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Research Background Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world and sixteenth largest in terms of land area. With the population of 230 million people in 2010 with the majority in teenager and young adult age, Indonesia has become very important market for consumer goods manufacturers especially in food and beverage sector. Figure 1. Indonesia population structure in 2010

The supportive population division and Indonesias conducive economy condition in the past several years, has driven the Indonesias investment growth, foreign and domestic, in food and beverage sector. According to Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board, there are increasing numbers of investment project realization on this industry from year to year. In 2011 alone, the number of Foreign Direct Investment project realization grew 56% from 61 projects in quarter 1, 2011 to 95 project in quarter 2, 2011. However, it decreases 29% in quarter 3, 2011 to 67 projects. Regarding the domestic investment project realization, there were incremental growth from quarter 1 2011 to quarter 2, 2011 as much as 188%. However, in quarter 3, 2011, it suddenly slumped 55% into 53 projects realized in quarter 2, 2011.

Figure 2. FDI Realization in 2011

Figure 3. Domestic Investment Realization in 2011

In addition, during the second quarter of 2011, Food and Beverage industry still becomes the biggest contributor towards Indonesian economy. It contributed 34.71% towards the Indonesian GDP in 2011Q2 and in the past several years this sectors has contributed significant value added towards Indonesia GDP. Since Indonesian food and beverage industry captured large market and served diversified product, this research will focus on one type of product of Food and Beverage sectors which is crackers. Crackers have become one of the Indonesian substitute sources of carbohydrate which usually consumed during snack time.Indonesian loves to have snack during mid-day or mid-night, and usually, they ate snack when they are watching television, movies, playing games, chatting with their friends, and so on. Therefore, crackers usually become one of the choices because of the taste variant and one bite size it usually offers to the consumers. Given the lucrative market condition, there are many players in the crackers industry. Despite the long standing player such as PT. Mayora Indahand PT. Khong Guan, many players, foreign and local, recently enter this sector and heat-up the competition. Jacob Fruitfield Food Group, an Ireland based company, with its Jacobsproduct line and

Nabati, an Indonesian company, with its Richeese product lines are several of the examples of new comers in this industry. The entrance of the new business players has caused distortion in consumer decision making process when they are about to buy crackers. Consumers have more choices of crackers taste and brands to evaluate before they make the final decision. Not only that, stiffer competition has shifted the competitors map of the crackers industry and resulted on the more fragmented market share division on the industry. Crackers industry used to be dominated with Mayora and Khong Guan. However, todays market is more fragmented where several of shares went to Indofood through their Trenz product lines and Orang Tua through their Oops! product lines. Thus, it is very important for the manufacturer to keep their loyal customer and increasing the market share through the contribution of the loyal customers rather than try to steal new customers of other product but neglecting the existing consumer. In this research, the writers will specifically analyze Trenz, a cracker product manufactured by PT. Indofood Fritolay Makmur. The product has been introduced to the market since a decade ago and available in various package and taste. Not only that, this product also produced by well-known food manufacturer in Indonesia which guaranteed wide distribution channel and the product quality. In addition, Trenz has already advertised its product through any promotional tools such as social media, printed, and television ads. However, up until now, this product performance on crackers industry is not outstanding yet. Trenz market share are not big enough compared to Roma Malkist and Oops!. Moreover, Top brand index 2011 put Trenz on third position, after Roma and Oops while Top brand index for kids 2011, put Trenz on fourth position after Roma, Nissin, and Oops!. Thus the writers want to do research which focus on analyzing the influence of non- marketing and marketing factors towards the consumer decision making in buying crackers in order to help the company to identify which factors are significant to influence consumer to buy their products and have feedback on how to maintain the market share or even increase it by modifying the current marketing strategy focusing only on the important elements.

1.1.1. Justification for the Research This research aims to analyze the influence of non- marketing and marketing factors towards the consumer decision making process in buying Trenz. It is important to understand the influence of non-marketing and marketing factors towards the consumer decision making process because Kotler and Keller (2009) believes that During this decision making process, consumers will encounter themselves exposed to several brands as they would like to satisfy the needs and wants. Out of those brands, several will meet the initial buying criteria, and as consumer gathers more information, only few will remain strong contenders, which the consumer will makes the final choice from one of those. Thus, by understanding the influence on non-marketing and marketing factors towards consumer decision making in buying Trenz, PT. Indofood Fritolay Makmur as the manufacturer will know which factors that significantly contribute to the consumer decision making on buying Trenz. Not only that, findings of this research will enable them to improve their current marketing strategies and to help the company to develop their future marketing plan of by focusing on those factors in order to boost the sales volume and grab more market share than the competitors by maintaining the existing customer. Besides that, this research finding can be used to evaluate current performance of company marketing strategies in marketing Trenz product .

1.1.2. Statement of Research Problem In this research consumer decision making of buying crackers will be measured by looking at several marketing and non-marketing factors, therefore the writers come with some research problem as stated below: a. Which of the variable of marketing factors and non-marketing factors affect the consumer decision making process in buying Trenz?

b. Out of those variables, which one is influencing the highest towards the consumer decision making process to buy Trenz? 1.2. Research Objectives a. To help Trenz utilize the consumer decision making concept for evaluating the current marketing strategies b. To help Trenz analyzing the factors influencing consumer decision making process in buying the product c. To give valuable recommendation to Trenz future marketing plan in order to boost the sales revenue and market share in cracker industry by focusing on existing consumer


Research Benefit I hope through my research I can help several parties which are academicians, industry, and students.

a. For the academicians, Enrich and enlighten the understanding of factors influencing consumer decision making process of a certain product, especially in cracker product. Provide feedback for prior similar research and stepping stone for further and more detailed research in the future. b. For the industry, Analyzing the factors influencing consumer decision making process towards crackers, especially Trenz in order to give valuable insight toward company on consumer behavior Providing valuable insight to the company in order to develop future marketing plan aiming on sales growth and achieving top position in the crackers industry Providing material on evaluating the current performance of marketing strategies. c. For the students

Apply the knowledge and theories from academic world to the real business practice Enhance the understanding on consumer decision making concept

