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The The

27 Vol. 27

Newsletter of the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association, Inc.

October 2011 October 2011

REDISTRICTING & City Council District 8

Redistricting is conducted every ten years following the US Census results, which showed in 2010 that District 8 actually has more residents38,063 to be exactmore than the average goal of 35,000, the desirable number, says councilwoman Yolanda Adrean. This means that the natural boundaries of the district, those to the south and east, will have to change. Page 5

From the State Legislature, Edward Lindsey, tells us what we need to know about the factors affecting redistricting in Buckhead. The Redistricting Special Session is over and the new maps have been set for the State House, State Senate, and the Georgia Congressional Delegation. While redistricting will have regional, state, and even national implications, all politics are still local, so Representative Lindsey discusses how redistricting will impact his Buckhead Page 4 Community. On August 16, several members of the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association Board of Directors met with new Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent, Erroll Davis, Jr. Change is underway, but it is not too late to have a say in what is going on. Page 2


This island nation, in the Indian Ocean formed by a double chain of 26 atolls, 435 miles southwest of Sri-Lanka and 250 miles from India, offers diving sites where you can swim with whale sharks, if youre lucky enough to find them. Page 9

Secretary of State Introduces New My Voter Website

Only 13% of voters in our association boundaries voted in the Nov. 30 runoff election. Brian Kemp, in his on-going effort to raise poll numbers in Georgia, is encouraging voters to use the states new My Voter Page, or MVP, voter education website that allows voters to: view a sample ballot specific to them, their early voting and Election Day polling locations, request an absentee ballot and more. MVP also allows Georgias military and overseas voters to quickly access and print their ballot. Page 7


Page 15

Aaron Fink


The The Presidents Presidents Corner Corner

By ANN OCONNELL Mt. Paran Road


To feed the three shifts at Station 27, an abundance of turkey and ham dinners with all the trimmings was dropped off on Christmas Eve. The on-duty shift was happy to see us and most appreciative of the neighborhoods thoughtfulness during the holiday season. Six months later, one MPNCA board member ran into a fireman from the Christmas Eve shift. He remembered her and commented how much it meant to the firemen who had to work during the holiday to have the delicious dinners. If you wo Christmas 2011, please send an email to

The 2011 board year started out with the addition of three new initiatives to our standing agenda. With the local concerns regarding the Atlanta Public Schools (APS), the Atlanta Police Department (APD) and the potential formation of Milton County to our North, your neighborhood association made the decision to form three task forces to follow the developments in each of these areas. We were thrilled to have three capable, dedicated and concerned citizens volunteer to lead our efforts as we reviewed these areas of concern to our neighborhood: Atlanta Public Schools Reshama McGovern (assisted by Brenda Smith, Chair of our Political Committee) Atlanta Police Department John Gordon Milton County Lynn Irvin On the APS front, we began the review by looking at a broad array of issues: the cheating scandal, the new North Atlanta High School location (and the problems of access, traffic, noise, etc), Sutton Middle School overcrowding, and the potential formation of conversion charter schools. As the year progressed and some of these issues were exposed and more broadly addressed, we focused on just two of the problems: traffic congestion related to the new high school and Sutton overcrowding. We formed a committee, led by Jennifer Moyers, to work with The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) and the City of Atlanta Department of Public Works to address the traffic and congestion issues. This group will continue to meet quarterly as the traffic related issues are further defined and addressed. Relative to Sutton overcrowding, our MPNCA task force met with the new Superintendent of schools, Erroll Davis, to discuss our concerns (the notes from our August 16 meeting are posted on the website: We are hopeful that we brought additional awareness of the issues surrounding our neighborhood schools to the new superintendent and his management team. The MPNCA APD task force has kept in close contact with Major Browning, Commander of the Zone 2 Police Precinct, as the department reorganizes its zones and beats. We have been discussing manpower needs, geographic coverage, and response times. Our Neighborhood Beautification Chairman, Al Goodgame, was happy to learn about the creation of the new COPS unit (Community Oriented Policing Section). Their goal is to assist the neighborhood in dealing with issues such as illegal signs, vicious dogs, code compliance, abandoned properties, etc. Al and his team identified 14 vacant homes in our neighborhood that the COPS unit will be monitoring. We will continue to keep you informed as our discussions progress. Last winter, our politically active neighbor, Lynn Irvin, was keeping the board informed about the potential formation of Milton County. We learned that this issue would not come up in this years legislative session but will continue to track this as we move toward 2012. I also want to acknowledge and thank the many other board members who continue to work tirelessly to make our neighborhood a better place to live. I am extremely appreciative of their efforts. 2

