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Saturday, May 5th

8:30 a.m. Weekly Memorial Mass
5:00 p.m. Jacob Yaeger and Virginia Yaeger Higgins, req.
Virginia Yaeger
Sunday, May 6th - Fifth Sunday of Easter
7:30 a.m. Gary Dill, req. The Hernandez Family
9:00 a.m. Michael Rubino, req. Mr. and Mrs. Vito Guidetti,
10:30 a.m. Ken Magrath, req. The Schoal Family
12:00 p.m. Ruth McInroy, req. The Fezza Family
Monday, May 7th
7:00 a.m. For the People of the Parish and all their
12:10 p.m. Elvira and Salvatore Madonna, req. their children
Tuesday, May 8th
7:00 a.m. Frank Bares, req. Patrick Grogan
12:10 p.m. Ann Ciocci, req. Antoinette Ciocci
Wednesday, May 9th
7:00 a.m. Beverly McEnroe, req. The McEnroe Family
12:10 p.m. Alfred Mills, req. Denise and Paul Church and
Thursday, May 10th
7:00 a.m. Mary Vogt, req. Peggy and Robert McHale
12:10 p.m. Mary Mitchell, req. Peg and Eileen Madden
Friday, May 11th
7:00 a.m. Mary and Stephen Bobal, req. their children
12:10 p.m. Anna and Carmine Mastrobuono, req. Theresa
Saturday, May 12th
8:30 a.m. Weekly Memorial Mass
5:00 p.m. All Mothers living and deceased
Sunday, May 13th - Sixth Sunday of Easter
The Masses at 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m.
will be celebrated for All Mothers living and deceased

Masses for the Week
Calendar of Parish Activities
Week of May 6, 2012
Sunday, May 6th
First Communions during the 10:30 a.m. Mass, Church
10:00 a.m. Welcome Coffee And Entire Parish Hall /
6:007:00 p.m. High School Youth Mass, Church
7:009:00 p.m. High School Youth Ministry Dinner
and Meeting, Entire Parish Hall / Kitchen
Monday, May 7th
3:004:30 p.m. Girls Softball & Field/Track K2,
Parking Lot / Gym
7:30 p.m. Rosary Altar Society Installation of New
Officers and General Meeting, Church /
Entire Parish Hall / Kitchen
Tuesday, May 8th
3:004:30 p.m. Girls Softball, Parking Lot / Gym
7:009:00 p.m. Bible Timeline, Entire Parish Hall
7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Practice, Church
Wednesday, May 9th
3:004:15 p.m. A of OLP Tiger Scouts, rectory,
Counting Room
Thursday, May 10th
1:002:00 p.m. Holy Hour for Reparation, Church
7:30 p.m. Mens Holy Night, Entire Parish Hall /
Friday, May 11th
Country Fair Set Up begins Entire Church complex
3:004:30 p.m. Track & Field K2, Parking Lot / Gym
Saturday, May 12th
8:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. Mothers Day Plant Sale, Parking
Lot / Gym
Country Fair Set Up continuesEntire Church complex
High School Youth Ministry Hand in Hand Carnival
9:0012 noon Clothing Collection for The Market
Street Mission, CAF
There will be a second collection during the 5:00 p.m.
Mass for the purpose of Communicating Gods Word
Sunday, May 13th
8:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. Mothers Day Plant Sale, Parking
Lot / Gym
Country Fair Set Up continuesEntire Church complex
There will be a second collection during each of the
Sunday Masses for the purpose of
Communicating Gods Word


Relatives and Friends Who eed Our Prayers
Please pray especially for the following people who have recently been added to our prayer list:
Maria Boldera Robert Keating Molleen Secours Josephine Carter
Frances Larsen Christopher Siebelts Rosemarie Lafiosca Abadailla Shenouda
Herman Larson Peter Dill Matt B. three special intentions

