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Attitude Survey
Directions: Read each statement carefully and mark the column that best describes your answers. Please put the X mark on the answer key provided. Mark X SA - if you Strongly Agree A - if you Agree U - if you are Uncertain D - if you Disagree SD - if you Strongly Disagree As a result of my service learning (RLE) exposure SA 1. I became at ease in talking to people 2. I began to encourage others to join community activities 3. I felt more confident in dealing with people 4. I realized Im blessed with the kind of family I have 5. I learned to appreciate the good life I have 6. I didnt complain anymore with the little that I have at hand 7. I became more sensitive to the needs of people around me 8. I started to give donations to the poor 9. I realized that my problems are minimal compared to the people Ive encountered 10. I realized that I have obligations to the community where I live 11. I will volunteer and help in community activities 12. I realized that I can contribute to the community where I live 13. I became interested in joining future community works 14. I will tell others that a lot can be done to help the poor 15. I want to be active in future community involvements MORE PLS PROCEED TO PAGE 2 A U D SD

Competency Survey
Directions: Read each statement carefully and mark the column that best describes your answers. Please put the X mark on the answer key provided. Mark X SA - if you Strongly Agree A - if you Agree U - if you are Uncertain D - if you Disagree SD - if you Strongly Disagree As a result of my service learning (RLE) exposure SA 1. I will participate actively in group activities 2. I am now free to accept others opinions 3. I realized the value of combined efforts 4. I can now use my time wisely 5. I became conscious of time when doing assigned tasks 6. I am now aware of the value of being on time 7. I learned to create new things out of recyclable materials 8. I had the opportunity to apply my art skills in designing visual aids for community activities 9. I creatively managed the resources available during community outreach 10. I can express myself clearly in conversations to newly-met people 11. I became conscious of my facial expressions during conversations 12. I was able to improve my interview skill 13. I became aware of the importance of following schedules 14. I feel I now have skill to organize activities for the community 15. I was able to enhance my planning skills A U D SD


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