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The Adventures of Farmina By Annie Blasberg

My Imagination

Cast of Characters Sarah Jane: Jake: John Finks: Dad: 14 year old girl, twin siter to Jake, also known as Sarah 14 year old boy, twin brother to Sarah Jane Elf living in Farmina went missing, King of Farmina, father of Sarah Jane and Jake mother of Sarah Jane and Jake male who announces sometimes introduces product singer in ad singer in ad

Mom: Announcer: Sales Person: Female Voice: Male Voice:

THE ADVENTURES OF FARMINA Scene: 1 INT.LAUNDRY ROOM - 3:50 pm SOUND: LAUNDRY MACHINE MOM: Just put the stuff that is in the washing machine into the dryer and the fold the dry stuff. Dinner is in an hour and a half. Thanks for helping, I cant do everything without your father here. Ughh that reminds me its the one year anniversary of the day he went missing. Oh oh my, Im sorry. SOUND: CRYING SOUND: FOOTSTEPS GOING UP STAIRS SARAH JANE: Jake common! Hurry up! My favorite show is on in ten minutes and we still have to fold all the dry clothes! JAKE: Jeesh Sarah! Just cause your 3 seconds older doesnt mean you can boss me around and not do anything! SARAH JANE: Fine Ill help... Move aside bro and watch the master! (SARCASM) JAKE: Fine sis- Enlighten me on the ways of laundry SARAH JANE: First reach in and pull out the clothes... JAKE: Where did you go! Sarah! Sarah Jane! Howd you do that! Where did you go! Cmon it aint funny! Fine laundry queen, Ill just reach in and pull out the clothes and WOAAAHHHHH!!! SOUND: WIND RUSHING BY MUSIC: TENSE AND OMINOUS Scene: 2 Ext.Farmina- 4:01pm SARAH JANE: Jake is that you!?




JAKE: Yeah- where are we? SARAH JANE: Does it look like I know? JAKE: No not really... SARAH JANE: Oh no! NO NO NO NO! it 4:01 Im gonna miss it. JAKE: Your tv show doesnt really matter right now. We dont know where we are, and if we arent back for dinner Moms going to freak. SARAH JANE: Yeah your right. Okay, I got a plan! Lets find someone to tell us where we are. JAKE: Then we can ask for directions... SARAH JANE: Then we can go home... JAKE: Eat dinner! SARAH JANE: Watch tv! JAKE: and NEVER do the laundry again! SARAH JANE: For shizzle. JAKE: Okay lets go. Scene 3: Ext. Woods- 5:00 SOUND: FOOTSTEPS IN WOODS- CRUNCHING LEAVES SOUND: BIRDS CHIRPING JAKE: Where are we?




SARAH JANE: Middle of no where. JOHN FINKS: Actually, little ones, your in Farmina. JAKE: Who was that? SARAH JANE: Show yourself or Ill Karate chop you! JAKE: Shes a black belt! And it hurts, I would know. JOHN FINKS: Easy tiger- Hi! Im Jon Finks and your in Farmina. SARAH JANE: Farmina? (WHISPERING) JAKE: Look at his ears! SARAH JANE: OHMYGOSH... JAKE: Excuse me, uhm, Mr. Finks this a little awkward butuhmm- are you an elf? JOHN FINKS: Not awkward at all, Jake, cause I am an elf! JAKE: Oh- wait how do you know my name? SARAH JANE: Yeah? I didnt say it...I dont think. JOHN FINKS: Your in the prophesy, smart ones. JAKE: Whoaa! What are you talking about? SARAH JANE: What prophesy?




JOHN FINKS: According to the FarminaJAKE: Farmina, thats where we are right? SARAH JANE: Jake dont interrupt him! JOHN FINKS: Yes, youre in Farmina. According to the prophesy: exactly one year after the man, comes, his two kids, twins Jake and Sarah arrive and become the Prince and Princess JAKE: What? Whos the king? SARAH JANE: Jake how could you be sooo stupid its dad! JAKE: DAD! JOHN FINKS: Yes your right! Your father is the king. SARAH JANE: Lets go see him, cmon! JAKE: YEHA! JOHN FINKS: Whooa not too fast. Your father is being held prisoner by the evil Bod Ironshadow! JAKE: The who? JOHN FINKS: Bod Ironshadow!Hes an evil goblin that is trying to take over Farmina, and now that he has the king, your father, we might be doooooommmmeeeed! SOUND: CRYING AND SOBBING SARAH JANE: You just said Farmina might be doomed...might! JAKE: Yeah theres still hope! Farmina the king Jane, will of Farmina.




