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Your Local Partner

#2 March-April

Join for Local Economic Development

Join for Local Economic Development was issue of the Conference held within the framework of the project JOIN at Courtyard Marriot on April 18. CARE International in the Caucasus with partner organizations hosted the Conference. Representatives from Georgian and Armenian government, international and local organizations, private sector and representatives of civil society were attending the event. The Conference was conducted in three sessions. Participants discussed engagement of civil society and private sector into the local development, strategy of agriculture development and its effect on the local level, also attraction of investment to the regions. The project implies cooperation and engagement of regions that should help civil society, private sector and Local Government to implement ideas that foster improvement of economic and social conditions. Its important that the process is open and transparent as much as possible for all the stakeholders. We promote locals to develop capacity to attract investors or bring local governments interest to realization of their ideas. Project Director Anthony Foreman commented. Working Groups are establishing in the bordering municipalities of Georgia and Armenia within the Project. The Groups will work out investment proposals in agriculture sector and identify community priorities. Our attempt is to create strategic document involving all the actors, Local Government, Donors and Business in the implementation process. We should foster development of the communities, which, in their turn, will foster development of the municipalities, especially in the cross-bordering areas said CiDA Director Zviad Devdariani. During the break, Conference participants had an opportunity to leaf through and taste exhibited agriculture products from Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-Javakheti, Tavushi, Shiraki and

Lori regions, the project target areas. The representative of the project funder Austrian Development Cooperation in the East Caucasus Alexander Bohr also attended the conference. He welcomed transition of the project on the new stage and noted that the Agency proceeds supporting Georgia and Armenia, especially from the point of agriculture development. Project Local Actors Join for Inclusive Economic Development and Government in the South Caucasus (JOIN) is a 3-year initiative, funded by Austrian Development Agency. Project is implemented by CARE Austria and CARE International in the Caucasus with partner organizations: Civil Development Agency (CiDA) in Georgia and Agro-Business and Rural Development Centre (CARD) in Armenia.

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Forum of NGOs working on IDPs issues, held in Gori

Forum of NGOs working on IDPs issues, organized by the Civil Development Agency CiDA and CARE International in the Caucasus took place at Gori Municipal Hall on April 27. NGOs, local and international Donors, and Media representatives took part in the Forum. The Forum started with an exhibition of publications and hand-made works of the participating organizations, and also pictures, reflecting living conditions of the IDPs. At the first part of the Forum there were introduced activities of some NGOs, while the second part was devoted to Conference, opened by the Director of the Civil Development Agency (CiDA) Zviad Devdariani. The Forum participants shared their experience, related to the IDPs sphere and talked about the existing challenges. Deputy of governor Shida Kartli Revaz Kakhniashvili attended the Forum. Since 2008 years war between Russia and Georgia we got actively involved into the process of supporting the aggrieved people not only in Shida Kartli, but in other regions of Eastern Georgia as well. Weve already been working this direction for 3 years and one of the components implies support of the NGOs, working in the sphere of IDPs declared CiDA Director Zviad Devdariani. According to the representative of CARE International in the Caucasus Maia Giorbelidze, in order to support local NGOs, within the project SIIMS there were funded 15 projects, each of them costing approximately 10 000 USD.

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future as well.

The Deputy Governor thanked civil sector representatives for implementation of this project and support, provided to the IDPs and said that Local Government will be supporting them in implementation of activities of this kind in the The Conference ended up with a discussion. The representatives of the NGOs, working on IDPs issues, remained content with the Forum.

Lots of Forums have been held, but a Forum on particularly IDPs issue and of this scale was the first one. That will help me establish new relationships, exchange opinions and make further steps. Therefore it was very interesting and it will be very effective said representative of Shida Kartli Democratic Development Institute Malkhaz Mindiashvili. The Forum was held within the project Stabilization and Integration of IDPs into Mainstream Georgian Society (SIStabilization and Integration of IDPs into Mainstream Georgian Society (SIIMS) is funded by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The 3-year project is implemented by CARE Norway and CARE International in the Caucasus. Local implementing partner is the Civil Development Agency (CiDA).

