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Calling these numbers follows the format 'On its own, nickname, number 'x'.

These are suggestions of the most common nicknames for the single digit numbers. 1. Kelly's Eye3; Bingo baby; at the beginning. 2. One little duck4; me and you; Doctor Who. 3. Im free; one little flea5; Debbie McGee. 4. Knock on the door; the one next door. 5. Man alive. 6. Chopsticks. 7. Lucky for some; lucky; one little crutch6. 8. One fat lady7; garden gate. 9. Doctor's orders8. All the... These should be called as 'All the x's, nickname, xx'. 11. Legs eleven. With a crowd with a good sense of humour, 'Kelly's legs' can be used if number one has already been called. 22. Two little ducks (crowd may answer by shouting 'quack, quack'); dinky doo. 33. All the feathers; two little fleas; 'all the trees, Sherwood Forest, 33'. 44. Droopy drawers. (With a little imagination, it could be the legs of two loose women, one heel flat against the wall.) 55. Snakes alive. 66. Clickety-click. 77. Sunset strip (from a late 1950s-early 60s TV show). 88. Two fat ladies. Crowd may answer by shouting 'wobble, wobble'. Blind.... Call the following as 'x-0, nickname, blind x0'. 10. Tony's Den9; Cock and Hen. 20. One score; getting plenty. 30. Dirty Gertie; flirty thirty; Burlington Bertie. 40. Two score. 50. Bullseye; half a century; or 'five-oh, five-oh, it's off to work we go'. 60. Three score; five dozen. 70. Three score and ten. 80. Gandhi's breakfast10. 90. Top of the shop; as far as we go. Miscellaneous nicknames There are many variations on a theme. Making up your own ryhming slang is considered completely acceptable; and use the duck / flea / crutch / fat lady combinations as much as you like, especially if they happen to rhyme ('Duck and a flea, twenty-three'). However, as noted before, there are some numbers players really like to hear. If you can remember these, it's a bonus. 12. A dozen; monkey's cousin. 13. Unlucky for some; baker's dozen. 14. Valentine's Day (14th February). 15. Rugby team. 16. Sweet sixteen; never been kissed. 17. Dancing queen11; often been kissed.

18. Key of the door; coming of age. 19. Goodbye teens. 21. Key of the door; Royal salute12. 23. Lord's My Shepherd13. 26. Bed and breakfast14; Half a crown15. 39. The famous steps; all the steps16. 41. Life's begun. 42. The famous street in Manhattan. 45. Halfway house; halfway there (to 90). 57. Heinz varieties; all the beans. 59. The Brighton Line17 64. The Beatles' number (crowd may sing 'When I'm 64'). 65. Old age pension18 76. Was she worth it?19 83. Ethel's Ear20 89. Nearly there; all but one; one away (from 90).

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