ALCATEL 5528: Web-Based ASAM Manager - Version 1.1

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Web-based ASAM Manager | Version 1.1

Alcatel builds next generation networks, delivering integrated end-to-end

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Web-based ASAM Manager

The DSL Challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Alcatel 5528 WAM Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Product Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Features and Benets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Conguration and Security Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

System Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

A L C AT E L 5 5 2 8 W E B - B A S E D A S A M M A N A G E R


The DSL Challenge

Strong demand for broadband access to the Internet is driving the demand for access solutions such as digital subscriber line (DSL), cable, broadcast and xed wireless. DSL service is forecast to grow from 4 million lines in 2001 to 9.8 million lines by 2004. (Source: Gartner Dataquest) With more than 50 percent of DSL market share, Alcatel is the market leader in supplying DSL solutions to service providers worldwide. Alcatel DSL clients include large incumbent carriers, as well as smaller independent operating carriers (IOCs) and data local exchange carriers (DLECs). The growing DSL market, and Alcatels commanding lead in this market, have created a requirement for a low-cost element management solution for the Alcatel 1000 ASAM Subscriber Access Multiplexer (ASAM) and the Alcatel 7300 Advanced Services Access Manager (ASAM). The Alcatel 5528 Web-based ASAM Manager (WAM) meets this need by providing simple, cost-effective Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM management.

Alcatel 5528 WAM Overview

The Alcatel 5528 WAM (see Figure 1) is a PC and Solaris-based tool for conguring, maintaining and troubleshooting Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAMs. Operators use Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer browsers to access an Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM. This can be done either through a local craft port attachment (out-of-band access) or through central access (in-band access) to a network of Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAMs through a server.

The Alcatel 5528 WAM is a cost-effective element management solution for small networks and provides supplemental maintenance and troubleshooting capability to major networks. This tool also increases the number of user sessions available to operators. In addition, local central ofce (CO) technicians can use the Alcatel 5528 WAM for initial hardware turnup and on-site hardware maintenance.

Figure 1: Alcatel 5528 WAM

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Product Applications
For incumbent local exchange carriers (ILECs) or competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), the Alcatel 5528 WAM offers Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM maintenance, troubleshooting and emergency provisioning access, working with element managers like the Alcatel 5526 Access Management System (AMS). Figure 2 illustrates in-band Alcatel

1000/7300 ASAM access. Here, operators using Sun workstations or PCs connect to one of two Alcatel 5528 WAM servers that provide direct access to the Alcatel 1000/7300 network elements. Figure 2 highlights that either the Alcatel 5528 WAM internal TL1 gateway or an external gateway, such as the Alcatel 5526 AMS upstream interface or an Alcatel TL1 gateway, can be used to

provide multiple operators access to the same network elements. With the Alcatel 5528 WAMs versatility, service providers can choose the deployment model and application focus that suits their needs. Application areas include the initial commissioning of Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM devices, troubleshooting of fall-out orders

Figure 2: In-band Alcatel 5528 WAM Deployment

Operator PCs/ Workstations with Web Browsers

IP Operations Network

External TL1 Gateway

5528 WAM Server

5528 WAM Server Using Internal TL1 Gateway

IP Traffic or Operations Network Router/ATM 1100 OmniSwitch Router/ATM 1100 OmniSwitch

In-band ATM Communication Link Physical/ATM/AAL5/LLC-SNAP/ IP/UDP/TL1

ATM Traffic Network ATM Traffic Network

1000/7300 ASAMs

1000/7300 ASAMs

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from automated provisioning systems, and diagnosis facilitation of fault reports. ILECs and CLECs can also furnish CO technician notebooks for out-of-band Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM access with the Alcatel 5528 WAM Enhanced Craft Edition. This application is shown in Figure 3, depicting out-of-band access either via a local serial line, remote attachment to multiple Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAMs through a modem and a terminal server or local attachment via an Ethernet management port. For IOCs or DLECs with a smaller asymmetric DSL (ADSL) network (up to 50 Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAMs),

the Alcatel 5528 WAM provides an economical element management system solution for market entry. Small operators benet from the ease-of-use of the web-based management solution that enables them to effectively provision new lines, make changes to existing customers service proles, and manage per-network element alarms.

numerous functional components. While the Alcatel 5528 WAM includes an embedded TL1 gateway, it can also work with existing external TL1 gateways. The Alcatel 5528 WAM speeds up initial Alcatel 1000/73000 ASAM conguration and therefore time to revenue. The web-based architecture also allows for fast and reliable maintenance, and troubleshooting. And the familiar webbased paradigm is easy to learn and simple to use, resulting in reduced training costs.

