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(Pindaan 1/2011) One (1) copy of this form must be submitted to the Institution of Higher Education Excellence Planning Division, Department of Higher Education, Level 7, No. 2, Tower 2, Street P5/6, Precinct 5, 62200 Putrajaya. [Incomplete Form will be rejected]


Tajuk penyelidikan yang dicadangkan :



Name of Project Leader: Nama Ketua Projek: MOHD SHAHRUL NIZAM BIN SALLEH IC / Passport Number: No. Kad Pengenalan/ Pasport: 850415-11-5311


Position (Please tick ( )): Jawatan (Sila tanda ( )): Professor Profesor Assoc. Prof. / Sen. Lect. Prof. Madya / P. Kanan

/ Pensyarah



Faculty/School/Centre/Unit (Please provide full address): Fakulti/Jabatan /Pusat/Unit (Sila nyatakan alamat penuh): FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KIMIA, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA TERENGGANU, 23000 DUNGUN, TERENGGANU. Office Telephone No.: 09-8403868 No. Telefon Pejabat: Handphone No.: 019-9627158 No. Telefon Bimbit:



E-mail Address: Alamat e-mel:


Date of first appointment with this University: 21st MARCH 2011 Tarikh mula berkhidmat dengan Universiti ini:


Type of Service (Please tick ( )): Jenis Perkhidmatan (Sila tanda ( )):


Permanent Tetap

Contract (State contract expiry date): Kontrak (Nyatakan tarikh tamat kontrak):



Research Area (Please tick ( )): Bidang Penyelidikan (Sila tanda ( )):

Pure Science (Sains Tulen) Chemistry (Kimia) Biochemistry (Biokimia) Physic (Fizik) Materials Science (Sains Bahan) Biology (Biologi) Mathematics and Statistics (Matematik dan Statistik)

B. Applied Science (Sains Gunaan) Chemistry (Kimia) Mathematics and Statistics (Matematik dan Statistik) Materials Science (Sains Bahan) C. Technology and Engineering (Teknologi dan Kejuruteraan) Mechanical & Manufacturing (Mekanikal dan Pembuatan) Electrical and Electronic (Elektrikal dan Elektronik) Chemical Engineering (Kejuruteraan Kimia) Transportation (Pengangkutan) Civil (Awam) Information and Communication Technology (Teknologi Komunikasi dan Informasi) Physic (Fizik) Computer Science (Sains Komputer) Biology (Biologi) Biotechnology (Bioteknologi)

Material and Polymer (Bahan dan Polimer) Energy (Tenaga)


Clinical and Health Sciences (Sains Kesihatan dan Klinikal) Basic Medical Sciences (Sains Perubatan Asas) Medical Microbiology (Mikrobiologi Perubatan) Community Medical Prevention (Perubatan Pencegahan Masyarakat) Associate Health Science (Sains Kesihatan Bersekutu) Pharmacy (Farmasi) Parasitology (Parasitologi) Clinical Surgical (Klinikal Surgikal) Dental (Pergigian) Pharmacology (Farmakologi) Pathology (Pathologi) Clinical Medical (Klinikal Medikal) Nursing Science (Sains Kejururawatan)


Social Sciences (Sains Sosial) Anthropology (Antropologi) Political Science (Sains Politik) Economic (Ekonomi) Psychology (Psikologi) Business and Management (Pengurusan dan Perniagaan) Human Ecology (Ekologi Manusia) Sociology (Sosiologi) Geography (Geografi) Communication (Komunikasi)


Arts and Applied Arts (Sastera dan Sastera Ikhtisas) Language and Linguistic (Bahasa dan Linguistik) Philosophy (Falsafah) Art (Seni) Principle and Law (Dasar dan Undang-undang) Literature (Kesusasteraan) Civilization (Tamadun) Culture (Budaya) Built Environment (Alam BinaAspek Kemanusiaan) Religion (Agama) History (Sejarah) Education (Pendidikan) Environment (Alam SekitarAspek Kemanusiaan)