Atlanta Public Schools

Changes Underway for
Sutton Middle School The New North Atlanta High
On August 16, several members of the Mt. ParanNorthside Citizens Association Board of Directors met with new APS superintendent, Erroll Davis, Jr., along with the principal of North Atlanta High School, our Board of Education representative, Nancy Meister, and others from the school system. Among the issues discussed was the overcrowding at Sutton Middle School and how decisions would be made to divide students between the existing building and the current North Atlanta High School building. Sutton has more feeder schools (6) than any other middle school in the system, which is the major cause of overcrowding. According to APS officials, a demographic study is underway and interested parties can provide input online at The study will be analyzed in November and recommendations will be presented to the Board of Education for their consideration. Plans for the new North Atlanta High School on the 56-acre IBM property at 4111 Northside Parkway are underway. The architectural team, led by Jerry Cooper, includes Cooper Carry/ Collins Cooper Carusi/Paul Cheeks. According to the architect, At this point, conceptual and schematic designs are being explored and reviewed. The Lakeside Building will be renovated to accommodate four learning academies and will house administrative areas, cafeteria and media center. The existing Hillside Building will be demolished and this footprint will be utilized to build the performance theater and support spaces along with a competition and practice gymnasium. The existing parking deck will provide ample parking. APS is
Continued on Page 15



Kudos to Lou Gerland

By CAROL MULDAWER Randall Ridge Road

Buckhead Coalition - CID - ATL Police Foundation


The Buckhead Coalition has budgeted grant funds to partner with the Buckhead Community Improvement District (CID) and Atlanta Police Foundation, to provide incentives for neighborhood police residents, and for official monitoring of private surveillance cameras in Buckhead. The residency program makes $3,000 available to each uniformed officer who moves into Buckhead, in addition to whatever rent concessions Sam Massell can be negotiated. To make it even more attractive, Chief George Turner has agreed to make a police car available to each of said officers to drive home. Coalition president Sam Massell claims Such presence of uniformed personnel living in neighborhoods is a dramatic deterrent to crime, and can result in increased arrest records. * The camera initiative is an effort to tie privately owned equipment at retail outlets, office buildings, etc., to a central monitoring station operated by the Police Foundation. The CID will cover the area within its boundaries, and the Coalition will be responsible for the balance of the twenty-eight square miles of official Buckhead. The Coalition is earmarking $40,000 for the first stage of these new public safety programs.
*Editors note: Sergeant "J.R." Ellis is an active duty veteran of the Atlanta Police Department and has worked part time for the Mt. Paran Security Patrol for seven years. He would like to move into the neighborhood and is looking for a garage apartment or similar situation. Interested parties can contact him by email: or phone: 404-944-1012.


Tremendous appreciation and gratitude goes to Lou Gerland of Randall Ridge Road for cleaning up and getting rid of all the over growth on and around the bridge on Randall Mill Rd. He spent days cutting away kudzu, overgrown weeds and debris hanging

over the bridge growing into the street and spent his own money for a professional chemical spray to kill kudzu. There are ways we all can help keep Photos: Paul Muldawer After our neighborhood looking its best, and, without spending a lot of money. Just follow these simple guidelines. Keep storm sewer drains unclogged by telling your yard people not to throw your yard clippings into the sewer and to quit blowing your yard debris into the middle of the street or on to your neighbors side. Keep your own property clean by cutting weeds along the street and picking up trash that someone has thrown out of their car into your yard. If everyone just takes care of their own property it will only make our neighborhood more attractive.