G-PAC met regional NGOs

Regional organizations met the Director of G-PAC project of the East West Management Institute (EWMI) on April 5th. The meeting was held in Tbilisi, at the office of G-PAC. The meeting under the topic - Do we have new ideas for projects? developed in the format of free discussion. The major reporter and facilitator of the discussion was G-PAC Director Fron Nahzi. His main message for the attendees was that there are required new approaches and new ideas for projects. At the beginning of the meeting he introduced to the participants the slides, showing the list of priority issues, exposed in result of the lately conducted society research.

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Representatives of 15 regional NGOs from Eastern Georgia attended the meeting. This is the first meeting out of those, attended by me, where the Head of the Foundation says that he is not satisfied with his own work and that we should shift from the Donors requirements to the requirements of the society said the Executive Director of Educational Informational centre Kartli XXI David Tsikarishvili from Khashuri. This discontent is caused by the fact that during 15 years civil sector is not going forth same projects and the same priorities. The meeting was organized by the Civil Development Agency (CiDA) within the frameworks of the project CSOs East Georgia Network. Project CSOs East Georgia Network is implemented by the Civil Development Agency (CiDA). The project is supported by the East West Management Institute G-PAC program. The project is funded with financial resources of the USA International Development Agency.

Open Society Georgia Foundation met Samtskhe - Javakheti CSOs

Representatives of the Civil Society Support Program of the Open Society Georgia Foundation met Samtskhe - Javakheti civil organizations on April 19. The meeting took place at Akhaltsikhe Centre for Democratic Engagement. Mission of the meeting was to introduce to the local CSOs civil society development program and in general, policy of the Foundation. Representatives of the above-mentioned program discussed with the CSOs such issues, as regulations in terms of project consideration, vision of the Foundation in terms of collaboration with CSOs and problems that hamper activities of the local NGOs. We expected to listen to the requirements of the local CSOs in this region, learn their problems, their expectations and hear directly from them what action do they consider necessary from our side declared Open Society Georgia Foundation Civil Society Supporting Program Coordinator Malkhaz Saldadze, The meeting was attended mainly by Samtskhe Javakheti organizations, working on issues, related to Minorities and Development of Civil Society. I think that todays meeting was really productive. Foundation representatives have introduced themselves, listened to our problems, priorities and mostly important, provided us with information about their programs and priorities and working direction that they may choose for the following three years said the Chairwoman of Samtskhe-Javakheti Democratic Women Community Marina Modebadze. The meeting was organized within the project East Georgia CSO Network. Another meeting of this kind will be held within the above-mentioned project with Kvemo Kartli CSOs next week. Project East Georgia CSO Network is implemented by the Civil Development Agency (CiDA). The project is supported within the East-West Management Institution G-PAC program. The project is funded by the USA International Development Agency.

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Open Society Georgia Foundation met Kvemo Kartli CSOs

This time representatives of the Civil Society Support Program of the Open Society Georgia Foundation met Kvemo Kartli civil organizations. The meeting took place at Rustavi office of the Civil Development Agency (CiDA) on April 24. Mission of the meeting was to introduce local CSOs Civil Society Development Program and in general, Policy of the Foundation. Representatives of the above-mentioned program discussed with the CSOs such issues, as vision of the Foundation in terms of collaboration with CSOs and regulations during consideration of projects. We have discussed activities of our program, contests conducted by the Foundation and future plans. Weve introduced to the organizations our application procedures, major priorities of the Foundation, explained what type of projects mostly get funding and what are the major weak points of the projects - said Open Society Georgia Foundation Civil Society Supporting Program Manager Khatuna Ioseliani.

