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FREQUENCY MODULATION AND DEMODULATION AIM: 1. To construct Frequency modulator and demodulator circuit and to study its waveforms.

EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. IC XR2206 IC NE565 Resistor -5k,50K,100K,1k Capacitors -0.001uf,22uf,10 uf Signal generator -(0-2)MHz CRO -30MHz Regulated power supply

THEORY: Frequency modulation uses the information signal, Vm(t) to vary the carrier frequency within some small range about its original value. Here are the three signals in mathematical form:

Information: Vm(t) Carrier: Vc(t) = Vco sin ( 2 p fc t + f ) FM: VFM (t) = Vco sin (2 p [fc + (Df/Vmo) Vm (t) ] t + f)

We have replaced the carrier frequency term, with a time-varying frequency. We have also introduced a new term: Df, the peak frequency deviation. In this form, you should be able to see that the carrier frequency term: fc + (Df/Vmo) Vm (t) now varies between the extremes of fc - Df and fc + Df. The interpretation of Df becomes clear: it is the farthest away from the original frequency that the FM signal can be. Sometimes it is referred to as the "swing" in the frequency. We can also define a modulation index for FM, analogous to AM: b = Df/fm , where fm is the maximum modulating frequency used. The simplest interpretation of the modulation index, b, is as a measure of the peak frequency deviation, Df. In other words, b represents a way to express the peak deviation frequency as a multiple of the maximum modulating frequency, fm, i.e. Df = b fm. Example: suppose in FM radio that the audio signal to be transmitted ranges from 20 to 15,000 Hz (it does). If the FM system used a maximum modulating index, b, of 5.0, then the frequency would "swing" by a maximum of 5 x 15 kHz = 75 kHz above and below the carrier frequency.

FM DEMODULATION In fm demodulators, the intelligence to be recovered is not in amplitude variations; it is in the variation of the instantaneous frequency of the carrier, either above or below the center frequency. The detecting device must be constructed so that its output amplitude will vary linearly according to the instantaneous frequency of the incoming signal. Several types of fm detectors have been developed and are in use, but in this section you will study three of the most common: (1) the phase-shift detector, (2) the ratio detector, and (3) the gated-beam detector. PROCEDURE: 1. 2. 3. 4. The circuit connections are given as per the circuit diagram. The message signal is given as input and the output wave is viewed in the CRO The graphs are plotted for the FM wave. The FM wave is given as input to the demodulation circuit and the output demodulated signal is obtained. 5. The graph is also plotted for demodulation RESULT: Thus the frequency modulation and demodulation circuits are constructed and the waveforms are observed.

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