Notable Neighbor
FOR GRACE SHEA, on Conway Valley Rd., it is all about the goal both on the field and in the classroom. This years North Atlanta High School Salutatorian has been playing soccer since she was in pre-school. In addition to being co-captain of the NAHS girls soccer team, Grace also plays for a nationally ranked club team in Atlanta. Her soccer career is continuing this year at the University of Wisconsin Madison Honors Program. Wisconsins Division 1 soccer program has been among the best in the country during the past three years. With a 101.05 GPA, Grace has scored just as many goals in the classroom as on the field during her high school academic career. In addition to Salutatorian, she is North Atlantas 2010 STAR student, the APS 2010 Female Scholar Athlete, and for her artwork, she was awarded the Scholastic Gold Key and an honorable mention at the Columbus State University Art Show. Outside the classroom, Grace served as a class SGA representative for four years, a member of Outward Bound and a mentor for Jackson Elementary students and Girl Talk. This former Jackson Elementary and Sutton student credits her parents and self-motivation for her high school success and based on her performance to date, there is every reason to believe Grace will score many more goals in the future. 3


By RITA FINK Somerset Drive

I walk the neighborhood nearly everyday. My dog makes it a necessity. Though I feel blessed to live in a beautiful area of Atlanta, there is an increasing amount of trash on every street. Between our teenagers, the workmen, and through traffic, every street has trash. Many of us have yardmen now, and as owners, we rarely walk our own yards. All of us need to police our yard and curb your mother doesnt live here and no one makes those traveling in our area, or working in our area, pick up after themselves. Our yard people are another problem. Many are good hard workers but they would rather blow your trash into the woods or into the many creeks, than bag it. Consequently there is a good deal of non-biodegradable trash cluttering the landscape.
Continued on Page 14

Buckhead After Redistricting

By State Representative Edward Lindsey Georgia House Majority Whip

Factors Affecting Redistricting in Buckhead The Redistricting Special Session is over and the new maps have been set for the State House, State Senate, and the Georgia Congressional Delegation. While redistricting will have regional, state, and even national implications, all politics are still local, so I want to discuss how redistricting will impact my Buckhead Community. There were several factors that came into play in considering redistricting in our community. They include: U.S. Constitution -- One Person/One Vote The U.S. Constitution requires that all state and federal legislative districts be the same size in population. As a result, there will be a number of changes in the Atlanta region. While the Buckhead Community grew in proportion to the Georgias growth over the past decade, both south and east of our community witnessed some of the greatest drops in population in the state. For instance, of the ten State House districts that lost the greatest populations over the past decade, 8 were located inside the I-285 perimeter in South Atlanta and DeKalb County. Many others in this area were also in the bottom 25 in terms of population. Likewise, the Congressional 4th and 5th Districts were also the smallest in population in the state according to the 2010 census. The Voting Rights Act ("VRA") Georgia is subject to Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act which requires that either the U.S. Justice Department or a 3 member panel of federal judges determine that our redistricting plan does not contain "retrogression" of minority voting rights. This required us to look thoughtfully at how to maintain such rights throughout the state and especially in state house, state senate, and congressional districts in our region that had lost population over the past decade. Buckhead as a Community of Interest Over the course of the last several months, I have spoken with countless residents of Buckhead and have been asked repeatedly to provide our community with greater representation that reflects our community. Buckhead is a historically strong Republican community but that has not been reflected in the State House, State Senate, or Congress. Buckhead presently has no Republican representation in Congress, no Republican representation in the State Senate, and only one Republican (me) in the State House representing 40% of the community. Buckhead needs greater representation in each of these legislative chambers for not only partisan reasons but also for strong policy reasons that benefit all residents of Atlanta. By having both Democrats and Republicans representing part of Atlanta, our capital city will have a voice at the table where public policy decisions are made regardless of who is in the White House or Governors mansion, or which party controls the U. S. Congress or the Georgia General Assembly. Buckhead in the State House My District 54 will see some changes. I no longer will be r e p r e s e n t i n g southeastern Sandy Springs or the Chastain Park, Tuxedo Road area down to the Governors mansion on West Paces Road. My District will now be entirely located in Buckhead. It will continue to represent the eastern half of our community including