Let us also pray for the men and women who are serving in our military in particular those who are
from our parish:
PFC. Joseph Robert Pecca - Korea COL Paul J. McAneny, Air ForceKuwait
PFC icholas Hudspith, ArmyKuwait 2LT. John Truppa, ArmySoon to be deployed
Lance CPL. Christopher Sodano, Marines - Afghanistan SSG Joseph Cornall, ArmyKuwait
2LT. John Truppa, ArmySoon to be deployed
2LT Charlie Law has returned safely home form Iraq His family is very grateful for your prayers.
Also, please remember our dearly departed who have passed away recently especially
Philomena Zotti
May they rest in peace.
Please remember that there is a special intention book located in the Baptistery of the church.
Scripture Reading
for the Week of May 6th
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Acts 9:26-31; 1 Jn 3:18-24; Jn 15:1-8
Acts 14:5-18; Jn 14:21-26
Acts 14:19-28; Jn 14:27-31a
Acts 15:1-6; Jn 15:1-8
Acts 15:7-21; Jn 15:9-11
Acts 15:22-31; Jn 15:12-17
Acts 16:1-10; Jn 15:18-21
Welcoming Committee ews
As a parish, we will be welcoming the following
new parishioners during the 9:00 a.m. Mass this Sun-
day May 6, 2012.
Ryan and Anindita Mascrenhas and family, Jose
and Lisa Maita and family, Steven and Ann Krump and
family, Frank and Mary Scannicchio and family,
Robert and Ana Roth and family, Todd and Mara Sala-
mon and family, Christopher and Megan Gilbertson
and family, Pascual and Martha Mancilla and family,
Doni and Conncepcion Ocena and family, Thomas
Please be sure to attend this mass and then come
join us in the Parish Hall for coffee and goodies to cele-
brate the welcoming of our newest members.

To Jesus through Mary
St. Louis De Montfort
During the Month of May the Rosary Altar Society
has placed How to Pray the Rosary pamphlets on
tables near the doors of the church to encourage de-
votion to Mary and the Rosary.


Mens Cornerstone Presents
Through Gods Chosen Path
Thursday May 10
7:30 in the Parish Hall.
doors open at 7:00
Our guest speakers are Fr. Charlie, Deacon
Charles Boucher and Paul Johnson. Food and
beverages will be provided.
RSVP by May 7th to Fr. Charlie 908-464-7600
or Paul Johnson 908-464-6592.
Eucharistic Ministers eeded for
Manorcare in ew Providence
There is a need for additional Eucharist Ministers
to bring Holy Communion on Sunday mornings to
the residents of Manorcare Nursing Center on Gales
Dr. The residents truly look forward to receiving the
Eucharist. Wont you help? If you can volunteer or
need more information, please call Millie McSherry
at 908-464-4143.
ew Providence Annual
Senior Citizen Health Fair
The New Providence Senior Citizen building will
be the location of the Annual Senior Citizen Health
Fair for New Providence residents ages 62 and older.
The Fair will be held on Wednesday, May 23, 2012
From 8:00 until 11:00 a.m. There will provide screen-
ings for hearing, vision, blood glucose, cholesterol,
podiatry, chiropractic and more as well as a variety
literature will be available. Seniors requesting
blood chemistry screening must pre-register at the
New Providence Senior Center from May1st to May
21st. Please note that if you arrange to have blood
work, you must fast for 12 hours.
Questions? Please call the New Providence Health
Nurse at 908-7430-1049 or the Senior Center at 908-
Altar Memorials
for the month of May, 2012
The Sanctuary Candle is in memory of
Stephanie and John Mueller
Altar Wines are in memory of
Elise and Edward Brabant
Altar Candles are in Memory of
Marge Margiotta
Altar Breads are still available for some remaining
months in 2012. If you are interested, please speak
with the receptionist at the rectory office.
APRIL, 2012
Owen Andrew Jones
Zoe Isabella Jones
Alexander Matthew Roth
Parents who are anticipating the birth of a child please
call the rectory during regular office hours for details
concerning registration for Baptism and information
concerning the Pre Baptism Conference.
Enormous 50 + Family Garage Sale
Saturday, May 5th from 8:00 a.m.3:00 p.m.
725 Mountain Ave., Berkeley Heights
One Day OnlyEverything must GO!
Furniture, bikes, clothes, house wares, toys, tools, bed-
ding and sports equipment plus much more.
The purpose of the sale is to support Patriots Path
Council Boy Scout Troop 368
In preparation for our up coming Country Fair,
all parish organizations and societies must empty
any food and beverage items from the Parish Hall
Kitchen by Wednesday, May 9th.
Food items that are not removed will be donated
to organizations outside our Parish.