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The meeting developed in the Q-A mode. Representatives of Kvemo Kartli CSOs spoke about their needs and asked questions about issues that are of interest and priority to them. It was an important meeting, as far as it enabled us to ask questions to Donor Organization. We tried to clarify our future plans and initiatives. Weve listened to information in terms of Network Funding, which is new and interesting to us said Organization Good - Will Mission Missionaries Chairwoman Shorena Khukhua. The meeting was organized within the project East Georgia CSO Network. Project East Georgia CSO Network is implemented by the Civil Development Agency (CiDA). The project is supported within the East-West Management Institution G-PAC program. The project is funded by the USA International Development Agency.

MSI funds LG development focused project

Presentation of the project, supported by the Management Systems International MSI- took place at the Self-governing city Rustavi City Council Conference Hall on March 7. 10 Self-governing units are participating in this project and Rustavi is one of the pilot cities. At the meeting in Rustavi were introduced three initiatives, which will be implemented by: National Association of Local Authorities of Georgia (NALA),Municipal Service Providers Association (MSPA) and Civil Development Georgia (CiDA). NALA project covers creation of city development plan and also, to some an extent, improvement of relationships with population and skills of the local authorities. Alongside with everything our American partner has planned a big range of interesting activities, which imply working out a general plan of Rustavi and establishment of the space development management base - said the Executive Director of the National Association of Local Authorities Davit Malua. Initiative of MSPA implies improvement of the cleaning system. Our aim is to calculate the cost of an effective tax and to plan in Rustavi the methodology that we have used in other countries. Also we will carry out effective administration of the mentioned tax that will reimburse to the Local Government the losses, caused by fault of the system - shared MSPA Programs Development Manager Sopio Gozalishvili. As for CiDAs participation in this program, the goal of the organization is to inform population and involve them into the activities of the LG. Name of the project is: Your City Government and You. We have several innovative ideas that we are planning to execute in the nearest future. One of them implies creation of electronic system for monitoring of the LG projects. That is, very soon Rustavi citizens will be able to control and see through internet what is being done in their district, yards, blocks of flats or stair halls; what projects are funded by the LG, what are implementation deadlines and allocated funding. The main point about this system is that it enables a citizen to express his point of view, submit a claim if something is delayed or done wrong, or on the contrary, thank executors for the project and all this through internet. I hope Local Government will take those comments into consideration - said Civil Development Agency (CiDA) Director Zviad Devdariani.

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Project Your City Authorities and You is supported by the Management Systems International (MSI) and U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

Summing up meeting of the Group for Supporting Development of the Legal Aid Service
Summing up meeting of the Group for Supporting Development of the Legal Aid Service took place on April 2 at Zviad Kordzadze Law Office in Tbilisi. The meeting, organized by the Civil Development Agency (CiDA) was implemented in the frameworks of the project Monitoring of Criminal Justice Reform Implementation Strategy and Analysis in the Free Legal Aid sphere. The Group members considered and discussed the suggestions and recommendations, worked out in the frameworks of the Action Plan of the Legal Aid Service. We have done our best to keep the suggestions of the group members, we just ensured that recommendations do not contradict with one-another and the document meets interests not only of one person, but the whole group. As to me, the recommendation package came out very good and it will increase availability of the Legal Aid Service for the beneficiaries

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and simultaneously improve its quality said CiDA Director Zviad Devdariani. Group members discussed at the meeting each recommendation and expressed their suggestions. This is a document, formed in result of partnership. It was quite productive work. If these recommendations are considered in the Legislation, it will be a big step forward said Lead Specialist, Legal Issues Committee at the Parliament of Georgia, Tinatin Tkesheliadze. Sevdia Ugrekhelidze, member of Tbilisi City Council, has also given positive assessment to this document. There are problems that disturb everyone, but everyone is speaking of them behind the - scenes. And now these problems are all gathered in one document, which is already a very good fact. The Group is consisting of people, who definitely know the subject, and outstand with professionalism and fairness. We have partnership, which Im sure, will give results and if we keep on working so productively, we will get really good results that will directly influent life of the citizens said Sevdia Ugrekhelidze. The final document will be presented to the Ministry of Corrections and Legal Assistance. Except for that, in order to introduce the document to the society, will be held a conference, attended by representatives of State, non-governmental and international organizations. Project Monitoring of Criminal Justice Reform Implementation Strategy and Analysis in the Free Legal Aid sphere is funded by the Eurasian Partnership Foundation and supported by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), East-West Management Institute (EWMI) and Swiss Agency for Development (Sida). Project implementer - Civil Development Agency (CIDA)

