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1. Acknowledgement 2. Executive Summary 3. Case Summary
a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) Initial Analysis An overview of Business of Benihana Advertising Policy Future Expansion Benihana Process flow Benihana Service system Focus on quality Strategies Used for Operational Excellence Learning with respect to characteristics of Services Quality Uncompromised Timeliness Relevance of Operations in Competitiveness

4. Benihana of Tokyo An Operational Overview

5. Major Learning from the Strategies

It gives us immense pleasure to complete this project on such a good note and present the relevant findings in a concise format. This report and the subsequent project would not have been possible without the guidance and the opportunity provided to us by Prof. A.K. Dey. We thank him for his valuable time and effort and his effective guidance throughout the trimester. We would also like to thank all the colleagues in Section G who helped us in the project. Group-7 Sec-G

Executive Summary
The given case is about a restaurant chain Benihana of Tokyo. This restaurant chain is known for its unique customer delight and operational excellence. Being opened in 1964, it has set up new standard in service sector and throws a lot of insight in process and cost management. Its owner Rocky Aoki has been very successful with the help of initial understanding of this business. While introducing hibachi style concept they have been able to reduce dining time, labour cost, reducing the variability of the menu they have reduce average food cost. This has over all led to improved functional expertise. Also total Japanese experience and expert chef and a unique experience where food id cooked in front of the customer has maintained continuous interest in this food chain. While currently doing well, company has to deal with several issues affecting its future. The major issue is expansion policy where shortage of expert chefs and capital are the most important concern.

Case Summary
Benihana of Tokyo has been started by Hiroaki (Rocky) Aoki in 1964. Rocky came to America with his university wrestling team and realised that America would give him more opportunity than his native nation Japan. He soon began to develop an interest in restaurant business and decided to enrol in School of Restaurant Management. He spent three years analysing American restaurant market. He started his business in 1964 with his initial saving of $10000 and borrowing of $20000 on the west side. From 1964 when it was a net deficit organization, it has now become a firm with chain of 15 restaurants and net worth of $12 million. Initial Analysis of Rocky: Americans enjoy eating in exotic surrounding but they are deeply mistrustful of exotic food. Also people very much enjoy watching their food being prepared. The biggest problem in this industry in U.S. was scarcity of skilled labour. Food storage and wastage contribute significantly to the overhead of any typical restaurant.

An Overview of Business of Benihana:Benihana is a chain of restaurant with 15 restaurants across the country. Its first restaurant was opened in the West side. It was a great success and recovered its cost within six months. To reduce the wastage, Benihana used to serve only three Middle American entries- steak, chicken and shrimp. It also insisted an atmosphere which was Japanese in style. The walls, ceilings, beams and artefacts all gave a Japanese traditional look. The building materials were shipped from Japan and resembled by two expert carpenters from Japan. Their main concept was Hibachi Table. It helped them reduce the dining time and cost. In 1966, he opened his second restaurants in East Side to meet the over demand in that area. The third unit was in Chicago and was one of the most profitable ventures. The food beverage split was 70/30 and expenses were very low. The fourth unit was in San Francisco and the fifth unit was in Vegas. In his business initially Rocky mainly focused on food selling and importance to beverages was very less. But the sales as a proportion of total space provided to lounge/bar was high. So he increased the size of this area in his third restaurant and the sale of beverages in this particular restaurant was 30-33% of the total sales. The dining area is cynosure of restaurant. Teppanyaki table was one of the main centre of the attraction. The food consisted of steak, filet mignon, chicken and shrimp. Any one or a

