CH-4, Enterpreneurshp Envt.

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Social entrepreneurship is the work of social entrepreneurs.

A social entrepreneur recognizes a social problem and uses entrepreneurial principles to organize, create and manage a venture to achieve social change (a social venture). While a business entrepreneur typically measures performance in profit and return, a social entrepreneur focuses on creating social returns.

Defining Social Entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurs are people who have noticed a need in their community or somewhere in the world, and have come up with a way of remedying that issue. The remedy could be creative, innovative, out of the box, etc... since most entrepreneurs tend to think in this manner. In general, social entrepreneurs did not start out with the goal of making money, but in the long run, switch to a for-profit business [edit]Examples of Social Entrepreneurs Social entrepreneurs can be found all over the world, in most industries, and where the need is the most pressing. Here are a few examples:

Istvan Aba-Horvath: Based in Hungary, Istvans mission is to aid Gypsy children in getting an education and simultaneously earn money. Raul Oscar Abasolo Trincado: Raul lives in Chile and works with poor, outcast youth in his country. He has provided an opportunity for them to become meaningful and productive members of society. Mohammed Bah Abba: Mohammed has resurrected a form of pottery that was originally used in ancient Egypt. This pottery has allowed his people to keep their food fresh in the harsh climate of Nigeria.

The term Political entrepreneur may refer to any of the following:

someone (usually active in the fields of either politics or business) who founds a new political project, group, or political party a businessman who seeks to gain profit through subsidies, protectionism, government contracts, or other such favorable arrangements with government(s) through political influence (also known as a rent-seeker). a political actor (not necessarily a politician) who seeks to further his or her own political career and popularity by pursuing the creation of policy that pleases the populace.

[edit]Politician as a political entrepreneur :

A political entrepreneur refers to a political player who seeks to gain certain political and social benefits in return for providing the common goods that can be shared by an unorganized general public. These common goods that political entrepreneurs attempt to provide to the populace generally include foreign- and domestic-related public policy, while the benefits they hope to gain involve voter support, public recognition, and personal popularity. economics of entrepreneurship The economics of entrepreneurship explains how economic conditions and incentives affect entrepreneurship, and how the actions of entrepreneurs in turn affect the broader economy. For instance, the trade-off between expected financial returns and the risks of those returns affect the decisions of employees to become entrepreneurs. Also, this trade-off and economic incentives (financial inducements, for example, the prospect of a healthy profit) more generally affect the hiring and investment decisions that entrepreneurs make when they establish and grow their businesses. At the same time, these saving and investment decisions affect aggregate wealth accumulation in the economy, while entrepreneurs hiring decisions affect an economys aggregate employment and unemployment rates. The economics of entrepreneurship also analyses: the effects of borrowing constraints on rates of entrepreneurial entry and performance; the role played by entrepreneurs in stimulating employment and innovation growth in the economy; the existence of market failures in entrepreneurial economies and the scope for public policy to design programmes to correct these failures; how incentives within incumbent firms stimulate entrepreneurial spin-offs and the effects those have on the broader economy; identification of the economic determinants of growth, at the levels of the venture, the region and the economy as a whole. [1]

Technical Entrepreneurship Technical Entrepreneurship is form of entrepreneurship, we engineers play everyday without realizing the potential and importance. Most of the entrepreneurial sites define successful entrepreneur as successful businessman & marketing person alone. SVTechie.COM tries to defy this narrow representation and asserts that technical brilliance can be utilized as a tool to start/fund a business. And what term can best describe this process, this transformation other than "Technical Entrepreneurship"

Cultural enterpreneur

Culture is very important and is seen to provide social cohesion. It is not just a source of jobs and income but also a sense of confidence and belonging. Taking this into account cultural entrepreneurs are said to revive and bring life back into cities, working within networks and creative clusters to maximize output. Cultural entrepreneurs have a passion for the culture, traditions, talent and creators[and think of innovative] out of ordinary ways to achieve solutions.

Cultural entrepreneurs are learners, doers and visionaries. Due to less bureaucratic restraints and levels in management cultural entrepreneurs are able to recognize the need not only to innovate but to deliver and disseminate new ideas to art customers and enthusiasts. A good cultural entrepreneur may have the basic traits of a corporate entrepreneur --- like having a vision for exploring out-of-the-box opportunities for arts and cultural products. Regular characteristics of this type of person includes:

The tenacity and drive A strong Passion Good organizing skills Skill at organizing A Future orientation the ability to visualize opportunities in the future Placing value of achievement over money And having a strong confidence in their ability to succeed

More over, a cultural entrepreneur's characteristics not only include the traits mentioned above, they also encompass the following:

They are independent! Their work and non-work issues are packaged together. They are collaborative and work together as independents and as clusters. They are mostly socially engage with outside issues. They use idea exchange as a cultural currency. They build networks, share information and resources. They are also interested in the business' effects on society.

Definition of global entrepreneur: A global entrepreneur seeks out and conducts new and innovative business activities across national borders. These activities may consist of exporting, licensing, opening a new sales office, or acquiring another venture.

A global entrepreneur seeks out and conducts new and innovative business activities across national borders. These activities may consist of exporting, licensing, opening a new sales office, or acquiring another venture. Benefits to Going Global There are many benefits for entrepreneurs participating in global business activities. We group them in three categories: strategic, financial, and production related. Examples of strategic benefits are: - enhancing domestic competitiveness - reduction of dependence on existing markets - capitalizing on the growth potential of the new country market and neighboring countries - protecting foreign markets - stretching and building marketing capability - global brand building and awareness - finding new talent - transferring competitive information and new product ideas from those markets to other markets, or what we call learning local and share global activities. Examples of financial benefits include: - finding new customers - increasing profits and sales - earning a greater return from set of core competencies - increasing the universe of potential investors - capitalizing on tax advantages - minimizing impact of seasonalities in local markets Production-related benefits include: - guaranteeing supply of raw materials - acquiring technology and R&D capabilities - cutting costs through global outsourcing - improving purchasing power for customers buying locally - realizing greater experience curve economies in production - extending lifecycle for current products or services - selling excess production capacity

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