JOHN FINKS: Yes yes, youre right. Weve just been going through some tough times without the king here to help us. (MUTTERS UNDER BREATH) SARAH JANE: Your not the only ones... JAKE: We can save him! I mean Im pretty strong, I do 100 push-ups a night and and Sarah- Sarah, here, is a black belt in Karate and Judo! I mean you look pretty tough too, so maybe like if we all try really hard together we could fight the Bod-Bod-Bod whats his name and then we could like get our dad andJOHN FINKS: Shhh... Slow down. According to the prophesy you and Sarah Jane are supposed to save him. SARAH JANE: COOL! Lets go! How do we get to where dads imprisoned? JOHN FINKS: Just climb up that hill and hes somewhere at the top. JAKE: Easy Peasy! SARAH JANE: Wait Finks where do you think your going? Why are you running away? (VOICE FADING OUT) JOHN FINKS: Im not in the prophesy! Good Luck! ANNOUNCER: Sorry for the interruption, we will be returning to Farmina after a short break. ADVERTISEMENT: SALES PERSON: DO you have an old car you want to get rid of? Ever thought of donating it to a ? (SINGING) FEMALE VOICE 1-877-kars-4-kids. K-A-R-S, kars for kids. 1-877-kars-4-kids donate your car today!




MALE VOICE 1-877-kars-4-kids. K-A-R-S, kars for kids. 1-877-kars-4-kids donate your car today! ANNOUNCER: And now were back with Farmina, where Jake and Sarah Jane are searching for their father. SCENE 4: EXT: WALKING UP HILL6:00pm SARAH JANE: What a jerk (IMITATING JOHN FINKS) "Im not in the prophesy! Good Luck" JAKE: Scardy Cat! SARAH JANE: Big one! JAKE: It feels like weve been walking for ever! SARAH JANE: I know right? But at least we can see the top! JAKE: Thank god! SARAH JANE: Beat ya to the top! JAKE: Not fair! You got a head start! Ughh girls. Scene 5: EXT: TOP OF HILL-6:30 pm SARAH JANE: I won! Oh yeah in your face. HAHAHAHH! NAnan a boo boo! (PANTING) JAKE: Chill out. Oh my gosh look over there its dad! SARAH JANE: But hes frozen!? JAKE: (SCREAMING) Can you hear me! Dad its me Jake! (CONTINUED)



SOUND: KNOCKING ON ICE SARAH JANE: He cant hear you Jake. Calm down. JAKE: How do we get him outta there? SARAH JANE: Well how do you get rid of ice? JAKE: You melt it? SARAH JANE: Yeah but its too cold for it to melt up hereJAKE: Im not going to carry that thing down. SARAH JANE: Lazy much? But dont worry I was thinking about doing that, although, yes, it did briefly cross my mind. What if we use our body heat? Like both of us hug the ice, or something? JAKE: Sounds kind of lame... SARAH JANE: Do you have a better idea? JAKE: Uhhh, fine then. SARAH JANE: Stand on that side....good. JAKE: Its melting really fast, wow! Dad! SARAH JANE: I think we just both need to be touching it! JAKE AND SARAH JANE: DAD! DAD: Jake! Sarah! You did it! I knew you could! Im so proud of you, I love you guys! Hows your mother doing?




JAKE: ehh.. SARAH JANE: Probably not so good. DAD: We still have to complete the last part of the prophesy. SARAH JANE: What is it? DAD: Getting the queen! JAKE: You mean MOM?! SARAH JANE: Duhhh... Who else? Scene 6: INT: LAUNDRY ROOM 6:45pm MOM: Where did those rascals go? Jake Sarah! Ughh I have to do this laundry myself...WHOOAAAAA SOUND: WIND RUSHING BY SCENE 7: INT: FARMINA CASTLE7:00pm MUSIC: TRUMPETS JOHN FINKS: Citizens of Farmina!I know introduce to you your beloved King and Queen of Farmina as well as Prince Jake and Princess Sarah Jane. SOUND: CLAPPING CHEERING WALA WALA DAD: Thank you, thank you everyone! JAKE AND SARAH JANE: God bless all of you! MOM: (VOICE FADING OUT) Where am I? someone please explain!Someone? Anyone! Please?!



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