Trainings For Initiative Groups Members

Trainings conducted to the members of IDP Initiative Groups in the frameworks of the project SIIMS. Trainings are allocated for all the settlements and schools, covered by the project. Mission of the training is to develop skills for presentation of the work, already implemented within the Infrastructure Rehabilitation Component. Before launching the trainings we have prepared a guidebook and posters, showing 10 rules of making a presentation. After completion of the trainings we have distributed these posters among the Initiative Groups. I think they will prove useful to them and they wont have any difficulties with conducting a presentation said CiDA Mobilizer in Kvemo Kartli Rezo Barbakadze. Trainings on conduction of presentation have already been held in Shaumiani and Koda settlements, as well as in Gori, Kareli and Surami. I liked the training very much and in case of necessity I will definitely use the knowledge, gained here. Ive never needed to prepare a presentation before and consequently, I didnt even know how to make it noted resident of sanatorium Poladi in the borough Surami Gulnazi Turashvili. The Infrastructure Rehabilitation Component of the Project SIIMS implies revelation and elimination of infrastructural problems, common to the inhabitants of IDP settlements in Shida and Kvemo Kartli and local population. Stabilization and Integration of IDPs into Mainstream Georgian Society (SIIMS) is funded by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The 3-year project is implemented by CARE Norway and CARE International in the Caucasus. Local implementing partner is the Civil Development Agency (CiDA).

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Training on Tax issues was conducted within SIIMS

Trainings for the women, funded within the frameworks of IDP Womens Small Business Development Component of the project Stabilization and Integration of IDPs into Mainstream Georgian Society (SIIMS) were held in Rustavi and Gori on April 4 - 6. A representative of the Revenue Service Tea Melua introduced to the IDP ladies some issues regarding Tax Code and the innovations in this sphere. As far as the group was selected within the frameworks of the Small Business Development, we have discussed who is considered a tax-payer, why should a person pay taxes, what are the types of taxes, how to pay this or that taxe. We have spoken about special taxation regimes, small entrepreneurship, micro entrepreneurship and fixed-tax payer. Also about various disputes, use of cash register, and sanction and penalties noted Tea Melua.

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Introduction of various Tax issues to the training participants appeared to be very interesting. It was a very interesting training, Ive learnt how to register a private entrepreneurship, how to open an account at the Bank, types of taxes. I was ignorant about this issues until now, as far as I never needed them, I havent even been a private entrepreneur. Now that I need it, Ive received all the information and would like to express my gratitude to CiDA declared Koda settlement resident Liana Gelashvili. 84 small businesses are funded within IDP Womens Small Business Development Component of the project SIIMS. Stabilization and Integration of IDPs into Mainstream Georgian Society (SIIMS) is funded by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The 3-year project is implemented by CARE Norway and CARE International in the Caucasus. Local implementing partner is the Civil Development Agency (CiDA).