G. Natural Sciences and National Heritage (Sains Tabii dan Warisan Negara) Environment (Alam Sekitar) Marine (Marin) Ethnography (Etnografi) Biodiversity (Kepelbagaian Biologi) Forestry (Perhutanan) Archaeology (Arkeologi) Built Environment (Heritage Aspect) Alam Bina (Aspek Warisan) Agriculture (Pertanian) Geology (Geologi) Culture (Budaya)


Location of Research: Tempat penyelidikan dijalankan: (Contoh / Example ) : Animal Experimental Unit, Animal Laboratory Center, Faculty of Medicine, University Malaya, 50603 Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur FAKULTI KEJURUTERAAN KIMIA, UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA TERENGGANU, 23000 DUNGUN, TERENGGANU.


Duration of this research (Maximum 36 months): Tempoh masa penyelidikan ini (Maksimum 36 bulan): Duration: 2 Years Tempoh : From Dari : 1st April 2012 :

To : 31st March 2014 Hingga :


Other Researchers: Ahli-ahli penyelidik yang lain: (Please include maximum 5 pages of curriculum vitae for each researcher) Bil Name Nama IC / Passport Number: No. Kad Pengenalan/ Pasport: Faculty/ School/ Centre/ Unit Fakulti/ P.Pengajian/ Pusat/Unit FAK. KEJ. KIMIA, UiTM TERENGGANU POLYMER ENG. DEPARTMENT, FAC. OF CHEMICAL ENG., UTM JOHOR BAHRU Academic Qualification/ Designation Tahap Kelayakan Akademik/Jawatan M. Sc.- Lecturer Signature Tandatangan


P.h.d -Lecturer


Research projects that have been completed or ongoing by project leader for the last three years. Please provide title of research, grants name, position, duration, year commence and year ending. Sila sediakan maklumat termasuk termasuk tajuk, nama geran, peranan, tempoh, tahun mula dan tahun tamat bagi penyelidikan yang sedang/telah dijalankan oleh ketua penyelidik dalam tempoh tiga tahun terakhir. Title of Research Tajuk penyelidikan Grants Name Nama Geran Position / Role Jawatan / Peranan Duration Tempoh Start Date Tarikh mula End Date Tarikh tamat





15th JUNE 2011

14th JUNE 2012


Please provide information on academic publications that has been published by the project leader for the last five (5) years. (Example: Journals, Books, Chapters in books, etc) Sila kemukakan maklumat berkaitan penerbitan akademik yang telah diterbitkan oleh ketua penyelidik dalam tempoh lima (5) tahun terakhir. (Contoh: Jurnal, buku, bab dalam buku, dll) Title of publication Tajuk penerbitan Specific Heat of Neat and Glycerol Plasticized Polyvinyl Alcohol Innovations of Cassava Starch as Biodegradable Polymer Material In Cassava: Farming, Uses, and Economic Impact Flow Behavior of Modified Poly(Vinyl alcohol)-Tapioca Starch Based for Injection Moulding Applications Comparison of rice husk filled polyethylene composite and natural wood under weathering effects A Study of Specific Heat Capacity Functions of Polyvinyl AlcoholCassava Starch Blends Name of journals/books Nama jurnal/buku Pertanika Journal Science and Technology 2011 Chapters in Books- Nova Publisher, Inc 2011 Proceeding in the 3rd CUTSE International Conference 2010 Journal of Composite Materials Year published Tahun diterbitkan 2011

International Journal of Thermophysic Proceeding in the 3rd International Conference on Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering (ICCBPE2009)

2010 2009

Mechanical Properties of Injection Molded Plasticized Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Tapioca Starch blends

Tensile Behavior and Thermal Analysis of Biodegradable Injection Grade Tapioca Starch Filled Plasticized Poly(vinyl alcohol). C(vii)

Proceeding in the Science and Technology Conference 2009 (ESTEC09)


