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NUMBER 2011-10 MAY 1, 2012

IN THIS ISSUE ~ NEWS & NOTES ~ LADIES TEA ~ BIKE RODEO and so much more..... Dear family, Its been four years; four years since you called me to be your pastor; four years since you welcomed me and made me a part of your family. It doesnt seem like it at least not to me but thats what the calendar says. And what a blessing these four years have been for me. You all have given me a wonderful gift: the opportunity to do what God has called me to do, to preach the gospel, and to lead us in becoming a movement for wholeness in our community. In these four years, I have discovered what many of you have already known: that Bixby Knolls Christian Church is a special place, filled with people who have learned to truly care for one another, to share genuine love, to live together in Christian community as we learn day by day what God is calling us to do and to be. Aware of our own strengths as well as our imperfections, we are a community that strives to walk closer with God. As I say, the opportunity you have given me is a wonderful gift. Your continued affirmation of my ministry means a lot. I am incredibly thankful. However, if I may be so bold and presumptuous, I do want to share with you some other ways that you can show your appreciation not just to me, but also to this church that has come to mean so much to all of us: Pray. Would you commit to praying, every day, for the ministry we share? Give thanks to God, and pray that God would continue to guide us and show us how we can bring wholeness to our community? Show up. We can only be the church that God calls us to be when we all work together. Can you commit to making worship and service a priority in your life, attending as often as possible? Invite a friend. If you truly believe that your life is blessed by being a part of Bixby Knolls Christian Church, why not share that blessing with a friend or neighbor? What better gift could you give them, than to share what you have received? It is bold and presumptuous, I know, to ask this of you, when you have already given me so much. So dont do it for me. Do it for God, in appreciation of all God has given you. Do it in gratitude for all the joy and blessings God has given you. Then watch, and be surprised, as God adds even more blessings into your life. A prayer for With gratitude, Bixby Knolls Christian Church Pastor Danny Use me to bring wholeness to my neighbor. I lift up my eyes to the hills -where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, The Maker of heaven and earth. Use my church to bring wholeness to our community. Show us how your kingdom of shalom can be made real on earth through us.

Bixby Knolls Christian Church, (a Disciples of Christ Church) (562) 426-0428

Bike Safety Rodeo

Bixby Knolls Christian Church will host a Bike Safety Rodeo on Saturday, May 19 from 10:00-1:00. This is an event for the community, and a great way for us to bring wholeness to our neighbors. Our job is to provide the location (which will be our parking lot) and to publicize the event. It would also be nice to have some volunteers provide food/ refreshments, or even a hot dog lunch for the neighbors who come that day. If you are willing to help be a part of this, please let Pastor Danny know. The event itself will be conducted by Safe Moves, a non-profit organization, which is recognized as the leading authority in traffic safety education in the country. Safe Moves has not only been credited with saving thousands of childrens lives through education, but also through legislation with new traffic safety laws. Safe Moves has been featured on The Today Show, Good Morning, America, 20/20, Dateline and Oprah as well as in the Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine and Sports Illustrated.

Sunday, May 13
Bring mom and share all the love she's given you!

This is part of a mural created by participants at Rekindle on April 22, which illustrates Psalm 104. Join us for our next Rekindle worship service on May 20 at 6:12 pm!

Miracle on 43rd Street is a unique service project focuses on bringing the best of our gifts, resources and talents as an expression of Gods love and empowerment to a welcoming community. This hands on work is a visible witness to what it means to be one church! It takes place June 27-July 1 at United Christian Church in Los Angeles, a historically African-American congregation in a mostly Spanish-speaking neighborhood where 72% of the residents have never finished high school. It is one of the most densely crowded neighborhoods in southern California. The need for a Christian witness of healing and wholeness is great. Help is needed to: paint the sanctuary; install new flooring in the sanctuary; remove the pews; clean and polish the pews; re-install the pews; repair and paint drywall; replace light fixtures; replace lamps; paint the dining hall; clean and paint the cupboards in the kitchen; mend and paint the wrought iron fencing; install irrigation and landscaping; re-stripe parking lots and as with every church facility, theres always window washing, general cleaning and closets to be organized. In addition, there will be a Youth Experience held in conjunction with Miracle Week; high school youth from throughout the United States will be coming to participate in mission projects at United Christian Church (in conjunction with Miracle Week) as well as at other locations in Los Angeles. Evenings will include worship & a special music concert. Pastor Danny is on the planning team for the youth event, so interested youth should talk with him. For more information regarding Miracle Week, or to register, visit

Pat McIntosh, Rick McIntoshs mother, passed away last week. A memorial service was scheduled for Monday, April 30 Judy Berg had surgery on her foot and is recovering. The following was received from LaWahna Eldred: I have finally moved here to live with my daughter, Shawna, my two grandsons live closeby. I am officially here so would love to hear from anyone. I only have snail mail now but hope to get a computer soon. My address is LaWahna Eldred, 365 Kaupea Street, Makawao, HI 967688022. Aloha! A letter of appreciation from Centro Shalom has been received acknowledging your generous donation. Their services include food, clothing, referrals for victims of abuse, education or legal aid. Your donation benefits so many for whom there are few resources.
To have your news, joys, or concerns included in next months newsletter, send a note to Pastor Danny at, or call the church office.

