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Horncastle News, Wednesday, June 22, 2011



seeking serenity through didgeridoo

By Alison sandilands

WHEN you think of relaxing activities, yoga and tai chi might come to mind.
But some people have been seeking serenity through did-

geridoo meditation. Aussie Gregg Chapman uses this ancient instrument during his regular classes at Minting Village Hall. Once a month, people of a mixture of ages, men and women, have been descending on the hall on a Saturday

morning for a couple of hours of relaxation. They close their eyes and imagine they are on a walkabout in the Australian bush. Gregg said: The people that come along immerse themselves totally in the sound and I help them learn how to meditate. It is such an incredible form of therapy. The traditional Aboriginal wind instrument is a long, conical shape and usually has native designs carved into it. Class members are asked to bring along mats or cushions to relax on while listening to the music. Gregg said: It is a very spiritual instrument that the Aborigines have played for thousands of years. It is a very credible form of therapy and soul therapy, and has been for a long time. I have been an alternative therapist for years and was always interested in this form of meditation. He has been playing the didgeridoo since 2007, after years of wanting to get more in touch with the Aboriginal culture of his home country. I had been thinking about learning for a couple of years and ran regular meditation

Some class members settling down for the didgeridoo meditation at Minting Village Hall on Saturday. Photo: John Aron.
classes so thought it would be good to integrate this into them. He now has six dijgeridoos - some made in the UK and others in Australia. Traditionally, Aboriginal didgeridoos are produced in Northern Australia and are made from hardwoods. The wood is placed in an active termite area to naturally hollow it out. For further information on the classes call Gregg on 079321 03903 or visit www.didgesoundtherapy.

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