Letter To Report Mail Theft

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Dorian Mayhew Rothschild 60 Arthur St.

San Rafael, CA 94901 April 23, 2012 San Francisco District Postal Inspection Service Office Attention: Don Mackabee 440 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA 94103 Re: Mail Theft Dear Don Mackabee: I have recently been the victim of a mail theft incident. On April 06, 2012 I contacted you to report the mail theft and obtain a Mail Theft and Vandalism Complaint form. The original copy of the completed complaint form is enclosed with this letter. I am requesting that your office conduct a thorough investigation into this mail theft incident. Please keep me updated and provide me with the results of this investigation. Please contact me at the above address if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be contacted by phone at 4158879834 (preferred) or 4153541874 (alternate). Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Sincerely,

______________________________________ Dorian Mayhew Rothschild Enclosure

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