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK 2.1. Concepts and Definition Given the problem statements that writers have defined before, in order to do the research, writers need to have strong theoretical foundation in order to keep the research rigor. Thus, the writers use consumer behavior theory as a foundation of the research on consumer decision making since consumer decision making has become essential factors in consumer behavior subject. According to Hawkins and Motherbough(2010), consumer behavior is the study of how individual, groups or organizations select, secure, use and dispose products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs. Consumer behavior not only affect people when they want to buy but also include decision making, physical activity individual engage in when evaluating, acquiring, using or disposing of good and services(Loundon and Bitta, 1998). In addition, Kotler and Keller (2006) stated that consumer behavior is subcategory of marketing that include psychology, sociology, socio psychology, anthropology and economies. It tries to understand the buyer decision making process, as individualandgroup. They further discussed that consumer decision making which part of consumer behavior is influenced by marketing factor and non-marketing factor. 2.1.1. Consumer Decision Making After marketer knows about the concept of consumer behavior, they need to have more understanding on the consumer decision making. The buying process begins when a customers recognize that they have unsatisfied need. Grewal and Levi (2008) said that consumer decision making has three type of buying decisions. First, limited problem solving is a process which occurs during a purchase decision need a moderate amount of effort and time. Customer will engage in this buying decision when they already had some experience with the product or service and have a moderate level of perceived risk. The common type of this problem solving is impulse buying. It is a decision made by customer on

spot when they see merchandise. Second, habitual decision making is described as purchase decision process in which customers engage with little conscious effort. Third, extended problem solving is a situation when a customer perceive that purchase decision have a lot of risk. These types of consumer decision making will got through the similar process of customer decision making. According to Grewal and Levi(2008), customer decision process model will represent the steps that customer go through before, during, and after making purchases.

Need Recognition

Information Search

Alternative Evaluation


Post Purchase

Need Recognition The first step of consumer decision making is need recognition. It is a situation when consumers recognize that they have an unsatisfied need and want to go from their actual, needy state to a different, desired state. The greater the differences between the states the greater the need recognition will be. According to Grewal and Levi (2008), consumer needs can be classified as functional needs, psychological needs or both. Functional needs relate to the performance of a product or service. Psychological needs relate to the personal satisfaction consumer associate with a product and/or service. So a consumer will consider their need whether it is in term of product quality, the satisfaction that they will get or both aspects.

Search for Information After consumer recognize their needs, they will try to search for information regarding the various option that available to satisfy their needs. In finding the information, the customer will have different length and intensity. It will be based on their perceived risk that associated with the purchasing product or service. Regardless the required search level,

there are two types of search information, based on Grewal and Levi (2008). First, Internal search for information is method where the buyer examine their own memory and knowledge about the product or service that they had. Second, External search for information is a method where the customer will find the information outside their personal knowledge to hell them in making decision. They can find this information by talking with their friends, family or salesperson or searching the information from the media such as internet, magazines, television or radio. However, sometime the consumer also gets commercial exposure without they know about it. During the finding of the information, consumer may imposed by some factors that affect them. Thus, Grewal and Levi (2008) also disclosed several factors that affect in the searching information process. The first one is the perceived benefit versus the perceived costs of search. Consumer will consider whether the benefit that they get after they find information will overcome the cost that they need to spend. Thus, it will be vary on each customer based on the product and customer. The second is the locus control. Locus control can be divided into two, which are internal and external locus control. Customer with internal locus control believe that they have some control over the outcome of their action, in which their finding information stage. While customer with external locus control believes the fate or other external factor will control the outcomes. The third is the actual or perceived risk. This risk can be classified into three, which are performance risk, financial risk and psychological risk. Performance risk involves relate to perceived danger that caused by a poorly performing product or service. Financial risk is associated with a monetary outlay and includes the initial cost of purchase, as well as the cost of using the item or service. Psychological risks are the risks associated with the way people will feel if the product or service does not express the right image. Fourth factor is the type of product or service. There are three types of product which are specialty goods/services,

shopping goods/services and convenience goods/services. Specialty products/services are the products/services which the consumer shows a strong preference and for which they will expend considerable effort to search for the best supplier. Shopping goods/services are products/services which consumer will spend time to comparing alternatives. Convenience goods/services are the products or services the consumer is not willing to spend any effort to evaluate prior to purchase. Beside those factors, consumers specific perception and needs also helps the consumer to define the kind of search and the type of product. Evaluation of Alternatives Once the consumer get information about the products/services that they wants, consumer will evaluate all the information they have gathered about certain brands in consideration set and start categorizing it based on their evaluative criteria (Dalrymple and Parsons, 2000). Evaluative criteria are the desired characteristics and features required to meet the needs, (Hawkins and Mothersbaugh,2010). Normally, the alternative evaluation will be occurred when the consumer is engaged in the process of information search. Based on the research, consumer mind will organize and categories alternatives to help their decision process. These categories alternative can be called as attribute sets. According to Grewal and Levi(2008), there are three types of attribute sets, which are universal sets, retrieval sets and evoked sets. Universal sets will include all the possible choices for a product category. Retrieval sets will include the brands or stores that can be readily brought from memory. Evoked sets will comprise the alternative brands or stores that consumer states they would consider when making a decision process. Moreover, when consumer tries to evaluate the different alternatives, they often base the evaluation on the evaluative criteria. However, Grewal and Levi said that in practice, consumer tends to simplify the complicated process of decision making by using determinant

attributes and consumer decision rules. Determinant attributes are products or services features that are important to the buyer and on which competing brands or stores are perceived to differ. These attributes can be perfectly rational or it is more subtle and psychologically based. Consumer decision rules are the set of criteria that consumer consciously or subconsciously to quickly and efficiently select among the alternatives. There are three decision rules which are compensatory, noncompensatory and decision heuristics. Compensatory decision rule assume that consumer will trade off one characteristic with the others when evaluating alternatives. Noncompensatory decision rule is when a consumer chooses a product or service on the basis of a subset of its characteristics, regardless the values of its other attribute. Decision heuristic is a mental shortcut that helps a consumer narrow down their choices such as price, brand and product. Purchase and Consumption Once a customer considered the possible alternative of choices, they will find the best choice by purchase and consume the product/service. They will find the product/service that they believe provide them the best value. Moreover, Grewal and Levi (2008) said that there is also what he called as ritual consumption, that refers to a pattern or behavior tied to life event that affect what and how customer consumes. It tends to have symbolic meanings and vary greatly by culture. Post Purchase The final step in consumer decision making will be the post purchase behavior. According to Grewal and Levi(2008), this step will have three outcome, which are customer satisfaction, post purchase dissonance and customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction is one of important factor after they purchase some product/service. Actually, it can be done through marketing activities such as promotion, personal selling