Executive Summary of Research Proposal (maximum 300 words) (Please include the background of research, literature reviews, objectives, research methodology and expected outcomes from the research project) Ringkasan Cadangan Eksekutif Penyelidikan (maksimum 300 patah perkataan) (Meliputi latar belakang penyelidikan, kajian literatur, kaedah penyelidikan, objektif dan jangkaan hasil penyelidikan) The processing parameters based on polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene and other thermoplastics unable to produce good injected products. Therefore, currently demands in the understanding of the stability, rheological performance of the biodegradable polymers are in demand, so as actual processing parameters can be easily determined. Most processing parameters determined by trial and error technique, which is of time consuming and involved high material wastage. Furthermore, it is well expected starch fiber filled Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) will reduce the environment impact problems with substitution usage of polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene disposable food packaging and utensils. PVA is recognized as one of the polar synthetic polymer and also can be easily degraded under the digestion action of microorganisms. Starch fiber also known as the polar biopolymers which are inexpensive, renewable and available abundantly. Different approaches have been adopted to use starch, in combination with PVA, for the production of totally or partially biodegradable materials. In this study, the combination of both polar polymers (starch and PVA) was essential in order to form the compatible blending and avoid any deterioration in their matrix properties. PVA is blended with higher content of starch fiber (SF) (up to 80wt%). At high amount of starch fiber loading, the compound is considered to behave dominantly as starch fiber properties. PVA will function as the binding agent to create the integrity of the compound system. Besides, both starch and PVA posses hydroxyl group (OH), thus the formation of hydrogen bonds after the blend tended to promote localized stability subsequently improved miscibility of starch and PVA. Therefore, the reinforcement of the compound is suggested to have better mechanical properties. This research will study the reinforcement of natural fiber that is starch fiber in PVA-SF matrix, that will increase the properties of the biopolymers. Lignocelluloses, which is the major structural components of almost plant fibers, will improve the product properties such as tensile strength and tear resistance The main objective of this study is to formulate the modified biodegradable SF-PVA compounds which are processable by injection moulding technique with enhanced properties Comprehensive morphology, rheology and processing analysis are studied to ensure SF-PVA complexes stability and shelf life of the material. It has been reported by various researchers that a lot of difficultly is encountered in processing high starch content biodegradable polymer compound due to high melt viscosity. High melt viscosity causes higher processing temperature, yet starch fiber tend to degrade/burnt at high temperature and high energy consumption. The temperature has to be kept below 230 C to prevent decomposition of the starch.


Detailed proposal of research project: Cadangan maklumat penyelidikan secara terperinci: (a) Research background including Hypothesis /Research Questions and Literature Reviews. Keterangan latar belakang penyelidikan termasuk kenyataan hipotesis / persoalan penyelidikan dan kajian literatur. Polymer packaging products have been causing serious environmental impact. The uses of plastics has been criticized for some time because of lack of recycling facilities or infrastructure, non-recyclability, non-renewability, non-biodegradability or incorporation of toxic additives (Tang and Alavi, 2011). Although global societies are very keen about 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) to minimize plastic volume being disposed. But the plastic waste volume still keeps increasing. Biodegradable plastics are plastics that can undergo a degradation process known as biodegradation (Raghavan, 1995). They are defined as plastics with similar properties to conventional plastic but which can be decomposed after disposal to the environment by the activity of microorganism. Biodegradation occurs when microorganism such as bacteria and fungi degrade a polymer in an aerobic and an anaerobic environment, carbon dioxide, methane and other natural products are derived from the degradation process. Hence,