The Ladies Tea is this Saturday, May 5, 1:00 p.m. There are still 2 openings remaining. Ladies, give yourself a break, relax and enjoy an afternoon of pampering. Call Sandy to ensure your spot.

The BKCC library is open. There are many books to choose from for all agesbiographies, bible references, church history, devotionals and great Christian fiction. We also have a selection of DVDs and tapes.

Former General Minister and President passes away

The Rev. Dr. C. William (Bill) Nichols passed to new life with God on April 21 after a lengthy illness. He was 84 years old. Nichols also served as senior pastor at National City Christian Church in Washington, D.C. after his stint in the general offices.

Monthly 30-min. Neighborhood Clean-Up

May 12 11:00 a.m. Youth & adults of all ages are welcome to join us. Those who want can go out to lunch afterward.

Wednesday Night Dinner

Join us every Wednesday for our pay-what-you-can community supper. Whats on the menu? Come and find out! 6:00pm

Summer Camp
Registration forms are now available! You can get yours at Additional copies will be available in the church office. Mini Camp is for those kids who will be in grades 2 & 3 in the fall of 2012. (July 1-4) Junior Camp is for those who will be in grades 4-6 in the fall of 2012. (July 8-14) Chi-Rho Camp is for those who will be in grades 7-8 in the fall of 2012. (July 15-21) CYF 1 Camp is for those who will be in grades 9-10 in the fall of 2012. (July 22-28) CYF 2 Camp is for those who will be in grades 11-12 in the fall of 2012, as well as those graduating in the class of 12. (July 29-August 4) All Ages Camp is for kids in grades 4-12. (August 5-11) Young Adult Camp is for those who are at least one year out of high school. (August 17-19)

Need a gift idea for all those special occasions that are rapidly coming upon us? Go to the scrip table on Sunday mornings where you have a variety of choices. See John or Marcia.

UP AND COMING May 5 - BKCC Ladies Tea May 13 - Mothers Day May 19 - Bike Safety Rodeo May 27 - Pentecost May 27 - Church Picnic May 28 - Memorial Day - office closed

Vacation Bible School July 16-20

May Fellowship Hour May 6 - Bobbie Smith May 13 - Mens Group May 20 - Sponsor needed May 27 - Sponsor needed

Last Saturday, I had the pleasure of playing on the church softball team. What a blast! I have never been on a softball team, dont own a glove let alone cleats but what fun we had! I even hit the ball. At this time we are playing classification games. The actual league doesnt begin for a few more weeks. However, if you want to support your church team come watch us. Bleacher cheerleaders are always welcome. The schedule will be forthcoming in the Fellowship News. Monica

No Worship and Wonder on May 20, and there will be no Junior Church and Worship &Wonder on the 27th, Memorial Day weekend.

a bible quiz
1. Who told Moses to send lepers away from the Israelite camp? Numbers 5:1-4 2. What was the affliction of the man Jesus healed in a Galilean synagogue? Matthew:12-13 3. What was placed over Achans body after the Israelite stoned him? Joshua 8:29 4. In Lukes Gospel, who is the only apostle to actually investigate the empty tomb? Luke 24:12 5. In Matthews Gospel, who moved the stone from Jesus tomb? Matthew 28:2 6. What son of Jacob, according to his brothers, was killed by a wild animal? Genesis 37:33 7. Where did God pare down Gideons troops to three hundred men? Judges 7:1-7 8. Whose wife helped him escape from Saul by letting him down through a window? 1 Samuel 19:12 9. Who was born first, Jacob or Esau? Genesis 25:25-26 10. What ancient city is associated with Joshua and the blowing of trumpets? Joshua 6 and how many did you get right?

May 6 - 1 John 4: 7-12 (note: its 1 John, not John!) May 13 - Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12; Luke 12: 13-21

Newsletter Article Deadline Sunday, May13 5:00 p.m.

The Fellowship News A publication of Bixby Knolls Christian Church of Long Beach (a Disciples of Christ Church) 1240 E. Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90807 Editor: Monica Lanz 562-426-0428 fax 562-426-0429 Pastor: Daniel Bradfield The Fellowship News is published twice monthly.

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(Disciples of Christ)
SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School for Adults 10:15 a.m. Morning Worship and Childrens Church OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Friday closed

CHURCH STAFF: Pastor Daniel Bradfield -Minister Monica Lanz -Church Secretary Barbara Neal-Peebles -Music Director/Organist Christine Perkinson - Church Child Care Suzie Romero - Custodian

BOARD OFFICERS: David Rugh -Board President -Vice President Pat Cohen -Secretary Angela Hillig - Treasurer Chrysan Naw - Financial Secretary Phil OLaughlin -Church Clerk

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