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Tackling Terrorism: A Call Bouquets and Brickbats

Denial of Burial Misguiding mind about the circumstances
to Hindu and Muslim I have learnt with concern Muslims
of the killing of Hemant Karkare
and his colleagues, which
Religious Leaders about the decision of the Indian
Muslim Council, not to allow the
Before I began to read the
article, “Manual for Social
have arisen because of
inconsistencies in the official
burial of the nine killed Mumbai

he recent assault on Mumbai is the most deadly terrorist Harmony for Muslims,” in the and media reports.
attack that India has witnessed so far, and it has shaken attackers, on an Islamic December 2008 issue of Islamic Ever since Karkare had
every Indian. Every one of us is asking how it is that we graveyard. As a reason, the Voice, I found the writer’s name successfully unveiled the face
have become so vulnerable and what it is that we must do to confront Council declares, that the was a bit familiar. I am reading of Hindutva terrorism, he was
this situation. It has become a sort of fad to blame politicians for all attackers cannot be considered Islamic Voice for the first time. a target of abuse and
our ills and problems. Muslims because they went After reading this article, I have vilification. Senior political
The threat posed by self-styled jihadist outfits to Pakistan itself is against the teachings of Islam. decided not to pick up Islamic leaders like Advani and Thakre
very real. In both Pakistan and India, despite the vocal or tacit opposition Another Council-member Voice again. Though there are had even called him a traitor.
of the vast majority of people, extremists who have adopted the guise of said that the attackers had some good suggestions, I felt Obviously the Hindutva
religion have been able to strike very deep roots. Just as ardent defamed the religion. that this article advises us to be groups were rattled by the
supporters of Narendra Modi and his likes have millions of supporters Of course I agree that the slaves of the oppressors in the exposure. He was an obvious
in India, self-styled jihadist groups have a large number of backers in Mumbai attacks are contrary to name of democracy. The writer’s candidate for elimination.
Pakistan. This fact alone should suffice to make us realize that both the teachings of Islam. comments on Azan and Qurbani What Antulay has hinted
Islamist and Hindu extremists feed on each other and collectively pose However, viewed from a show that he is ashamed and at, and which I endorse, is that
the gravest danger to the people of South Asia as a whole. religious perspective, the fearful to be a Muslim. (Sorry for there might have been a
Terrorism and religious extremism have assumed the form of deep- decision of the Council is also the harsh words). What a parallel conspiracy to silence
rooted social phenomenon in our part of the world, and so obviously a defamation of the teachings of disgusting and disheartening Karkare and an elimination
cannot be countered simply through a law-and-order approach alone. the Islam which is based on solution about Azan. If you want squad may have been
Merely banning terrorist groups, sealing their bank accounts and respect for every human being, to guide the Muslim community, following him. When they got
arresting their activists is not enough. Such steps can only work in regardless of descent or guide them through the Quran an opportunity in the noise
the short-term and that too not very effectively. We must realise that committed crime and Hadith and not from you and dust generated by the
terrorism in South Asia is not an issue that concerns just one country The denial of a grave is not own thoughts and beliefs.
or community, and that all forms of terrorism are inter-related. We terrorist attack, they killed him.
only one of the most extreme Akhil Ahmed Chakwa
must also seek to understand the factors other than just political In any case the suspicious
signs of disrespect, it is also a
that are also responsible for generating terrorism, such as illiteracy, circumstances must be looked
poverty, social inequality, unemployment and violation of human
violation of the right of every Why is Antulay into by high level inquiry and
rights and moral values. Hence, and obviously, to seriously tackle human being on human dignity, they should not be simply swept
terrorism from its roots a mere political approach would be inadequate. confirmed in the Universal being Pilloried? under the carpet. As Indians we
We also need to address these other underlying causes as well. This Declaration of Human Rights. It What Mr A. R. Antulay said owe this to Karkare.
