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During April-June 2011, Green-PNPM cycle in SE Sulawesi Province was in the stage of program socialization, green sub-project formulation, verification and priority setting process. Until the end of June 2011, most of green-sub projects (except those in Kecamatan Lambandia, a new pilot kecamatan to replace Baula) have already passed verification, some of them had been in MAD-II. In 2010, we facilitated the formulation of RPJM-Desa, ensuring that the document had sufficiently addressed local specific environmental issues. At present all villages have already had RPJM-Desa, this is the first year in using the document as a basis for sub-project selection. During the extension period (May 2011 October 2012) our facilitation have addressed three main issues, i.e. improved Green-PNPM performance, exit strategy and replication. We fully refer to CSO-Results Framework as committed during the World Bank and CSO (WCS-IP and OWT) meeting held in PSF Office on 6 July 2011. The format of the present report is referred to the new Reporting Templates as suggested by the World Bank. Efforts have been made to make the report more concise which greater emphasis on results and outcomes. A. Environmental Awareness: A.1. Buton District: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Awareness in the Green-PNPM cycle: MAD-1, MKP, Musdes Penetapan Usulan and MAD-II Facilitated regular coordination meeting at district level involving consultants and all key Green-PNPM stakeholders at district level (6 June 2011) Facilitated intensive assistance to TPU on the formulation of 2011 green-sub project in all villages Promotion biogas in the SE Sulawesi Expo (Halo Sultra, 20-25 April) held in Baubau. Facilitated youth regreening movement with Trembesi in SMPN 1 Mawasangka. Facilitated land rehabilitation, by planting Mahony on-stoniness (critical) land in Wasilomata, (Mawasangka) and Wasaga (Pasarwajo). Facilitated maintenance activities by stimulating project beneficiaries voluntary work of all 2009 regreening sub-projects. Facilitated maintenance of demplots and its replication Celebration Earth Day (22 April) by facilitating interactive discussion on the roles of Green-PNPM in several local radios. Facilitated the formulation of Village Regulation on Green-PNPM maintenance assets in Gunung Sejuk, Hendea, Gerak Makmur, Jayabakti and Tondombulu Villages.

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A.2. Muna District Since 2010, the three pilot kecamatan (Tongkuno, Lawa and Napabalano) had been partitioned; (a) Kecamatan Tongkuno was partitioned into Tongkuno and South Tongkuno; (b) Kecamatan Lawa was partitioned into Lawa and Wadaga, (c) Kecamatan Napabalano was partitioned into Napabalano and Towea. Since 2011, our facilitation has been focused on villages of original kecamatan pilots after partition, i.e. Kecamatan Tongkuno (12 villages), Lawa (8 villages) and Napabalano (6 villages). 1. 2. 3. 4. Awareness in the Green-PNPM cycle: MAD-1, Musdes Socialization, MKP, Musdes Penetapan Usulan and MAD II. Facilitated intensive assistance to TPU on the formulation of 2011 green-sub project in all villages. Facilitated maintenance of demplots and its replication. Facilitated maintenance activities by stimulating project beneficiaries voluntary work of all 2009 regreening sub-projects.

A.3. Kolaka District From 2008-2010, the pilot were Kecamatan Baula, Ladongi and Watubangga. As Baula is located nearby Kolaka Town (district capital) and has recently been developing into urban areas, so the area was considered to be unsuitable as the rural PNPM pilot site, as such since February 2011, the pilot has officially moved to Kecamatan Lambandia. The new pilot (Lambandia) shares boundary with terrestrial area of Rawa Aopa Watumohai National Park. 7 out of 20 villages are located within the National Park area. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Awareness in the Green-PNPM cycle: MAD-1, MKP, Musdes Penetapan Usulan and MAD-II Facilitated regular coordination meeting at district level involving consultants and all key Green-PNPM stakeholders at district level (6 June 2011) Conducted socialization in Kecamatan Lambandia and set-up new field office Facilitated intensive assistance to TPU on the formulation of 2011 green-sub project in all villages Facilitated FGD in Kecamatan Lambandia (i.e. Wonuamboteo, Pemburia, Penanggojaya, Penanggoosi, Mokupa Villages) to socialize Green-PNPM and identify environmental problems and alternative solutions Facilitated participatory mapping (involving key village champions) to formulate environmental problems at village level in Kecamatan Lambandia Facilitated maintenance of demplots and its replication in Kecamatan Ladongi and Watubangga. Facilitated maintenance activities by stimulating project beneficiaries voluntary work of all 2009 regreening sub-projects in Kecamatan Ladongi and Watubangga. Facilitated the development of Community Radio, i.e. Green Trust Radio in Ladongi and Gunung Sari Radio in Watubangga.

6. 7. 8. 9.

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B. Environmental Training B.1. Buton District: 1. 2. 3. Training for KPMD, TPU and Verification Team Training workshop for Women Group (PKK) in Saragi (Pasarwajo) on making handicraft from plastic garbage In collaboration with Rural-PNPM, conduct training on Village Head and BPD on village governance on environmental management in Pasarwajo, Sampolawa and Mawasangka.

B.2. Muna District: 1. 2. 3. 4. Training for KPMD, TPU and Verification Team Training for the Maintenance Team in Kecamatan Napabalano and Lawa Training on Biogas Installation in Madampi Village, Kecamatan Lawa Training on handicraft making from (non) organic waste in Kecamatan Tongkuno

B.3. Kolaka District: 1. 2. Training for KPMD, TPU and Verification Team Training on duck farming in Gunung Jaya, Raara and Putemata Villages. Duck is potential biologic agent to control gold snails (keong-emas) population (pest for rice). By stimulating duck farming activities, apart from controlling pest population, it is also new source of income generation; Training on the making of energy saving stove in Kecamatan Watubangga


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II. Challenge and Remedial Actions Taken over the Reporting Period A.
Stimulated Village beneficiary on the maintenance of green sub-project (Lesson Learned No 29/2011): In May 2011, we conducted rapid monitoring and evaluation of trees planting subproject during 2008 and 2009. The results of monitoring and evaluation were the following: (a) 58% of tree planting sub-projects were well-maintained (> 65% survival); (b) 22% of tree planting sub-projects were poorly-maintained (40%-65% survival); (c) 12% of tree planting sub-projects were failed (less than 40% survival) and (d) 8% of tree planting sub-projects were failed due to extreme environmental conditions, i.e. big wave for the case of mangrove planting (force majeure). The underlined reasons of poor maintenance are lack of ownership due to project oriented motives. Remedial Actions Taken: To ensure that the major part of 2010s green sub-projects in well-state maintenance, during MAD-II (2011) in Kecamatan Watubangga (Kolaka), Napabalano (Muna), Mawasangka, Pasarwajo and Sampolawa (Buton), we facilitated the formulation of participatory villages commitment, i.e. the management quality (supported with village regulation) of Green sub-project (not limited to planting) is taken as key criteria for eligible village to receive 2011 block-grant. In fact, the commitment had been implemented in Napabalano (Muna); since 2009, Tampo Village was banned to receive Green-PNPM block grant due to poor maintenance of 2008 mangrove planting. In addition, since mid 2010, we have provided full facilitation on planting activities, from preparation, implementation and maintenance. This was composed of: (a) seedlings propagation for planting materials sources aimed to avoid the project to rely on outside planting materials and as seedlings stock for replanting; (b) ensure the planting campaigns are properly conducted; (c) monitoring seedlings survival; (d) stimulate project beneficiaries to maintain the planted seedlings through village voluntary work.


Conflicts among key villages representatives during MAD II in Watubangga (Lesson Learned No 30/2011): Before 2011: Selection of village funded sub-projects in Kecamatan Watubangga was not based on competition but equality principle. As such, villages which had already received block-grant; would not be active on the next year PNPM process, as no opportunity to receive block-grant. With OWT continuous support, the system has recently been changed by consultant, competition principle has been reinforced and all villages have been active to follow the cycle.

