Areas of R&D and Consultancy / Core Activities Areas of R&D: Transport Planning & Environment Division

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Areas of R&D and Consultancy / Core Activities Areas of R&D

Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Studies (CTTS) for Cities, TechnoEconomic Feasibility Studies & Road User Cost Studies Traffic Impact Analysis Estimation of Traffic Loads on Urban Road Network Transportation System Management Mode Choice Modelling for Short and Medium Haul Traffic Travel Demand Forecasting Travel Demand Estimation Using Quick Response Techniques Environment Impact Assessment of Road, Building, Highways & Metro Rail Corridor Projects Monitoring, Measurement, Modelling & Evaluation of Air & Noise Pollution due to Road & Road Transport Noise Mapping & Vibration Studies Fuel Consumption & Exhaust Emission Related Studies

Consultancy/Core Activities
Environment Impact Assessment of Road, Building, Highways & Metro Rail Corridor Projects Air Pollution & Exhaust Emission Monitoring and Dispersion Modelling Transport System Planning & Evaluation Travel Demand Estimation Fuzzy Logic Application in Transport Modelling Fuel Consumption & Related Studies GHG Emission from Road Transportation Sector

Infrastructure Facilities
RSPM (PM1PM10&PM2.5) Monitor Noise & Vibration Level Analyzers & Dose Meter Portable Ozone & VOC Analyzer Air Pollution Monitoring Van comprising of CO, NOX, SO2, O3,hc & SPM, PM10,VOC Monitors and Meteorological System Infrared based Automatic Counters cum Vehicle Classifiers Portable On-Board Exhaust Emission Analyzer for Petrol & Diesel Vehicles Global Positioning System (GPS) Doppler Radar Speedometer

Pneumatic Traffic Counter Fuel Consumption Meter with Data Acquisition System Electronic Techograph GC & hplc

Software Tools:
1. 2. 3. 4. Samurai NWWIN Predictor Si+

Training Programmes
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental Clearance (EC) Process for Road/Highway Projects in India Vibration and Noise Measurement and Analysis Urban & Regional Transportation Planning

Laboratory and Field Testing Facilities SIGNIFICANT ACHIEVEMENTS

Road User Cost Studies (RUCS) Urban Road Traffic and Air Pollution in Major Metropolitan Cities of India (URTRAP) Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Studies for Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Nagpur, Surat, Jaipur, Aizwal, Jamshedpur etc. Ridership Estimates and Economic Evaluation of Ludhiana Metro, Delhi Metro Phase-I & Phase-II Mobility Levels and the Transport Problems of Different Population Groups Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Studies for Badarpur Faridabad and Mundaka Corridors of Delhi Metro Quantification of Benefits Achieved from the Implementation of Phase-I of Delhi Metro

Fuel Losses Estimation due to Idling of Vehicles at Intersections Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies for Free way Corridors and Bypasses Microscopic Traffic Simulation of Toll Plaza Operations Urban Traffic Flow Characteristics of 14 Cities of varying Sizes Noise & Vibration Studies along Central Secretariat Badarpur Corridor of Delhi Metro

Honours/Recognition and Significant Achievements

Ms. Anuradha Shukla was awarded Fulbright Nehru Environmental Leadership Program Fellowship by USIEF from Sept.1, 2009 - 31st December 2009 Dr. Purnima Parida was awarded IRC Medal by Indian Roads Congress for paper entitled Estimation of Fuel Loss during Idling of Vehicles at Signalised Intersections, published in IRC Journal of March 2008 at IRC Annual Session held in November 2009 at Patna Bihar. Dr Kirti Bhandari best paper award First Prize for her Paper titled MRTS System in Delhi: Increase in Mobility and Equity Implication WS-92-2009- Road Transport & Climate Change :IndoUS S& T Forum (IUSSTF) has awarded bilateral workshop proposal On Road Transport & Climate Change on the basis of joint reviews in US & India. Ms. Anuradha Shukla, is Indian PI and Prof J.Zietsman, is PI from US Dr. Anil Singh was selected for Nomination as an Expert as Lead Author (LA) for the IPCC 5th Assessment Report (AR 5) in WG III by Government of India (Ministry of Environment and Forests) for Transport Sector Ms. Anuradha Shukla was awarded first prize and cash certificate for Hindi publication on 14th September, 2009 Dr. Neeraj Sharma was awarded prize and cash certificate for Hindi debate on 14th September, 2009 Dr Kirti Bhandari Scientist completed her PhD from Nagoya University, Japan and joined office on April 1st 2009. The thesis is titled Impact assessment of mass rapid transit in Delhi: Economy, Equity and Environment Mr. P V Pradeep Scientist, Completed Master of Engineering (Mechanical) from Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra (2009-10)

Equipments/Facilities/Software in the Division

MiniRAE 2000 Portable VOC Monitor (Model PGM 7600) is a compact monitor designed as a broadband VOC gas monitor and cataloguer for work in hazardous environments. It monitors Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) using a photo-Ionization Detector (PID) with a9.8 eV, or 11.7 eV gas discharge lamp.