points to the need for civil society groups, in both India and Pakistan, is evident, that the killed is being deliberately Syed Shahabuddin
to take a leading role in social activism against the menace of Mumbai attackers are guilty of misinterpreted. He is being New Delhi
terrorism. Terrorism must be viewed as a social phenomenon, and, very serious crimes, for which pilloried and pressured to
accordingly, must be sought to be countered through a strong and they would be held accountable resign. He did not absolve Resear ch Pr
Research oject
effective social movement, besides at the level of the state. on earth, in a fair and Pakistan nor deny that the
For this purpose, we need to chalk out a non-political programme independent trial, according to “Mudukulathur Muslims-
terrorists were of Pakistani
that would bring together civil society groups as well as serious- Today and Tomorrow”, a
international standards. origin and that the attack was
minded religious leaders from the different communities in the region research project has been
However, now they are dead, no organized in and launched
in a joint struggle against all forms of terrorism that are causing such initiated by www.mud-
Council or other authority has from Pakistan. What Antulay ukulathur .com. Those who
havoc all across South Asia today. Perhaps this could take the form
the right to deny them eternal said does not in any way have any information about
of a ‘South Asian Forum Against Terrorism’. Through such a forum
peace on a graveyard. diminish our case on Pakistani Mudukulathur can send it to
it would be easier for us to appeal to Hindus and Muslims throughout
Astrid Essed responsibility for the terrorist muduvaihidayath
our region with our message against terrorism. The most important
role in this forum should be that of responsible and right-minded Florijn 444, Amsterdam attack. or to M. Shanmu-gham, 33
Muslim ulema and Hindu religious personages such as The Netherlands No doubt he has brought Maranayanar Street,
dharmacharyas. out the doubts in the public Ilayangudi-630702
Some months ago, the Dar ul-Uloom Deband organized a massive
rally, bringing together clerics from different Muslim sects to jointly Another Ship has Sunk vegetable seller on the street today follows a
method to sell his vegetables. He knows when his
issue a declaration or fatwa condemning all forms of terrorism and
I heard the sad news about another Muslim – tomatoes will rot and when his cabbages will stay
declaring these to be anti-Islamic. This was a very welcome step.
run magazine closing down in Delhi last month. It green.
Such mass rallies can be organized throughout South Asia by the
is a reality that the Muslim media today is in a Travel to Kerala if you wish to see the marvels
Forum wherein Hindu and Muslim religious leaders can jointly
pathetic state. Muslims do not have a single news that the Muslim-run media in Malayalam is doing
denounce terrorism and call upon Hindu, Muslims and others to join
channel which can voice the opinion of the there. Its pure professionalism. Yes! From the same
them in the struggle against it. If the leading responsible Muslim
voiceless. Religious channels are too preachy. place a Muslim-run magazine closed down after it
ulema and muftis of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh can jointly
Muslims do not have a national newspaper again. was kidnapped from Bangalore and later killed in
directly address jihadist Muslims and explain to them the errors of
There is no point in a magazine or newspaper if it is Calicut. This happened due to severe marketing
their views, it can have a very big impact on their thinking. They can
“by the Muslims, for the Muslims and of the mismanagement which is again a weak point in
thereby underline the gross misuse of the concept of jihad, which is
Muslims”. Our voices should reach the non- Muslim-run media. A paper will not survive on
now causing such pain, destruction and strife not just for non-
Muslims and the people in the corridors of power. goodwill of a few readers for a lifetime. How long
Muslims but for Muslims themselves. Likewise, if the Hindu religious
Muslims have lots of money, but they have no can you hook readers with the parrot-like line:”
leaders of the countries of South Asia get together and declare that
inclination to pump it into media. They will rather Buy it for Allah’s Sake!”
the fiercely anti-Muslim activities of extremists in a Hindu garb
donate the money in building fancy mosques with It’s people who can make or break a publication.
constitute a grave violation of the Hindu religion, it can certainly
the intention that they will be “rewarded”. For Their intentions and dedication plays a mighty
impress many Hindus. This sort of effort can play a major role in
them, media is boring and not lucrative for them in important role in the success.