the Brookhaven, North Buckhead, Garden Hills, Lenox Park, and Pine Hills neighborhoods. I will also represent central Buckhead south of West Paces Ferry including the areas around Habersham Road, West Wesley, Peachtree Battle, Northside Drive, and Atlanta Memorial Park. House District 52, represented by Republican Representative Joe Wilkinson, will pick up the Chastain Park Tuxedo Road area down to the Governors mansion on West Paces Road. House District 40, represented by Republican Representative Rich Gollick, will pick up the northwestern portion of Buckhead including parts of Mt. Paran and the Lovett School area. House District 53, represented by Democratic Representative Elly Dobbs, will take in the rest of western Buckhead. Representative Dobbs is also now in the same district with Democrat Representative Sheila Jones. This was necessitated by extreme under population in the southern portion of her district. Central Southern Buckhead will now be in House District 55, represented by Democratic Representative Tyrone Brooks. For an interactive closer examination of the new Georgia House maps which includes roads and other landmarks visit Buckhead in the State Senate About 80% of Buckhead will now be included in Senate District 6. This district also includes the High Point area of Sandy Springs and sweeps east/west into the Vinings and Smyrna area of east Cobb. Southeastern Buckhead will continue to be represented by Democratic Senator Vincent Fort and Southwestern Buckhead will continue to be represented by Democratic Senator Horacena Tate. For an interactive closer examination of the new Georgia Senate map which includes roads and other landmarks visit Buckhead in the US Congress Atlanta will get a second Congressman representing part of the city. Democratic Congressman John Lewis will continue representing most of Atlanta but the 11th Congressional District will come in from Cobb County and take in much of west and north Buckhead. This Congressional District is presently represented by Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey. For an interactive closer examination of the new Georgia Senate map which includes roads and other landmarks visit Conclusion Redistricting and the Art of the Possible Doubtless, there are many in Buckhead who will be disappointed that they are not in the State House, State Senate, or Congressional district of their choice. I understand and wish I could have made more residents in Buckhead happy. However, very few got everything they asked for in the negotiations. Please keep in mind that these districts were not designed by one person but were the result of a collaborative effort by many different and often competing parties and interests in the State House, State Senate, Governors office, and Congress. If you have any questions or comments, please give my legislative office a call at 404-656-5024 or email

By YOLANDA ADREAN Atlanta City Council Member, District 8

The district boundaries and current population of District 8 are going to change. City Council is about to embark on its 2011 redistricting process, which means district boundaries and resident populations will shift as new boundaries are drawn to make sure the populations of each council district are balanced and representation on Council is fair. Redistricting is conducted every ten years following the US Census results, which showed in 2010 that District 8 actually has more residents- 38,063 to be exact- than the average goal of 35,000 being that Atlanta has a total of 420,003 residents. This means that the natural boundaries of the district, those to the south and east, will have to change in order to give and lose (for those districts that are too small) some residents to bordering districts, which include Districts 7, 9 and a small part of 3. Federal and State Requirements/Guidelines: Even though Full Council has final say-so over the new district boundaries, we must follow Federal and State requirements and guidelines when redrawing the lines. As mentioned above, the goal is to even out the district populations so that each district has around 35,000 residents. In addition, district lines must be contiguous and follow natural boundaries. Council will also strive to keep current voting precincts whole and communities of interest intact. A Federal requirement that must be adhered to is that new boundaries must not in any way improperly dilute the minority vote. This requirement stems from the 1965 Voting Rights Act and further means that the City must gain preclearance of the final, proposed district lines from the US Department of Justice prior to them being adopted and becoming effective. Citizen Input and Participation: One of the most crucial components of redistricting is hearing from residents since they know their neighborhoods and their representative needs best. During the year-long redistricting process (the final district lines must be ready by August 25,

2012 in order for candidates to meet the 2013 General Election residency requirements) multiple proposals and maps will be created and shared with the public for review and comment. The maps will be made available on-line and in the City Hall atrium. In addition there will be set public hearings which you will receive notice of through the NPUs as well as the Citys website and my office. I want to make sure that I hear directly from my constituents regarding the upcoming proposals, which is why Ive gone ahead and included the current redistricting schedule below. (Please note that the first public information session on redistricting was held Wednesday, September 14th., but you can still participate.) 2011 Redistricting Schedule Thursday, October 13, 10 a.m., Committee Room #2: Council Redistricting Work Session Friday, October 14, City Hall Atrium/Website Proposed Plans/Maps on Display for Public Review and On-Line Thursday, October 20, 6 p.m., Council Chambers 2011 Redistricting Schedule Thursday, November 3, 10 a.m., Committee Room #2 2nd Council Redistricting Work Session Friday, November 4, City Hall Atrium/Website Proposed Plans/Maps on Display for Public Review and On-Line Thursday, November 17, 6 p.m., Council Chambers 2nd Public Redistricting Hearing Monday, Dcember 5, Proposed Final Adoption of Final Reconfigured District Boundry Lines by Full Council Tuesday, December 13, Proposed Approval by Mayor of New District Boundary Lines Tuesday, December 20, Plans Submitted to US Department of Justice, GA Secretary of State and GA Legislative Reapportionment Office Saturday, August 25, 2012, Date of Required Residency for 2013 GeneralElection Candidates (New District Line MUST be in place by this date) Remember, I represent you. You can always contact me by email at; by office phone at 330-6051; at home: 404 261-4593. Assistants are Katie Howard and Priyam Bhargava Please stay in touch.

