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19.4. The most famous jeweler in the USA Mr Brooks, you're asking me if I've heard of Christian's?

? That's like asking an Englishman if he's heard of Harrod's! Oh well, if only Elaine hadn't heard of Christian, I would be much happier. Oh, but I'm sure your goddaughter doesn't think that. Being married to the most famous jeweller in the United States must be like a dream come true. Well, Miss Perkins, I'm sure that you're not paid to discuss your clients' private lives do you have any more questions for the survey? Yes, I have just one more question . . . if you bought yourself a present, what would you buy? A personal elevator. It's been really nice talking to you, Mr Brooks. Thank you very much for your time. 20.1. Gwen has a lunch Jonathan Brooks is such a nice man! OK Sherlock, did you find out anything that might help us? I might not be Sherlock Holmes but I sure have a gift for getting information out of people! Oh come on, I can't wait any longer! What did you find out? Well, to start with, Elaine's his goddaughter not his lover. She's married to Christian - you've heard of Christian's on Fifth Avenue. I get the impression that Jonathan doesn't think much of Christian. And what else? Oh yes, he's also got a Scotland Yard badge . . . Wait a minute - the letter was signed by E. B. The E must stand for Elaine, but what about the B.? It could stand for her maiden name. Bingo! Aren't we lucky that he hasn't been able to go out? Why? Because we can still put back the letter we stole - he won't realise we took it! We mustn't put it back - that letter was a trap. How do you know? Call it a hunch! Hmm - look I've got an idea. We are close to Fifth Avenue, aren't we? Yes, I think so. And Christian Wayne-Benscott's shop is on Fifth Avenue. Let's go! 20.2. Miranda and Gwen visit Christians That must be Christian Wayne-Benscott. I wonder who that woman is? She looks suspicious, doesn't she? I'm sure being a shop assistant is just a cover! She's probably a spy!! Good afternoon, ladies. Can I help you? We're just looking, thanks. This is the most beautiful clock I've ever seen. And the most difficult to design. It's made of silver. I'm Christian Wayne-Benscott. Can I help you?

20.3. Jonathan looks for Elaine Oh, I can't believe it! I've heard so much about you ...I think your jewellery is just fantastic! It really is an honour to meet you. The pleasure's all mine. What can I do for you? Could you tell us how much this clock would set us back? Let me just check. I'll be right back. Annabella! When did you say you posted the letter? Hello, Christian! Is Elaine here? I haven't seen her for a while ...I've been trying to phone her but she's never at home and her answering machine doesn't seem to be working. Hello ! Still working on the survey? There's no point in asking Christian questions for your survey. He'll just throw you out of the shop. Oh. Well. It's a lovely clock, but we probably can't afford it anyway. Thank you for your help. Come on! 20.4. Sothebys Grand Collection Oh, Gwen, how embarrassing. I could've died! What a coincidence that Jonathan came into the shop at the same time we were there! What must he have thought? Oh never mind! Anyway, don't you think Christian's reaction was strange when he saw Jonathan? Yes - and why did he ask that woman about a letter? What letter was he talking about? I wonder if it was this letter? Gwen, why don't we visit Jonathan on our way home? We could ask him some questions about Elaine. We'd better be careful. Bill will kill us if he finds out what we've been up to. Yes, I know. Look! Britain's Sotheby's Grand Collection is about to cross the Atlantic. New York's Museum of Modern Art will celebrate its arrival with a party hosted by America's most talented jeweller Mr Christian Wayne-Benscott. Wow!!!! Mr Brooks, what's happened?

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