bringing Hindus and Muslims closer and solving many of their
this world or the hereafter. Nigar Ataulla
problems and conflicts. It can help build confidence and trust between
On failure of Muslim run media, a lot depends Bangalore
Hindus and Muslims and between Pakistanis and Indians and in
on the people who run it and the people managing
marginalizing the religious extremists on both sides. ■
it. Professionalism is the key. Even a small-time
Community Round Up ISLAMIC VOICE, JANUARY 2009 11
People Poor are getting Poorer
New Delhi: The All India Muslim Economic free system of trade and commerce. Now we have
Council (AIMEC) organised a conference on to take some steps in the light of Islamic banking
Kishanganj DM Firaque December 2, 2008, of all Indian organisations system based on Shari’ah.”
working on interest-free basis in Deoband, Expressing concern over the increase in number
Ahmad to be honoured Saharanpur. In his presidential address, Maulana of people living below the poverty line, economic
Patna: The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) has Hasib Siddiqui, chairman of AIMEC, said: expert Dr. Syed Zafar Mahmood said: “It is the
decided to honor Firaque Ahmad, District Magistrate (DM) of “Muslims dreamt for long to establish financial need of the hour to establish interest-free and
Kishanganj for fair execution of the annual examination of class institutions conforming to Shari’ah, but most of cooperative institutions in order to eliminate
10th in the district in March 2008. their dreams remained confined to issues like economic backwardness among Muslims.” “The
The Bihar School Examination Board conducts Secondary worship, religious education, nikah and poor are getting poorer and capitalists are gaining
School Examination twice every year, the annual and inheritance, so much progress could not be made in their capital. The Islamic economic system is
supplementary examinations. The annual examination is normally in the field of financial aspects of life and interest- the best means to prevent it,” he added. ■
conducted in the month of February/March. According to Anup
Kumar Sinha, secretary of the Board, Kishanganj has been given Hari Masjid Police Firing: Victim files PIL
grade ‘A’ for fair examinations. There were no report of
BY A STAFF WRITER Bombay High Court rejected the reasons given by
irregularities and use of unfair means in the examination from
Mumbai: The Bombay High Court recently the CBI for declining to take up the Hari Masjid
Kishanganj. Since the DM of a district is the controller of
tightened the noose on the state and central case of the 1992-93 riots. The CBI had cited delay
examination for the whole district, the Board has decided to give
governments while hearing a public interest as the first reason for refusing to take up the case.
Firaque Ahmad an award for his commitment to his duty. Before
litigation filed by Farooq Mapkar, a victim of firing Justice F. Rebello pointed out that this reason did
assuming office of the DM of Kishanganj, Firaque Ahmad was
at Hari Masjid on January 10, 1993. Justice B. N not hold. “A judicial commission of inquiry was
the chairman of Bihar Text Book Publishing Corporation. He is set up that gave its findings in the victims’ favour
known for his honesty and punctuality. ■ Srikrishna had indicted policeinspector Nikhil
Kapse for firing on worshippers inside Hari Masjid, in 1998. The government then set up the Special
Indian Shining in China Wadala, which resulted in the death of six Muslims. Task Force which exonerated the police officer
without either examining the complainant (Mapkar),
Farooq Mapkar, injured in the firing, had filed a
Bangalore: Suraiya Tarannum, Head of the or those injured in the incident. Nobody is listening
petition asking the CBI to look into the matter.
