Tourims Object in Banten

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Tourims Object in Banten, Indonesia

Indonesian had known as archipelago countries. Each island has many tourism objects. Like Bali Island, has many tourism objects start from beach until culture. I lived in Banten and so many tourism objects. Usually, local tourist interest with Natural tourism objects and Natural tourism objects many in every villages. Province of Banten has many tourism objects. Natural, culture, and history tourism object. Natural tourism objects in Banten many in Pandeglang, Anyer, and Lebak. And history and culture tourism objects in Old Banten. Tourism objects in Banten are Karang Bolong Beach is located 50 km from Serang town or 140 km from Jakarta, on Karang Bolong Street. Karang Bolong beach is the beach recreation area where there is a big rock with its hole in the center, facing the open sea. Keraton Kaibon (The Palace of Kaibon) its located at the village of Kroya on the bank of the road of Old Banten, approximately 7 km from the town of Serang or 1 km from Surosowan Palace. The name Kaibon was derived from the word Kai-ibuan namely Ratu Asiah, taking over his son's position, Sultan Rafiudin who was just 5 months old to lead the reign. Keraton Surosowan (The Palace of Surosowan) was built during the reign of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin (1525-1552). Most of buildings were partly totally damaged. What remains is only the wall of the fortress ciecling the ruin of the monument. According to the old maps it is known that in the past the complexes of the palace were surrounded by a ditch as a guard. It was said, that in the past small ship was able to sail along the ditch or along the canal to the open sea. Mesjid Agung Banten This complex consists of a mosque monument having grave yards along its left and right sides, the monument of Tiyamah, a tower, and grave yard located in the north side. Mount Krakatau is located at Sunda Strait. This volcano is very well known all over the world because its tremendous eruption in 1883 shocked the world and had caused a big disaster. The eruption of Krakatau was so powerful and its sound was heard in Australia and Colombo, even the heat clouds blanketed several areas of Europe for a week.. The new volcano began emerged to surface in 1928. In 1951 geologists recorded that the height of Anak Gunung Krakatau was just above 72 m dpl, but right now it's already reached a height of more than 200 m. Pulau Dua/Pulau Burung. The main attraction of this area is the natural beauty of the ocean reef groups, various types of sea fish, and of course many kinds of birds. Pulau Dua/Pulau Burung (Birds Island) is a natural bird conservation area for bird watching, its' covers area is about 30ha and located about 3 miles from the northern of Karangantu

harbor. It can be reached by motorized pats or sail boats in 15 to 30 minutes through the Sawah Luhur, Kasemen. From April to August the island is visited by thousand of bird coming from the continent of Africa, Asia and Australia to lay and hatch their eggs. Soon after the young birds become mature, they will return to their original places. At least 50 kinds of birds and generally those are fishering birds that only to fly far distance such as herons, ducks, teals, fowis and other be able to lay 2-4 eggs, and stayed together in Pulau Dua of 8 hectares land. Rawadano or other name Lake Wetlands Nature Preserve is located in Serang district, and is 101 km from Jakarta. This area is an area dominated marshes, there is also a lake. The area is approximately 2,500 hectares of overgrown by various types of trees. The island is a nesting place for various types of animals reptiles, like snakes and crocodiles. No less than 250 species of birds living in this area. We can reach these locations through three channels, namely; Jakarta, Cilegon-Anyer-Rawaadano, Jakarta-Serang-PadarincangRawadano, and Jakarta-Serang-Anyer-Cinangka-Padarincang-Rawadano. Speelwijk Fortress is located at kampung Pamarican, around at Banten Gulf. In the past it was used as the fortress of the Sultanate of Banten, before the Deutch penetrated to and accupied Banten. Tasikardi at Margasana village, Kramatwatu district is a part of arceological complex of Old Banten. Its width is approximatelly 5 hectares and in the cebter of the lake there is a square formed "islands". During the period of the Kingdom of Banten, Tasikardi used irigate the recifields and as a water treatment system in Surosowan Palace. The Tower of Bojong. Built in 1885 the Dutch, it is 75, 7 meter in height and it is an eighteen-story house light in Anyer Kidul. This area is an historical place. It is very well known for its 1000 km Daendles Post Road from Anyer to Panarukan (East Java) in 1811. The Hot Spring of Batu Kuwung. Its heat reaches 70-80 Fahrenheit degree. The hot water is iodized but it doesn't contain any sulphur.