Have You Cleaned Out Your Attic Yet?
Items eeded for Our ew Gifts Table
The Country Fair will be held on May 16th through the
19th this year. We are asking for your donations of new
unused gifts and household items for our Country Fair
ew Gifts Table. Please bring your un-needed treasures
to the rectory between now and the Country Fair. You
will be lightening your clutter and helping your parish at
the same time!
Country Fair Ride Tickets
Are ow On Sale!
Our Country Fair will be held on Wednesday, May 16th
through Saturday, May 19th.
Pre-Fair Ride Tickets are the most economical way to
purchase tickets for the Fair. A sheet of 30 tickets costs
$20. They are now available at the Rectory Office and also
following the Sunday Masses.
Pricers eeded
Help is needed to price donations for the New Gifts Table
for our Country Fair.. Please contact Barbara at 908-665-
2911 concerning upcoming pricing dates and times.
50/50 Raffle Tickets
To everyone who has sold and returned their 50/50 Raf-
fle Tickets for the Country Fair, thank you. If you have
not sold them as of yet, please do so as soon as possible.
Additional tickets are available at the rectory office. Be in
it so you can be the lucky winner!
Tidy Tent Leader eeded
We are in need of a person to head our Tidy Tent Com-
mittee for this years Country Fair. The responsibilities
are to clear and wipe the tables that are under the tent
where fair goers can sit and enjoy their snacks.
Please contact Debbie Johnston at 908-464-1591 to volun-
teer or for more information.
Please Help with Sandwiches
for Donation
On Tuesday, May 15th, we will deliver sand-
wiches made at home by parishioners to St. Jo-
sephs Social Service Center. The sandwiches will
be used in various community outreach programs.
For the best ingredients to use and the best for
packaging the sandwiches, please contact
Arlene Hluch at 908-604-6674 or Marie
Russo at 908-918-0779
Bring the sandwiches to Our Lady of Peace on
the Tuesday morning
From 7:00 a.m. to 8:45 a.m., sandwiches can
be left in the vestibule of the church on the
side closest to the Rectory.
From 9:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., sandwiches
should be brought to the lobby of the Par-
ish Hall.
At 9:30 a.m., we leave to deliver sandwiches
to St. Josephs! Thank you!

Food Pantry
of the Week
Our food pantrys supply of tuna, Lipton
tea, cake mix, peanut butter, brown and
pancake mix and syrup are very low.
Thank you for your donations. They are
truly appreciated.
Archdiocese of ewark
Office of Vocations
Gazing on the Eucharistic Lord:
A Vocation Dialogue
Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
Emmaus House of Discernment
91 Washington Street, Newark
Sr. Theresia Maria, Apost. Sisters of St. John
and Assistant Vocations Director will present
this topic
All are welcome to attend.


Registration for fall sessions is now in progress.
All Catholic children attending public schools
should attend religious education classes so that
they may be well grounded in our faith and be
prepared for the sacraments.
Religious Education registration packets for
September 2012/2013 have been mailed to
families of current students. Additional packets
and information will be available in the rectory
and on the tables in the rear of the church for
families with children new to the program.
Religious Education sessions for children in
grades K through 6 are held on Wednesdays or
Thursdays from 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. Sessions for
grades 7 & 8 are on Wednesday evenings from
7:15 to 8:30 p.m.
You may either mail or drop off your
completed forms to the Catechetical Office in the
rectory. By registering before June 15, it enables
us to plan class sizes and recruit the needed
number of catechists.

Registration for First Grade
Dont delay registering your first grader!
Our First Reconciliation and Eucharist preparation
begins in grade one. Children generally receive
First Reconciliation in the second grade and First
Communion in the third grade after they have
experienced full preparation during those three
Call or visit the Catechetical Office with any
questions (908-464-8156). The Catechetical
Office is located in the Rectory and is open from
9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. daily. Other hours are
available by appointment.

One of the most rewarding things you can do is
share your faith with the youth of our parish as a
catechist in our Religious Education Program.
The requirements are simple: a love for God, love
for our Catholic faith, and a willingness to spread
the news of Jesus Christ.

Catechists are needed for the following grades:
Wednesday Grades K, 3, and 6
Thursdays Grades K, 1, 4, 5, and 6

Call the Parish Catechetical Office at (908)464-
8156 for details. By sharing your faith, you grow
in faith!


Through the amazing generosity of our parish,
including parishioners, the children of the
Academy and our Religious Education Program,
we were able to raise:

Working through Food for the Poor, this
amount is enough to build a house with sanitation
for a needy family in Haiti.

Once the house is built, we will publish a photo
of our sponsored family standing in front of their
new home.