Telecommunication Engineering, AMC Engineering College to the plea these citizens have been making since
Mapkar has urged the court to direct the police to
Bangalore was the sole representative from India to participate book assistant police inspector Nikhil Kapse for 1993. The CBI’s second reason was that this was
in the 11th IEEE International Conference on Communication murder and also hand over the probe to the CBI. “a simple matter” which could be investigated by
Systems (IEEE-ICCS 2008) held in Guangzhou, China between Kapse, then a police sub-inspector attached to the State government. Justice Mohite pointed out
November 19-21, 2008. She presented her research paper the RAK Marg police station had ordered the that the matter was far from simple. “There are
entitled,” Dynamic Hierarchical Communication Paradigm for firing in the Masjid at Sewri. “The complaint undercurrents of communal bias,” Justice Rebello
Wireless Sensor Networks: A Centralised Energy Efficient (made by Mapkar) on its own, along with the said, adding, “The complaint is not only about the
Approach. ■ (Srikrishna Commission) report, prima facie general firing at the Masjid, but also a specific
allegation that an injured man has been shot at
Put this under People column discloses a cognizable offence”, observed the
judges. Public prosecutor Satish Borulkar told point-blank range. Despite this, all these years the
DR SHOHAB IS AIUUTA GENERAL SECRETARY the court that a Special Task Force appointed by State apparatus has been saying nothing wrong
Jammu : Dr Shohab Inayat Malik, Professor of Urdu in Jammu the state government to look into the has been done!”
University has been elected as the General Secretary of the All commission’s report that probed the 1992-93 Finally, the CBI had opined that taking up this
India University Teachers Association (AIUUTA). A decision Mumbai riots had said that no offence was made inquiry was not in “public interest”. “What is public
to this effect was taken in an Urdu teachers conference held at out. Mapkar’s complaint about the incident interest for the CBI?” asked Justice Rebello.
Kashmir University in which over 150 Urdu teachers participated. mentions one Shamsuddin, who had been injured The court was appalled by the fact that the
Dr Malik took over charge of general secretary from Dr Ali Javed, in the firing inside the mosque. As he came out statements of the injured were not recorded even
Director, National Council for Promotion of Urdu Language of the mosque, Shamsuddin bent down to tend by the STF. Senior counsel Vijay Pradhan, who is
(NCPUL). All India University Teachers Association (AIUUTA) to his injured leg. Mapkar saw Kapse shoot him appearing for Mapkar, submitted that the STF never
is a body of All India Urdu Teachers working on national level at that moment. Mapkar had also recounted this visited the mosque or met any of the injured
for the promotion of Urdu language. Dr. Malik is also the in his affidavit filed before the Srikrishna persons, including Mapkar. “This is not how a
President of Rasa Javadani Memorial Literary Society (RJMLS), Commission. criminal investigation should be carried out,”
a NGO working for the cause of Urdu language in the state. ■ Justices F. I. Rebello and R. S Mohite of the Justice Mohite said.■
Informative Indian
Muslim Website
The brainchild of Kashif
ul-Huda, an engineer from
Bihar, now working in
America, www.twocircles
.net is probably the most
informative, useful and
enlightening Indian
Muslim site on the Internet.
It covers a host of issues
related to the Indian
Muslims, including
education, culture, politics,
history and economics.
Subscription is entirely
free. All you need to do is
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relevant box in the main
page of the website and you
can get free daily updates.■
Community Round Up ISLAMIC VOICE, JANUARY 2009 12
Kerala Muslim Marriage Bill: Muslims to play a leading role in war on Terror
Positive Reactions
By Md. Ali
Trivandrum: The Kerala Law Reform Commission (KLRC) has
drafted a bill in order to regulate the practice of polygamy and check
the misuse of talaq as an instrument of divorce among the Muslims
in the state.
The bill titled as the Kerala Muslim Marriage and Dissolution by
Talaq (Regulation) Bill seeks to reform the Shariah laws. It proposes
the creation of conciliation councils in each district which will take
up the cases of indiscreet marriages and divorce among the Muslims
of the state.
The “conciliation councils” will be headed by a retired Muslim
BY MUMTAZ ALAM FALAHI and criminals are not brought to book (referring to
judge. It also considers the second marriage of either the husband or
New Delhi: Muslims took the lead in the 1993 Bombay riots and Gujarat 2002 pogrom)
wife as punishable offence under the IPC. This bill has been sent to
freedom struggle of the country and played the terrorism finds its way. He, however, condemned
the Muslim legal luminaries for their opinion and will be submitted to
most pivotal role in liberating it from the British those, if any, who are resorting to violence to get
the government soon.