and other promotional tools. However, as a marketer, they should be careful in setting the customer expectation from promotional tools. If the expectation is too high or too low compare to the product/service, it can affect the customer satisfaction toward the product or service. Thus, Grewal and Levi(2008) give several steps that marketer can take to ensure the post purchase satisfaction. First, marketer need to build realistic expectation, not too high and not too low. Second, they should demonstrate correct product use. Third, they need to stand behind the product/service by providing money-back guarantee. Fourth, encourage the customer feedback that can cut down the negative world of mouth. Last, marketer should held a periodically contact with customer and thank them for the support. By doing so, customer can see that marketer is concern and respect the customer. Moreover, it will give marketer opportunity to correct any problems. Post Purchase Dissonance is the psychologically uncomfortable state produced by an inconsistency between belief and behavior that in turn evokes a motivation to reduce the dissonance. It usually occurs when a consumer questions the appropriateness of a purchase after the decision has been made. This dissonance more likely to happen to the expensive, infrequent purchase and high risk associated product. Thus, to reduce this dissonance, marketer usually makes a direct effort at consumer after they purchase the product/service. Loyalty is the important thing that company looking for. A loyal customer will always buy the product from the same company. It can be achieved if the product/service can fulfill the customer expectation. Marketer usually tries to maintain the loyal customer by having the customer relationship program. However, in practice, it is not easy to get a loyal customer. Some customer that expectation cannot be fulfill will turn into passive customer. Passive customer is the customer who does not repeat the purchase and does not recommend the product. Some customer,

who feel that is treated unequally, even have a worse action by creating a negative word of mouth. In this stage, marketer needs to have action to lessen the effect. They usually provide the customer service representative to handle and respond the complaint. 2.1.2. Factor Influencing Consumer Decision Making According to Grewaland Levi (2008), Consumer Decision Making Process is influenced by four main big factors, which are Psychological Factor, Social Factor, Situational Factor and Marketing Mix. In addition, Kotler and Keller (2009) stated that there are three factors that affected consumer behavior, which is the umbrella of consumer decision making. Thus, it will somehow affect the consumer decision making. However, there are two factors that overlapping with the factors of consumer decision making. In the end, the writer decides to take the personal factor only to show the effect to consumer decision making. Finally, there will be five factors that affected consumer decision making, which are psychological factor, social factor, situational factor, marketing mix and personal factor. Each of the factors will be explained by several criteria that represent each factor. Psychological Factor Psychological Factors is one of factor that will affect the consumer decision making since it affects the way people receive marketers messages. Psychological factors consist of motives, attitudes, perception and learning(Grewal and Levi,2008). First, motive is a need or wants that cause people to seek for satisfaction. Actually, motives have several types that can be explained by PSSP hierarchy of needs from Abraham Maslow. PSSP hierarchy consists of Physiological needs, Safety needs, Social needs and Personal needs. Physiological needs deal with the basic biological necessities of life such as food, drink, rest and shelter. Safety need relate to protection and physical well-being. Social needs relate to our interactions with the other. Finally, personal needs allow people to

satisfy their inner desires. So, as more basic needs can be fulfilled (physiological needs and safety needs), people will try to satisfy their more advanced needs (social and personal needs). Second, attitude is a persons enduring evaluation of their feeling about and behavioral tendencies to an object or idea. Attitudes are learned and long lasting and it might be developed or abruptly changed over the time. An attitude consists of three components which are cognitive, affective and behavioral. The cognitive aspect will reflect what people believe to be true, affective component involves what people feel about the issue at hand and behavioral component comprise the action people undertake with regard to the issues. Third, perception is the process where people select, organize and interpret information. It will influence the people acquisition and consumption of goods and services. Fourth, learning refer to a change in persons mind or behavior that come from experience and happen throughout the consumer decision making process. Learning itself will affect both attitudes and perception of people. Social Factor Social Factor will also affect people consumer decision making. According to Grewal and Levi (2008), social factor consists of family, culture and reference group. However, according to Peter and Donnely (2001), social factor consists of culture and subculture, social class and reference group and families. Thus, the writer will combine both of the classification, where social factor will consist of family, reference group, culture and subculture and social class. First, the various family members will give difference influence in decision making process since the product or service will be consumed by the family member. Second, reference group is one or more person whom an individual uses as basis for comparison regarding beliefs, feelings and behaviors. Reference group will affect the decision making by offering information, providing rewards for specific purchasing behavior and enhancing consumers self-image.

Third, culture is the most basic influences on an individuals needs, wants and behavior. It is defined as shared meaning, beliefs, morals, values and custom of a group of people. While subculture is based on such things as geographic area, religions, nationalities, ethnic groups and age. Both culture and subculture will affect the individual in making decision. Fourth, social class can be seen from the wealth, skill, power and occupation. Different social class tends to have different attitudinal configuration and values, which influence the behavior of individual members. Situational Factor Situational Factor or factor specific to situationwill prevail or at least influence psychological and social issues. According to Grewal and Levi (2008), situational factor is related to purchase situation, shopping situation and temporal state. Purchase situation will relate to psychological trait or social factor will influence people decision making. Shopping situation will also influence and even change the people decision making. Shopping situation can be in form of store atmosphere, salespeople, crowding, in-store demonstration, promotions and packaging, which some of it is overlapping with marketing mix. Temporal state, which is people state of mind, can also change our decision to purchase certain products. On the other hand, Peter and Donnely(2001), said that situational factor are the factors that in particular time and place of observation have a systematic effect on the buyer behavior. These situational factors consist of physical surrounding, social surrounding, temporal perspective, task definition, antecedent states. Physical surrounding includes geographic and institutional location, dcor, sounds, aromas, lighting, weather and visible configuration of merchandise. Social surrounding will relate to person present, person characteristic, apparent roles and interpersonal interactions. Temporal perspective may be specified in units ranging from time of day to season of the years. Task