biodegradation can be stated as the conversion of the constituents of a polymer to carbon dioxide/methane, microbial cellular components and miscellaneous by-products, by microorganisms (Raghavan, 1995) Polymeric materials derived from renewable resources can be biodegradable or compostable under specific environmental conditions (Mensitieri et al., 2011).There are several types of biodegradable polymer materials available in the market such as polylactic acid, poly(-caprolactone), poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), starch polymers and oxo-additive petroleum based synthetic polymer (Bohlmann, 2005). Biodegradable materials do not degrade during the application period. It will only begin to decompose rapidly when expose in the action of microbial and enzymes to digest into fully harmless substances (Zee, 2005). Poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is one of the most popular biodegradable polymers. When PVA is exposed to natural environment, it is readily to be consumed by micro-organism (Lee et al, 2010). In decades, there has been increasing interest in the use PVA for the production of disposable plastic articles. However, unlike polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene, PVA is very likely to degrade during processing stage (Lee et al, 2010). Starch fiber is used as filler of PVA compound for bioplastic material application. Starch content in starch fiber (SF) is carbohydrate, which is naturally digested by organisms. When the starch fiber based plastic is composted in soil, fungi will growth and digest the starch fraction. This will weaken the polymer matrix and increases the surface volume ratio, hydrophilic and permeability to further undergo synergistic natural degradation such as hydrolysis and catalysis (Marteen, 2004). Both PVA and starch molecules are polar. Starch contains amylose and amylopectin have a vast number of hydroxyl OH groups which could favorably interact with the carbonyl C=O group via hydrogen bond in non-bonded fashion (Joshi and Mebel, 2007). Unlike blending with ordinary polyethylene and polypropylene, at high loading, it will ruin the polymer mechanical properties due to incompatibility polymer matrix and filler polarity. Besides, the fiber content in SF will also improve the strength of the SF-PVA due to the stiffness behavior of the fiber. During grafting of carbohydrate to polymer, selection of compatibilizer also play important roles. In high starch contain of PVA compound, reasonable amount of glycerin also need to be added to degrade carbohydrates and increase compatibility (Chinnaswamy and Hanna 1996). Glycerin meets food safety requirements and able to reduce melt viscosity during processing as well. Previous studies have confirmed that incorporation of polar polypropylene carbonate (PPC) in starch has significantly improved the mechanical properties of starch such as tensile strength and stiffness (Joshi and Mebel, 2007). It is believed polar PVA behaves similar to PPC in blending with starch. Improved mechanical properties can be realized only if efficient load transfer exists between the constituent polymers. Favorable molecular interactions can improve the load transfer via bonded or non-bonded means. Thus, interfacial interaction between the constituent polymers strongly influences the mechanical properties of the blend. Current development shows that starch based biodegradable polymers have gained broad academic and industrial interests (Liu et al., 2009; Chung et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2010). When blending polar polymers and starch together, hydrogen bonds are very likely to be found between the polar side groups of polymer and starch molecules. Genovese and Shanks (2001) reported that presence of hydrogen bonding in polymeric material able to enhance morphological and structural properties of the blending. Blending strong polymers with starch is able to overcome the existing physical limitations of thermoplastic starch (TPS) such as water solubility, poor mechanical properties and brittleness while retaining its biodegradability (Mao et al., 2000). The outcomes of this research are later being used in actual process to justify overall processability and the rheology behavior of SF-PVA products. Finally, the findings help to industrialize the SF-PVA blends to be use for packaging ware. REFERENCES Bohlmann, G..M. (2005). General characteristic, processability, industrial applications and market evolution of biodegradable polymers. In Bastioli, C. (Ed.) Handbook of Biodegradation Polymers. (pp. 183-200). United Kingdom. Rapra Technology Limited. Chinnaswamy, R. and Hanna, M. A. (1996). U.S. Patent No. 5,496,895. Washington DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Chung, Y., Ansari, S., Estevez, L. Hayrapetyan, S., Giannelis. E. P., and Lai, H. (2010). Preparation and Properties of Biodegradable Starch-Clay Nanocomposites. Carbohydrate Polymers. 79, 391-396. Genovese, A. and Shanks, R.A. (2001). Simulation of the Specific interactions Between Polyamide-6 and a

