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What is the classification?

Facially Discriminatory

Facially Neutral

What is it discriminating against?

Race, National Origin, Aliens

Anything Else Gender, nonmarital children

Rational Basis: A minimum level of scrutiny. The challenger has the burden of proof.

The text of the law draws a distinction among people base on race or national origin.

The administration of the law has a discriminatory act and can prove discriminatory purpose.

Facially Discriminatory

Facially Neutral

Gender discrimination based on stereotypes is not allowed, and gender classifications benefiting women designed to remedy past discrimination is allowed.

Does the law have a legitimate purpose?

Strict Scrutiny: Upheld only if it is proven necessary to achieve a compelling purpose. Burden is on state and is almost always struck down.

Intermediate Upheld only if is substantially related to an important government purpose. Burden of justification is on the state and is demanding.

Are the classifications drawn in a statute are reasonable in light or its purpose?

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