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A college students warning that he or she may be below the required grade point average is commonly known as __________.

academic probation a stern warning withdraw suspension academic standing The period of time at the beginning of a term in which you can withdraw from a class and get your money back and/or change classes is known as _________. termination academic probation class trade drop/add class return The U.S. Department of Education considers you a full time college student if you are enrolled in at least _________ credits. 9 12 15 20 25 Almost every student is required to fill out the FAFSA form. What does FAFSA stand for? Federal App for Financial Service Aid Financial Aid Fast Student Application Fast Student Financial Aid Application Federal Aid For All Students Free Application for Federal Student Aid The number of credit hours a single class has is generally determined by ________. the amount of work required outside of the classroom a combination of seat hours and average time required for homework

the number of hours per week you are in that class the amount of tuition charged for the class the difficulty of the class Classes that you take that are not required by your particular major are commonly called _________. blow off classes a waste of time minor classes electives unsubsidized General education or Gen Ed classes are generally a group of core classes all students take _________. to help make well rounded students to generate extra money for the school as part of their major in order to receive a minor as an academic hoop jumping exercise A class such as Biology I that must be taken before you can take a different class such as Biology II is known as __________. general education a prerequisite freshman course a major requirement a minor requirement When considering the cost of college, which of the following is an expense that is generally not included in tuition and fees? lab fee student activity fee books technology fee graduation fee A Federal Pell Grant, unlike a loan, does not have to be repaid. Pell Grants are generally awarded to undergraduate students based on __________.

competitive essay writing GPA financial need SAT scores letters of recommendation The most important thing to know about taking out an unsubsidized loan is __________. that the interest begins to be added on immediately that like a grant, it does not have to be paid back it has a higher interest rate than a credit card that the loan must be repaid in one year you cant repay the loan until you receive your degree A student that has completed a certain number of credits and is accepted into and eligible to earn a degree from a specific college such as the college of nursing or college of business is said to have _________. graduated earned a terminal degree made it to the home stretch hit the point of drop add matriculated A community college in which you graduate after earning approximately 60 credits generally awards __________. bachelors degrees gen ed degrees associates degrees certificates of partition four year scholarships What is the primary job of the Office of the Bursar? organizing student activities billing of student tuition discipline of students advising students

approving the creation of clubs How is residency important related to public universities? It determines where one will stay on campus Students from out-of-state are eligible for rooming discounts It may qualify one for a tuition discount One must be a resident of the United States in order to attend a public university It determines ones roommate What are teacher assistants (TAs)? Former teachers who aid in teaching the class Other professors who grade a professor on his/her performance Undergraduate students that participate in graduate studies Graduate students assisting in undergraduate classes Students who are studying to become a professor/teacher How do you figure out if your college accepts AP credits? Contact a professor in the field of study. Most colleges wont accept APs, only IB credits. Check your colleges website before contacting the school. All colleges accept AP credits if you pass the class. All colleges accept AP credit if you get a minimum of a 3 on the test. How many grade points does a B+ equal? 3.0 3.3 3.5 3.7 5.5 How many credit hours does a 4-year college usually require before graduation? 100 Credit hours 124 Credit hours 150 Credit hours

160 Credit hours 170 Credit hours What is it called when you attend a class without receiving credit for the class? audit elective core session summer session What is the minimum number of credit hours one must have to be considered a senior? 70 without a bachelors degree 80 without a bachelors degree 90 without a bachelors degree 100 without a bachelors degree 105 without a bachelors degree What is another name for commencement? graduation admission registration scholarship tuition What kind of service is CSS Profile? an office to help students find jobs class schedules study abroad application for transfer financial aid What does CSS stand for? College Scheduling Service College Scholarship Service

College Student Services Community Scholarship Service College STEM Schedule What group must one go to for a CSS Profile? American Council on Education US Department of Education Higher Education Organization College Board National Academy of Education When transferring from a two year college to a four year college, college credits are __________. transferred for core classes never transferred if to a higher tier school sometimes transferred transferred but need to take an exam transferred for electives When transferring from a two year college to a four year college, students should review the __________ agreement between the schools. articulation bachelors matriculation service junior What is independent study? a project done as an internship outside of college a project done for class as homework a college research study that includes every student a project outside of normal class lectures a college survey used by outside organizations Which of these will NOT be uploaded on the Common App when you apply for college? college supplements

teacher evaluations college essays SAT/ACT scores FAFSA application __________ is a federal financial aid program where students can get a part-time job at the college they attend in order to pay for college expenses. Work study Student employment Part-time work Scholarly work Full-time student assistant What types of tasks might you expect while at your work study job? Traveling around to high schools to recruit students Flipping burgers at a restaurant nearby Running the college when the college President/Dean is absent Organizing and storing files and other important documents Babysitting for the children of college faculty After earning your Bachelors degree, you decide to continue school for two more years. What degree will you most likely earn next? Masters Associates Doctorate Bachelor of Arts Terminal Thesis In addition to tuition and fees, students and parents must factor in the cost of room and board when calculating college costs. What is room and board? transportation and classroom rental school supplies and books lodging, utilities, and food boardrooms and study rooms registration fees

Which of the following does NOT have to be paid back after college? Federal Subsidized Stafford Loans Federal Pell Grant Federal Perkins Loan Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan Which of the following is available to you to help pay for college regardless of financial need? Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan Federal Perkins Loan Federal Work Study Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan Federal College Payment Plan Which of the following statements is TRUE? Subsidized loans never have interest charges. The Federal Government forgives the majority of the principal of a subsidized loan. Subsidized loans are the only types of loans you can get in college. Only parents can take out a subsidized loan. Interest starts accruing on a subsidized loan when loan repayment begins. Which of the following organizations offer scholarships? churches colleges/universities businesses fraternities/sororities all of the above After completing the FAFSA, your EFC will be calculated. What does EFC stand for? educational financial calculation electronic finance code expected family contribution e-bill for college

easy financial charges You requested a transcript from your college and they said they cannot fill your request because there is a hold on your account. Why might a hold be placed on your student account? you forgot to register for classes you have unpaid campus parking tickets you did not turn in one of your assignments you failed a class you withdrew from a class

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