Editors note: Kudos to Yolanda for initiating several improvement projects in District 8. Some significant projects directly benefiting our neighborhood include the paving of both Mt. Paran Road and Northside Drive. Yolanda also placed the paving of West Conway Drive on the 2011 District 8 priority list, which is scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2012. We are grateful to Yolanda for her leadership and the excellent services provided by her office!


By Brian P. Kemp Georgia Secretary of State

The opportunity to serve as your Secretary of State election security, integrity and innovation. To ensure the is both an honor and a privilege. Since day one in office, continued security and fairness of our elections process and certainly during this challenging economic time, we launched a new website called Stop Voter Fraud, my guiding philosophy has been to promote good where voters can quickly report any suspicious electiongovernment solutions that responsibly benefit all related activity. Election and voter fraud undermines the Georgia taxpayers, small business owners and our very foundations of our great state and country, and will elections processes. not be tolerated. We also obtained a victory for the protection To achieve these goals we have significantly inof our voter rolls when we filed suit against the U.S. creased our commitments to implementing technology Department of Justice to obtain pre-clearance of Georgias Brian Kemp and e-government solutions throughout each agency processes to verify the U.S. citizenship of new voter division, and to removing government red tape and regulations registration applicants. that inhibit economic recovery and job growth. Continued on Page 7 I am proud that Georgia continues to be a national model for 5

545 VS. 300,000,000 PEOPLE

By CHARLEY REESE Journalist, Orlando Sentinel Origins: Journalist Charley Reese (now deceased) was part of the Orlando Sentinel's staff for three decades between 1971-2001, during which time he (among other duties) penned a thrice-weekly column which was distributed to other newspapers nationwide by King Features Syndicate. During the 1980s Reese wrote the first version of an editorial opining that 545 people (i.e., the President of the United States, plus all the members of Congress and the Supreme Court) "are directly, legally, morally and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country," and he has amended, updated, and republished that piece several times since then. Another version appeared in the 7 March 1995 edition of the Orlando Sentinel, where it ran under the title "Looking for Someone to Blame? Congress Is a Good Place to Start." This version below updated 18 April, 2011 (not by Reese) reflects current political situations like the Iraq and Afghan Wars.

exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist. If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red. If the Army & Marines are in Iraq and Afghanistan it's Politicians are the only people in the world who create because they want them in Iraq and Afghanistan...If they do not p r o b l e m s a n d t h e n c a m p a i g n a g a i n s t t h e m . receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans available to the people, it's because they want it that way. are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits? Have you ever There are no insoluble government problems. wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes? whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, You and I don't propose a federal budget. The President does. whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take appropriations. The House of Representatives does. this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does. You and I there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," don't set fiscal policy, Congress does. You and I don't control "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does. take an oath to do. One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one President, and Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible. They, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of they alone, have the power. They, and they alone, should be the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually held accountable by the people who are their bosses. Provided responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country. the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees... I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess! delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank. I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound March 2, 2011 reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cottonWhere was Spring? picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes. Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party. What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The President can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it. The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House now? He is the leader of the majority party. He and fellow House members, not the President, can approve any budget they want. If the President vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to. It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million cannot replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people 6