definition will include a requirement to select, shop for or obtain information about general or specific purchase. Antecedent states are the momentary moods (such as anxiety, pleasantness, hostility and excitation) or momentary conditions (such as cash on hand, fatigue and illness). Marketing Mix According to Grewal and Levi (2008) and Peter and Donnely (2001), the last factor that will influence the consumer decision making is marketing mix or marketing strategies. Marketing mix will consists of product, price, place and promotions. Product influence will include brand name, quality, newness, complexity, appearance of the product, packaging and labeling information. Price influences will be more about the level of the price of the product, whether it is lower or higher. The attribute about price will be the price affordability and the worthiness of the product. Promotion influences will include advertising, sales promotion, sales people and publicity. This influence plays a critical role in informing the customer about the products and services. Finally, Place influence, which is the distribution place, will affect people perception about the products. Products that usually can be found in variety of stores are the low involvement product. Higher quality product will be sold in the exclusive outlets. While the innovative, exclusive and tailored product usually will be found in the internet or catalog.

2.2. Relationship between concepts Consumer decision making is a process that consumer going through in deciding to buy certain product/service. First, it is started with the need recognition when the consumer realizes that they have certain need to be fulfilled. Second, it is followed with the information search. Consumer will try to find more information about how to fulfill the needs. On this step, consumer will be exposed by advertisement and such marketing stimuli and they will start to generate several brand names on specific products to satisfy their needs. Third, after the consumer gets several options to satisfy their needs, they will start evaluating those choices based on the criteria that each people have. Fourth, consumer will finally decide on the product/service that they will buy and purchase the product/service. Lastly, consumer will have an outcome from their purchase. Consumer usually will start with the level of satisfaction of the product/service. Then, there will be the word of mouth that comes from the customer toward the product and services. Finally, customer will have the level of loyalty for the product/service, whether they will stick to buy the product/service. Actually, the consumer decision making process will be influenced by four main factors, which is psychological factor, social factor, situational factor and marketing mix. Psychological factor will consist of several attributes, which is learning, perception, attitudes and motive. Social factor will be more on the influence from the outside, such as family, group reference group, culture, subculture and social class. Situational factor is about the situation that people face when they will buy certain product. This factor will include physical surrounding, social surrounding, temporal perspective, task definition and purchase situation. Lastly, marketing mix will be the factor that influences consumer decision making from the marketing activity. Those factors will be product, price, place and promotion. In conclusion, these four main factors will influence the consumer decision making.

Psychological Factor
Learning Perception Attitudes Motives

Consumer Decision Making

Need Recognition

Social Factor
Family Reference Group Culture & Subculture Social Class

Information Search

Situational Factor
Physical Surrounding Social Surrounding Temporal Perspective Task Definition Purchase Situation

Alternative Evaluation


Marketing Mix
Product Price Place Promotion

Post Purchase

2.3. Summary of Relevant Research 2.3.1. Helene Hill and Fidelma Lynchehaun (2002) Title: Organic Milk: Attitudes and consumption patterns Hill and Lynchehaun (2002) consider consumer attitudes and motivation towards organic food and milk specifically. This is then linked to the resulting purchase behavior. Based on a combination of secondary and primary research the result indicates the dynamics between these concepts. There are several influential factors when considering organic milk purchase which are knowledge factors, uncontrollable factors, cultural and social factors, personal factors, intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors. The elements of each factors further specified on the figure below:

This research is related with the writers theoretical framework where the factors influencing purchase of organic milk is in line with the factors influencing

purchase of a cracker which is the topic of the research. Besides both of the research subject, organic milk and crackers fall into the same business industry which is Food and Beverage Industry. Thus, it is legitimate to state that Hill and Lynchehaun research is relevant with the writers. 2.3.2. Saha,Dey, and Bhattacharyya (2010) Title: Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior of Shoes in Kolkata: A Case Study This study attempts to analyze the factors influencing the purchase decision of shoes by consumer in Koklata.Individual buyers take different factors into consideration while purchasing any commodity, which is a necessity. The probable factors have been classifies based on 4Ps. Based on the ranks provided to the factors by the respondents, opinion scores have been calculated to evaluate the importance of the factors in purchase decision making. This study focuses on whether the importance assigned to the different factors varies across gender and income. From this journal, the major findings are: Quality and durability are the most important factors among the product factors followed by design and product warranty Value for price paid is the most important factor among the price factors followed by same quality but low price than competitors several models available in store and well-known store are the most important factors among the place factors. after sales service is the most important factor among the promotion factors Opinion of male and female are found to differ only in case of product warranty, value for price paid, store is conveniently located, TV advertising and lucky draws Significant relationships are found between income and design, quality, durability, product warranty, variety model, beautiful packaging, reparability, and made from safe environment material

Significant relationship was found between income and store has the lowest prices in the area, merchandise sold is of the highest quality, store sale only shoes, merchandise display is attractive, several models available in store, and well-known store

Significant relationships are found between income and magazine advertisements, lucky draws as well as delivery.

This journal finding confirmed writers theoretical framework where marketing mix (4Ps) is significantly influencing consumer decision making process. Thus, its legitimate for the writers to use Saha,Dey, and Bhattacharyya as relevant research to writers. 2.3.3. Saputra (2008) Title: Analisis Pengaruh Strategi Bauran Pemasaran Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Teh Celup Sariwangi Oleh Konsumen Rumah Tangga di Kota Medan Saputra(2008) try to analyze the influence of marketing mix strategy to the buying decision Sari Wangi teabag by household consumer in Medan. The theory used is the marketing management focus to marketing mix strategy and consumer behavior. The result shows that marketing mix strategy which are consist of product, price, distribution channel, and promotion simultaneously have significant influence to the buying decision Sari Wangi teabag by household consumer in Medan. The value of the determinant coefficient shows that the research independent variables able to explain 50.5% to the buying decision while the remaining explained by other independent variable had not used in the research. Thus, it has leave the rooms for the writers to improve the research model as specified in theoretical framework to explain the other variables that Saputra (2008) had not used on his research to explain consumer decision making process in Food and Beverage industry.

