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Before the introduction of the computers and growth of the technologies people used to store their information on the file, maintaining the records on the files was very much tedious because man cannot do their job at the same rate over a time thus the concept of the software was developed. Software is the set of different modules used to perform the specific task. Using the software we can perform simple to complex job effectively and efficiently in the time. The development of the computers has brought great changes in many fields. Many offices have adopted the computerized system in effort to save time and efficiency. Various software system is developed so as to facilitate in different areas such as departmental stores, schools, hospitals, music stores, magazine distribution centers, cinema halls, etc. This project is mainly for the management of ticket booking and selling activities of cinema hall, which is used by hall management. The information regarding movies, distributors of hall, movie tickets are stored in database of the software. This makes the ticketing as well as other transactions much more easier, faster in the rush hours. This system of ticketing facilities the user to keep complete records regarding the ticket, its reservation (i.e. phone, online), movies (Nepali, Hindi, English) and their distributors. It also permits the user to take advantage from reservation system to determine no. of reserved sits, also gives the information about visitor number, and also gives information of past cinemas shown and future cinemas. Furthermore it gives quantitative information regarding revenues, collected from morning, afternoon and night shows. 1.1 Introduction to QFX Jai Nepal Cinema Hall The oldest cinema in Kingdom, Jai Nepal has been providing quality entertainment for over 50 years. Ideally located at the center of Kathmandu. The new QFX Jai Nepal aims to give unforgettable experience. One of total safety, luxurious and sensational audio-visuals. The hall provides fully refurbished interior with a fully carpet hall, top-of-the line chairs, concession counters and refreshing rooms, central air conditioning, hygienic cafeteria, coupled with state-of-art sound system and projection. For the first time in Nepal, they have a truly complete Dolby Digital Sound System and it is now all 3D featured.

1.2 Organization of study This report will describe the design principle of the software system and how MIS system used. The components or entities that are required, the relation between the entities required to implement the system is explained in this document. Our report with data collection for what we went to QFX Jai Nepal hall. After the data collection, we start our design process to make necessary design and the layout of the project in order to clarify the processes, entities and the relational between these processes. We make E-R Diagram, context flow diagram and data flow diagram (DFD), which helps in understanding the system. 1.3 Objectives This system is designed to meet some motives. It maintains or keeps records of daily transaction regarding the cinema by avoiding the manual work. So it helps to avoid the problem of the file system which is used to handle the daily transaction of the hall management. It provides better and quick facilities to the customers. Also reduce the number of staffs to be used in the hall. And will reflect the efficient use of the modernized technology.

2. Design
2.1 Entity-Relationship Diagram An Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) is a specialized graphic that illustrates the inter-relationships between entities in a database. In Entity Relationship modeling, the structure for a database is shown as diagrams, called an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), which resembles the graphical breakdown of a sentence into its grammatical parts. The basic object that the ER model represents is an entity, which is a thing in the real world with an independent existence. An entity may be an object with a physical existence a particular person, car, house or employees or it may be an object with a conceptual existence a company, a job or a university course. Each entity has attributes which are the particular properties that describe it. E.g., an employee entity may be described by the employees name, age, address, salary and job. A particular entity will have a value for each of its attributes. The attributes values that describe each entity become a major part of the data stored in the database. The relationship between the various entities represented diagrammatically is called an ERD.

The ER model concept can be represented by a diagram, which is called ER diagram in which rectangles represent the entity set, ellipse represents the attributes, diamond represents the relationship among the entities and lines used to link attributes to entity and entity to relationship. ERD often use symbols to represents three different types of information.

Rectangles: Rectangles represent the entity set. Ellipse: Ellipse represents the attributes. Diamonds: Diamond represents the relationship among the entities. Lines: Lines used to link attributes to entity and entity to relationship. Lines may be directed (have row at the end) to signify mapping cardinalities for relationship sets. Double ellipses: Double ellipses represent multi-valued attributes. Dashed ellipses: Dashed ellipses denote the derived attributes. Double lines: Double lines indicate total participation of an entity in a relationship set. Double rectangles: Double rectangles represent weak entity.