Severe conflicts outburst during MAD II held on 14 July 2011 in Kecamatan Watubangga Meeting Hall. This was caused by the contrasting results between Verification and MAD-II forum. Key Village which received good score in the Verification refused the result of MAD-II. We, together with Astal, UPK and PJOK resolved the conflicts by accommodating the results of Verification; the
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final rank is the results of weighted average between Verification and MAD-II forum.
Remedial Actions Taken: To avoid similar problems, we developed Draft of Standard Operating Procedure (rule of the game) on MAD-II facilitation. The draft which basically taken from Watubangga case was presented during consultant training held on 27 July 2011 in Kendari. The SOP is accepted while the percentage contribution of Verification to the final results of MAD-II is subjected to be defined based on local specific commitment.


Stimulate Facilitator and TPK to publish RAB at village level (Lesson Learned No 31/2011): In many villages, RAB and the associated financial administration document (RPD/LPD) were treated as secret documents to project beneficiaries. The lack of transparency and participation in defining RAB has driven to serious conflicts during project implementation which often deteriorate project ownership, maintenance and intended empowerment. Remedial Actions Taken: In 2011, we have consistently urged FKL and TPK to publish the committed RAB in the village announcement board. We have also assisted FKL to install project announcement boards at project site.


Strengthened communication and coordination with consultants (Lesson Learned No 32/2011): During 2009, we had lot of complaints with consultants as we were frequently not involved on community trainings or important events in the Green-PNPM cycle. We felt that consultants want to work alone and negate our facilitation, while consultants considered us too much disturbing their job. As results, either consultant or OWT was busy to seek their own achievements and fail to achieve common intended goals. We were busy to blame each other and put the third party as a scape-goat of the problem. Remedial Actions Taken: The problems reconciled in November 2010, during consultant training in Baubau (organized by OWT) who were attended by Pak Warintoko (Team Leader, NMC) and the Author (Project Leader), several commitment were made: (a) OWT will facilitate district monthly meetings involving all the district key Green-PNPM stakeholders; (b) Consultant and OWT organize quarterly coordination meeting to synergize workplan and time schedule; (c) OWT was asked to provide more training to consultants; (d) Consultants involved OWT on Green-PNPM cycle facilitation. All those committed recommendations have been well-implemented and have made our facilitation and technical assistance work well.

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III. Progress made against Performance Results Indicators (Refer to Results Framework, and where possible/necessary refer to specific good examples of identified impact)
A. Well trained Green PNPM facilitators and other local PNPM stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate green projects within PNPM, not limited to those within Green PNPM Target Locations. A.1. Increased capacity of GOI-contracted consultants/facilitators to promote viable green sub-project proposals within and outside Green PNPM target locations A.1.1. Improved communication and coordination at district and province level In response to inappropriate project implementation due to insufficient FKL (Green Facilitator at kecamatan level)s capacity and integrity and lack of our capacity to equally cover all pilot areas, it has been our priorities to enhance training and improve communication with consultants. Since January 2011, we have regularly organized coordination meeting at district and province level and will facilitate training workshop about once in three months. In this reporting period, district coordination meeting held on 5 June, 2011, while province meeting held on 11 June 2011 in Kendari. The main topics discussed: (a) challenges and lessons learned and results of World Bank Impact Evaluation; (b) results indicators and facilitation strategies during the extension period (May 2011October 2012); (c) awareness and training need assessment. District coordination meeting involved all key actors and stakeholders at (sub) district level, while province level meeting was only involved consultant and OWT. Output: The province coordination meeting results the following commitments: (a) Consultant and OWT will socialize new PTO to PNPM actors and stakeholders; (b) Both should have better coordination and communication; (c) OWT will develop more training modules; (d) OWT will be involved on RAB design supervision; (e) OWT will assist TPK to find local standard price for RAB design; (f) FK-L should ensure that RAB is published at village information board.


Improved quality of verification and MAD II To guarantee that the green sub-projects are technically and ecologically sound, we continuously enhance the quality of verification and MAD II. We took part the selection of verification team, training for verification team, involved on verification process and facilitated MAD II. Buton: Pasarwajo: Verification was completed on 23 June 2011, MAD II on 27 June 2011 attended by 68 men and 60 women. Muna: Napabalano: Verification was completed on 10
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June 2011, while Lawa was on 30 June 2011. A.1.3 Developed Training Module on Catchment Area Rehabilitation Technique In response to frequent consultants questions on list of feasible activities to rehabilitate catchment areas aligning with bio-physical and socio-economic conditions, we developed new training modules (Strategy of Catchment Area Rehabilitation) to guide facilitators to: (a) Defining catchment area boundary; (b) collection and processing bio-physical condition; (c) land-unit classification and (d) practical way to define rehabilitation measures which are technically, ecologically and economically sound. The module has been tested on consultant training held in Hotel Aden, Kendari (27 29 July 2011). The module now is under first revision and supposed to be completed by the end of September 2011 (Section A.1.6). The revised module will be used as one of training materials for Consultants refresher course in Sumatra (Medan) and Sulawesi (Makassar). The results and outcomes of the training would be reported on the coming quarterly report (JulySeptember 2010). Impacts: Our training on Generative and Vegetative Seedlings Propagation held in November 2010 have significantly improved FKL capacity which have improved the quality of planting sub-projects of 2010 block grants. This can be observed from the following evidences: (a) 55 % of 2010 funded plantation sub-projects have used beneficiaries (on-site/local) planting materials, this increase 45 % compared to the situation in 2009, where only 10 % plantation project used their own planting materials; (b) Nursery development has become new income generating activities (IGA), those are the cases for Kancinaa Village (Pasarwajo, Buton), Kahulungaya (Pasarwajo, Buton), Oengkolaki (Mawasangka, Buton) and Lalemba (Lawa, Muna). A.1.4. Developed and distribute new awareness film: One Catchment One Management In response to common mistakes of catchment area principles, and the unknown functions of catchment area as hydrological unit, we have recently developed and published new awareness film entitled One Catchment One Management. The soft-file of the film has been distributed to consultants. The film was first launched during Facilitator training in Kendari (27-29 July 2011). Output: We conducted pre-test and post-test involving 34 consultants on catchment management principle before and after watching the film, the results of the test concluded that consultants knowledge had significantly enhanced. The mean of pre-score was 68, while the post-score was 74.

