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Dorian Mayhew Rothschild 60 Arthur St.

San Rafael, CA 94901 April 26, 2012 Bill Lomberg Manager BB Financial, Inc 440 Montgomery St. San Francisco, CA 94103 Dear Bill Lomberg: I am writing to request a letter of reference from you because I am pursuing new opportunities in the computer programming field. My employment with BB Financial, Inc from February 04, 2009 to August 19, 2011, was a positive experience, and as my immediate manager, you are familiar with my accomplishments. It would be helpful if you could include the following information in your letter: my detail-oriented work-style, excellent speech, writing and communication skills, and ability to inspire creativity among my co-workers. Please send the letter to Pear Software Solutions, Inc, 123 Main St., Mill Valley, CA 94941, to the attention of Dave Malaysia, Personnel Director. Please contact me at the address given above if you have any questions or need additional information. I can be contacted by phone at (415) 456-1434 or (415) 864-3457. Thank you in advance for your help and prompt attention to my request. Sincerely,

Dorian Mayhew Rothschild

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