Thermoplastic Polyurethane. Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science. 11, 57-62 Jagannath, J.H., Nadanasabapathi, S. and Bawa, A.S. (2006). Effect of Starch on Thermal, Mechanical, and Barrier Properties of Low Density Polyethylene Film. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 99, 3355-3364. Joshi, S. S. and Mebel, A. M. (2007). Computational Modeling of Biodegradable Blends of Starch Amylose and Polypropylene Carbonate. Polymer. 48, 3893-3901. Elsevier Ltd. Lee Tin Sin, Wan Aizan Wan Abdul Rahman, Abdul Razak Rahmat Rahmat, Noor Azian Morad, Mohd Shahrul Nizam Salleh. (2010). Specific Heat of Neat and Glycerol Plasticized Polyvinyl Alcohol. Pertanika Journal Science and Technology. 18, 387 391. Liu, J., Xie, F., Yu, L., Chen, J., and Li, L. (2009). Thermal Processing of Starch-Based Polymer. Progress in Polymer Science. 34, 1348-1368. Mao, L., Imam, S., Gordon, S., Cinelli, P. and Chiellini, E. (2000). Extruded Cornstarch-Glycerol-Polyvinyl alcohol Blends: Mechanical properties, Morphology, and Biodegradability. Journal of Polymers and the Environment. 8, 205211. Marteen van der Zee (2004). Biodegradability of Polymers-Mechanisms and Evaluation Method. Catio Bastioli. Handbook of Biodegradable Polymers. (pp. 2-4). United Kingdom: Rapra Technology Limited. Mensitieri, G., Di Maio, E., Buonocore, G., Nedi, I., Oliviero, M., Sansone, L., and Iannace, S. (2011). Processing and Shelf Life Issues of Selected Food Packaging Materials and Structures from Renewable Resources. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 22, 72-80. Siddaramaiah, Raj, B., and Somashekar, R. (2004). Structure-Property Relation in Polyvinyl Alcohol/Starch Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 91, 630-635. Tang, X., and Alavi, S. (2011). Recent advances in starch, polyvinyl alcohol based polymer blends, nanocomposites and their biodegradability. Carbohydrate Polymers. 85, 7-16. Yu, J., Chang, P. R., and Ma, X. (2010). The Preparation and Properties of Dialdehyde Starch and Thermoplastic Dialdehyde Starch. Carbohydrate Polymers. 79, 296-300. Zee, V. d. M. (2005). Biodegradability of Polymers- Mechanisms and Evaluation Methods. In Bastioli, C. (Ed.) Handbook of Biodegradation Polymers. (pp. 1-22). United Kingdom. Rapra Technology Limited. (b) Objective (s) of the Research Objektif Penyelidikan This study embarks on the following objectives: 1. To formulate tapioca/EVA based biodegradable polymer for injection moulding process 2. To find out the rheological property relationship of starch fiber loading and processing aids which plays major roles in affecting processability. 3. To study the morphology and water absorption of the starch fiber-polyvinyl alcohol blends


Methodology Kaedah penyelidikan Please state in the form / Sila nyatakan di borang ini


Description of Methodology Formulation Development of Injection Grade Starch Fiber-Polyvinyl Alcohol A. Compounding i. Modification of PVA-Plasticizing process ii. Compounding process (SF-PVA) B. Morphology and Rheology study i. Morphological analysis - Scanning Electron Microscopy ii. Rheology analysis - Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT) relationship, shear stress/rate, melt density and melt viscosity are tested by Melt Flow Indexer (MFI), Injection Moulding Processability (Validation in actual production)

2. Flow Chart of Research Activities ( Please enclose in the Appendix)

3. Gantt Chart of Research Activities (Please enclose in the Appendix) 4. Milestones and Dates

Flowchart and Gantt Chart are enclosed in Appendix

Literature study Completion of compounding process Completion of morphology study Completion of rheology study Completion of injection moulding process and processing analysis Completion of report writing Project complete