combination of these could have been ordered. The accompaniments were unvaried bean sprouts, zucchini, fresh mushrooms, onions and rice. The average customer turnover was an hour. The average cheque amount for lunch and dinner was about $6 and $10 including beverage charges. The main purchase in the business was that of meat. Only special quality meat was bought. For every restaurant, operation timing was varied. Also lunch business was given utmost importance. It accounted for about 30-40% of total dollar business despite of being low cheque hours. Site selection: - As lunch was given importance, the sites were being selected where there was high traffic. It was taken in to consideration that a lot of people are there in the vicinity and there are many who are available for both lunch and dinner. Mostly units were near district headquarters and some of them have access to residential areas. Training: - All the chefs were highly trained. All were young, nave, single and certified. Though it was very difficult shifting them from Japan to America due to high affluence at their own native, once they got shifted to America they were quite stable over there. This was due to reason that they got better growth in Benihana and also firm took care of them both tangibly and intangibly very well. Control: - Papasan and Rocky were at the top of the management level. Under there was one V.P. Operations. Controller, Manger Operation and Advertising Manager used to report him. V.P. operation also looks after the franchise businesses. Under Manager Operation Company owned units were there. Manager Restaurant was under Manager Operation. Chefs were under Manager Restaurants. Advertising Policy: - Company spends around 8-10% of its gross sales on creative advertising and public relationship. It concentrated on being different and innovative in their advertising approach. They never used to put their advertisement on the entertainment page of the newspaper. They knew that have to sell visual product so they included outstanding visual in their ads. Future Expansion: - Three regions for the growth were America, Japan and other world. Every region has its own challenge. The main constraints of expansion anywhere were following: Failure of franchise business- There were several reasons behind it. The first reason was that many franchise owners do not know about the restaurant business. Secondly, franchises were unable to take care of Japanese chefs properly. In presence of franchises, the control was difficult and the management found that owning restaurants were more profitable than the giving franchises. Biggest problem was staff. There were only two carpenters and each unit required 30 staffs out of that 8-10 were trained chefs. Finally there was cost factor. Each unit needed $300000.

As company was not willing to take loans, the optimal expansion per year was maximum five units. Expansion inside USA was very much possible as there was not much penetration in

the market. Five overseas projects were under negotiation. They were of the joint venture type. Each of these projects has its unique characteristic. The firm also has diversification plan. Company has entered into an agreement that is researching for a processing firm who has interest in producing a line of Japanese food which Benihana can sell on retail shops. Though companys target segment has been middle income people, currently they are trying to attract young customers. They are trying to enter into combination of Japanese Chinese operation.

Benihana of Tokyo An Operational View

Benihana Process flow:In Benihana the process flow has been depicted below. It is like customer enters the lounge and seated at bar/lounge area. A drink is served to customer. Then order of food is taken. In the meantime Chef prepares for food in kitchen. Then waitress serves soup, salad and beverages. Then chef appears and wheels out cart of food items and start preparing food. Customer consumes main course. After that customer gives the cheque and bill payment is done and customer leaves the restaurants.

Lounge Seating

Getting Drinks Ready

Handing over menu

Serving Drinks

Taking Orders

Chef Setup (In kitchen)

Chef Wheel in Stocks

Preparation at Table

Food Served, eaten at table

Desert Served

Cheque Delivered

Payment Collected

Normally a customer can come, have dinner and go back in 45 minutes. The average customer turnover time is an hour and in slow times it can go up to one hour and thirty minutes.

Benihana Service System:Hibachi Table Concept:This concept was initiated by Mr Aoki in 1958. This was incorporated regarding concerns about rising costs and increased competition. It eliminates the need of conventional kitchen with Hibachi table. It needs only one skilled person that is Chef and one waitress. Each table can accommodate eight people. It helps in increasing attentiveness of service and also reduces the cost like labour cost is only 10-12% of gross sales. Also back of the house area which includes preparation area, dry and refrigerated storage, employees dressing room and office are only 22% of total area as compared to 30% in conventional kitchen restaurants.

There are several other advantages of using this concept: Customers get entertained while watching their food prepared instead of seating idle. So this virtually reduces the perceived waiting time. Food does not sit in the queue as does not need to brought to customer by waiter Orders also do not wait in queue as cooking starts instantaneously after getting the order.

Ultimately this concept reduces the dining time and various waiting time in the process. Due to this customer turnover will increase and overall total performance will improve. Focus on Quality: Their focus on quality was intense. The quality of meat used in the food was of special quality. While cooking too, the oily part was removed consciously. Secondly the chefs who cooked were highly trained. They were given intense training before they join Benihana. So the quality of food cooked was highly standardised.

