Bulletin 07.05.12

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St Augustines Primary School Bulletin: Monday 7th May 2012

MAY IS THE MONTH OF MARY: A reminder to everyone that May is dedicated to Mary, the mother of Jesus. The bell should ring at 12noon in both the Infants and Juniors and the children should take time to reflect and pray either a Hail Mary or the Angelus. MAY FAIR: Saturday 26th May: Many thanks to all the teachers who are organising stalls. The PSA still need a lot of help. If any support staff could give even an hour the PSA would be very grateful. Please let Mary know and she will pass on the information to Niccy Marshall. REPORTS: A reminder that reports are to be handed in Monday 18th June. As always, you dont have to wait for the whole set to be complete. I am more than happy to read them in batches. Monday 7th Bank Holiday Tuesday 8th Year 1 & 2 visit to Valentines Park (am) New pupil to commence in Class 1b Mrs Jarvis away all day

10.30am 12.50 1.20pm 3pm 3.30pm 3.30pm

KS1 Hymn Practice Dance Club Yrs 3 - 6 KS2 Hymn Practice Mrs Doyle to meet with parent re work experience Netball Year 5 & 6 Wednesday 9th

Mrs Harris away supply cover arranged 9.00 3.45pm 9.30am Violin Teacher in school. Mrs Anthony Performance Management

10am Leadership Team Meeting 11.30am Mrs Holden Performance Management

11am Mrs Lucey to observe Miss Scahill Performance Management 1.00 3.30pm Cello Teacher in Youth Hall.

1.15 3.15pm Indoor Athletics Competition, Yr 3 & 4, Valentines School Miss Bergin and Mrs Everett to accompany no cover required 3.00pm 3:30 4:30 KS2 Deputy Headteacher Assembly Instrumental Ensemble KS2 Hall

3.30 4.30 3.20pm 3.15 4.15pm

Film Club (Year 5 & 6 pupils) in Class 6a Choir - Classroom French Club in Infant ICT Suite Thursday 10th St Helens House Non Uniform Day Mrs Ranjan to visit Davenant Foundation School with year 5 pupil

8 8.45am 10am 10.30am 12.50 1.20pm pm 1.45pm 3.30pm 3.30pm

KS2 Cheerleading Infant Hall Pupil progress meeting Mrs Pearce and Mrs Doyle KS1 Assistant Headteacher Assembly Dance Club Yrs 3 - 6 School council to feedback to classes Mrs Doyle Nursery Assembly Spanish Classes Mrs Neale Staff Meeting ICT Suite - Planning Friday 11th

9.15am 9.30am 1.20pm 1.20pm 1.30pm 1.30pm 2.45pm 3.30 4.30pm

RA Assembly Dentist and Dental Nurse to visit Nursery Mr Firman, Guitar teacher in school Mr Tim Eaton (Woodwind Teacher) in school Dentist and Dental Nurse to visit Nursery Pupil progress meeting Mrs Doyle and Mrs McGarry 5b Assembly Mrs Anthony to lead Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 Football Training KS2 Playground

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