Raj and now they are ready to play a similar role in justice and their rights and said there are democratic
It has sought a variety of responses from the Muslim community
liberating it from all sorts of terrorism and causes and peaceful ways for these purposes.
be it the common masses or its intellectual class. Moreover it has
thereof, said Muslim MPs, intellectuals and leaders Rajya Sabha MP and Jamiat Ulama-i--Hind
created a debate in the community to ponder over the effects of
of religious organisations. leader Maulana Mahmood Madani rejected the
polygamy and talaq on the community. The bill has sought positive
At the “Muslims Initiative against Terrorism view that if Muslims are repeatedly condemning
responses almost from all the women’s activists across the religious,
programme” last month at India Islamic Cultural terrorism saying it has nothing to do with Islam
political and ideological divides. They have been pitching for the bill
Centre in New Delhi the speakers strongly they are in a way admitting that they are terrorists.
and mobilizing forces to pressurize the government to legislate the
condemned all sorts of terrorism going on in the He said the entire Muslim community is not
bill. Kerala Women’s Front (KWF) is an organization working for the
country and demanded the government to terrorist, but admitted that a little part of the
empowerment of women in general and Muslim women in particular
strengthen intelligence system and deal with all community might have gone astray. Former MP
in the areas of socio-economic empowerment through education.
acts of terrorism with firmness and also ensure that and social activist Shabana Azmi said that if talked to Febeena Seethi, the president of KWF. Her
the police and the agencies are not driven by Muslims in India were not seen with suspicion
stand was somewhere between a complete ban and complete freedom
communal colours. They also demanded that following the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks it was
of polygamy. She pointed out that KWF supports the Kerala Muslim
Muslims should be included in any counter- because the community had taken lead to fight
Marriage and Dissolution by Talaq (Regulation) Bill.
terrorism set-up as has been done in the Rapid against terrorism in the country. They had
According to her polygamy is a double edged sword in the sense
Action Force. denounced it and expressed their resolution to
that it can be useful, but it can also be a way to exploit women.
A resolution adopted at the programme says: fight the menace along with the entire nation. Their
Usually it becomes a way of exploitation of women where their lives
The root cause of terrorism – discrimination, initiative changed the perception about them. She
are made miserable because of it. But at the same time she pointed
suppression, inequality and injustice – also need also applauded the role of the media for this.
out that there are tens of cases which she knows personally where
to be addressed in any strategy to eradicate the Former BJP MP and now party’s national
women who are in polygamous relationships and are happy. They
terrorism. spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said Muslims
are not being exploited and are rather very comfortable being a part
Kamal Farooqui, Chairman, Delhi State Minority are loyal to the country and they need not give
of the relationship. So in some cases it is a blessing.
Commission, and one of the organizers of the any certificate for this. Samajwadi Party MP Ilyas
“There should be a women and a religious scholar in the
programme, said Muslims today are “with the Azmi said that “to say time and again that we are
conciliation councils.” She explained that the representation of women
government and security agencies in the fight against terrorism is proof of our inferiority
and a religious scholar is very important. The religious scholar will
against terrorism without any ifs and buts.” complex.” Talking about Mumbai attacks, he
help in avoiding any kind of controversy and the woman member will
Newly-elected Rajya Sabha MP Mohammad expressed doubt over the circumstances in which
help the council in understanding the complex issues of women and
Adeeb said that Muslims of this country have three officers including ATS chief Hemant Karkare
thereby it will help the council achieve its purpose. But she had
always been against violence and terrorism. He, were killed. He rejected the government’s point that
something more to say about the practice of polygamy in Kerala.
however, admitted that when rights are suppressed no locals were involved in the attack. ■
First of all, she said, till now there has not been any proper study on
the practice of polygamy among the Muslims of the state. Usually
people say that polygamy is widely practised in Malabar but she has Taawun Trust to distribute blankets in
not come across any single case of polygamy in the region.