Strategies Used to Achieve Operational Excellence: The strategies used to achieve Operational Excellence have been listed below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Less number of offering Increased Space Utilization Low Cost Operation High Customer Turnover Rate Use of Effective Advertising Policy

1. Less Number of Offering: No frills menu reduced the variability of the food served. If a formal look is given to the menu, it consisted only three items for main course food. As Rocky analysed food wastage was a major problem in restaurant business, he decided to keep his menu short and concise. By doing this he almost turned it to a No Waste business. Also he was able to cut food cost to 30-35% of food sales depending on the prices of the meat. 2. Increased Space utilization: Generally in normal restaurant, around 30% of the total restaurant area is used as Back Area. It means that this area is not being used as revenue generating space. Being incorporated hibachi table concept, the back area reduced up to 22% of the total restaurant area. This led to increased revenue due to extra space added for main stream of the business. 3. Low Cost Operation: a. Low labour cost: - By incorporation hibachi table concept, the need for waiter and convention kitchen has been removed. Now the food is cooked in front of the customer

who can cater two tables each having maximum of eight customers. Due to this, the labour cost has gone down to 10-12% of the gross sale. b. Low Food Cost: - Keeping its menu up to three kinds of the meats, Benihana has been able to reduce the variability of its services. Due to this, storage and freezing cost has been reduced. Also inventory turnover would be very high leading to less wastage. Standardised services can be referred as economy of scale as same kind of food is prepared time and again. This leads to decreases average per unit food cost and hence reduced total cost. Benihana keeps its food cost around 30-35% of total sale as compared to 38-48% of industry average (Exihibit1). High margin on beverages have also contributed to profit margin as waiting customers order for beverage. 4. High Customer turnover: As new concept of food preparation has been adopted, it reduces several bottle necks of conventional kind of restaurants. There are many like removing the time taken by waiter to serve the food, time taken in ordering the food, also order queuing as separate chefs at each table. This leads to reduced dining time and increased revenue. 5. Use of Effective Advertising Policy: Benihana considered advertising as one of its main contributor to success. So it spent 8-10% of gross sales on advertising. It had clear focus on creative and innovative advertising style. Being in business of tangible goods, it focused its ads on intangible things like publishing eye catching visuals. This led to better connectivity to consumers. Using these winning strategy, Benihana was able to leave its competitors far behind. This can be seen from the table given below which has been made using Exihibit1and other case facts.
Benchmark Labor Cost (as % of Operating Expenses) Food Cost (as % of COGS) Beverage Cost (as % of COGS) Rent (as % of Operating Expenses) Promotion (as % of Operating Expenses) Construction cost 30-35 38-48 25-30 5-9 0.75-2.0 Lower Benihana 10-12 30-35 20 5-7 8-10 Higher

6. Using these great strategies and by giving its customer ultimate service delight, Benihana enjoyed high pricing premium. Also its replication of its processes was not possible until and unless knowing the whole process very minutely.

Major Learnings from the Strategies

Learning with respect to Characteristics of Services: Variability of Services Due to variability of services, standardization is a problem. By employing trained chefs and reducing the number of items in menu, they have reduced the variability of their services significantly. By incorporating the on spot cooking concept, they have increased the customer contact highly. Perishability: - This is one of the biggest disadvantages of the services. But here too, Benihana has better control. By giving the customer, one of the best atmosphere and a great delight where their food is cooked just in front of them, they try to give them outstanding experience of dining. Emulation of the services is very easy. On this front, Benihana has been very unique from beginning itself. In middle of their operation, they found competition from similar kind of players, as given in the case they were not at all successful. Emulating its processes was very difficult because of its unique business model.

Quality Uncompromised:Being in service sector, the most important factor considering the success of the business is quality. Unlike manufactured items, service defects are not easy to measure as being intangible. But repercussions of the defects are very strong leading to loss of consumer base. Services also tend to be labour intensive. Keeping all the above factors in mind, Benihana represents an excellent example of expertise management in case of chefs and also materials used in cooking both while procurement as well as cooking. Timeliness:By incorporating the hibachi table concept, they have not only increased the consumer interaction but also reduced the time of service. They have also reduced the dining time by cooking just near customers. Relevance of Operations in Competitiveness:If we compare Benihana operations with that of the industry average, we find that they have been doing better on many of the fronts. Due to their low cost operations, the have significantly reduced their expenses which has led to increased competitiveness. Operation has played important role in reducing cost and time of their service.

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