Date 31/10/12 30/4/13 30/6/13 30/9/13 31/12/13 30/3/14 30/4/14


Expected Results/Benefit Jangkaan Hasil Penyelidikan 1. Novel theories/New findings/Knowledge

Blending of starch fiber (high content) with plasticized polyvinyl alcohol (modification of polyvinyl alcohol);
improved a lot process ability of the compounds Comparative quality to the existing injection moulded plastic No new machinery required (Processing on conventional thermoplastic machinery)

2. Research Publications Expected to publish in high impact factor journal article (at least 2) (ie: Carbohydrate polymers/Journal of Applied polymer science) and article for proceeding (National Symposium of Polymeric Material (NSPM)/Malaysia Polymer Conference) 3. Specific or Potential Applications Suitable for disposable table ware or plastic products

Fully biodegradable. (100% biodegradability behavior) Production cost can be reduced. (starch fiber with 70-80 wt%) Comparative quality to the existing injection moulded plastic. No new machinery required (Processing on conventional thermoplastic machinery) Synthetic plastics materials have been widely used worldwide and very resistant to micro-organism, which is not biodegradable, thus, led to environmental problems. This current invention, cassava starch based biopolymer can be replaced conventional synthetic polymer. Huge market potential, as a replacing of current used of synthetic plastics products; eg; disposable table ware 4. Number of PhD and Masters (by research) Students

One (1) master (by research) student within 2 years.

Equipment Peralatan Location Tempat

Example / Contoh:

Twin screw Extruder (TATI/UTM) Injection Moulding (TATI/UTM) SEM (UITM Shah Alam) Melt Flow Indexer, MFI (UITM Shah Alam) PVT analysis Heavy duty crusher/blender

TATI/UTM (TATI/UTM) UiTM Shah Alam UiTM Shah Alam/UTM UiTM Shah Alam UTM

Please indicate your estimated budget for this research and details of expenditure according to the guidelines attached. Sila nyatakan anggaran bajet bagi cadangan penyelidikan ini dan berikan butir butir perbelanjaan lengkap dengan berpandukan kepada garis panduan yang dilampirkan.

Budget details Butiran belanjawan

Amount requested by applicant Jumlah yang dipohon oleh pemohon Year 1 Tahun 1 (RM) Year 2 Tahun 2 (RM) 18000 Year 3 Tahun 3 (RM) Total Jumlah (RM) 36000

Amount approved by VC/Dep.VC (R&D)/Director of RMC Jumlah yang diluluskan oleh Naib Canselor/ TNC (P&I)/Pengarah RMC


Vote 11000 Salary and wages Upah dan Elaun Untuk Pembantu Penyelidik Siswazah (GRA) Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. (RM 1500/Month X 1 student X 12 months)


Please Indicate the overall Budget Sila nyatakan bajet secara keseluruhan


Vote 21000 Travelling and Transportation/ Perjalanan dan Pengangkutan Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. (Conference Trip RM 3000 X 2) (Period progress meeting with research members RM 1500 X 4)




Budget details Butiran belanjawan

Amount requested by applicant Jumlah yang dipohon oleh pemohon

Amount approved by VC/Dep.VC (R&D)/Director of RMC Jumlah yang diluluskan oleh Naib Canselor/ TNC (P&I)/Pengarah RMC

Year 1 Tahun 1 (RM) E(iii) Vote 24000 Rental Sewaan Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. (Sewaan Alatan di TATI dan UTM- RM 180/hour X 40 hours) 3600

Year 2 Tahun 2 (RM)

Year 3 Tahun 3 (RM)

Total Jumlah (RM) Please Indicate the overall Budget Sila nyatakan bajet secara keseluruhan




Vote 27000 Research Materials & Supplies Bekalan dan Bahan Penyelidikan Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. Stationaries & Toner PVA (RM50/kg X 50 kg) CaCO3 (RM535/500g x 5 unit) Glycerol (RM 300/2.5L X 5) H3PO4 (RM200/1L x 5 unit) HDPE injection grade RM 15/kg X 100 kg Reagent and Chemicals 500 2500 2680 1000 0 0 14680 1500 1000 1000 2500 0 0 500 1500