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A.1.5. Multiplication of tutorial and awareness films to Green-PNPM consultants and key actors all over Indonesia We have recently multiplied 8 awareness and 7 tutorial films and stored the films in four DVDs, each was multiplied by 1,000 pieces. Those films have been developed during the last three years (2007 to date) and been used as a tool for awareness activities since early 2009. Impacts: The outcomes of awareness rising using the films have been wellproven by the emergence of green sub-projects (as promoted in those films) during 2009-2011. Green sub-projects such as, biogas installation, making CCB, making energy saving stove, mangrove planting, catchment areas rehabilitation are among the outcomes of our intensive awareness rising using those films. Those DVD have distributed to all Astal or District Facilitator (Sumatra and Sulawesi) as well as key PNPM actors at (sub) district level on the occasion of national coordination meeting held in Grand Cempaka Hotel, Jakarta (27 29 June 2011). Apart from DVD, we also distributed 8 leaflets and one T-shirt to all participants (210 persons). A.1.6. Preparation of consultant refreshers course Since April 2011, we are together with NMC Training Specialist, WCS, PSF and Danida consultants have discussed curriculum and training materials for Green-PNPM facilitators, including planed consultant refresher training (supposed to be conducted in October 2011). We will deliver training subject on Catchment Area Rehabilitation Strategy. The training subject will be composed of 8 separate field guide books, each may consist of 40 50 pages and attached with DVD Tutorial Film. (1) Principle of Catchment Area Rehabilitation and Management; (2) Mapping Catchment Area Boundary; (3) Mapping Land Unit (4) Strategy for Catchment Area Rehabilitation (5) Tree Species Selection for Catchment Area Rehabilitation. (6) Implementation Management on Catchment Area Rehabilitation; (7) Seed Production for Catchment Area Rehabilitation; (8) Monitoring and Evaluation of Catchment Area Rehabilitation; We have recently proposed DANIDA (Pak Soren and Pak Frans) to support funding to develop tutorial films on each of the field guide book. A.1.7 Prepared PTO Annex We prepared PTO (Technical Guideline) Annex, i.e. Guideline to select catchment area rehabilitation technique.
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A.2. Increased level of satisfaction of community beneficiaries in quality of technical assistance provided by consultants/facilitators A.2.1. Stimulate consultants to enforce competition principle and urgency of environmental problem on Green block grant distribution (Lessons Learned No. 30/2011). A.2.2. Stimulate Facilitator and TPK to publish RAB at village level (Lesson Learned No. 31/2011).
A.2.3. As results of Tree Seedlings Propagation Training for consultants (Baubau, November 2010), followed with intensive field facilitation, since 2011 facilitators have stimulated local community to develop their own nursery (instead of buying seedlings from outside as commonly happened during 2009 and 2010). A.2.4. As results of Catchment Area Rehabilitation Strategy Training for consultants (Kendari, July 2011), as observed from their RKTL (followed-up work after training), consultants intent to provide technical assistant to local community on tree species selection relevant with local specific bio-physical (terrain) condition of the proposed rehabilitation areas. Before the training, many facilitators were not aware on the suitability level of certain species, there were many cases where Teak (Tectona grandis) was planted on wet terrain or planting Teak under shaded canopy.

B. Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can participate in B.1. Increase in amount and quality of environmental information, education and communication (IEC) material available to PNPM stakeholders We have recently produced 4 DVD awareness and tutorial films; each was multiplied for 1,000 copies (Section A.1.5). The list of published films are the following: DVD 1: (i) Best Practice Lambusango; (ii) Pelestarian Hutan Lambusango (Conservation of Lambusango Forest); (iii) Lambusango Surga Peneliti (Lambusango is the heaven of researchers); DVD 2A: (i) Menjaga Pagar Nusantara (The Guardian Archipelago); (ii) Nentu Lestari (Nentu handicraft); (iii) Pak Made: Tokoh Pelestari Lingkungan (Pak Made: a Conservation Champion); (iv) Pak Lasamira; Tokoh Pelestari Lingkungan (Pak Lasamira: a Conservation Champion); (v) Laboratorium Bawah Laut di Jantung Karang Dunia (Underwater Laboratory in the Centre of Coral Triangle). DVD 2B: (i) Pembuatan Arang Briket (The Making of Coconut shell charcoal Briquette/CCB); (ii) Instalasi Biogas (Biogas Installation); (iii) Lebah Madu (Honey
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Bee Culture); (iv) Persemaian dan Pembibitan (Tree seedling propagation). DVD 3: (i) Karet Busa Raksasa Indonesia (The Giant Sponge of Indonesia); (ii) Mamasa Menanam (Mamasa Planting Campaigns); (iii) Micro Hydro Power (MHP) for People; (iv) Rahabilitasi DAS (Catchment Area Rehabilitation). We recently produced a new awareness film entitled: Satu DAS Satu Pengelolaan (One Catchment One Management). Feed-back from facilitators on OWT awareness films: On 27 July 2011 (during facilitator training in Kendari), we conducted questionnaires survey to understand (a) The roles of OWT films as awareness aids to support consultants in doing their jobs; (b) The films which have received great attentions from local community; (c) The films which have inspired local community on the development of green sub-project proposals. Results of the survey: (a) 93% respondents stated that the films have been important to support their tasks, the reasons: they were used to show the films during MAD-I, Musdes Sosialisasi and Pegas; 7 % respondents stated the films are good but not useful as they cannot use those films on villages which have no electricity. (b) The Giant Sponge of Indonesia received the biggest attention (73%), 15% stated honey-bees culture, while 12 % stated biogas film; the reason: The first film was facilitated (guided) by popular Indonesian musician (movie star) named Nugie (c) The most inspired films is biogas (43%), followed with Tree seedling propagation (27%), mangrove rehabilitation (18%) and honey-bees culture (12%). B.2. Women are actively engaged in the selection, planning and implementation of green sub-project In 2010 and 2011, we have successfully stimulated roles of women in the selection, planning and implementation of green sub-project. As a result: (a) 48 % of tree planting sub-projects have been selected by women; (b) Implementation of tree planting sub-projects at field level were mostly (80%) conducted by women, they received payment Rp. 50,000 per working day; (c) 100% shell charcoal briquette (CCB) and fuel-efficient stoves sub-projects were selected and implemented by women, there are two women group which still actively developed i.e. Gunung Sejuk (Mawasangka, Buton) and Gunung Sari (Watubangga, Kolaka). Our community radio in Ladongi (Green-Trust) and Watubangga (Gunungsari) have raised women and youth knowledge on Green-PNPM implementation and relevant activities. A pooling to understand the impacts of community radio to local community
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awareness are on-going. B.3. Increase in NRM training opportunities available to women and children B.3.1. Training and facilitation on handicraft making from Garbage to Village Woman Group: B.3.1.1 Saragi, Pasarwajo, Buton: Training and facilitation on handicraft making from plastic garbage was conducted during May 2011 and actively participated by 20 women, all are members of village women member group (PKK). This training had successfully awakened women group awareness toward garbage management in their area. We presented film Kelola Sampah Kelola produced by Rumah Boemi, Yogyakarta. The film presents the garbage route from supermarket, home and finally to the landfill, the impact of poor garbage management and demonstrating best practices of garbage management in Sukunan Village, Sleman, Yogyakarta. It introduces the use of garbage in various form of handicraft, organic fertilizer etc. The participants were very enthusiastic, with our facilitation; the group actively trained themselves on plastic garbage based handicraft making. The group has produced different types of bags and wallets. As a follow-up, they had established garbage handicraft maker group, named Rewu Lestari, rewu means garbage (local language). They sort garbage and encourage their neighbor to do garbage sorting. So far, the group has already produced 30 plastic bags. We have stimulated the production by giving order to develop bags for our training workshop purposes.

B.3.1.2. Tongkuno, Muna: Similar training and facilitation have been conducted in Tongkuno, involving 15 persons of the village women group. The handicraft is the woven combination of organic (banana stem, and left over cardboard) and plastic waste. The training was initiated by the woman group (PKK), as a follow-up of FGD on plastic garbage pollution scattered around the settlements. The training objective were: (a) to raise awareness of the communities related with the negative impact of plastic waste pollution; (b) to introduce skill of the communities on making handicraft using organic and an-organic garbage; (c) to introduce new source of income for the village women group; (d) to change attitudes and practices of the communities to be more responsive on garbage management. So far, they have produced various products, such as: artificial
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flower, flower vase, tissue set etc. We will facilitate the sale of the products. Efforts to create market: In Yogyakarta, plastic garbage based handicraft are unique and have started to attract and potentially become a new life-style for educated people in towns. However, for the case of SE Sulawesi province, many efforts are still required to promote the products to make the potential market to become a real-actual market. New initiative must struggle to develop the new market. Our role is to create market by promoting the products in various public events which attended by educated people, such as universities event, exhibition events at district and province level, including Green-PNPM training workshops. As a start, while we are promoting the products. we give purchase order to Women Group to make the production continuously up and running, We plan to promote the products on a National Exhibition on Appropriate Technology to be held in Kendari on October 2011.


