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Jos Battle witH teRminal canceR attRacts sPoRts staRs sUPPoRt

By alison sandilands

CELEBRITY sportsmen are among supporters of a brave 29-year-old West Ashby womans fight against terminal heart cancer.

Joanna Bryant was diagnosed with one of the worlds rarest cancers, cardiac sarcoma, last year. News it was terminal came in February, but Joanna decided to do everything in her power to stay alive. Along with setting up a blog to document her journey, Joannas boyfriend, Barney Green, organised a 200 mile bike ride from West Ashby to London at the

celeBrItY sUPPort: Former england cricketer alec stewart.

weekend, already raising more than 12,000 for Sarcoma UK. Joannas brave fight has received the attention of the likes

of swimmer Mark Foster, former England Cricket captain Alec Stewart and retired British racing driver Damon Hill. Photos of the sports stars appear on her blog, with messages of encouragement. When the doctors gave Joanna the dreaded news in February, that she had six to 12 months to live, she vowed to do everything she could to fight the disease. On top of a gruelling chemotherapy regime, Joanna is undertaking other treatments. She said: I decided I wasnt going to put any more energy into thinking about dying. There was no point. So I embarked on a mission to do everything I could. I overhauled my diet and have

been trying alternative therapies such as acupuncture. This means I have a lot more control. Good news came last Tuesday when a scan revealed the tumours had shrunk. Joannas positive attitude has helped her along. She said: I have taken on challenges all of my life. I am very competitive and driven and dont like to lose and that sort of attitude does help. When I first had the news it was such a blow and it took a while to come to terms with it. There has been a lot of response to her blog, which also helped drum up support for the bike ride. Continued on Page 3...

InsPIratIonal: Joanna and Barney having a break on the way to london. Joanna was there for the team in a support car for the duration of the journey.

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