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Under a new initiative from Commander Anton Verper, the Watch has been expanding and retraining to meet its new remit of safeguarding the Grand Republic. Commander Verper hadthistosay: Asmanyofyouwillbe aware,thisisadifficulttimefor the Grand Republic. Whilst we haveneverbeenstrongerthanwe arenow,wehavealsoneverbeen undersuchgreatpressure.With banditry,smuggling,andzealotry on the rise, not to mention the alarming spread of magic and technology,theWatchisallthat stands between Vardell and civilisation, and Tilt and barbarism. Thebestwaytoprotect ourselves is to be proactive. To this end, I have nearly doubled the size of the Watch over the past year, with many of these new recruits directly fortifying our walls or enforcing Vardellen law in newly annexed settlements. I would like to reaassuretheloyalcitizensofthe Grand Republic that this is purely precautionary, and we have no reason to believe that these extra forces will be necessary.However,itisbetterto beaheadofthetimes,thantobe takenunawares. Thisweekhasseenthe appointment of famous mercenary Vergil Carson as the new Arbiter of Relief. Charles Thomson, the previous Arbiter, has willingly stepped down for unknown results. Our reporter notes that Mr Carson seems broadly unreliable, as he claims to run out of town the clearly fictional"ManWolf",andtowrite a new anthem perhaps feeling that our music, currently used as an unofficial anthem, is unsuitable for a town desiring ManWolfSightingatGraves the independence their newly End constructed palisade would Some amongst you may suggesttheydo. remember the tales told over the Interestingly, Mr past several weeks of the fictional Carsonhasalsopromisedtodeal ManWolf a being that is with the festering technological apparently plaguing the new taint at the heart of Relief a settlement of Relief. Now, a campaignthiswriterissurewill community of farmers at Grave's be fraught with difficulty. End famous for their parsnips Though, as any whohave heard andotherrootvegetablesclaimto talesofhisexploitscanattest,if have seen this same beast on the anyonemancansinglehandedly outskirtsoftheirfields. solve the problems of the It were horrible, said fledglingtown,thatmanisVergil oneMr.Ponter.Sizeofaman,and Carson! half again as big. Seemed to be Inafreakaccident,Ms. sniffing around, looking fer Chance (16, Reasons Folly) has something not sure what. Me 'n died under suspicious me boys, we went in sharpish, I circumstances. Dr. Everett was cantellyou!ButIknowwesawit heldtoberesponsible, until the youdon'tmistakethatsortathing! intervention of eyewitnesses Lullton Joins Grand Is this something we explaining how her demise was ought to be concerned about? owing to her own foolishness Republic In a formal ceremony Whilst theevidencedoesseemto eating heavily tilted food, if you heldtodayintheGrandMarket, be piling up, I'm sure we all canbelieveit!Butthat'swhata the mayor of Lullton formally remember the case of the demon person would expect from being swore allegiance to the Grand animallastsummerturningout forced to live in such rude and Republic of Vardell. A crowd to be a perfectly harmless sheep tilted surroundings especially asanardentfollowerofFolly! gathered to cheer the wanderingthroughthefields! Mr. Skjwerko has proceedings, and a brief speech apparently learned from his wasgivenbytheAmbassadorto NewsfromRelief mistakes, and has moved his Lullton, Rummeld Carter. Greetings, loyalreaders, hazardous technological Commander Verper was notably and welcome back to our News absentfromproceedings. Lullton is a small town severaldaystravelsouthofVardell. Itisnotableforthelushfarmland surrounding it, and proximity to Fathers Lake, a large and mostly untilted freshwater supply. It is hoped that the strengthening of tiesbetweenthesesettlementswill continue to reduce Vardells current reliance on Reasons Folly forfoodimports. With Lulltons addition, the number of settlements to join theGrandRepublicnowstandsat 14. According to insider sources, thenumberisexpectedtoreachat least20bytheendoftheyear. fromReliefcolumn! Withallthe latestgossipfromthebrandnew town onthe road,that everyone seemstobetalkingabout!

workshopawayfromaresidential areasomethingwereceivedno end of comments on from you, ourvaluedreaders!Hisnewsite isuntiltedthoughitremainsto beseenhowlongthiswilllast. For something as seriousastilt,theissueseemsto behandledverylightlyinRelief! Our reporter notes that she would not be surprised to discover a sudden influx of dangerous individuals, banned from experimenting elsewhere, decidingtomovetothelaxerlaws inRelief! A meeting is taking place shortly to determine the new laws and punishments for the town we shall report back on this matter when we receive further word from our ardent reporter. Finally,abanditattack has set back efforts to cultivate

farmland around the town, and resulted in the death of a young boy despite the best efforts of the sheriff.MrCarsonwasunavailable forcomment. We shall return in a fortnight, with the next collection ofdispatchesfromourreporteron the ground, the intrepid Violet Stanton.

DearEditor: I noticed that your article on the Effects of Tilt (last week), you made no mention of the positiveeffectthattheworkingsof magicandtechnologycanhaveon thelivesofmany. Whilst it is undoubtedly truethatunregulateduseofthese powers is invariably destructiveto the environment, the case for a regulated use of magical or technologicalpowersisstrong.

Look at the good work that is done in many outliying settlements, where a single skilled mage or technologist can help keep at bay the wild animals, or even give bandits cause for a second thought! Consider the role of the technologist in improving efficiency in the fields, or the mageinhuntingforcriminals? Whilst I acknowledge that the law against magic and technology is there for a good reason, in this day and age it cannot hurt for us to consider thealternatives. Yoursanonymously
Any letters should be addressed to: Mr. E. Whiteman, Whiteman & Co, Vigilance Row, Vardell. Letters receivedmaybepublishedinthenext issue, subject to space and editorial policy.

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