2.3.4. Park,Iyer,Smith (1989) Title: The Effects of Situational Factors On In-Store Grocery Shop Park,Iyer,Smith (1989) conducted field experiment to explore the effects of two situational factors, store knowledge and time available for shopping on consumer grocery shopping behavior. The results indicate that these two factors have an impact on such shopping behaviors as failure to make the intended purchase, unplanned buying, brand, and product class switching and purchase volume deliberation. The findings also suggest that the information processing activities that mediate these relationships differ across shopping conditions. This research is relevant towards the writers research because it suggest that situational factors influence consumer decision making process.

2.4. Framework of the Report

2.5. Hypothesis The writer will describe the objective and research purpose. The writer has several factors that will be tested regarding the effect and influence to consumer decision making. Here are some hypotheses that the writer want to test. Ho: Marketing and Non Marketing Stimuli are not significantly Hypothesis 1 affecting consumer decision making H1: Marketing and Non Marketing Stimuli are significantly affecting consumer decision making Ho: Psychological factor is not significantly influence the consumer Hypothesis 2 decision making H1: Psychological factor is significantly influence the consumer decision making Ho: Social factor is not significantly influence the consumer decision Hypothesis 3 making H1: Social factor is significantly influence the consumer decision making Ho: Situational factor is not significantly influence the consumer Hypothesis 4 decision making H1: Situational factor is significantly influence the consumer decision making Hypothesis 5 Ho: Product is not significantly influence the consumer decision making H1: Product is significantly influence the consumer decision making Ho: Price is not significantly influence the consumer decision making H1: Price factor is significantly influence the consumer decision making Ho: Place is not significantly influence the consumer decision making H1: Place is significantly influence the consumer decision making Ho: Promotion is not significantly influence the consumer decision Hypothesis 8 making H1: Promotion is significantly influence the consumer decision making

Hypothesis 6

Hypothesis 7

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1. Type of Research Method According to Bougie and Sekaran (2010), research design has several integral parts which are purpose of the study, the study setting, the type of investigation, the extent of writers interference, the time horizon, and the unit of analysis. Purpose of the study is divided into three types exploratory, descriptive, and hypothesis testing. The usage of each is depends on stage to which knowledge about the research topic has advanced. Exploratory study is undertaken when not much is known about the situation at hand, or no information is available on how similar problems or research issues have been solved in the past. Exploratory studies are also necessary when some facts are known but more information is needed for developing a viable theoretical framework. Descriptive study is undertaken in order to ascertain and be able to describe the characteristics of the variables of interest in a situation. It offers writers, a profile or to describe relevant aspects of the phenomenon of interest from an individual, organizational, industry oriented, or other perspective. Hypothesis testing is undertaken to explain the variance in the dependent variable or to predict organizational outcomes. Research methodology itself can be divided into two, qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research seeks to describe, decode, translate, and otherwise come to terms with the meaning, not the frequency, of certain phenomena. Quantitative research, on the other hand, attempts precise measurement of something. In a business research, quantitative methodologies usually measure consumer behavior, knowledge, opinions, or attitudes. Such methodologies answer questions related to how much, how often, how many, when, who in the research. In conducting the research, the writer will use quantitative method with the hypothesis testing purpose. Writers chose this method because this research aims to know whether non marketing and marketing factors influence consumer decision making process and out of those variables, which one is significantly influence consumer decision making process in buying Trenz. Thus, the writers need to get the primary data from the customers, in the form of customer responses towards the marketing and nonmarketing factors in order to determine how significant those factors in influencing the

customers decision making process. Moreover, data gathered from customers should then be analyzed based on the hypothesis that developed prior the study, whether those factors are influencing consumer decision making process or not. Therefore, confirming to Bougie and Sekaran (2010) theory on research design, the writers were confident that quantitative and hypothesis testing method are the best methods to do the research. The quantitative research will be done by distributing questionnaire as the research tool, to the targeted respondents in the targeted place. Further, the result gathered will be processed and interpreted by using SPSS 17.0with ordinal regression analysis as the statistical tools.

3.2. Description of Variables In this research, the writers want to find the influence of marketing mix, psychological, social and situational factor to consumer decision making in buying Trenz. In this part, the writers will describe the attributes of each factor (Independent Variable) that can affect the consumer decision making in buying Trenz (Dependent Variable). Dependent Variable The dependent variable will be the consumer decision making in buying cracker with the attributes: 1. The respondent has the need recognition of buying crackers. 2. The respondent research the information of cracker brands available. 3. The respondent evaluates the cracker brands available based on their criteria. 4. The respondent purchases the Trenz. Independent Variable There are seven independent variables in this research. 1. Psychological Factor, consists of: Motive of Buying Trenz is to try a new product Motive of Buying Trenz is to try a new taste Motive of Buying Trenz is to do a habitual consumption

2. Social Factor, consists of: Family influence you to buy Trenz cracker Friends and Collegue influence you to buy Trenz cracker

Eating cracker is the habit in your environment.

3. Situational Factor, consists of: You will buy crackers because you are in the mood of snacking You will buy Trenz because it is the first cracker brand you see in store You buy Trenz because you saw many people buying it

4. Product, consists of: You buy Trenz because it is produce by well-known manufacturer You buy Trenz because it is well known cracker brand You buy Trenz because it is a good quality cracker You buy Trenz because it iscrunchy You buy Trenz because it is has unique shape You buy Trenz because it is has unique taste You buy Trenz because it is has various packaging size You buy Trenz because it is has attractive packaging design You buy Trenz because it is has complete label information

5. Price, consists of: You buy Trenz because it is affordable You buy Trenz because the price value is equal to quantity

6. Place, consists of: You buy Trenz because it is easy to find You buy Trenz because it in the eye sight position

7. Promotion, consists of: You buy Trenz because it is has attractive tv advertisement You buy Trenz because it is has attractive social media advertisement

You buy Trenz because it is has attractive endorser You buy Trenz because it is has special offer You buy Trenz because it is has convincing SPG

3.3. Description of Data Variables and its elements that explained before will be used as an input data for this research in order to find out which variables affecting consumer decision making process. In order to be analyzed, each of the elements must be measured. Different variables have different measurement scale because it has different purpose in the analysis. In general, there are four types of data that usually being analyzed which are nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Information on the variables can be obtained in greater detail when we employ an internal or ratio scale in two other scales. Bougie and Sekaran (2010) stated that with more powerful scale such as interval and ratio, sophisticated data analyses can be performed to the elements or variables. This data will be collected through several methods using non-probability judgment sampling method where everyone who have consumed Trenz at least one, will have equal chance to be the subject of the research.