OZONE MONITOR The 2B Technology Ozone Monitor is designed to enable accurate measurement of atmospheric ozone in the mixing ratio over a wide dynamic range extending from a limit of detection of 1.5 parts-permillion by volume (ppmv) to an upper limit of 100 parts-per-million based on well-established

technique of absorption of ultraviolet light at 254nm. The Ozone Monitor is lightweight (4.7 lb, 2.1 kg) and has low power consumption (3.5 watt) relative to conventional instrument and is therefore well suited for applications such as: a) Vertical profiling using balloons, kites, remotely piloted aircrafts and other aircraft where space and weight are highly limited. b) Long-term monitoring at remote locations where power is highly limited. c) Urban arrays of ground based detectors.


The 2B Technologies Nitric Oxide Monitor is designed to enable accurate measurements of nitric oxide (NO) concentrations in air without the use of a calibration gas standard. The most common application is the measurement of NO in urban and regional air pollution where the concentration is a few ppb or higher. The highly sensitive Chemi-luminescence method is required when the NO concentration is less than 2 ppb.


The real time dust Monitor System (Enviro-check Model 107) with Environmental Dust monitors particulate matter of micron sizes in ambient air .Features of the Envirocheck (Dust Monitor) System are: Single piece stainless steel construction,

portable, with built in Optical unit able to measure PM 10,PM 2.5 and PM 1 at the same time Particle size from 0.2m to 15m Particle mass from 1to 1.500g/m3 Automatic humidity compensation Data storage of days, weeks or month of test results


The OEM-2100 system can be installed in a matter of approximately 15 minutes on most motor vehicles. It interfaces with the vehicle in three ways: (1) it obtains power from the cigarette lighter; (2) it obtains engine data from an on-board diagnostic link found on most vehicles manufactured since the early 1990s; and (3) it obtains a small sample of engine exhaust using a sampling probe. The device simultaneously records engine data and measures the concentration of several gases in the vehicle exhaust, including carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitric oxide, carbon dioxide, and oxygen. The instrument reports engine and emissions data every second and the data are retrieved for later analysis.

Mobile Air Pollution Monitoring Van comprising of CO, NOX, SO2, O3, HC (Hydrocarbons) & SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) Analyzers and Eteorological Systems.


High-performance liquid chromatography (Highpressure liquid chromatography, HPLC) is a chromatographic technique that can separate a mixture of compounds and is used in biochemistry and analytical chemistry to identify, quantify and purify the individual components of the mixture. HPLC typically utilizes different types of stationary phases, a pump that moves the mobile phase(s) and analyte through the column, and a detector to provide a characteristic retention time for the analyte. The detector may also provide additional information related to

the analyte, (i.e. UV/Vis spectroscopic data for analyte if so equipped). Analyte retention time varies depending on the strength of its interactions with the stationary phase, the ratio/composition of solvent(s) used, and the flow rate of the mobile phase. It is a form of liquid chromatography that utilizes smaller column size, smaller media inside the column, and higher mobile phase pressures

A gas chromatograph is a chemical analysis instrument for separating chemicals in a complex sample. A gas chromatograph uses a flow-through narrow tube known as the column, through which different chemical constituents of a sample pass in a gas stream (carrier gas, mobile phase) at different rates depending on their various chemical and physical properties and their interaction with a specific column filling, called the stationary phase. As the chemicals exit the end of the column, they are detected and identified electronically. The function of the stationary phase in the column is to separate different components, causing each one to exit the column at a different time (retention time). Other parameters that can be used to alter the order or time of retention are the carrier gas flow rate, and the temperature.








Fuel flow Detector for Petrol (MPFI) vehicles for fuel consumption measurement of Petrol (MPFI) vehicles under idling and in-use condition with an accuracy of 0.1 ml and flow rate measurement up to 120 Ltr/hr. Fuel flow Data acquisition system which integrates distance data logged through GPS with fuel flow data logged through fuel flow Detector, with a speed accuracy of 0.1 km/hr. (2008-09)

Surface Impedance Meter:

For In-situ Reflection and absorption of noise calculation.

For Noise mapping and source identification

Larson & Davis Sound Level Meter

Tri- axial accelerometer for hand arm vibration:

Tri- axial accelerometer for whole body vibration

Sound book A Multichannel instrument for monitoring of

Sound (Sonogramm, Spectrum, FFT, Waterfall, dBA/dBC/dBZ) Vibration (Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration) Human Response to Vibration (X, Y,Z directional) Meteorological parameters (temp. pressure, wind velocity, wind direction etc.)

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