OWT QR 02 Apr June 2011 Cover

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Component 3: Awareness Raising and Training TF-090977 PROVINCE: SOUTH EAST SULAWESI

QUARTERLY REPORT Reporting Period: [1 April 30 June 2011] For THE WORLD BANK INDONESIA Prepared by: Dr. Edi Purwanto

August 2011 (revised version)

Edi Purwanto

Table of Contents
Page Table of Contents I. Summary of Highlights over the Reporting Period A. Environmental Awareness B. Environmental Training Challenges Faced and Remedial Action Taken over the Reporting Period A. Stimulated Village beneficiary on the maintenance of green sub-project B. Conflicts among key villages representatives during MAD II in Watubangga C. Stimulate Facilitator and TPK to publish RAB at village level D. Strengthened communication and coordination with consultants III. Progress made against Performance Results Indicators (Refer to Results Framework, and where possible/necessary refer to specific good examples of identified impact) A. Well trained Green PNPM facilitators and other local PNPM stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate green projects within PNPM, not limited to those within Green PNPM Target Locations. A.1. Increased capacity of GOI-contracted consultants/facilitators to promote viable green sub-project proposals within and outside Green PNPM target locations A.2. Increased level of satisfaction of community beneficiaries in quality of technical assistance provided by consultants/facilitators B. Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can participate in B.1. Increase in amount and quality of environmental information, education and communication (IEC) material available to PNPM stakeholders B.2. Women are actively engaged in the selection, planning and implementation of green sub-project B.3. Increase in NRM training opportunities available to women and children B.4. Demonstrated link between TA provided by CSO and types of green sub-projects chosen by communities to finance. B.5. Increase in community awareness of links between improved NRM practices and enhanced livelihood 1 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 6 6


6 9

9 10 11 13 13

C. Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an

integral part of the policy development and decision making process. C.1. Increase emphasis of NRM/environmental issues in local development plans C.2. Green sub-project are aligned with local development plans/village regulation


C.3. Increase in local government awareness of links between improved NRM practices and enhanced livelihood
D. A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and [PNPM] stakeholders of

16 17 17 17

Edi Purwanto

all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven green development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new area D.1. Green sub-projects are sustainably managed beyond initial year of block grant funding D.2. Increase integration of green sub-project with PNPM-Rural Activities D.3. Increase of integration green sub-project with other complementary activities in the region D.4. Increase capacity of local NGOs to manage environmental awareness rising campaigns Specific activities planned for next reporting period Green PNPM Beneficiary Stories 5.1. Solar Panel in Pewutaa Village, Baula, Kolaka 5.2. Mangrove Rehabilitation from Haji Muhammad in Bahari, Napabalano, Muna 5.3. Spring Water Rehabilitation in Awainulu Village, Pasarwajo, Buton 5.4. Coastal dyke development in Gerak Makmur Village, Sampolawa, Buton 5.5. Mangrove Rehabilitation in Mawasangka Village, Mawasangka, Buton 5.6. Smart Practice House (SPH) at Gunung Sejuk, Sampolawa, Buton Financial Issues Annexes Table listing all trainings that were delivered to Green PNPM community beneficiaries in SE Sulawesi Table listing all public/community environmental awareness-raising/demonstration events facilitated in SE Sulawesi. Table Listing of all environmental information, education, communication (IEC) material produced over this reporting period. Photographs 17 18 18 19 14 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 23 24 23 24 26

IV. V.




Edi Purwanto

List of Abbreviation and Acronym

Bapedalda Bappeda BLM BPD BKAD COREMAP CSO Desa Demplots DOK Environmental Impact Control Agency at district/province level Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah, Development Planning Agency at district/province level Bantuan Langsung Masyarakat, government grant directly send to community coordinating bodys (UPK) bank account Badan Perwakilan Desa, Village representative council Badan Koordinasi Antar Desa, Inter-villages coordination unit Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Project Civil Service Organization/Non Government Organisation Village Demonstration Plots Dana Operasional Kegiatan, government grant for Green-PNPMs operational cost at village and kecamatan level (meetings, trainings and allowances for village/kecamatan development cadres/facilitators) Focus Group Discussion Green-PNPM facilitator at kecamatan level (consultant) Knowledge, attitude and practices Key village champions Kader Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, village development cadre Consultant coordinator at province level Penggalian gagasan, collection of (sub) village project ideas Inter-villages meetings at kecamatan to socialize (G)-KDP Musyawarah Pimpinan Kecamatan. Top leaders at kecamatan level, those consist of Camat, Kapolsek and Danramil. Natural resources management PNPM Support Facility Petunjuk Teknik Operasional, guideline for technical implementation Government official in charge in operating the Green-PNPM at kecamatan level Peraturan Desa, village regulation Peraturan Daerah, district regulation Rencana Anggaran Biaya, project cost proposal Team work in charge on executing project at village level Team work in charge on writing project proposal at village level Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa, Rural Community Development Office at central/province/district level Unit Pelaksana Kegiatan, implementing unit, PNPM Organization at Kecamatan level which is in charge in administering PNPM funding.


Edi Purwanto

List of Indonesian and Scientific Tree Species Names

Growing Group Fast growing Vernacular Name Sengon Jati putih Mangga Asam jawa Jeruk Gamal Jarak Kelapa Cengkeh Pala Cengkeh Kemiri Nangka Durian Rambutan Trembesi Bakau Jabon Species Paraserianthes falcataria Gmelina arborea Mangifera indica Tamarindus indica Citrus sp Gliricida sepium Jatropha curcas Cocos nucifera Syzygium aromaticum Myristica fragrans Syzygium aromaticum Aleurites moluccana Artocarpus heterophyllus Durio zibethinus Nephelium lapacheum Samanea saman Rhizophora apiculata Antocephalus cadamba Family Leguminosae Verbenaceae Anacardiaceae Leguminosae Rutaceae Fabaceae Euphorbiaceae Arecaceae Myrtaceae Myristicaceae Myrtaceae Euphorbiaceae Moraceae Bombacaceae Sapindaceae Mimosoideae Rhizophoraceae Rubiaceae

Middle growing

Slow growing

Mahoni Merbau/kayu besi Jati Manggis Tumaku

Swietenia macrophylla Intsia bijuga Tectona grandis Garcinia mangostana Macadamia sp

Meliaceae Fabaceae Verbenaceae Clusiaceae Proteaceae

Edi Purwanto

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