Super TRG 3

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*Good afternoon everyone *As you are all at a supervisory level, you need to know what is really expecting from you, so you can be more confident, look more professional in front of your guests, employees and management. *You are at the beginning of your career and by improving your skills, it will definitely help you for your future. Being in Charge *This session will last for 1 hour, 1 hour maximum, we will be covering the meaning of Being in Charge and then go through the expectations of the customers, of the employees and at last of the management. *There will be input from all of you be answering to my questions. *Feel free to take any notes and ask questions as many as you want. By the end of this learning event, you will be able to: Define Being in Charge List your 3 main expectations from the Customers, List your 3 main expectations from the Employees List your 3 main expectations from the Management And explain the importance of responding to their expectations. WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE?




DEVELOPMENT Being in Charge

Before we talk about the expectations of the others towards you, I will ask you a question and each one of you will have to give me an answer. Often you heard the following from your manager: Im leaving now you are in charge Q: What does it mean Being in Charge? A: Write all the answers on the flipchart. Now that we have your answers, lets move on to the expectations of the others. [we will come back later to analyze your answers above] Flipchart: Show the 4 circles You The Guest The Employees The Management. We will start with the customers. *a customer comes to your banquet on a regularly basis.

Guest s Expectations Q: What is the first thing that He/She expects from you to do? A: Recognition / greeting [pronounce his/her name correctly, if not certain then smile and be courteous] Q: What will help you to be able to recognize the customers? A: Be aware of VIPs staying in the Hotel, VIPs from outside such as politicians, well known business men/women, Organizer. Remember the repeated guests names [name on the BEO, credit card, on the guest comment card] Flipchart: Show them the Eyes & Ears.

DEVELOPMENT Lets move on to the expectations of the employees in your Banquet Employees Expectations *You are their superior. Q: What do they expect from you during the operation? A: Guidance, help, support, answers to their questions Q: How cold you respond to their demands, needs? A: [Eyes] Be attentive during the operation, see who is in need without them asking for help, be aware of whats going on in every section of the venue, but always keeping an eye on the organizer. [Ears] Listen to what they have to say, with open mind [Mouth] encouragement especially during rush hour, reassure them when encounter difficulties or starting to loose control in their section. Q: What are they waiting for outside of the meal period hours [before and after the service]? A: To be well informed, to know whats going on in the hotel and in the other F&B outlets, what will happen in the banquet, the right information, the guest comments, to be praised in front of the others, to receive training [on & off-job] Q: How should we conduct a team briefing in our banquet to obtain optimal results? A: On daily Basis, at the right time, all employees to be there, give them the correct information, ask them questions to check their knowledge or understanding, their feedback, let them participate by giving ideas/suggestions.

Q: What should you never do with your employee in front of an audience?


DEVELOPMENT At last, lets move on now to the expectations of the management. Managements Expectations Q: What are the main responsibilities that your manager is giving to you as supervisor? A: Be there during their absence, Watch and participate accordingly to the operation, Report to the manager, Manages the day to day operation, Supervises, be responsible of. Q: How can you be of any assistance to your manager? A: To be an example [lead by example] To be able to delegate to you some of their work/responsibilities Assists / helps them in planning in advance promotions, setting standards, keeping up date the files, controlling the employees work, that they do respect the standards. Q: What doe A.T.D stand for? A: Attention To Details Flipchart: A.T.D Q: What kind of details should you be careful at? A: Cleanliness & Tidiness in back & front of the house [areas such as: pantry, stores, dishwashing

area, restrooms, bar] Respect and application of Standards grooming / set ups / mise en place / decoration Flipchart: Eyes

Q: Why is it so important to pay attention to all the details? A: You are the one responsible if anything happened, you are the one to answer to the management, If everything goes well and smoothly it means that you are in control, can be trusted, your manager will feel more at ease when leaving in charge of the operation. Q: What could you gain from your good performance as supervisor? A: more credible, more confident, look more professional,, gain more respect, more authority, help for the next step in your career, manager will assign you other projects, more interesting ones. WQDYH? WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE? Lets go back to your first answers on the meaning of being in charge. Flipchart: check one by one the answers and comment it.


CONSOLIDATION Q1: What is the meaning of being in charge? Q2: What are the 3 main expectations from the customer? Questions & Answers Q3: Why is it so important to comply with it? Q4: what are the 3 main expectations from the employees? Q5: How can you participate to the employee performance? Q6: How can you beneficiate from a good employee performance? Q7: what are the 3 main expectations from the management? Q8: How can you beneficiate from your own good performance?

WHAT QUESTIONS DO YOU HAVE? WQDYH? PRAISE Thank you very much for your attention and full cooperation. Hope that you will use the information that you have gained today. Please share your experience with your colleagues.

LINK I will see you at your workplace. Do not hesitate to ask me any question or share any idea/suggestion on that matter.

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