ses. There is a limit to the number of process IDs associated with your login, a nd to the number the system can keep track of. wc - The wc utility reads one or more input files and, by default, writ es the number of newline characters, words and bytes contained in each input fil e to the standard output. whatis - display a one-line summary about a keyword. whatis looks up a given com mand and displays the header line from the manual section. which - locate a command; display its pathname or alias which takes a list of na mes and looks for the files which would be executed had these names been g iven as commands. Each argument is expanded if it is aliased, and searched for a long the user's path. Both aliases and path are taken from the user's .cshrc fi le. who - who is on the system. The who utility can list the user's name, termina l line, login time, elapsed time since activity occurred on the line, and the process-ID of the command interpreter whocalls - whocalls is a simple example of a utility based on the Link-Aud iting functionality whois - whois searches for an Internet directory entry for an identifier which is either a name wnnatod - wnnatod reads a Japanese EUC text dictionary from the standard input, converts it to a binary dictionary and writes it to the specified binary_dictio nary_filename

wnndtoa - wnndtoa converts the specified binary dictionary binary_di ctionary_filename to a text dictionary file (in Japanese EUC) and writes it to the standard output. wnnotow - wnnotow converts a text dictionary created with another Japanese input system (ATOK7, ATOK8, cs00,EGBRIDGE, VJE Delta) to the Wnn6 text dict ionary format. wnnstat - wnnstat prints the status of Wnn6 Kana-Kanji conversion server ( jserver) running on the specified host (hostname). If the host name is omitted, one from which wnnstat was launched is assumed. wnntouch - wnntouch rewrites the header of the binary dictionary or auxiliar y word specified with binary_filename and formats it according to the inode i nformation. wracct - The wracct utility allows the administrator to invoke the extended a ccounting system, if active, to write intermediate records representing the reso urce usage of a selected set of processes or tasks. write - The write utility reads lines from the user's standard input and writes them to the terminal of another user. When first invoked, it writes the message : wrjpgcom - insert text comments into a JPEG file xargs - construct argument lists and invoke utility xatokx2cvttool - ATOK for Solaris Environment Transfer Support Tool (GUI Versio n) xgettext - extract gettext call strings from C programs xml2-config - xml2-config is a tool that is used to determine the compile and linker flags that should be used to compile and link programs that use libxml . xmlcatalog - xmlcatalog is a command line application allowing users to monito r and manipulate XML and SGML catalogs. It is included in libxml2. xmllint - The xmllint program parses one or more XML files, specified on the command line as xmlfile. It prints various types of output, depending upon the o ptions selected. It is useful for detecting errors both in XML code and in t he XML parser itself. xslt-config - script to get information about the installed version of libxslt xsltproc - command line xslt processor xstr - extract strings from C programs to implement shared strings yelp, gnome-help - GNOME help browser yes - The yes utility repeatedly outputs y, or if expletive is given, it is output repeatedly, followed by a newline. Multiple arguments are output separat ed by spaces and followed by a newline. To terminate, type an interrupt charact er. yes can be used to respond programatically to programs that require an inte ractive response. ypcat - print values in a NIS database ypmatch - print the value of one or more keys from a NIS map yppasswd - change your network password in the NIS database ypwhich - return name of NIS server or map master zcat - The zcat utility will write to standard output the uncompressed form of files that have been compressed using compress. It is the equivalent of uncompress -c. Input files are not affected. zenity - display simple GNOME dialogs zip, zipcloak, zipnote, zipsplit - package and compress (archive) is a compression and file packaging utility for Unix, VMS, MSDOS, OS/2, W indows NT, Minix, Atari and Macintosh, Amiga and Acorn RISC OS. It is analogous to a combination of the UNIX commands tar(1) and compress(1) and is compatibl e with PKZIP (Phil Katz's ZIP for MSDOS systems). zipinfo - list detailed information about a ZIP archive zonename - print name of current zone zsh - the Z shell. Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the stand ard shells, zsh most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has command line editing, builtin spelling correction, programmable comman

d completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a host of other features.

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