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Sea Breeze beach neighborhood ~ helping with an explanation and open to helpful solutions.

by Marge's Lakeside Inn on Thursday, July 8, 2010 at 3:20pm Most of us, residents of the Sea Breeze beach area, have been here most of our lives. We have seen and adapted to many changes in our area over the years. It's always been and hopefully will continue to be a wonderful place to live. However, it's extremely upseting to see where we are in this day and age. As co-owner of Marge's Lakeside Inn, I'd like to try to explain where we're coming from with all of the rules and situations of present day. We have been in business since 1960. Before that, the bar was there under a different name and prior to that it was a "speak easy" during prohibition. Alot of history, quite a bit of work and accomplishment to still be thriving after 50 years. First, to be clear, Marge (my Grandmother) started Marge's Lakeside Inn (Oct. 1, 1960). My Father, Ron worked for her and then took ownership in 1975. He passed away in 1986 and my Mother (Fran) and I (Francine) have been running it ever since. My Grandmother, Marge passed away in 1995. We are very lucky and have worked very hard at maintaining this establishment in this neighborhood of very close quarters. We have great customers as well as great neighbors. As you may have noticed, there have been a substantial amount of boats anchoring behind this private beach. (Yes, it is Private Property) What you may not fully understand is that Marge's Lakeside Inn's customers are primarily from the roadside. If I had to guess, I'd say less than 10% are from the water. Out of that 10%, I'd estimate that most of them know the proper etiquette and are respectful of it ALL being Private Property, which is a wonderful thing. However, the last couple years have become increasingly challenging for everyone. I'd like for you to visualize yourself living on that stretch of beatiful beach and every nice weekend (in addition to a few nice weekdays) you run into the following scenerios. * Several people cutting through (trespassing) your property to go meet friends on boats. (If people feel they must do this, they can cut through at the public area of the beach, located closest to the pier and walk in the water to the boat) * Finally having some awesome Rochester weather, putting out your floats (if you can even find a place to put them behind your property) only to have to ask people to remove themselves from them, as they are yours and you LIVE HERE. Then, on top of that...being verbally abused about why they should move off your property. * Owners bringing dogs (leashed or unleashed) on shore to relieve themselves and don't pick up after them. * People coming on shore to socialize, letting kids play, drink, eat, sit on your furniture, set up a nice little beach area (IN YOUR BACKYARD) and it's always an added bonus when they leave their garbage. * Not being able to let your kids out swimming, or yourself for that matter, as they might bet hit by an unlawful jet skier or boater. Furthermore, would you want your kids subjected to the "Spring Break" atmosphere that's demonstrated almost every weekend?

That's just a few of the items off the top of my head, which reminds me....... Last weekend, a neighbor gently told a family that they were on Private Property and after being verbally abused, got a luckily empty cup thrown at her. Awesome display of great parenting.....trespass, swear and throw things in front of your two small children. As a tavern owner, there's even more to it. We have to abide by NYS and ABC Liquor authority laws/rules. We also go above and beyond to give our customers the knowledge of what those rules are. Simply, no trespassing, nothing brought IN or anything (alcohol) taken Off property to name a few. We are working with law enforcement and local government to help this area take care of this special waterfront neighborhood. Everyone likes to enjoy the water, it's a great area, we all get that. However, there has to be a better way. I thought we could start with "getting the word out", so it's not just "assumed" that the neighbors and owners of Marge's are just "mean". For the most part, people "get it" and are pretty cool. However, those few can ruin alot for everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read this and any positive suggestions you might have are welcome. Like Share

Jill Ricci and 36 others like this.

Kim Bressler-Haley Well said Francine! :) July 8, 2010 at 3:24pm Like

Farrell Sprague Ditto! July 8, 2010 at 3:32pm Like

Kelly Darcangelo Great job! Anything we can do to help, let us know! July 8, 2010 at 3:41pm Like

Dave Brindley I lived on the lake for 15 years and can relate oh so much. I can remember asking a grandpa and grandson if they thought it was ok to sit on my picnic table on my patio and eat ice cream...they acted like nothing was wrong!! July 8, 2010 at 3:51pm Like

Elaine Doriguzzi Unfortunately it is the mindset of people today. I manage an apartment complex and deal with people every day who feel the rules only apply to OTHER people not them! It's sad to see respect and concern for what's "right" loose so much ground. Thankfully it is usually just a few people but those few people ruin things for the rest of us. July 8, 2010 at 4:04pm Like