Type of Data There are basically four widely used types of scale (Bougie and Sekaran,2010). Nominal scale is one that categorizes individuals or objects into mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive groups. Usually nominal scale used for gender, where the respondents can be grouped into two categories and the groups can be assigned code number 1 and 2 where the number works only for labels with no intrinsic value. Ordinal scale not only categorizes the variables in such a way as to denote differences among various categories, it also rank orders the categories in some meaningful way. For example, ordinal scale can help the writers to determine the percentage of respondents who consider interaction with others as most important. Interval scale allows writers to perform certain arithmetical operations on the data collected from the respondents. It also helps the writers to measure the

distance between any two points on the scale. Thus, using interval scale can help the writers to compute the means and the standard deviations of the responses on the variables. Last, ratio scale allows the existence of zero point origin as meaningful measurement point. Therefore, ratio scale enables the writers to have the exact proportions in the differences. In this research, the types of scale involved will be most likely using nominal and interval data. Nominal data are obtained from the respondents age profile, their need recognition on buying crackers, their attempt to find information about crackers brand, their behavior in evaluating crackers brand, and their decision to buy Trenz. The interval data are those which are collected using Likers scale in the questionnaire and will be analyzed using Ordinal Logistic Regression analysis. It is expected that the targeted respondents would be able to express either a favorable (tendency to agree) or an unfavorable (tendency of disagree) opinion about effect of marketing and non-marketing stimuli towards their consumer decision making.


Data Collection Method Bougie and Sekaran (2010) describes two types of data which is primary and secondary data. Primary data refer to information obtained first hand by the researcher on the variables of interest for the specific purpose of the study such as through focus groups, panel of respondents and individuals. Secondary data refer to information gathered from sources that already exist such as by doing literature review. Primary data can be collected in a variety of ways, in different settings and from different sources. Data collection methods include interviews, questionnaire, observation, and variety if other motivational techniques such as projective test. Secondary data, on the other hand, can be obtained through books and periodicals, journals, company internal data, annual reports, and so on. In doing the research, writers will use both primary and secondary data to support the research analysis. Primary data will be obtained through questionnaire that distributed to targeted respondents through paper based and electronically.

Secondary data will be in form of magazine and newspaper articles that can be retrieved through internet and paper based such as SWA, Kompas, Bisnis Indonesia, and so on that discuss about Trenz or crackers industry. Not only that, writers secondary data will be sourced also from companys internal data.


Sampling Method In this research, the writer will use the quantitative method. To get the respondent, the writes will use the probability sampling methods. Probability method is a sampling method when elements of the population have a chance of being chosen as a subject in the sample. According to Bougie and Sekaran(2010), there are two types of probability sampling method, which are unrestricted(simple random sampling) and restricted(complex probability sampling). Simple random sampling will give every element in the population the known and equal chance of being selected as a subject. Complex probability sampling will be divided into six methods, which are systematic sampling, stratified random sampling: proportionate and disproportionate stratified random sampling, cluster sampling, area sampling and double sampling. Systematic sampling will use sample drawing every nth element in the population with a randomly chosen element between 1 and n. Stratified random sampling involves a process of stratification or segregation that is followed with random selection of subjects from each stratum. The stratified random sampling can be divided in proportionate and disproportionate. Proportionate stratified random sampling will have certain proportion for the subject in each stratum while in the disproportionate stratified random sampling will depend on the number of subject, whether it represents the situation or not. Cluster sampling will use sample that is gathered in groups of elements that are naturally aggregates of elements in the population. Area sampling will cluster the respondent by geographic areas such as counties, city blocks or particular boundaries within a locality. Double sampling will use the initial sample to get the preliminary information of interest and will be used again to get more detail. In this research, the writer will use cluster method. This method is used because the respondent should come and represent for several area

of the city. Moreover, this method offers more heterogeneity within groups and more homogeneity among groups. Thus, using the area sampling enables the writers to capture the whole market equally and resulted on more rigor and precise result because the sample are equally representing the society. The questionnaire will be distributed to respondent in some supermarket and malls that spread out in Jakarta, where many people are gathered. The quota will be divided into several areas in Jakarta, which are North Jakarta, South Jakarta, West Jakarta, East Jakarta and Central Jakarta. From the total population in Jakarta, the writer chooses the teenager and young adult as the respondent with the age from 15 34 years old. According to Badan Pusat Statistik, number of people with the age of 15-34 years old in 2009 is 3.6 million peoples. To decide the sample size, the writer will base on the table that is proposed by Krejcie and Morgan (1970). With the confidence level of 95%, margin of error of 5% and population of 3.6 million, the best sample size is 384 people since the sample size for population of 1 until 300 million is equivalent. From 384 respondents, the writer will divide it into 5 as the number of area. So, on each area, the writer will collect 77 respondents that are spread on the mall or supermarket. In addition, the writer also has some criteria for the respondent. First, the respondent has ever buy crackers. Second, the respondent has ever buy Trenz cracker. Third, the respondent lives in the respective area.

3.4. Analytical Method The analytical methods that will be applied in this research are Normality Test, Validity and Reliability test and Ordinal Logistic Regression. All methods will be analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows. The function of each test and analytical tools will be discussed further below.

3.4.1.Validity and Reliability Bougie and Sekaran (2010) defines validity as a test of how, well an instrument measures whatever concept it is measuring. Validity is a test of how well an instrument that is developed measures the particular concept it is intended

to measure. In other words, validity is concerned with whether we measure the right concept and reliability concern with stability and consistency of measurement. Thus, reliability of a measure indicates the extent to which it is without bias (error free) and hence ensures consistent measurement across time and across the various items in the instrument. To see the validity and reliability of the data and measurement tools, the writers will use a correlation test, to see whether there is correlation between the independent and dependent variable. In SPSS 17.0 the steps are as follow: 1. Click Analyze 2. Choose Scale then Reliability Analysis 3. Input all of the elements of the variable that want to be analyzed 4. Click Statistic, tick all command in descriptives for table, and correlations 5. Click OK From the result, first of all, writers will see the Cronbachs Alpha valueof the model. If the Crombachs Alpha value higher than 0.6, then the elements tested are stable enough to explain concept of variable. Thus, the data can be processed for further analysis. After checking the Cronbachs Alpha value, if the value is acceptable, writers will check Item-Total Statistics table, specifically the value on Cronbachs Alpha if item deleted. If one of the value is higher than the Cronbachs Alpha, then writers should consider to delete the variable which shown higher value than the Cronbach alpha value. After that, writers will check the Corrected Item-Total Correlation value in Item-Total Statistics. The value on each variable should be higher than the r-table value. If the value is higher than r-table value, it means that the variables are reliable enough.