So before bringing about any legislation it is very important for flood affected states
the government and the public to know to what extent polygamy is New Delhi: Months after the flood that affected blanket which includes cost of taxes, transportation
being practiced in the state, then only will one be able to analyze its lives of millions in Bihar, Assam, and West Bengal, and documentation.
effects and consequences on people. A big section of all the people their conditions continue to be fragile. Millions All donations to the Trust are exempted under
who support the Bill feel that it is high time that reform must happen who have become Section 80G of the
in the Muslim Shariah law or Muslim Personal Law. homeless continue to Income Tax Act 1961,
(■ live in camps in pathetic and it has a permanent
conditions. registration under
Maulana Mohammad Ali Established in 1998, FCRA (Foreign
Taawum Trust has Contribution
Jauhar Awards 2008 been helping poor, Regulation Act). For
New Delhi: Charanjeet Singh Atwal, Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha helpless, orphans, and more details and
and Justice Mohammad Suhail Ejaz Siddiqui, Chairman, National widows and those donations: Account
Commission for Minorities Educational Institutions, are among those affected by natural Name: Ta’awun Trust,
to be honoured this year with the Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar calamities. Chairman of the Trust, Dr. Mohd. Banker: State Bank of India, Zakir Nagar Branch,
Award 2008. Manzoor Alam in an appeal sent to donors said New Delhi-110025, Account No.: 10177189422 (for
Others to be honoured with the award are Manorama Deevan, that the Trust is planning to distribute 10,000 Foreign Donors)
Chief Editor, Press Asia International, Shahid Ali Khan (IPS), blankets to the flood affected people in Bihar, 10177189603 (for Indian Donors), Address: 162,
Mohammad Ateeq Siddiqui, Editor, AlYaum, New Delhi, Dr. Haneef Assam, and West Bengal. The Trust has already Jogabai Main Road , Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-
Tareen and Saulat Public Library, Rampur. The Maulana Mohammad distributed one thousand blankets in Bihar and 110025 (India) Ph: 26987467, 26981187, 26989253
Ali Jauhar Academy has been giving away awards in the fields of now seeking donation to fund rest of the blankets. Email: Website: http:/
politics, journalism and social service since 1989. ■ The appeal by Dr. Alam said that it cost Rs. 350 per / ■
Community Round Up ISLAMIC VOICE, JANUARY 2009 13
MIM launches campaign for Elections Colony shuts out non-Hindus
Hyderabad: Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen Lok Sabha constituencies in the state has changed Surat: Getting a house in Surat’s Hindu neighbourhoods always
(MIM), the most influential Muslim political party the demographic map of many segments in remained a distant dream for Muslims. However, India’s diamond
in Andhra Pradesh, has launched its campaign for Hyderabad in favor of Muslims. Earlier Hyderabad capital has gone a step further by formalizing the social ostracism,
the forthcoming elections with a call to Muslims to Lok Sabha constituency had three rural assembly post Mumbai’s terror strike.
unite under one political banner to take advantage segments of Ranga Reddy district, but after the The diamond hub of Varaccha always had ‘Hindus only’ and
of their strength and urged Hindus to join hands delimitation, Hyderabad has become a hundred even ‘Patels only’ colonies. Now, many housing societies and real
of friendship. MIM, which has set its eyes on percent urban Parliamentary constituency. As the estate brokers in the city have decided not to sell or even rent out
doubling its strength in the state assembly from ratio of Muslim electorate in this Lok Sabha houses to non-Hindus, especially Muslims.
existing five to ten, chose Malakpet to launch the constituency has gone up to 70%, MIM is Recently, a housing society in Rander area has disallowed its
campaign. The MIM president and member of Lok confident that it has become an even more secure members from selling houses to people of other faiths. At Dhanlakshmi
Sabha, Asaduddin Owaisi said that the MIM was fortress. MIM has been winning the Hyderabad Row Houses, society president Rajesh Patel says, “Our society is
confident of wresting the Malakpet constituency seat since 1984 without any break. Though the exclusively for Hindus. We want to avoid any nuisance. All residents
and the target can be achieved only if Muslims TDP-Left alliance is planning to field a Muslim have unanimously decided that no one will sell their houses to those
remain united and demonstrate their strength in candidate, the MIM is confident of retaining the belonging to any other religion.” A resident of House No. 13 at
the next elections. What has boosted the seat. In all the elections it defeated the BJP in a Dhanlakshmi Row House was forced to leave by other residents
confidence of the MIM to win more number of direct fight. (Reported by Mohammed Siddique, because he belonged to the minority community, said Chirag Patel,
seats is that the delimitation of the assembly and■ resident of this society located in Rander. A notice board put outside
the society reads, “As per a resolution passed by the society
Mumbai first eco-friendly Mosque members, no one will sell the house to a person of any other religion
Mumbai: The Dawoodi Bohra community has And this calls for more fans,” Neemuchwala said. and if done, action against the buyer and seller will be taken.”