Re-greening Movement Involving Woman and Children B.3.2.1. Secondary school, Mawasangka (May 2011): The regreening activities involving 76 men and 79 women include teachers and school principles. The movement was officially opened by school principles continued with awareness speech from OWT aims to stimulate green spirit of the pupils as a small step to mitigate global warming and land rehabilitation. OWT donated planting material of 1,150 saplings (Trembesi), each student is n responsible to take care of ten trees. B.3.2.2. Land Rehabilitation in Wasilomata I, Mawasangka, Buton (June 2011): Kecamatan Mawasangka is dominated by stoniness (thin soil) land. The land has now been critical with very rare trees. It is used to be planted with cashew, some are survive but mostly fail due to fire problem. Learning from the situation, OWT and local community conduct land rehabilitation with high quality tree species (Swietenia mahagony), 520 seedlings were planted as a demo plot. The participants were very enthusiastic; they have planned to expand the number of plantation.

B.3.3. Training on the Making 2011)

of Fuel-efficient Stove in Watubangga (July

We organized training on energy saving (fuel-efficient) stove making in Watubangga Village, Watubangga. The objectives: (a) developing skill of the woman group on making energy saving stove; (b) establishing economic income regenerating activities; (c) designing stove for CCB; (d) reducing the use of fuel wood. The training participants were consisting of 18 women and two men.
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Followed-up of the training: All the participants have actively used energy saving stove, there are 5 women (houses) who are engaged on the making of energy saving stove for home industry. They sell the products to Kolaka and Kendari. B.4. Demonstrated link between TA provided by CSO and types of green subprojects chosen by communities to finance. During 2011, our awareness has inspired the formulation of following green subprojects, in which at the current stage, those sub-projects have been verified and selected to be funded (MAD-II): Buton District: (a) Nutmeg planting in Winning, Wagola (Pasarwajo), (b) Spring water rehabilitation in Wakaokili and Holimombo Jaya (Pasarwajo); (c) Mahoni planting in Wagola, Takimpo, Kombeli; (d) Recharge well building in Wasaga (Pasarwajo), Sandang Pangan (Sampolawa); (e) Mangrove rehabilitation in Awainulu; (f) Soil conservation measures (building individual terrace for planting clove tree) in Hendea (Sampolawa); (g) Bokashi making in Gunung Sejuk, Gerak Makmur (Sampolawa); (h) Honeybee culture in Gunung Sejuk and Lipumangau (Sampolawa); (i) Planting Albizia in Lipumangau (Sampolawa); (j) The making of energy saving stove in Gerak Makmur and Jayabakti (Sampolawa). Muna District: (a) The establishment of biogas model in Lawa have inspired Lahontohe (Tongkuno), Kampani, Wakontu and Lalemba (Lawa); (b) The establishment of honey-bee culture (Napabalano) have inspired Lakumapo and Napalakura; (c) The energy saving stove training has inspired Lamorende, Matano Oe (Tongkuno). Kolaka District: (a) Bokashi making in Gunungsari and Longgosipi (Watubangga), Pembioha (Ladongi), Penanggo Jaya (Lambandia); (b) Seaweed planting in Lamundre (Watubangga); (c) The making of Nata de Coco in Tandebura Village (Watubangga); (d) Biogas installation in Gunung Jaya and Atula (Ladongi), Lere Jaya (Lambandia); (e) Tree seedlings propagation in Longgosipi; (f) Planting Cassuarina sp in Watubangga; (g) Planting coconut trees in Wolulu (Watubangga); (h) Rehabilitation of critical land with teak in Penanggo Jaya, Durian (Durio cibetinus) in Aere, clove and Gmelina in Pekoria (Lambandia); (i) Solar panel installation in Lere Jaya, Aere, Inotu (Lambandia). B.5. Increase in community awareness of links between improved NRM practices and enhanced livelihood Until mid 2011, our awareness campaigns has successfully linked between improved NRM practices and enhanced livelihood: (a) Improved quality of planting sub-project, Buton: The improvement of the selected sub-project types, from planting trees by purchasing seedlings from tree
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breeders during sub-project implementation in 2008 and 2009 to nursery development in 2010 and the use of village nursery as income generating activities; this the case of nutmeg nursery in Kancinaa Village, Pasarwajo, Buton District. (b) The enthusiasm of local community to replant Jantropa (Jarak), Mawasangka, Buton: The large scale planting campaigns of Jarak on community land during 20052006 had been considered as a failed government project, as the government was unable to develop processing infrastructures or market the seeds for bio-fuel as promise. In response to disappointment, local community in some areas had converted the plant to other crops. Our intensive campaigns have raised awareness of local community on the importance of Jarak as a source of domestic (subsistence) renewable energy; The use of Jantropa has significantly help to reduce household expenditure on fuel. Impacts: In 2009, we facilitated the use of Jantropa stove in Wakabangura Village, Mawasangka (Buton), in which at the same year they received Green-block grant to purchase Jantropa stoves involving 132 household beneficiaries. The smart practices have reduced household expenditure which is equal to the cost of 2 liter kerosene (Rp. 5,000). The practices have spread over to Wasilomata I, Wasilomata 2, Napa and Kancebungi Villages, another 72 households in Wasilomata I, 23 households in Wasilomata II, 46 households in Napa Village and 23 in Kancebungi Village used Jantropa stove. All those villages had proposed and finally received Green-PNPM block-grant to plant Jantropa in 2010. (c) Facilitated the establishment of CCB Industry, Mawasangka, Buton: We promoted the commercial use of CCB and facilitated the establishment of community based CCB industry in Balabone Village (Mawasangka). With Green-PNPM blockgrant, the Village Cooperative (community enterprise) has established medium scale CCB processing machine (IDR 180 millions); Unfortunately, due to internal conflicts (between Village Headmen and project beneficiaries), the production operation was delayed until the end of July 2011. Production and marketing facilitations: During July 2011, we facilitated conflict resolution in the community enterprise; we also started to link CCB market in Baubau and Kendari. The conflict has been solved and since mid August 2011, the enterprise has started running and received purchase order from Kendari and Baubau. We provided intensive facilitation and quality control for production process. (d) Establishment of cashew nursery in Oengkolaki, Mawasangka, Buton: Community based cashew nursery (65,000 seedlings) established at Oengkolaki Village (Mawasangka) to rejuvenate 30 ha of the old cashew plantation. The nursery is located at the Field Learning Site for Environmental Restoration (FLER) Mawasangka (Pak Lasamira garden). The nursery used 3 tons of organic fertilizer (Bokashi) developed by Green-PNPM (Tunas Harapan) Farmer Group. Cashew is the most significant agricultural product from Kecamatan Mawasangka
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(Buton) and also Muna Island. Kecamatan Mawasangka is located in Muna Island, but administered by Buton District. Annual shell-on cashew (unprocessed cashews, gelondongan) production from 12 villages is 300 tons. Cashews plantation is grown naturally with minimum farmer intervention. About 60 % of cashew trees in the area quite old, about 38 years (the optimum production of cashew ranges between 10 20 years old). Because of the reason, we facilitate the rejuvenation of cashew plantation. Marketing: Harvesting season is from November to February. Most farmers sell shellcashews to middlemen, which subsequently sell to big Indonesian cashew traders and also, to a certain extent, Anglo-Indian1 cashew traders which seasonally (October February) open a branch office in Lombe (20 km from Mawasangka, Muna Island, Buton District). Several local traders in Lombe buy large quantity of cashews during the peak harvest season, the shell-on cashews are sun-dried then kept in the storage; this will enable them to process shell-on cashews for the whole year. (e) Establishment of VCO community enterprise in Oengkolaki, Mawasangka, Buton: Since 2008, we trained women groups in this village on VCO processing, then facilitated the establishment of Tunas Muda community enterprise (which composed of 12 women based home industries), facilitated the issuance of production permit from Badan POM (National Food and Medicine Certification Agency) and facilitated medium scale production (30 - 50 liter per week), in which so far has been fully absorbed by local (Kecamatan Mawasangka and surrounding areas) and interkecamatan market. Traders come to collect the VCO products. VCO home industry is a good and suitable income generating activities for women. The production processing can be conducted at home. It is a good side-job for house-wife; they can have productive activity without leaving their home or still keeping their roles as house-wife. One old coconut can produce 130 ml VCO. The local price of one coconut is Rp.500, while the price of 130 ml VCO is Rp. 25,000. Coconut trees which naturally grows along coastal areas, and have important function as coastal protection against erosion, are often logged for construction materials. As such, raising income earnings from coconut based business is a good incentive for local people to maintain the remaining coconut plantations. We selected women group in Oengkolaki Village for this activities due to the following reasons: (a) rich coconut resource; (b) the presence of Pak Lasamira, a key village champion; (c) have a good working ethic i.e. diligent and hard-working women. Why this is important? One of the basic enterprise (industrial) attributes (including VCO making) is a culture that includes principles and values of discipline and honesty, while the major weakness of community-based enterprises is lack of discipline and honesty. There are many social activities in the village which often distract women from their

India is known as one of the biggest cashew exporters in the world, 40 % of the production is imported from Indonesia.