3.4.2. Ordinal Logistic Regression For data tabulation and interpretation, the writer uses Ordinal Logistic Regression analysis to analyze the impact of non-marketing and marketing stimuli towards consumer decision making process in buying Trenz.The main reason is because the dependent variable, in this case, consumer decision making process, have 4 categories that works as a step which are need recognition, search for information, evaluation of alternatives and purchase decision making, Thus, by using ordinal logistic regression the writers can specifically understand how far the impact on non-marketing and marketing factors on the consumer decision making process. Ordinal Logistic Regression is a regression model for ordinal dependent variables. It can be thought of as an extension of the logistic regression model for dichotomous dependent variables, allowing for more than two (ordered) response categories. Logistic Regression model appliesto data that meet the proportional odds assumptions, that the relationship between any two pairs of outcome groups is statistically the same. According to Agresti (2010), the basic idea underlying the proportional odds model is re-expressing the categorical variable in terms of a number of binary variables based on internal cut points in the ordinal scale. The logistic model usually needs an estimation of a set of regression coefficients that predict the probability of the outcome of interest. Thus, in logistic regression, to obtain the maximum likelihood estimation, the dependent variable should be transformed in the logit function. Logit basically is a log of the odds that an event occurs. Theodd that an event occurs is the ratio of probability that the event occurs divided by the probability that the event does not occur. In short, the logit is a natural log of the dependent variable which tells whether or not the event will occur.

Mathematically, Ordinal Logistic Regression can be expressed as:

Logit (p-1)= Log Logit (p1+p2)= Log

= 1+X = 1+X = 1+X

Logit (p1+p2++pk)= Log

The writers will analyze the data using SPSS 17.0. The step that the writers go through is as follow: 1. From the first menu of SPSS, choose Analyze, then submenu Regression, and choose Ordinal 2. Ordinal Regression will then appear on the window 3. On the box of Dependent, fill in the dependent variable 4. On the box of Covariate, fill in the independent variables 5. Choose the box Output, and tick the Goodness-of fit statistics, summary statistics, parameter estimates, test of parrarel lines and predicted category choices 6. Click continue 7. Choose the Option box 8. There will be 5 choices on the Link function. Link function is a process of transforming cumulative probability to gain the possible model. Each of the choices will have different variables requirements and give different result. 9. After choosing the most suitable link function, in this case is Logit, click continue, and click OK There are three analysis included in Ordinal Regression method. The first analysis is the Likelihood Ratio Test, or also called the Log-likelihood Test. Log likelihood is the basis for test of a logistic model. It is a test of the significance of the difference between the likelihood ratio (-2LL) for the researchers model minus the likelihood ratio for a reduced model. The log likelihood value can be seen through Model Fitting Formation table. In the table there are two models

which are Intercept Only and Final model. The value of -2 Log likelihood in final model should be lower than the intercept only model with the significant value must be lower than 0.05. If all the requirements above fulfilled, then the model can be concluded as fit model for ordinal logistic regression. After making sure that the model fit, the next result that the writer would like to analyze is the Pseudo R-Square value. There are three categories in the Pseudo R- Square table which are Cox and Snell value, Nagelkerke value, and McFadden value. However, the writers here will look only at the McFadden value. The McFadden value explains about how many percent of the independent variables variances able to explain dependent variable variance. Thus, the higher the McFadden value, means that the model are able to explain the result better. Next, writers will look on the p-value in the Test of Parallel Lines table. Test of the parallel lines are useful to test whether all categories have the same parameters or not. The desirable vale is p-value> 0.05. If the p-value higher than 0.05 then it means that the model has the same parameter and eligible to explain the result. However, if the value is lower than 0.05 it means that the model is not having the same parameters. This may be caused by the mistakes in choosing the link function or making the category rank. Thus writers need to re-model or choose the link function. If in the re-modeling process, the McFadden value increases, and the p-value on parallel line test is higher than 0.05, then it suggests that the model already fit and eligible to explain the research. By having the value of each dependent and independent variables processed written in parameter estimates table, the writers can recognize the most significant factors that influence consumer decision making process as well as computing how significant those factors affect consumer on each of the decision making stage. Writers can recognize the most significant factors through the significant level of each variable which is written in the parameter estimates table. Meanwhile, writers can plug the value written in estimate column on parameter

estimates table into the logit mathematical function, in order to compute the effect of the most significant factors, whether it is the marketing stimuli or nonmarketing stimuli, on each level of the consumer decision making process.

REFERENCES Agresti, A. (2010). Analysis of Ordinal Categorical Data. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Darymple, D. J. &Parsons, L. J. (2000). Marketing Management: Text and Cases 7th Edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons,Inc. Ghozali, Imam (2007). Aplikasi Analisis Multivariate dengan Program SPSS Cetakan IV. Semarang: Badan Penerbit UNDIP Grewal, D. & Levy,M. (2008). Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Hawkins,D. I. & Mothersbaugh, D. L. (2010). Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kotler, P. & Armstrong, G. (2001). Principles of Marketing Ninth Edition. New Jersey: PrenticeHall, Inc. Kotler, P. & Keller, K.L. (2009). Marketing Management 13th Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall. Peter, P. J. & Douglas,J.H.,Jr. (2001). Marketing Management: Knowledge and Skills 6th Edition. New York: Irwin:McGraw-Hill. Sekaran, U. & Bougie R. (2009). Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach 5th Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons Ltd. retrieved 4-12-2011 retrieved 26-11-2011