decided to give Mumbai its first eco-friendly “We have planned to bring down the number of Property Dealers’ Association (PDA) in Adajan and Rander areas of
mosque. The construction of the mosque at the fans and reduce electricity usage by 20%.” the city had decided to refrain from selling or renting properties to
Tambawala compound in Mazgaon in south central “Fatimi architecture will be prominent. It has Muslims. “We have decided not to provide our services to any
Mumbai is expected to be completed in two years. typical floral repetitive designs and conical shaped Muslim customer,” says Manoj Gandhi, PDA president. Gandhi said
Architect, Esmail Neemuchwala said the primary arches. It is inspired by Mughal, Indian, and British brokers from posh areas such as City Light are also mulling similar
focus would on rainwater harvesting and using architecture,” he said. Green lawns will border the move. The association also had staged a dharna at Jogani Nagar to
less electricity. “We want to give the best to the mosque. This would help in bringing down the air condemn the Mumbai attack and make people aware of threats.
environment from which we take the most,” he said. temperature as it moves towards the mosque, Assistant commissioner of police, G division, J.S Kher, informed,
“In a 120-sq ft room, one fan is sufficient according to Neemuchwala. The mosque will not “So far, we have not received any complaint from anyone directly
because there are usually three people at a given have solar panels and instead will use rainwater affected by the decision. “ (Reported by Yagnesh Mehta | TNN) ■
time. But the number goes up to 30 during prayers. harvesting as much as possible. ■

First Quran in Nepali adds cheer to Bakrid

Kathmandu: As Nepal celebrated Bakrid, for the entire Quran translated into Nepali.
thousands of Muslims, there was an ad-ditional The five-year project was funded by Al-Quran
cause to rejoice with the gov-ernment for the Academy in London, an
first time announcing a public holiday on
the occasion and the first Quran in Nepali
language being offered to the faithful.
organisation engaged in
Islamic research and
“We thank the government for publication. About 2000
de-claring Bakrid a state holiday,”
said Sheikh Ali Mirza, an Imam
at Kathmandu’s Kashmiri
copies were printed in
New Delhi and are meant
to be circulated in Bhutan
Masjid, one of the two and Myanmar as well, which
main mosques in the have a size-able Nepali-
capital. “It is also a speaking population. Nepal’s
matter of joy that the first Maoist Prime Minister
holy Quran is now Pushpa Kamal Dahal Prachanda
available in Nepali so issued a message saying Bakrid
that people who do not know was a source of inspiration and
Arabic can comprehend it.” Bookshops near the hoped it would cement cultural and
Kashmiri and Jama Masjids said there was a brisk social har-mony in Nepal. The top leaders of the
sale of the Nepali Quran. The Kathmandu-based major parties also publicly greeted the Muslim
Islami Sangh Nepal took the initiative of getting community.■
Mayhem in Mumbai ISLAMIC VOICE, JANUARY 2009 16

Terrorism in India has many Faces

BY MARTHA NUSSBAUM beaten, lived far from the embraced ethno-religious community and other
The attacks in cleansing should amaze
original incident and could

f, as seems likely, the Mumbai will feed a innocent people. Such
terrible events in Mumbai have had no connection to it, nobody. Since the 1930s, their actions, aimed at transforming
in November 2008 were moreover, there was copious
powerful stereotype movement has insisted that India’s pluralistic democracy
the work of terrorists, that’s more evidence of pre-planning: of the Muslim who India is for Hindus, and that into an ethnocentric regime,
bad news for India’s minority Hindu right-wing groups had can never be a good both Muslims and Christians
pose a grave threat to India’s
Muslim population. Never mind kept lists of Muslim dwellings democratic citizen. are foreigners who should
that the perpetrators were and businesses. Such stereotypes have second-class status in
probably funded from outside Complicity
Evidence that Gujarat’s shadow the lives of the nation.