15 Edi Purwanto

enterprises, such as wedding parties or gathering etc. Local people are not easy to comply with strict standard operating procedures (SOPs). Due to a relaxed mood or laziness, short cuts in work procedures may occur which negatively impact to the end quality of VCO product. Realizing this, one of the key empowerment aspects to women group is to develop working ethic. We continuously encourage women groups to develop IGA from VCO making and link the product with Tunas Muda Center Production Unit. The community enterprise will propose to have Green block grant in 2012. (f) Establishment of Nata de Coco (NDC) home industry in Baula, Kolaka: As an impact of training on NDC in Kecamatan Baula (January, 2011), followed with intensive facilitation in Puulemo Village has stimulated the establishment of SekarSari Women Group home industry. The NDC products of the women groups have been absorbed by the surrounding villages, such as Baula and Pewutaa Villages.

C. Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process. C.1. Increase emphasis of NRM/environmental issues in local development plans C.1.1 Muna District Muna government is facilitating the building of 25 units of home-biogas in Kecamatan Wadaga, Tikep, Lasalepa, Sawerigadi, Lawa, Napabalano and Tongkuno; the biogas will use two meter cubic digester enabling to use one installation for two until three households. The expected beneficiaries are 50-75 households. OWT has involved on the construction design and RAB development and will provide supervision and technical assistance on the installation process which is planned on September 2011. Executing agency: District Community and Village Empowerment Agency (BPMD), Muna. C.1.2. Kolaka a. In May 2011: Facilitated Kolaka District Government (Community and Village Empowerment Agency/BPMD) to submit fund assistant proposal to PT INCO to replicate home biogas installation, building 80 permanent biogas for local community living surrounding the mining areas (Kecamatan Pomaala and Baula). b. May July 2011: Approached Cooperative and Trade Agency (Koperindag) to assist the replication and development of CCB home industry. In July 2011, Koperindag agreed to provide technical assistant to Green-PNPMs CCB homeindustry, i.e. Gunungsari, Tandebura, Lamundre (Watubangga) and Watalara (Baula). They will provide: (a) Training on Business Management; (b) Provide business grant; (c) Marketing.
16 Edi Purwanto

c. July 2011: As results our awareness and mainstreaming Green-PNPM smart practices at kecamatan and district level, BPMD established Information Centre on Appropriate Technology Development (Pos Pelayanan Teknologi Tepat Guna/Posyantek) in Kecamatan Baula. The Posyantek established 10 ha pilot model for Jantropa (Jarak) plantation and CCB production. C.2. Green sub-project are aligned with local development plans/village regulation Efforts in 2010: The RPJM-Desas formulation team is composed of 11 persons, i.e. Village Head, Village Secretary, BPD, KPMD (male and female), Sub-village heads, and Key Village Champions. Our roles on RPJM formulation: (a) together with PNPM facilitators, facilitated the formulation of 11 Team; (b) training of the 11 Team on the formulation of RPJM-Desa; (c) refreshed the environmental profile of every villages to 11 teams; (d) facilitated village meeting (Musrenbang Desa) to collect sub-project ideas; (f) provided technical assistances on the writing process of RPJM-Desa writing. RPJM-Desa for all villages in 9 Sub-districts has already been submitted to the UPK on 31 October 2010. Efforts in 2011: The existence of RPJM-Des should ideally cut the long cycle of Green-PNPM, Musdes Sosialisasi and Pegas are not required anymore, but directly Musyarah Desa Penetapan Usulan, however in the transition period (2011) we remain facilitate Musdes Sosialisasi. The underlined reasons: Musdes Sosialisasi is used to check the existing list of potential green-sub project on the present RPJMdes. In case, due to some reasons, the green-sub project is not sufficiently listed or contradictory with local development plan then we facilitate the review of RPJMdes. However, so far all RPJM-Des in the pilot areas have been sufficiently addressed environmental issues and we did not conduct any review of the existing document.

C.3. Increase in local government awareness of links between improved NRM practices and enhanced livelihood Refer to discussion in C.1 D. A sustainable capacity among both [PNPM] facilitators and [PNPM] stakeholders of all levels to continue the implementation of locally-driven green development investment and to expand its geographic coverage to new area

D.1. Green sub-projects are sustainably managed beyond initial year of block grant funding Strengthened TP in 2010: The roles of Maintenance Team (TP) on the Green-PNPM are critical but often neglected. The establishment of TP is a formality, no clear jobs, commitments, responsibilities, and funding supports. To strengthen their commitment and responsibilities to maintain project assets and activities, after sub-projects
17 Edi Purwanto

implementation, we improved TP formulation and restructured the existing teams2. The improved TP selection and formulation: (a) Identification of subproject benefits; (b) Selection of KVCs among sub-project benefits; (c) With support of the selected KVCs, facilitated a meeting to formulate TP. The meeting invited key sub-project benefits and Village Government and Village Social Institution (LPM, PKK, Karang Taruna); (d) Facilitate the formulation of legal statement letter which signed by the key sub-project benefits, Village Government, LPM and PJOK. Stimulate local community to manage green sub-project beyond initial year of block grant funding: Facilitated maintenance activities by stimulating voluntary work of all 2009 regreening sub-projects beneficiaries. We made use village voluntary working day to deliver awareness, training and maintenance of green sub-project. All green sub-projects planting either in 2009 and 2010 are still well-maintained by the key beneficiaries. Facilitated Village Regulation on the management of Green-PNPM: We facilitated the establishment of two Perdes in Watubangga, Kolaka: (a) Perdes No.5/2011 regarding maintenance, management and utilization of CCB machine in Gunungsari Village; (b) Perdes No. 2/2011 regarding management and utilization of Coconut oil processing machine in Lamundre Village. D.2. Increase integration of green sub-project with PNPM-Rural Activities Mainstream biogas demplot beyond pilot site: The Biogas demplot in Kancinaa Village (Kecamatan Pasarwajo) has been infected (influenced) the PNPM Rural subproject in Matawia Village (Kecamatan Wolowa), located nearby Kancinaa Village. Mainstream honey bee culture beyond pilot site: We successfully facilitated the adoption of honey bee culture in urban PNPM at Tobimeita, Kendari Town. Since January 2010, we provided training and technical assistance on honey bee culture. Now, Tobimeita community has five honey bee culture and keeping 45 bees culture colony. Strengthened Rural PNPM Project: In 2008, Gerak Makmur Village (Sampolawa, Buton) received 2008 Green block grant to construct dyke to protect market buildings (built by 2005 Rural PNPM block grant) against abrasion. The dyke has effectively mitigated the problem; in addition, the space is used by local fishers to land and sells the caught fishes. To maintain the asset, the village government established Perdes to collect fee of 500 IDR for each fisher. D.3. Increase of integration green sub-project with other complementary activities in the region We have supported PMD at district and province level to develop appropriate technology (teknologi tepat guna/TTG). Together with PMD, we established minimodel of biogas using plastic pot (as digester), the miniature can produce flammable gas for several minutes a day. The model is an effective way to demonstrate the
18 Edi Purwanto

working principle of biogas installation. The demo of the biogas was witnessed by SE Sulawesi Governor. As a result, SE Sulawesi province will promote biogas on the coming national TTG exhibition held in Kendari on the coming October 2011. D.4. Increase capacity of local NGOs to manage environmental awareness rising campaigns Since August 2011, we have sub-contracted three local NGOs to support green awareness activities; each NGO is working for one district, i.e. Lestari for Buton District, Gaharu for Muna District and Alas for Kolaka District. Specific tasks and responsibilities during the first three months: (a) Enhanced awareness rising on GreenPNPM to sub-village communities; (b) Enhanced roles of women and children on Green-PNPM planning, decision making process, implementation and maintenance; (c) Replication of Green-PNPM smart practices (biogas, CCB, spring rehabilitation, mangrove rehabilitation, tree seedlings propagation etc.) within and beyond the pilots villages. In November 2011, after effectively work for three months, we will evaluate the results and impacts of local NGO support.

