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Next suspect is Arnold, John he told a newspaper about another crime committed by Jack the Ripper which the

police looked in to said crime and believe it is not related to the Ripper case. Arnold, John was also cleared of being involved. With Arthur, Sir George next suspect in the case because he liked to spend time in the area of whitechapel but he was able to prove his innocence in the case. Then suspect Austin, Dick from the Scotland Yard files he was not question on the case police were never able to find him. The suspect Avery, John confessed to being the Ripper but he was found innocence of the crime. Following Barnardo, Dr. Thomas was suspected when the police started to look for doctors but he does not fit the general description of the killer and was well known in the area. The next suspect is Barnett, Joseph suggested by the writers Bruce Paley and Paul Harrison (Eddleston, John J 197). Then we have Benelius, Nikaner suspect but he did not understand English which was why he was suspected in the first place. Also he was proven innocence of being involved in the Ripper case. Blanchard, Alfred Napier became a suspect when he drunkenly confessed to the murders but he was in Birmingham public house during the time of the killings. The next suspect Brodie, William Wallace who confessed to being the Whitechapel murder. He was found to have a few mental problems and that he was in Africa during most of the Ripper killings. Also it is believed that he did most likely killed Alice Mckenzie for which he was charged. The suspect Brown, General mention in the Home Office files but he was proved innocence of being involved in the case. Edward Buchan is a suspect but his only link to the case is his suicide on November 19, 1888. then we have William Bull who confessed to the murder of Catherine Eddowes but was not really responsible for the murder and c prove that he was in bed at his home. Edwin Burrows was a suspect because he wore a pecked hat like that which the Ripper was said to have been wearing by Israel Schwartz. Carroll, Lewis is another suspect suggested by the author Richard Wallace but with no evidence that he's the Ripper. The suspect Dr. Frederick Richard Chapman was suggested because hes the only doctor in the area that die after the murder of Mary Jane Kelly. Next suspect is George Chapman but evidence vague at best or just nonexistent. Suspect Cohn, Dr. was suggested by inspector who join the police on August 1891. The following suspect is James Cornell but was able to prove that he was not the murder. Then Douglas Cow is the next suspect also able to prove his innocence in the case. Dr. Thomas Neil Cream is a suspect was in London during the time of the murders and he fits the general description of the killer but it's believed

that he was not in the area being a wanted criminal. Also some thought that Thomas Hayne Cutbush was the Ripper. The police didn't think he was the Ripper. When he was responsible for two minor stabbings and lived a fair distance from the East End making him a unlikely killer. Davidson, John said that he was the killer (Eddleston, John J 207). The police proved that he had alibis for the murders. Well Dr. Morgan Davies was a suspect but with no real connection to the case.

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