CARE Norway monitors SIIMS Project

Representative of CARE Norway visited Kvemo Kartli on March 18. Together with the Project SIIMS partner organizations, CARE International in the Caucasus and CiDA, CARE Norway representative Shel Stockwick carried out monitoring in Koda and Shaumiani. Project implementers conduct such monitoring regularly. Within the frameworks of SIIMS Infrastructure rehabilitation project, Shel Stockwick got familiarized with the rehabilitation project of the library in Shaumiani School #2. He visited the library and met the Initiative Group members. Also, he paid a visit to Shaumiani Mechanization Group and spoke to its members. In Koda settlement Shel Stockwick visited several businesses, launched in the frameworks of IDP Womens Small Business Development Component. In particular, in Koda Settlement -hothouse for roses and mens salon, and in Shaumiani Computer service Centre and two hothouses. Shel Stockwick was satisfied with the monitoring results. Ive been here two years ago and I cant even compare to the past what Ive seen here today. Im really impressed. Ive beet to the school, where study children of different nations. Im satisfied with the mobilization process, despite that there were obstacles at the beginning, today everything is fine. Ive seen tractors, operating in the field and women, running their business. The main is that every project has perspective and these businesses will remain the income source for the people in the future said Shel Stockwick. CARE Norway representative has also met the Director of the Civil Development Agency (CiDA) Zviad Devdariani and spoke to him about progress of the project and future partnership. Before visiting Kvemo Kartli region, CARE Norway representative had visited Shida Kartli region, where he had also monitored projects, executed within the SIIMS project. Stabilization and Integration of IDPs into Mainstream Georgian Society (SIIMS) is funded by Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The 3-year project is implemented by CARE Norway and CARE International in the Caucasus. Local implementing partner is the Civil Development Agency (CiDA).

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CiDA Director conducted a lecture at the Ilia State University

On April 23 CiDA Director visited the 1st course students of Faculty for Public Policy Administration of the Ilia State University. Lectures - meetings of this kind with NGO Heads take place at the Ilia University periodically. First the students made a short presentation about CiDA and the rest time of the lecture was entirely devoted to Zviad Devdariani. CiDA Director spoke mainly about the role of civil sector, its influence and existing breaches. Then he introduced to the students his organization, CiDAs services, current projects, activity area and strategic directions. Students meet various NGOs and weve also been invited. It was interesting for us as far as one of the beneficiaries of our activities are the Youth, students and we are interested in their opinion. Weve introduced to them our activities and listened to their point of view that we may be useful for our activities said CiDA Director Zviad Devdariani. After the speech the students asked the guest several questions and remained content with the meeting. Every week we have meetings of this kind with executive Directors of NGOs and we should point out that todays

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meeting was the most interesting said Mariam Begiashvili. Despite the fact that CiDA Director tried the role of a lecturer for the first time, by the end of the meeting was pointed out that Zviad Devdariani with his speech and presentation occupied leading position among the invited lecturers.

Since 2011 Madona Terterashvili is studying International Economy at the Berlin School of Economics and Law. Before that, in 2003, she graduated from Gymnasium of Economics in Khabarovsk. After that she enrolled into Tbilisi State University on the faculty of Economics and Business. She has gained Master Degree on the topic Efficiency of investment in Georgia. At the Berlin School of Economics and Business Madona is studying many interesting subject, among them is Global Management, in the frameworks of which she was given an assignment to prepare a contest work on the topic: Role of NGOs in Georgia and their effect on the National level in respect of solving Global problems. Contest work covers information about NGOs, assessment of the role of CSOs, changes and challenges for CSOs and history of development of the Georgian CSOs. The work is prepared after the example of activities of the Civil Development Agency (CiDA). There are reviewed the most important projects and challenges, set before the organization. Madona has gained for her work the highest grade.

Financial Audit for 2011 year in CiDA

Civil Development Agency (CiDA) conducted financial Audit for 2011 year. Georgian Audit and Consulting Company (GACC) were representatives conducted financial Audit of the Organization since February 25 till March 30. GACC representatives studied CiDAs financial compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards and Georgian Tax Code, also the financial documentation of the Organization. As per the conclusion, our procedures and internal financial activities comply both with local Tax Code and International standards. Noteworthy is the fact that the conclusions of 2011 and 2010 years were compared and the comparison showed that almost all the breaches and notices that were earlier are eliminated and corrected said CiDA Financial Manager Nugzar Arveladze. In the nearest days CiDA will receive from Georgian Audit and Consulting Company recommendations for improvement of internal management gaps.

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Published by Civil Development Agency (CiDA)

The donors and the partners of our ongoing projects

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