19 Edi Purwanto

IV. Specific activities planned for next reporting period

Table.1 Specific Activities Planned for next Reporting Period
Specific activities Targeted participants Level Months in 2011 July August Sept

Training and workshop

1. Catchment Strategy Rehabilitation -Consultants -OWT staff -Local NGOs -Village government -Village community organization -Key village champions Province

2. 3.

Village governance on environmental management Training on NRM and RE

District Village

Facilitation and Technical Assistances 1. 2. Coordination meeting at province level Coordination meeting with Green PNPM stakeholders -Consultant -CSO -Key government officials at (sub) district and village level -Consultant MAD II -Keys of Green-PNPM actors MAD III -Keys of Green-PNPM actors Green-PNPM process and -Keys of Green-PNPM actors cycle Awareness campaigns
1. Environmental campaign during Ramadhan (fasting time) Environmental campaign during Independence Day celebration - Community Group Sub-village Province District

3. 4. 5.

Sub-District Sub-District Village


- Community Group


20 Edi Purwanto

V. Green PNPM Beneficiary Stories

5.1. Solar Panel in Pewutaa Village, Baula, Kolaka (Success Story No. 1/2011) In 2010, one of the villages in Kecamatan Baula received three units of solar panel installation for 30 household users; ten households share one unit. The green sub-project block-grant was proposed by the villagers due to the faraway distance with the electricity pole. Ms. Sumiati is as one of the beneficiaries, she is a widow with four children and two grand children, she has been long waiting the state electricity to reach her house, and she is very gratitude to have been targeted as beneficiaries of Green PNPM block grant. She is now are able to bundle vegetable and make cake early morning for sale to support her livelihood. She expects that the solar panel will be sustainably managed so that she would no longer use kerosene for lighting. 5.2. Mangrove Rehabilitation from Haji Muhammad in (Success Story No. 2/2011) Bahari, Napabalano, Muna

Bahari Village received block grant for mangrove rehabilitation during 2008, the proposal idea was initiated by Haji Muhammad, the key village champion who aware on the importance of mangrove plantation to maintain ecosystem and livelihood. He used to become a staff of Muna NGO (Yayasan Sama). From his past experience on mangrove rehabilitation, he motivated local communities to plant mangrove with Green block grant support. Since 2008, the coastal communities feel that fish and crab population are rising. In general, local community in Bahari is optimistic that the mangrove plantation has benefit to them, they have planned to encourage other villages to plant mangrove. For protection purposes, they have started to develop village regulation. As the impact, Renda Village, the neighbor which experiences rapid mangrove deforestation has started to plant mangrove by their own initiative. 5.3. Spring Water Rehabilitation in Awainulu Village, Pasarwajo, Buton (Success Story No. 3/2011) Awainulu Village received block-grant 2008 to build dam (dyke) aimed at retaining sea intrusion to the spring water which become the main source of fresh water (drinking, washing) source of the coastal villagers. During the rainy season the spring were often contaminated by overland flow (run-off) due to the absence of drainage. The villagers also had a bad sanitation which contaminates the spring. The rehabilitation measures have made the spring environment tidy and clean. The village has developed Village Regulation (Perdes) to protect the spring. Our awareness campaigns have successfully changed local community attitude, they are no longer throwing garbage around the spring and the washing space has been separated to avoid detergent pollutant. 5.4. Coastal dyke development in Gerak Makmur Village, Sampolawa, Buton (Success Story No. 4/2011) Gerak Makmur Village received Green PNPM block grant 2008 to develop coastal dyke sub-project. The underlined reason is to protect sub-district market building (built with Rural PNPM in 2005) which was threatened by abrasion. The dyke constructions have
21 Edi Purwanto

effectively stopped the problem. Apart from protecting the market from abrasion, the construction is also used by community as a place land and sells fishes. For the maintenance reason, the village government has developed Village Regulation to collect retribution of 500 IDR per individual at each market day. 5.5 Mangrove Rehabilitation in Mawasangka Village, Mawasangka, Buton (Success Story No. 5/2011) The sub-project was implemented in 2008 as result of OWT awareness campaigns on mangrove forest rehabilitation. From 6 villages (Oengkolaki, Tanailandu, Banga, Kanapanapa, Terapung and Mawasangka) which implemented the same sub-project, only Mawasangka community who successfully maintain the highest percentage of mangrove survival (95%). Now, the mangrove (Rhizopora sp) plantation has reached two meters height. The key success is on the maintenance and this is highly dependent on the social capacity. For the case of Mawasangka Village, local community conduct regular voluntary work to clean marine garbage which often hamper the growth of mangrove sapling. 5.6. Smart Practice House (SPH) at Gunung Sejuk, Sampolawa, Buton The village received block grant 2010 (IDR 125 million) to rehabilitate Laloya Spring water and natural forest surrounding the area for ecotourism site. The developed ecotourism site will be potentially visited by many guests considering the site is very near from Baubau Town. Understanding this, we facilitated the establishment of SPH on the ecotourism site. The SPH is made of wooden construction (size: 5 x 5 m2). We set library in the SPH, which is composed of environmental books, awareness materials (posters, leaflets and banners) and local business products (CCB, organic fertilizer, VCO, Nentu handicraft). We developed tree nursery on the SPH. We also developed and installed information boards outlining the ecological roles of several protected indigenous wildlife species (Buton macaque, hornbill etc.) to maintain ecosystem in the area. The SPH has multi-functions, as a meeting place and information center of the ecotourism areas. We handed over the management of the learning house to the Village Government, Women, and Youth Group.

22 Edi Purwanto


Financial Issues
Until July 18, 2011, the received grant is USD 745,469.03 or 63.73 % out of total fund. The highest disbursement percentage is Category 1/Dedicated Staff Time (76%), while the biggest expenditure so far is Category 2/Consultants services, Training Workshops and other Operating costs is USD 427,958.05. Category 3/Management Fee is the lowest disbursed (50%). Table 2. Financial status per July 18, 2011 Category Allocated Disbursed USD USD % Totals 1,169,650.00 745,469.03 63.73 1 303,680.00 230,532.99 75.91 2 3 847,970.00 18,000.00 427,958.05 7,179.77 50.47 39.89

Undisbursed USD % 424,180.97 36.27 73,147.01 24.09 420,011.95 49.53 10,820.23 60.11

23 Edi Purwanto

VII. Annexes
A. Summaries of Progress Made against Performance Indicator
Indicator A. Well trained [PNPM] facilitators and other local [PNPM] stakeholders, who can ignite and facilitate green projects within [PNPM], not limited to those within [Green PNPMs target locations] There is no formal training during the reporting period.
Indicator B. Local community members, including women and children, who are aware of environmental issues and sustainable natural resource decisions that they can participate in. B.1. Table listing all trainings that were delivered to Green PNPM community beneficiaries in SE Sulawesi Training provided to Community Beneficiaries No Title/Focus of Training Project Location Community Group Targeted # Participants Module Year M F C # #V S BUTON DISTRICT 1 Training on making garbage handicraft in Saragi Village, Pasarwajo (26 May) 2011 1 1 Woman group 20 7 2