APPENDICES 1. Indonesian Questionnaire

Kami adalah mahasiswa International Business Management Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya yang sedang mengadakan penelitian mengenai dampak dari faktor- faktor pemasaran dan non-pemasaran yang mempengaruhi keputusan konsumen dalam membeli produk (Trenz crackers). Melalui kuesioner ini, kami ingin meminta pendapat Anda mengenai produk ini. Identitas Anda akan digunakan hanya untuk sebatas tujuan penelitian. Terima kasih atas kerja sama Anda. 1. 2. 3. Usia: Jenis kelamin: L/P Wilayah tempat tinggal: a. Jakarta Utara b. Jakarta Timur c. Jakarta Barat d. Jakarta Selatan e. Jakarta Pusat Pekerjaan: a. Pelajar b. Profesional c. Wiraswasta d. Ibu rumah tangga e. Lain-lain Pengeluaran per bulan: a. < Rp 1.000.000,00 b. Rp 1.000.000,00 Rp 2.500.000,00 c. Rp 2.500.001,00 Rp 5.000.000,00 d. Rp 5.000.001,00 Rp 10.000.000,00 e. > Rp 10.000.000,00



Beri tanda centang () pada kotak yang paling sesuai dengan opini anda tentang pernyataan berikut: No. Pernyataan STS TS N Faktor Psikologi 6. Anda membeli Trenz karena ingin mencoba cracker rasa baru 7. Anda membeli Trenz karena Anda ingin mencoba produk cracker terbaru 8. Anda membeli Trenz karena Anda terbiasa membeli Trenz crackers Faktor Sosial 9. Keluarga Anda mempengaruhi Anda untuk membeli Trenz 10. Teman Anda mempengaruhi Anda untuk membeli Trenz 11. Anda membeli Trenz karena mengkonsumsi crackers adalah suatu kebiasaan di lingkungan Anda Faktor Situasi 12. Anda membeli Trenz karena Anda sedang ingin mengkonsumsi makanan ringan 13. Anda membeli Trenz karena itulah produk pertama yang anda lihat di toko 14. Anda membeli Trenz karena Anda melihat banyak orang membeli Trenz Produk 15. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut diproduksi oleh perusahaan yang terkenal 16. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut adalah merk cracker terkenal 17. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut memiliki kualitas yang bagus 18. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut renyah 19. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut memiliki bentuk yang unik 20. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut memiliki rasa yang unik 21. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut memiliki ukuran kemasan yang beragam 22. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut memiliki desain kemasan yang menarik 23. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut dilengkapi dengan informasi yang lengkap Harga 24. Anda membeli Trenz karena harganya terjangkau 25. Anda membeli Trenz karena harganya sesuai dengan kuantitasnya Tempat 26. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut tersedia dimana-mana 27. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut di letakkan di tempat yang mudah terlihat Promosi 28. Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut memiliki iklan TV yang menarik


29. 30. 31. 32.

Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut memiliki iklan media sosial yang menarik Anda membeli Trenz karena produk tersebut memiliki endorser yang menarik Anda membeli Trenz karena ada penawaran khusus Anda membeli Trenz karena SPG yang meyakinkan

33. Setelah Anda mengetahui tentang Trenz dan dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi pribadi Anda, pilihlah salah

satu dari pernyataan di bawah ini yang mewakili tahapan Anda dalam mengambil keputusan untuk membeli
Trenz. a. Anda menyadari kebutuhan untuk mengkonsumsi crackers b. Anda akan mencari informasi tentang merk sebelum Anda membeli crackers c. Anda mengevaluasi merk yang ada berdasarkan kriteria Anda sebelum anda memutuskan untuk membeli crackers d. Anda akan membeli Trenz

2. English Questionnaire
We are International Business Management Program, conducting research about impact of marketing and non- marketing factors in influencing consumer decision making process in buying Trenz. We would like to ask your opinion about this product and your identity will be kept in secret. Thank you for your cooperation. 1. Age: 2. Gender: M/F 3. Living area: a. North Jakarta b. East Jakarta c. West Jakarta d. South Jakarta e. Central Jakarta 4. Current Occupation: a. Student b. Professionals c. Entrepreneur d. Housewife e. Others. 5. Monthly Expenses a. < Rp 1.000.000,00 b. Rp 1.000.000,00 Rp 2.500.000,00 c. Rp 2.500.001,00 Rp 5.000.000,00 d. Rp 5.000.001,00 Rp 10.000.000,00 e. > Rp 10.000.000,00

Please give tick () in the box that is the most representing your opinion towards the statement No. Statements VDA DA N A VA Psychological Factor 6. You buy Trenz because you want to try new cracker taste 7. You buy Trenz because you want to try new cracker product 8. You buy Trenz because you used to buy Trenz crackers Social Factor 9. Your family influence you to buy Trenz 10. Your friends influence you to buy Trenz 11. You buy Trenz because eating crackers were habit in your surroundings Situational Factors 12. You buy Trenz because you were in the mood of snacking 13. You buy Trenz because it is the first cracker brand you see in the store 14. You buy Trenz because you saw many people bought it Product 15. You buy Trenz because it is produced by well-known manufacturer 16. You buy Trenz because it is well-known cracker brand 17. You buy Trenz because it is a good quality cracker 18. You buy Trenz because it is crunchy 19. You buy Trenz because it is has unique shape 20. You buy Trenz because it is has unique taste 21. You buy Trenz because it is has various packaging size 22. You buy Trenz because it is has attractive packaging design 23. You buy Trenz because it is has complete label information Price 24. You buy Trenz because it is affordable 25. You buy Trenz because the price value is equal to quantity Place 26. You buy Trenz because it is available everywhere 27. You buy Trenz because it is located the eye sight position Promotion 28. You buy Trenz because it is has attractive tv advertisement 29. You buy Trenz because it is has attractive social media advertisement 30. You buy Trenz because it is has attractive endorser 31. You buy Trenz because it is has special offer 32. You buy Trenz because it is has convincing SPG

33. After you know about Trenz crackers and consider your personal condition, please choose ONE statement that represents your stage in decision making process in buying Trenz a. You recognize the need to consume crackers b. You will search the information of crackers brand available before you buy one c. You evaluate the cracker brands available based on your criteria before you decide to buy one. d. You will buy Trenz

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