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Applicants should read/understand the below comments/conditions, before signing this agreement.

New License Application For License Type Company Name Contacts Proposed DED Activities Tel: Mobile License Activity Amendment Change Facility Location LOGISTICS

Additional License Add Facility Location


Revision: 01

October 2010

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Sr. No. 1

EHS Comments/Instructions For trading in Chemicals/Petrochemicals (Import/Distribution in UAE) a. Prohibited Chemicals as listed by Ministry of Health (MOH) should not be dealt with. b. For import of Controlled Chemicals as listed by Ministry of Health (MOH) shall necessitate prior approvals from Ministry of Health - UAE. c. Chemicals/Explosive which is restricted by Ministry of Interior and National Security shall not be dealt with. d. For import of Dangerous goods (chemicals) into Dubai, provisions of Dubai Municipality ETG-46 (attached) should be adhered. e. Storage of chemicals (if any) with any third party facility in JAFZA / TP shall necessitate EHS Approvals and MSDS of chemicals shall be submitted to EHS for review f. For Trading in Explosives, approvals from Dubai Police, Dubai Municipality & EHS are mandatory prior to license issuance. g. For import of Radioactive substances, prior approvals from FEA and EHS Dept. is mandatory As UAE is a signatory to the Basel Convention, any kind of import of scrap /waste material into UAE shall necessitate approval from Ministry of Environment & Water-UAE Exporting of Scrap from UAE shall require approval from the country of destination and further ratification by Ministry of Environment & Water-UAE Import of Coal/Firewood/Asbestos into UAE shall necessitate approval from EHS Dept. Approval from the following authority should be obtained if the products are to be Imported and Distributed in Dubai and the rest of the Emirates. a. Ministry of Health -Medicines & Para pharmaceuticals, Medical Equipment, Medical Herbs b. Dubai Municipality-Clinic Section - Personal care, baby requisites, Perfumes, Cosmetics. c. Ministry of Environment & Waters - Agriculture, Fertilizers, Pesticide Products Grain Products &Animal & Birds Feed d. Dubai Municipality: Food Control Section, Health Food & All Food items e. Dubai Municipality: Toys & Games (for testing & certification) f. ESMA: Toys & Games (Conformity Certification) g. Ministry of Information: Publications and Media h. Dubai Police: Alcoholic Drinks

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October 2010

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Records of Import and export and/or distribution of the products should be maintained, so that goods may be efficiently and effectively recalled from the market place when a product poses a health risk to the population or when serious contravention of the regulations has occurred. Records of consumer complaints and action taken should also be maintained, and all records should be kept for at least two years or according to the shelf life of the product. The client will have to adhere to the National Fire Protection Agency(NFPA) Guidelines, during their operational stage, which are adopted by the Authority,

Wherever applicable, Fit-outs/modifications to their Office facility, shall necessitate approvals from EHS & Civil Engineering Department. Client shall obtain EHS NOC as per the EHS procedures for Building Permit and Building Completion Certificate.

The broad Rules/ Requirements governing EHS & Fire Dept. requirements as included in (but not limited to) the following and should be adhered a. Environmental Control Rules & Requirements b. Health & Safety and Fire Regulations & Standards c. EHS/DM Rules (as applicable)/Guidelines All PCFC, EHS, and other relevant local, national and/or international rules, regulations and requirements on importation, handling and distribution of products should be complied with.

For further details on procedures, guidelines and other relevant information kindly refer to website and

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October 2010

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT & UNDERTAKING I/we have read, understood and undertake to comply with all the above conditions/requirements and assure that the operations carried out under this license will be within the scope of the approved activity/activities only. I accept that EHS has the absolute discretion to approve or reject above furnished details & the submitted documents shall become part of EHS record and shall not be returned. Name of Company... Name of the Signatory.. Designation/Position .. Company Stamp .. Signature .. Date .

Revision: 01

October 2010

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