TOTAL MUNA DISTRICT 1 Training for Maintenance Team (12 April 2011) and Napabalano (28 April 2011) Training for KPMD in Napabalano (28 April 2011), Tongkuno (9 June 2011) and Lawa ( 23 June 2011) Training for TPU in Napabalano ( 29 April 2011), Lawa ( 7 June 2011) and Tongkuno ( 14 June 2011) Training on biogas and demplot development in Madampi Village, Lawa Sub district (28-30 June 2011) Training for Verification team in Napabalano (10 June 2011) and Lawa (30 June 2011) 2011 2 0 Maintenance team (MT) 48 15 0










KPMD, TPU, BPD and village government


Verification team


24 Edi Purwanto

Technical assistance for TPU in writing village sub project proposal in Napabalano (May 110), Tongkuno (25-30 June), and Lawa ( 14, 15, 24 June) 7 Key village identification for fruit seedling nursery development in Napabalano (10 June 2011) and Lawa (30 June 2011) 8 Enhancing the role of KPMD through KPMD monthly meeting in Napabalano (2 and 25 June) TOTAL Training for KPMD in Ladongi Sub district (24 May) 2 Training for Verification team in Lambandia Sub district (6 June), Watubangga (21 June) 3 Training for TPU and KPMD in Watubangga (23-24 May) and Lambandia Sub district (23 June) 4 Training on ducks farming (eggs hatchery) in Gunung Jaya Village involving 3 other villages (Putemata, Atula and Raara) on June 29 5 Training on making energy saving stove in Watubangga Village, Watubangga Sub district (7 July) TOTAL 1







Headmen, BPD and villages





KOLAKA DISTRICT 2011 1 1 KPMD 13 13 0


Verification team







Farmer group





B.2. Table listing all public/community environmental awareness-raising/demonstration events facilitated in SE Sulawesi. Public Environmental Awareness Raising/Demonstration Events
No Title/type of Public Event/Demonstration Facilitated Year Location #S #V Community Groups Targeted M Participants

25 Edi Purwanto

NATIONAL AND PROVINCE LEVEL 1 Green PNPM socialization through Sultra exposition 2011 Green PNPM smart practices socialization through local Radio (SAW FM) Initiating voluntary work to maintain sub project plantation in Jaya Bakti Village (25 May) Initiating voluntary work to maintain ecotourism sub project in Gunung Sejuk Village (28 June) Re-greening movement on the roadsides in in Wasaga Village, Pasarwajo (25 June) Re-greening movement involving schools students in Mawasangka (28 May) Critical land rehabilitation movement in Wasilomata I Village, Mawasangka Campaign on Green PNPM best practices through MAD I in Napabalano (19 April), Tongkuno (20 April) and Lawa (25 April) Campaign on Green PNPM smart practices through MD sosialisasi in 5 villages in Napabalano Sub district. Dissemination of factsheet to farmer group in Napabalano, Lawa and Tongkuno Sub district (5-29 April 2011) 2011 Baubau General public 220 300 75

BUTON DISTRICT 1 2011 Baubau General public 15 3 0










Wasaga Village SMP N 1 Mawasangj a Mawasangka




School students, teacher




Farmer group



MUNA DISTRICT 1 2011 0 3 0 Villages government and actor and stakeholder at village level 79 33 0


5 villages

Villages government, PNPM actor at village level




Tongkuno, Lawa, Napabalan o

Farmer group



KOLAKA DISTRICT 1 Focus group discussion (FGD) on NR potential, 2011 Lere Jaya Village 1 1 Villagers, government, village PNPM 30 10 0

26 Edi Purwanto

environmental problem in Lerejaya Village, Lambandia


B.3. Table Listing of all environmental information, education, communication (IEC) material produced over this reporting period.
Green PNPM IEC Material Produced Types of IEC & training materials Documentary DVD 1 Title of IEC/training materials Produced by and year of production OWT, 2010 No of IEC Disseminated in materials what areas produced 1000 copies SE Sulawesi & National level SE Sulawesi & National level


Best Practice Lambusango


Pelestarian Hutan Lambusango (Conservation of Lambusango Forest)

OWT , 2010

1000 copies


Lambusango Surga METRO TV and Peneliti (Lambusango is OWT, 2010 the heaven of researchers) Menjaga Pagar Nusantara METRO TV and (The Guardian OWT, 2010 Achipelago) Nentu Lestari handycraft) (Nentu OWT 2010 OWT 2010

1000 copies

SE Sulawesi & National level SE Sulawesi & National level

1. Documentary DVD 2 A 2. 3.

1000 copies

1000 copies 1000 copies

SE Sulawesi & National level SE Sulawesi & National level

Pak Made: Tokoh Pelestari Lingkungan (Pak Made: Conservation Champion) Pak Lasamira; Tokoh Pelestari Lingkungan (Pak Lasamira: Conservation Champion)


OWT 2010

1000 copies

SE Sulawesi & National level


Laboratorium Bawah Laut METRO TV and di Jantung Karang Dunia OWT, 2010 (Underwater laboratory in the centre of coral triangle) Pembuatan Arang Briket (The Making of Coconut shell charcoal Briquette/CCB) OWT, 2010

1000 copies

SE Sulawesi & National level


1000 copies

SE Sulawesi & National level

2. Documentary DVD 2B 3.

Instalasi Biogas/Biogas Installation; (iii) Lebah Madu (Honey Bee

OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010

1000 copies 1000 copies

SE Sulawesi & National level SE Sulawesi &

27 Edi Purwanto

Culture) 4. Persemaian dan Pembibitan (Tree seedling propagation) OWT, 2010 1000 copies

National level SE Sulawesi & National level SE Sulawesi & National level SE Sulawesi & National level SE Sulawesi & National level SE Sulawesi & National level Watubangga

Documentary DVD 3

1. Karet Busa Raksasa Indonesia OWT, Metro TV, 1000 copies (The Giant Sponge of 2008 Indonesia) 2. Mamasa Menanam (Mamasa Planting Campaigns) 3. MHP for People OWT, 2011 OWT, 2011 OWT, 2011 1000 copies 1000 copies 1000 copies

Documentary DVD 4


Satu DAS Satu Pengelolaan (One Catchment One Management). Environment Information

Radio Program


Radio Gunung Sari 92,8 FM, 2009 Radio Gunung Sari 92,8 FM, 2009 Radio Gunung Sari 92,8 FM, 2009 Radio Green Trust, 2010 Radio Wuna Swara, 2010 Radio GSB 106,mi5 MHZ, 2010 KBR68H, 2010

12 times/ week 3 times/ week 3 times/ Week 3 times/ Week


Green-PNPM Jingle



Talk Show on Green Village


4. 5. 6.