Keys Any entity consists of a set of attributes. It is the attributes which makes an entity distinguishable from other entity in the entity set. Thus, the database user needs to identify the attributes in a unique manner. So a key helps to identify the attributes in a unique manner. Key also helps uniquely identify relationship and this distinguishes relationship from each other. There are fourth types of keys and they are as follows: Super key, Candidate key, Primary key, and Foreign key. Mapping Cardinalities Mapping cardinalities expresses the number of entities to which another entity can be associated via a relationship set. It is also known as cardinality ratio. It is most useful in describing the binary relationship sets. It can also contribute to the description of relationship sets that involve more than two entity sets. The appropriate mapping cardinalities for a particular relationship set obviously depends upon the real world situation that the relationship set is

modeling. For binary relationship set R between entity sets A and B, the mapping cardinalities must be one of the following: One to one: An entity in set A is associated with at most one entity in B and an entity in set B is associated with at most one entity in set B. One to many: An entity set in A is associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in B. An entity in B, however, can be associated with at most one entity in set B. Many to one: An entity in set A is associated with at most one entity in B. An entity in B can be associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in set A. Many to many: An entity in A is associated with any number (zero to more) of entities in B is associated with any number (zero or more) of entities in set A. The figure of E-R Diagram is given in Annex 1. 2.2 Context Flow Diagram Context model show how the system being modeled is positioned in an environment with other system and processed. Architectural models, process models and data flow models may be used as context models. The diagram shows only the system processing and entities related with this processing is considered as context flow diagram. The context diagram is simply a diagrammatic summary of inputs and outputs to and from the system. The context flow diagram of project is given in Annex 2. 2.3 Data Flow Diagram Data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system. It shows the flow of data from external entities into the system, showed how the data moved from one process to another, as well as its logical storage. DFD can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). With a DFD, users are able to visualize how the system will be implemented. This diagram illustrates the processes, data stores, and external entities in a business or other system and the connecting data flows. In the DFD there are only four symbols: Squares, Rounded rectangles, Arrows, and Open-ended rectangles.

Rules of DFD Data flow from entity must flow into process. Process and data stores should have input and output. Input to data stores should only come from process. Output from data stores goes only to the process.

The DFD of ticketing system is given in Annex 3.

3. Conclusion
Despite certain limitation and shortcomings this project aims to provide aims to provide a better system for managing ticket transactions at QFX Jai Nepal Hall. We hope E-R Diagram, Context Flow Diagram, and the Data Flow Diagram serves for the same purpose and provides better framework for managing ticket selling and booking process, thereby helping various groups of users like Hall Management, Distributors and Customers.

Annex 1: E-R Diagram

H_Nam e








D_ID PROVIDES SELLS C_Phone C_Name S_No Fare Producer

Is A


Is A

Cost Act or English Actre Direct E_ID or ss




Nepali N_ID

Hindi H_ID

Can Be

Book Ticket


Annex 2: Context Flow Diagram


Distributor s

Hall Management Cinema Ticket Booking Process




Annex3: DFD of Ticketing System Login User

1.1 Administr ation

Valid Users

Login and Password Validation

Login Process
No Verified

1.2 Management Hall Provide s Cinem

Accoun ts

Add Record

Distributi on Pay

Cinema run Process

1.3 Management Cinem a Hall

Reservation Process Tickets

Reserved Availab Ticke Tickets Availab le

Custom ers

Reque Provide Ticket Ticke

Book OBrien, J.A., & Marakas, G. M., Management Information System (10th ed.), Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010. Silberschatz, Korth & Sudarsan., Database System Concept (4th ed.), McGraw- Hill Higher Education, 2006. Herbert Schildt., The Complete Reference (J2SE 5th ed.), Tata McGraw-Hill. Web sites

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