FCSS Times February 2012

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From the Publicity I/Cs of the FCSS


Welcome to the second edition of the FCSS Times. This newsletter is brought to you by the Publicity I/Cs and is meant to give you the latest and greatest news and information from around the organization. Our website is at http://thefcssociety.blogspot.com

Hello From Cambodia ................................................................................................................ 1 New Forum ................................................................................................................................ 2 Apology ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Please Pray ............................................................................................................................... 2 Publicity I/C ................................................................................................................................ 2 Pray For Leon ............................................................................................................................ 2 Hui Li ......................................................................................................................................... 2 A-Levels ..................................................................................................................................... 2 Our Leaders ............................................................................................................................... 3


Hey guys! Thanks for all your prayers! The Cambodian team is doing well, sorry Selene got hurt and we sent her our blessings. We rejoice that Irene and Esther are safe. The city of Phnom Penh has calmed down a lot since early January, it has been a bad start to 2012 but hopefully it gets better! We celebrated Chinese New Year, and wished for peace for our beloved Cambodia. We held our celebrations on the 20th with rice, kangkong soup, fried shrimp and pork salad with prahok (fish sauce), our traditional Cambodian dish. Makaria and the girls helped cook. It was very delicious. We also invited the slum people to celebrate with us, and gave them money, about US$6 each, and some basic supplies like rice and cooking oil. The price of rice has gone up due to last year's poor harvest. And please pray for Mr. Phearak, he lost his friend and colleague Real, in a jet-ski accident in Kampong Speu.

Hey guys, we have a new forum, check it out http://z13.invisionfree.com/FCS_Singapore/index.php?act=idx

On behalf of the Fellowship we apologize to the parent of the kid of Foochow Methodist Church who was bound, gagged and tied to a chair on the 4th floor. We would also like an apology from him for pushing all the buttons on the lift, and inconveniencing everybody.

Please pray for Delicia Loo, she fell down yesterday and hurt herself. Please pray that she will recover well from her injuries. Also please pray for Joy Chen, she is working in Kwitang, Indonesia.

Jasmyn Lim has resigned as the Publicity I/C, we will appoint a new publicity I/C soon.


Hey guys, please pray for Leon, he is going to Melbourne for one year to study. He recently got his O Levels. Thank You.

Hey guys, please pray for Hui Li. Her mom is not responding to chemo or surgery, and she still doesn't know Jesus. Please pray for Hui Li's mum to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

Hey guys and girls and one Auntie. Please pray for those who will be getting their A-Level results, that they will be getting on Friday. Please pray for God's peace to be with them as they receive the results, trust and faith in God's plan for them and Godly wisdom in choosing their degree courses. Also satisfaction in knowing that they have done their best and acceptance of the results even if it is not in their expectations, knowing that God knows it is in their best interests. Thanks.

Chairman - Kevin Tan Advisers - Aunty Lydia Lim, Timothy Bradley, Samantha Soh Boys Counselor - Dr. Ong Lay Siang Girls Counselor - Evangeline Gong Director - Benjamin Cheng Vice-Director - Esther Lim Program Coordinator TBA Publicity I/C Kezia Tan Teen leaders: Evangeline Gong, Charissa Ong, Aunty Lydia and Seth Yeak
The Fellowship Christ Society exists to help youths reach a purpose driven life in Christ

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