Green-PNPM Info Keep Muna Green Village Conservation Areas (Kawasan Perlindungan Desa/KPD)


3 times/day Muna District 18 February Pasarwajo 2010 14 April 2010 National

7.Towards Sustainable and Energy Self-Sufficiency Villages (Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi). Green-PNPM TalkShow Posters 1. Drought disaster could only be prevented by avoiding deforestation* Save Jompi Forest as the water tower of Raha Town* Stop Deforestation: Cutting forest means inviting flood disaster* Save water movement through build millions of recharge

OWT, 2010

1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Baubau, Kendari 11000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Baubau 1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Baubau 1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha,


OWT, 2010


OWT, 2010


OWT, 2010

28 Edi Purwanto

areas 5. Lets sort domestic waste: Dislocating waste without sorting and processing is just moving problems Utilizing cow-dung as a new source of sustainable fuel 1. 2. Garbage separation How to make Coconut charcoal briquette Map of Green-PNPM smart practices Saving Village Conservation Area Welcome to Conservation Sub-district OWT, 2010

Baubau 1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Baubau


OWT, 2010

1000 copies Buton, Muna, Kolaka, Raha, Baubau 12 12 Buton District Buton District


OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010


OWT, 2010


Buton District


OWT, 2010


Buton District


OWT, 2010

Buton District

Fact sheet/brochure


Developing Community Based Institution for Mangrove Forest Conservation Lets Sort and Domestic Waste Process

OWT, 2009

2000 copies SE Sulawesi

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

OWT, 2009 OWT, 2009 OWT, 2009 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2011 OWT, 2011 OWT, 2011 OWT, 2011

2000 copies SE Sulawesi 2000 copies SE Sulawesi 2000 copies SE Sulawesi 2000 copies SE Sulawesi 2000 copies SE Sulawesi 2000 copies SE Sulawesi 2000 copies SE Sulawesi

Ten Important Questions on Green PNPM Human Obligation to Maintain Life Sustainability Honeybee Culture : tip and benefit Village self-supporting energy through biogas Developing Village Nursery Shoot cutting techniques Tree planting techniques seedlings

4000 copies SE Sulawesi 4000 copies SE Sulawesi 4000 copies SE Sulawesi

10. Generative propagation

11. The making of Bokashi

29 Edi Purwanto

12. The making of Agar wood (Gaharu) 13. Permanent Biogas Installation 14. The making of Charcoal Coconut shell briquette Banner 1. Healthy, clean and efficient with charcoal briquettes 2. My green village, my green country (Hijau Desaku Lestari Negeriku) 3. Keep the village green with energy saving stoves (Melestarikan Kehijauan Desa dengan Tungku Hemat Energi) 4. To maintain soil fertility using Bokashi (Menjaga Kesuburan Tanah dengan Bokashi) 5. Honeybee culture yield honey (Memelihara Lebah Menuai Madu) 6. Recovering coastal fortress (Memelihara Benteng Pesisir) 7. Livelihoods from coastal fortress (Sumber Kehidupan dari Benteng Pesisir) 8. Turning livestock dung into biogas (Meyulap Kotoran Menjadi Biogas) Iron Boards Campaign Save Village Conservation Areas (KPD). Forest, River, Spring Water and Coastal Area are life supporting systems which have to be protected. Save KPD through: (1) Trees planting campaign; (2) Develop Village Regulation to conserve KPD; (3) Save KPD from illegal logging; (4) Do not contaminate KPD with rubbish and poisoned waste. Conservation Village Areas Do not let the coastal fortress gone. Mangrove forest is coastal fortress. It is an area for fish spawning, breeding and nursery ground. Destroy mangrove forest is destroying coastal life. REHABILITATE and PROTECT mangrove forest through: (1)

OWT, 2011 OWT, 2011 OWT, 2011 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010

4000 copies SE Sulawesi 4000 copies 4000 copies 20 sets 20 sets SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010

20 sets

SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010

6 boards

Kolaka (2) Muna (2) Buton (2)

OWT, 2010

6 boards

Kolaka (2) Muna (2) Buton (2)

30 Edi Purwanto

Define mangrove areas as Village Protection Areas (KPD); (2) Do not cut and damage mangrove; (3) Do not convert mangrove to brackish water pond; (4) Do not use mangrove trees as fuel-wood; (5) Conduct planting campaign and mangrove maintenance. Do not let the coastal fortress gone. Save the Earth through: (1) Use energy saving stove; (2) Convert fossil fuel to biogas; (3) Switch off the lamp if not needed; (4) Save clean water; (5) Trees planting movement. Managing domestic waste through: (1) Waste separation between organic and non-organic; (2) Minimize the use of anorganic matter (plastic, paper, metal etc.); (3) Convert organic waste into compost; (4) Recycle and reuse an-organic waste; (5) Develop domestic waste processing unit. Stickers 1. Janthropa Stoves User (Pengguna Kompor Jarak) 2. Solar Voltage User (Pengguna Listrik Tenaga Surya) 3. Green- PNPM: Towards Sustainable and Energy Self Sufficiency Villages (PNPMLMP: Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi) 4. Operation Wallacea Trust: Green- PNPM Facilitator (Pendamping PNPM-LMP) OWT, 2010 6 boards Kolaka (2) Muna (2) Buton (2)

OWT, 2010

6 boards

Kolaka (2) Muna (2) Buton (2)

OWT , 2010


SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010


SE Sulawesi

OWT , 2010


SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2010


SE Sulawesi


Green- PNPM: Towards Sustainable and Energy Self Sufficiency Villages (PNPMLMP: Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi)



SE Sulawesi

31 Edi Purwanto

Jacket (waist-coat)

Green- PNPM: Towards Sustainable and Energy Self Sufficiency Villages (PNPMLMP: Menuju Desa Lestari Mandiri Energi) 1.Training Module: Measurement physical parameters of the watershed 2. Training Module: Planning and Implementation of GIS to Support Decision Making Process 3.. Training Module: Spatial Planning for Environmental Management 4. Training Module: Generative and vegetative tree seedlings propagation 5.Training Material (TM): Crab fattening in mangrove area 6. TM: Seaweed farming 7. TM: Coconut-Shell Charcoals Bricked 8.TM: Virgin Coconut Oil 9. TM: Bokashi 10: TM:. Biogas 11.TM:Honeybee culture 12.TM:.Developing Nursery 13.TM:Organic Farming 14.TM: Domestic Separation 15. TM: Water purification 16. TM: RPJM-Desa 17. TM: The making of composting house 18. TM:The making of rice husk charcoal 19. TM: Selection of mother trees 20. Strategi Rahabilitasi Daerah Tangkapan Air Waste Cashew



SE Sulawesi

Training materials

OWT, 2009

60 copies

North, South and SE Sulawesi North, South and SE Sulawesi

OWT, 2009

60 copies

OWT, 2009

60 copies

North, South and SE Sulawesi North, South and SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi National SE Sulawes

OWT, 2009

100 copies

OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2010 OWT, 2011

40 copies 80 copies 500 copies 70 copies 400 copies 300 copies 90 copies 80 copies 80 copies 80 copies 60 copies 600 copies 100 copies 120 copies 150 copies 100 copies


Mainstreaming Green smart practices CCB: a prospective energy

PNPM Bakti News 2011 renewable Kendari Pos 2011

32 Edi Purwanto

Improved sanitation with Biogas Prosperous with Conservation Six hatchery population reduce

Kendari Pos 2011 Kendari Pos 2011

SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi SE Sulawesi

snail Kendari Pos 2011 Kendari Pos 2011 A Kendari Pos 2011

Honey bee in Muna Lambiku Spring Water: community Based ecotourism

Community based nursery in Muna Kendari Pos 2011

Environmental preservation and Kendari Pos 2011 income generation

Indicator C: Adoption by regional governments of natural resources governance issues as an integral part of the policy development and decision making process.
See Section C.1. Above

33 Edi Purwanto

VIII. Photographs
Province Level

Coordination meeting with consultants at province level in Kendari

Coordination meeting with FK-L, Astal and PNPM stakeholder in Buton District


Speech from schools principle on regreening activities in SMPN 1 Mawasangka, Buton

Two pupils were planting Trembesi in the school yard; both were responsible to look after ten trees

34 Edi Purwanto

Participants of critical land rehabilitation in Wasilomata I Village, Mawasangka, Buton

Regreening movement in the road sideline in Pasarwajo , Buton

35 Edi Purwanto


Napabalano awareness coordinator delivering technical assistance to TPU in writing sub project proposal

Training and awareness for the Maintenance Team in Kecamatan Napabalano, Muna

Women Group Training on handicraft making using banana stem

Banana stem based handicraft products developed by Women Group in Tongkuno, Muna

36 Edi Purwanto


Focus group discussion in Lere Jaya Village, Kecamatan Lambandia t

Making energy Watubangga





Salmi (Watubangga awareness Facilitator) encouraging village headmen to formulate village regulation

Village government meeting on Governance in Conservation Planning


37 Edi Purwanto

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