Paul E. Sanderson What a shame it is that you would even have to explain this to people. Why can't people all be civil and courteous enough to realize it isn't fair to think the world revolves around them. Sorry you have to deal with those "anal cavities" Francine. July 8, 2010 at 4:06pm Like

Leigh Goebel The only problem is that the people who need to read this won't. All you can do is try, and try you do. If it helps with one person, it's a start. Well done. July 8, 2010 at 4:23pm Like

MaryKay Kuitems Appleby Definitely the mindset, as Elaine said, of so many people they are on the road, at shopping malls, and even at the work place. You certainly said it well! I wish i had some good suggestions for you except for maybe posting signs and barriers. How sad, but maybe necessary. Good luck with all of that. I hope these issues improve. July 8, 2010 at 4:27pm Like

Diane Cinney Maybe have a security person by the water as well, instead of just at the door. I know more work... or ask some of your loyal regulars to keep an eye out and help out with reminding people to respect other people's property. July 8, 2010 at 4:34pm Like

Jaime Ciaccia Well said Francine. July 8, 2010 at 7:25pm Like

Pat Cooper I agree Jaime, well said. Seabreeze is not the place to come and litter, take a wiz on someones yard, or cus up a storm as you walk down one of our streets. Look up the word respect in the dictionary. July 9, 2010 at 9:20am Like

Mary Reveley Right on Francine! #1) Forward your explanation to Irondequoit's Town Supervisor and work with her on possible solutions.#2) A boating ordinance of no more than 3 boats rafted together for safety and egress.#3) Code enforcement so the Seabreeze homeowners have the "quiet enjoyment" to which

they are entitled. #4) Sheriff's boat presence in the late afternoon when drunken boaters are in full swing. July 9, 2010 at 10:54am Like 1

Alayna Alderman Excellent Francine! A great start to what must remain as ongoing dialogue and education to all those who come to our unique area. I honestly try to give everyone the ' benefit of the doubt' when it comes to knowing " the rules". Its amazing...See More July 9, 2010 at 4:11pm Like

Patricia L. Collins That's a very good idea! Never ceases to amaze me the downright ignorance and rudeness that suppossedly otherwise intelligent people exhibit when they have a few cocktails under their belts. I would think that whoever polices the waters would address this issue for all concerened. it's a downright shame that you residents have to put up with this nonsense. July 9, 2010 at 8:01pm Like

Ashley Mehlenbacher Great post, I couldn't agree more. I recently moved in a few doors down, and honestly I cannot wait to move out. It is incredible the things people think they are entitled to. I have trespassers daily, people park on my private property and just last week my neighbors had to stop someone from breaking into my house. It's unfortunate that this is happening to such a great neighborhood. July 11, 2010 at 6:45pm Like

Reo Alderman Well said Francine. Unfortunately, most of the boaters that you are referring to won't read this or just don't care.... They have their boats and who are you to tell them what they can/can't do. Town of Irondeqoit- PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! July 12, 2010 at 9:38am Like

Lorna Michie You let 'em have it Francie .. sounds like y'all have your hands full and here I thought all those boats in the pix were paying customers .. bummer .. you need the old regime of folks like us to kick some butt and keep them weeded out .. lol .. as I recall there used to be law enforcement around there ALL the time .. and we didn't break any rules ! ! LOL July 12, 2010 at 11:32pm Like

Susan Baird I was going to mention Coast guard since my family is involved in the Auxillary, but you have them on your list already. One suggestion is a "neighborhood watch" type system where you and your neighbors take turns patroling your beachfro...See More July 13, 2010 at 3:58pm Like

Theresa Zicari Francine..great write up. you wrote the truth just the way things are happening on our beach and in the water. Most of the boaters just don't get it. They think they have the right to the water,beach and our property. We need to get togethe...See More July 15, 2010 at 5:04pm Like

Dan Quinlan Unfortunately, unless the boaters are breaking laws, they have a perfect right to anchor by you. This however does not give them the right to play loud music, swear & be obnoxious, throw ANYTHING in the water or trespass on a private beach....See More July 16, 2010 at 1:55pm Like

Marge's Lakeside Inn Dan, thanks for the input. As you know, we've lived and have enjoyed boating on the bay/lake all our lives and I understand the anchoring and enjoying the water is all good. However, like you's the thoughtlessness that is getting ...See More July 17, 2010 at 12:38pm Like

Michael McClusky All the comments are very well said and yes it seems like many young folks and some older just don't get it. I was a little wilder as young adult but always tried to be polite. I see it on boats, on the road, and just about everywhere.."ru...See More April 29 at 8:14pm Like

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