Thank you for your generosity. May God bless
everyone who participated in our parish wide
Lenten Project.
Parish Catechetical Office

Christ Child Society of Summit
Annual School Supplies Drive

Monday, May 7
- Friday, May 11

The Christ Child Society is partnering with
Bridges Outreach to collect and distribute next
years school supplies for children in need in the
Summit Public schools. Requested items include: 1
or 2 binders, subject dividers, 2 pockets folders,
marble composition books, loose leaf paper, spiral
notebooks, #2 pencils and erasers, blue, black and
red pens, 24 pack crayons. Collection bins will be
located by the main offices of the Summit Public
schools, at the entrances to St. Teresas church and
Memorial Hall, in the main lobby of the Summit
YMCA, and 36 Woodland Ave. in Summit. Thank
you in advance for your support.
From the Catechetical

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Saturday, May 12

8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.
Sunday, May 13

7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

Our Lady of Peace Parking Lot
Flats, Hanging Baskets
and a Beautiful and Colorful Assortment
of Potted Plants!
Best Flowers in Town!!

(P.S. Remember Mom and Grandma
on Mothers Day, Sunday - May 13


OLP Fair Dates: Wednesday, May 16
6pm 10pm
Thursday, May 17
6pm 10pm
Friday, May 18
6pm 11pm
Saturday, May 19
1pm - 11pm

OF NEW ITEMS If you fall into one of the categories
above the Our Lady of Peace Country Fair is looking for
you! It is $125 for all four days and you get one six-foot
table or one double table for $175 inside the gymnasium.

What a great way to advertise your business or service.
Would you be interested in sponsoring a wheel? To help us
defray the costs of permits and prizes. We have a
professional sign made that measures 11 x 17 inches and
states the name of the business, address and phone number.
The sign will hang for all 4 days of the fair. We also give
you extra advertising by listing it in our bulletin after the

If interested please give us a call at (908) 464-1591 ask for
Debbie or Jimmy.

Needs your support!
The week of June 24
, fourteen of our parish high school students will be traveling to West
Virginia to work with Habitat for Humanity, helping to create better living conditions for those suffering
in poverty. On Saturday, May 19
and Sunday, May 20
these young people will be collecting donations
at the doors at all the Masses. These donations will help to cover program fees for Habitat and travel
costs. Whatever you would be willing to donate would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance
for your generosity and please keep these young people in your prayers as they prepare to serve our
Lord through this mission trip!

Some spots are still left for OLPs HSYM trip to Six Flags Great Adventure
on Sunday, May 20
. This trip is open to all 8
graders. Spots
are based on first come, first served. Please contact Tracey at if youre interested!

Any current 9
graders who are
interested in joining the High School Youth
Ministry Peer Leadership Team, please
contact Tracey at
by May 15

World Youth Day
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
July 2328, 2013

Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI has invited young adults aged 1635
(by July 1, 2013) to join him in Rio for the next World Youth Day!

There will be an informaon meeng for all those interested, on
Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 7:00pm
at the Church of the Lile Flower
110 Roosevelt Ave. Berkeley Heights
in the Parish Cafeteria

Any young adults interested in aending, please contact
Tracey Vieira, Coordinator of High School Youth Ministry at or call 908.464.2782

Country Fair Country Fair Country Fair Country Fair
May 16 May 16 May 16 May 16
th th th th
May 19 May 19 May 19 May 19
th th th th

Advance Sale Ride Advance Sale Ride Advance Sale Ride Advance Sale Ride
Tickets on Tickets on Tickets on Tickets on
Sale NOW! Sale NOW! Sale NOW! Sale NOW!
$20 per sheet $20 per sheet $20 per sheet $20 per sheet
(30 Tickets) (30 Tickets) (30 Tickets) (30 Tickets)
Supplies are limited
Sold at the rectory and after the Sunday Masses
The Shrine of St. Joseph
1050 Long Hill Rd.
Stirling, NJ 07980

Shrine of St. Joseph
1050 Long Hill Rd. Stirling, NJ 07980
(908) 647-0208
Desiring God Desiring God Desiring God Desiring God in Prayer in Prayer in Prayer in Prayer
Retreat Day

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
9:30am 2:30pm
Shrine Residence Room
Fr. Peter Krebs, ST
Kathleen Detlet, D. Min

Take time to renew your relationship with God.
Enjoy a reflective day complete with
presentations, quiet time,
hot lunch and special Mass

Pre-Registration Required ~ $30.00
Call 908-647-0208 Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM

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