Features and Benets

Web-based architecture

The Alcatel 5528 WAM uses a scalable web-based architecture that is TL1based and encompasses several components, including a logging facility and

Figure 3: Out-of-band Alcatel 5528 WAM Deployment

Central Office (CO)

Local CO User RS-232 (EIA/TIA 574)

RS-232 (EIA/TIA 574)/ ASCII


Remote NOC User RS-232 (EIA/TIA 574)

RS-232 (EIA/TIA 574)/ ASCII

Asynchronous Modem

PSTN Terminal Server Multiple DSLAMs

Remote NOC User


Ethernet LAN

Multiple DSLAMs (Supported by Release 1.1, requires FG7)

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Open architecture and interoperability

Fault management

The standards-based open architecture and interoperability of the Alcatel 5528 WAM allows for customized extensions. This tool also coexists with other EMSs and upstream operating support systems, and can be easily integrated with EMSs like the Alcatel 5526 AMS element manager. The bottom line: reduced capital expenses (CAPEX).
Two editions, one interface

With the Alcatel 5528 WAM, you can quickly and effectively localize and diagnose faults. Continuous alarm display enables real-time identication of faults. Thresholds and severity levels are user-denable. In addition, you can: w Retrieve alarms on request w Get alarm conditions w Set alarm attributes w Set alarm thresholds Fast and efcient fault diagnosis minimizes Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM downtime. And minimized downtime results in improved customer satisfaction and retention. Conguration and Security Tools The Alcatel 5528 WAM includes versatile conguration and security tools.
Configuration tools

Set the active software release level in the network terminal Manage ATM functions, including retrieving the ATM address resolution protocol (ARP) table and modifying or retrieving an ATM port information

This extensive set of conguration tools provides a full Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM conguration solution.
Security tools

The Alcatel 5528 WAM is available in two editions. The Enhanced Craft Edition suits local PC or notebook attachment using the craft port directly to one Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM. The Server Edition allows for multiple operators working on multiple Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAMs and provides concurrency control. As a result, you can service both local CO-based Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAMs and perform remote maintenance and troubleshooting with the same tool. No separate training is required. The technician uses the same interface whether in the eld or in the network operations center (NOC).

The Alcatel 5528 WAM provides a two-level security scheme: w Alcatel 5528 WAM and Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM user ID/password authentication and administration w Alcatel 5528 WAM user- and functionlevel security management w Alcatel 5528 WAM user and command privilege management These security tools give you control over access and privileges, and the detailed command log provides a complete record of conguration activities.
Performance monitoring

The Alcatel 5528 WAM provides a graphical equipment view and a command line interface (CLI) to access Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAMs. All Alcatel 5528 WAM equipment and facilities states are color-coded to facilitate quick fault diagnosis. Custom TL1 scripts can be invoked via the graphical user interface (GUI). This tool also offers TL1 CLI cut-through and TL1 CLI command templates. The Alcatel 5528 WAM GUI makes the Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM easy to administer and maintain, helping operators to reduce operational costs.

The Alcatel 5528 WAM provides a rich set of functionality to congure an Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM and to provision permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). With the Alcatel 5528 WAM, you can: w Retrieve and set proles, equipment, and facilities for network terminals and line termination cards w Create and retrieve PVC cross connections w Provision switched virtual circuit (SVC) links w Manage G.shdsl segments w View a port remotely w View the subscriber modem software version w Manage software downloads w Back up and restore the network element database w Set T1/E1 inverse multiplexing over ATM (IMA) parameters w Adjust clock synchronization/time settings

For performance monitoring, you can retrieve numerical and bar-chart output of current and historical performance counters, including: w ADSL current counters w ADSL 24-hour performance monitoring counters w The DSL tone map These trafc statistics let you know about current line performance at all times.