Vote 28000 Maintenance and Minor Repair Services Baik pulih kecil dan ubahsuai Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. (Repair and maintenance for Twin screw extruder and Injection moulding machinery RM 1500/repair X 8) 6000 6000 12000

Budget details Butiran belanjawan

Amount requested by applicant Jumlah yang dipohon oleh pemohon Year 1 Tahun 1 (RM) Year 2 Tahun 2 (RM) Year 3 Tahun 3 (RM) Total Jumlah (RM)

Amount approved by VC/Dep.VC (R&D)/Director of RMC Jumlah yang diluluskan oleh Naib Canselor/ TNC (P&I)/Pengarah RMC


Vote 29000 Professional Services Perkhidmatan Ikhtisas Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. Conference fee and journal submission Charges for analysis RM 500/sample X 10) 2000 5000 3000 10000 0

Please Indicate the overall Budget Sila nyatakan bajet secara keseluruhan


Vote 35000 Accessories and Equipment Aksesori dan Peralatan Please specify Sila nyatakan secara lengkap dengan pecahannya sekali. (side Feeder in screw extruder 10000) twin RM 10000 0 19500 9500 0

(High Speed Mixer RM 9500/unit X 1)

TOTAL AMOUNT JUMLAH BESAR 71780 39600 111380

Declaration by applicant / Akuan Pemohon (Please tick ( )): / (Sila tanda ( )):

I hereby declare that: Saya dengan ini mengaku bahawa:

1. All information stated here are accurate, KPT and IPT has right to reject or to cancel the offer without
prior notice if there is any inaccurate information given. Semua maklumat yang diisi adalah benar, KPT dan IPT berhak menolak permohonan atau membatalkan tawaran pada bila-bila masa sekiranya keterangan yang dikemukakan adalah tidak benar.

2. Application of this fundamental research is presented for the Fundemental Research Grant Scheme
(FRGS). Permohonan projek penyelidikan ini dikemukakan untuk memohon peruntukan di bawah Geran Penyelidikan Fundamental IPT.

3. Application of this fundamental research is also presented for the other reasearch grant/s (grants name and total amount) Permohonan projek penyelidikan ini juga dikemukakan untuk memohon peruntukan geran penyelidikan dari (nama geran dan jumlah dana)____________________________________

Date : Tarikh :


Applicants Signature : Tandatangan Pemohon : ___________________________

Recommended by Vice Chancellor/Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation)/Director of Research Management Center Perakuan Naib Canselor/Timbalan Naib Canselor(P & I)/Pengarah Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan

Please tick ( ) Sila tandakan ( ) Recommended: Diperakukan: A. Highly Recommended Sangat Disokong Recommended Disokong Not Recommended (Please specify reason) Tidak Disokong (Sila Nyatakan Sebab)



Comments: Ulasan: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Nama: Signature: Tandatangan:



Starting Materials
Ca(OH)2, CaHPO4, CaCO3, (NH4)2HPO4 H3PO4

Dissolving starting materials in distilled water

Adjust pH of solution by adding ammonia

Stirring for 24 hours

Anhydrous ethanol

Filtration and washing

Distilled water

Drying at 100 C for 24 hours

Calcination (CO2 atmosphere)







Particle size distribution


Year 1 GANTT CHART May Jun Apr Jul 2012 Sept May Nov Aug Feb Mar Jan Jun Apr Oct Dis 2012 Sept Nov Aug

Year 2 2013 Feb Mar Jan Oct Dis

1 2 3 4

Literature study Completion of compounding process Completion of morphology study Completion of rheology study Completion of injection moulding process and processing analysis Completion of report writing Project complete

5 6 7

MILESTONES 1 2 3 4 Literature study Completion of compounding process Completion of morphology study Completion of rheology study Completion of injection moulding process and processing analysis Completion of report writing Project complete

6 7


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