Tourims Object in Banten, Indonesia

Indonesian had known as archipelago countries. Each island has many tourism objects. Like Bali Island, has many tourism objects start from beach until culture. I lived in Banten and so many tourism objects. Usually, local tourist interest with Natural tourism objects and Natural tourism objects many in every villages. Province of Banten has many tourism objects. Natural, culture, and history tourism object. Natural tourism objects in Banten many in Pandeglang, Anyer, and Lebak. And history and culture tourism objects in Old Banten. Tourism objects in Banten are Karang Bolong Beach is located 50 km from Serang town or 140 km from Jakarta, on Karang Bolong Street. Karang Bolong beach is the beach recreation area where there is a big rock with its hole in the center, facing the open sea. Tasikardi at Margasana village, Kramatwatu district is a part of archeological complex of Old Banten. Its width is approximately 5 hectares and in the cebter of the lake there is a square formed "islands". During the period of the Kingdom of Banten, Tasikardi used irigate the rectified and as a water treatment system in Surosowan Palace. The Tower of Bojong, built in 1885 the Dutch, it is 75, 7 meter in height and it is an eighteen-story house light in Anyer Kidul. This area is an historical place. It is very well known for its 1000 km Daendles Post Road from Anyer to Panarukan (East Java) in 1811. The Hot Spring of Batu Kuwung, its heat reaches 70-80 Fahrenheit degree. The hot water is iodized but it doesn't contain any sulphur. Speelwijk Fortress is located at kampung Pamarican, around at Banten Gulf. In the past it was used as the fortress of the Sultanate of Banten, before the Dutch penetrated to and occupied Banten. And many more Muhammad Rafiul Ilmi Syarifudin (X.2)

Indonesia telah dikenal sebagai negara kepulauan. Setiap pulau memiliki banyak obyek wisata. Seperti Pulau Bali, telah banyak obyek wisata mulai dari pantai hingga budaya. Saya tinggal di Banten dan objek pariwisata begitu banyak. Biasanya, wisatawan bunga lokal dengan obyek wisata alam dan objek pariwisata alam banyak di setiap desa. Provinsi Banten memiliki banyak obyek wisata. Alam, budaya, sejarah dan objek pariwisata. Alam obyek wisata di Banten banyak di Pandeglang, Anyer, dan Lebak. Dan sejarah dan objek wisata budaya di Banten Lama. Obyek wisata di Banten Pantai Karang Bolong terletak 50 km dari Kota Serang atau 140 km dari Jakarta, di Karang Bolong Street. Karang Bolong pantai adalah tempat rekreasi pantai dimana terdapat sebuah batu besar dengan lubang di tengah, menghadap ke laut terbuka. Tasikardi di Margasana desa, Kramatwatu distrik merupakan bagian dari kompleks arkeologi Banten Lama. Lebarnya sekitar 5 hektar dan di cebter danau ada sebuah persegi terbentuk "pulau". Selama periode Kerajaan Banten, Tasikardi digunakan irigate yang diperbaiki dan sebagai sistem pengolahan air di Surosowan Palace. Menara Bojong, dibangun pada tahun 1885 Belanda, adalah 75, 7 meter tinggi dan itu adalah delapan belas lantai rumah cahaya di Anyer Kidul. Daerah ini merupakan tempat historis. Hal ini sangat terkenal untuk 1000 km nya Jalan Raya Pos Daendles dari Anyer ke Panarukan (Jawa Timur) pada tahun 1811. The Hot Spring Batu Kuwung, panasnya mencapai 70-80 derajat Fahrenheit. Air panas adalah beryodium tetapi tidak mengandung belerang apapun. Benteng Speelwijk terletak di kampung Pamarican, di Banten sekitar Teluk. Di masa lalu itu digunakan sebagai benteng Kesultanan Banten, sebelum Belanda merambah ke dan Banten yang diduduki. Dan masih banyak lagi

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