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Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM administration functions

System Architecture
The Alcatel 5528 WAM is a CGI-and TL1-based element management tool designed for maintenance and troubleshooting operations, and emergency provisioning. It encompasses a CGIbased server, a TL1 message router, and browser-based clients. The Alcatel 5528 WAM does not keep a database except for topology information. Hence, information retrieved through the Alcatel 5528 WAM is always ASAMcurrent. Similarly, parameters set through the Alcatel 5528 WAM are immediately active in the ASAM. In other words, a resynch between the ASAM and the Alcatel 5526 AMS is not required. Figure 4 shows a block diagram of the various Alcatel 5528 WAM functional and infrastructure components. As shown in the rst (bottom) layer,

The Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM functions include the ability to: w Manually retrieve the command session w Switch network terminal units w Initialize a subsystem w Set system identiers w Set audible alarms The Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM administration functions include support for quickly turning up and commissioning new Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAMs.

the Alcatel 5528 WAM is designed to operate on multiple server platforms: Solaris and Windows NT/2000. Several additional facilities and subsystems augment the Alcatel 5528 WAM architecture. The CLI facility provides an enhanced craft TL1 command editor with templates and response capture. The alarm and logging servers provide infrastructure services to the functional/custom scripts. A user management module as part of Alcatel 5528 WAM program management is used for authentication of Alcatel 5528 WAM users and customizable authorization/application of permission levels on command invocation. The Alcatel 5528 WAM uses Tool Command Language (TCL) for CGI operations.

Figure 4: Alcatel 5528 WAM Architecture Block Diagram

Application Configuration

Functional Script (CM, AM, PM, SW, SM)

Command Line Interface

Network Configuration

Customization Script

Equipment Viewer

TL1 Template

System Log Server

TL1 Resource

Data Source

Alcatel 5528 WAM Utility TL1 Gateway/Router


Alcatel 5528 WAM Program Management TCL/CGI with HTML and UDP Platform OS Computing Environment (UNIX/Solaris, PC/NT/2000)

Alarm Server

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Figure 5 illustrates the client, server and gateway components and their interaction. Client-to-server communications are stateless and transactionoriented, which enables the Alcatel 5528 WAM to effectively handle multiple operators and Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM operations at the same time. The Alcatel 5528 WAM client [1] is browser-based and supports both Netscape Communicator and Internet Explorer browsers. The client sends HTML page requests to the Alcatel 5528 WAM Server [2]. The server sends commands to a TL1 gateway or router

[3] via TCP/IP. The gateway or router

sends the commands to an Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM [4] via IP over UDP (for client-server congurations) or via asynch-RS-232 (EIA/TIA 574)/ASCII (for local craft port attachment). The Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM [4] sends TL1 command responses and events back to the TL1 gateway or router [3], then back to the server [3]. Command responses are parsed into HTML by the Alcatel 5528 WAM server and then sent back to the Alcatel 5528 WAM browser client [1] for browser display.

Figure 5: The Protocol/Communications Flow of the Alcatel 5528 WAM

Alcatel 1000/7300 ASAM [4]

TL1 commands over UDP/IP SLIP/IP or RS-232 (EIA/TIA 574)

TL1 Agent

TL1 responses and events over UDP/IP SLIP/IP or RS-232 (EIA/TIA 574)

TL1 Gateway or TL1 Router [3]

TL1 responses and events over TCP/IP

TL1 commands over TCP/IP

Alcatel 5528 WAM HTML Server [2]

Alcatel 5528 WAM HTML Page Requests

Alcatel 5528 WAM HTML Page Return

WebDSL in Web Browser [1]

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Alcatel and the Alcatel logo are registered trademarks of Alcatel. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Alcatel assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information presented, which is subject to change without notice. 04 2002 Alcatel. All rights reserved. 3CL 00469 0200 TQZCA Ed.01 11577

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