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Office of the Dean

College of Education

2OO Prospect Street East Stroudsburg, PA 1 830 1 -2999

Fax 57O-422-35OG


Tronsfer students
Pomelo Kromer


Ertel, Ed. D.


Deqn, College o,f Educqtion

Admission to teocher educotion programs

Congrotulotions on your occeptonce to Esst Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvoniql You havebeen odmitted to a select progrom thot involves speciol responsibilities. Becoming o teocher is on honoroble colling involving inf luentiol relotionships with children ond young odults. As such, speciol requirements insure both ocqdemic proficiency ond morql chqrocter. vou need to be aware of these os you plon your ocqdemic progrom. you hove been odmitted as a pre-educafion major. rn order to toke mony upper level closses, you must be formolly ond fully odmitted to the educotion Progrom. Full progrom odmission reguir es the following:

1. Complete interview with deportmentol foculty; 2. Sqtisfoctorily poss the Prqxis f Acodemic Skills
reading, writing, ond mothemqtics (Proxis in the progrqm);


Assessments in tests ore required later

3. 4.


Eorn o minimum overoll undargroduote QPA of 2.80 os identif ied by PA low *(some deportments moy require o epA requiremenf of 3.0); Complete 6 credits of mqthemqtics courses ond 6 credits of English (including one composition ond one literqfure) courses; complete 48 credit hours prior to screening for qdmission;

6. Sotisfoctorily complete early field experiences: 7. complete Acl 34 criminol history clearance, Acl151 child obuse
clearance; ond Act

8. Pnovide evrdence 9. Must hqve cument Student PSEA Liobility fnsuronce ond insuronce
ony other orgonizotion os determined by the mojor deportment; i0. Any other specif ic deportmentol requirements.

tt4 FBI f ingerprints clearance: of q current negotivetest for tuberculosis;


East stroudsbr,6tg?"lr$f,



A Member of Pennsylvania's State System of Higher Education

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

We STRONOLy recommend toking the Prqxis f tests during your f irst semester ot ESU (or sooner if possible). You con get further informqtion on lhese tests of the website www.ets.orglproxis .

*Any infroctions in terms of your cleorsnces rrroy prohibit you from being odmitted to o teqcher educotion progrom qnd/or moke you ineligible f or t eqcher certif cotion.

As soon os you receive this letter, it is imperotfve you contact the deportment choir of your selected mojor (see names below or visit The chair will help you select closses ond guide you through the process of successfully being qdmitted to f ull stqtus os on educqtion mojor. We look forword to qssisting in your preporotion in becoming on outstonding teacher where you will truly hove o positive impoct on students.
Deportment choirs: Eorly Childhood ond Elementory Educotion: Dr. Whiteheod,422-3356 Speciol Educotion: Dr. Scqlq, 570-4?2-3781 Secondqry Educotion: Dr. Lqre, 570-422-3363 Heolth ond Physicol Educotion: Dr. White,570-422-3293


NOTTCEI!!!l !!!!ll!!ll

Pennsylvonio is in the process of chonging numerous requirements for is essentiol thot you remoin in close contoct with teacher certif icotion. your ocodemic odvisor to besure thot you qre on trock with your course of study. (You will be ossigned qn qcqdemic odvisor ot the beginning of your first semester ot ESU). Students who groduqte ond qpply f or certificqtion


ofter December 31, ?O72 will be subject to new and diff erent

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