India, in connection with the All of this is terrorism, but
state government egged-on Last year (2008), in the
ongoing conflict over Kashmir. Indian Muslims, who most of it doesn’t reach the
the perpetrators was also eastern state of Orissa,
The attacks will feed a powerful compose 13.5 per world’s front pages, when it
overwhelming and led to the members of the Bajrang Dal
stereotype of the Muslim who cent of the does make it into newspapers
US State Department in 2005 have murdered scores of
can never be a g o o d population. outside India, the word
denying a visa to Narendra Christians who refused to
democratic citizen. Such “terrorism” is rarely used, the
stereotypes shadow the lives result is a perception, in India
of Indian Muslims, who and abroad, that Muslims are
compose 13.5 per cent of the the bad guys in every incident
population. of terrorist violence.
But it’s important to Such stereotypes are so
consider Indian terrorism in a prevalent that many state Bar
broader context. Terrorism in
associations in India refuse to
India is by no means peculiar
defend Muslims accused of
to one community. A string of
complicity in terrorism-
recent incidents has been
despite the fact that India’s
linked to groups, most of
Constitution guarantees all
these with foreign ties and
accused, a cost-free defence.
pertaining to Kashmir. The
Meanwhile, Muslim youth
bloodiest recent example of
terrorism in India however are often rounded up on
was the slaughter of as many suspicion of terrorism, an
as 2,000 civilians by Hindu analogue to the current ugly
right-wing mobs in the state phenomenon of racial
of Gujarat over several profiling in the United States.
months in 2002. Some are criminals, but
Modi, Gujarat’s chief minister. how arms were smuggled from reconvert to Hinduism, this does not justify
This horrendous
R e c e n t l y, the Indian other states; how the police Peaceful villages have been demonizing Muslims, any
violence was portrayed at the
investigative journal Tehelka were instructed to look the reduced to ashes, a church-
time as retaliation for an more than the violent acts of
uncovered even more proof of other way. One leader of the run orphanage was torched,
alleged torching of a train car the Hindu right justify
government complicity in the Bajrang Dal (a para-military dozens of churches have
carrying mostly Hindu stereotyping all Hindus as
murderous, anti-Muslim right-wing group) described been destroyed, missionaries
passengers. Tw o rapists and murderers.
attacks. his own role with pride; “there and priests have been
independent inquiries since Let’s go after criminals
Gujarat Violence was this pregnant woman, I murdered in cold blood.
have concluded that the fire with determination, good
A Tehelka reporter using killed her…..they shouldn’t Thousands have been forced
was instead, a tragic accident evidence and fair trials, and
a hidden camera interviewed even be allowed to breed. I to flee their homes, and at
caused by passengers’ let’s stop targeting people
participants in the Gujarat say that even today. Whoever least 30,000 are homeless. The
kerosene stoves. based on their religious
violence who described how they are, women, children, rallying cry: “Kill Christians
But even if that was not affiliation.
bombs were manufactured whoever, nothing to be done and destroy their
known at the time, most of the ( L o s Angeles Times-
in factories owned by with them, but cut them down. institutions.”
people killed or raped or Washington Post News Service)
members of the Hindu right: Thrash them, slash them, burn
In August, the Catholic (The writer is a professor of
them, the idea is, don’t keep
bishops of India closed law and ethics at the University
them alive at all; after that,
Catholic schools across the of Chicago). ■
everything is ours.”
country as a protest against
The revelation that
the atrocities on the Christian
members of the right have

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