Secretary of State Introduces

Continued from Page 5


Finally, our new My Voter Page, or MVP, voter education website allows voters to view a sample ballot specific to them, their early voting and Election Day polling locations, request an absentee ballot and more. MVP also allows Georgias military and over click on My Voter Page seas voters to quickly access and print their ballot, saving weeks previously lost to the mail. While other states failed to comply with federal election law by providing their military and overseas voters this technology, Georgians living or stationed in more than 50 countries printed their ballots through MVP during the November 2010 general election. I would like to remind you that 2012 will be an important election year as we once again hold a presidential preference primary, in addition to the general primary in July and the general election in November. You can play a key role in the election process in your community by serving as a poll worker. Poll workers are charged with confirming that voters are registered, checking voters identification and making sure voters receive their proper ballot. Please contact my office or your county election office for more information. I encourage you to contact me if we can assist you with any matter, and to stop by my office the next time you visit the Georgia Capitol. Web: Secretary of States Twitter & Facebook pages: GASOSKemp Email: Phone: 404-656-2881

willing to support any of the 26 reform recommendations proposed by CCGA and the Georgia Alliance for Ethics Reform. The Alliance made quite a splash in national headlines because of the diverse mix of groups with varied policy positions who do not normally team up, but have come together to work on ethics reform. These groups include CCGA, Georgia Watch, the League of Women Voters and the Georgia Tea Party Patriots.

Bad Laws Happen when Good People are not Paying Attention
In Atlanta and Fulton County, CCGA has called on Mayor Reed and the Atlanta City Council, as well as the Fulton County Commission to enact pay-to-play reform. For those unfamiliar with the term, it refers to the perception that in order to get awarded a government contract, you must pay to play by donating to the campaigns of the elected officials who award the contract. The reaction by those in Atlanta and Fulton County has been disappointing, with only two Fulton County Commissioners taking up the charge so far. Perhaps it should not be expected as candidates for these elected offices have come to rely on something that can only be considered institutionalized bribery they are dependent on campaign funds from those wishing to do business with the city and county. Former Mayor Shirley Franklin summed it up best she said 70 percent of her campaign donations came from hopeful contractors and their business associates and families. She proves our case. We believe campaign support should come from those living or working in the city or county, not those who wish to profit from taxpayer dollars. So, at a time when citizen engagement and trust in our government is at an all-time low, what can we do to make our elected officials more receptive to ethics reform? Let them hear from you! I often say bad laws happen when good people are not paying attention. Georgias tough ethics laws of the past have eroded because so many of us have thrown up our hands and said to heck with them, all politicians are the same! The bar has fallen so low, but there is hope. At the end of the last legislative session, I read in the AJC that a state senator said it only takes three calls, from voters in his district, to change his mind on an issue. Surely there are more than three people in every city council, county commission, state house and state senate district willing to make a call, or write an email in support of meaningful ethics reform. If you are one of them, please consider: Joining Common Cause Georgia visit or call 404-524-4598 - your membership starting at just $40 per year allows us to monitor our elected officials at the state and local level. Visit to learn about state ethics reform efforts. Call or email your elected officials and ask them to support meaningful ethics reform, if you do not know who they are, find them at My Voter Page - Doing any or all of these things will help us find elected officials willing to support ethics reform. 7

Wanted: Elected Officials to Support Ethics Reform

By WILLIAM PERRY Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia

It is hard to believe, but it is tough to find elected officials at either the state or local level who are willing to support meaningful ethics reform. As the fairly new Executive Director of Common Cause Georgia (CCGA), I am finding similar challenges that my predecessor found, and wrote about in previous editions of The Citizens Review. William Perry At the state level, House and Senate leadership ignored calls for true ethics reform during the last legislative session in the wake of a $17,000 trip to Europe for the House Speaker, his wife and two children and his chief of staff and his wife. The trip was paid for by a lobbyist who was not properly registered and did not report the expenses in the timeframe required by law. Members of the leadership so far have not been


Mexican Village

In the 'Mexico' series, Bunnen shows the colorful exteriors of buildings and unveils the abstract beauty of their surfaces.

Randall Mill Road "When travelling, I work with a handheld camera and have it in my hand all the time. It becomes an e x t e n s i o n o f my eye and as I am so curious, especially in a foreign country, I am always looking all the time.


Girl in ShadowsCuba Go to page 13 to see where Lucinda is exhibiting her work.

Mexico Crying


Conway Valley Court

Mantas are the largest ray encountered. These majestic creatures range up to 22 feet in width. They can often be seen at cleaning stations, where they hover as smaller fish pick off parasites on their skin. These mantas were seen at Lankan Manta Point in the Maldives.

The Maldives is well known for large schools of fish. This school of bluestripped snappers, captured swimming in formation was taken at Fishhead, a famous Maldivian dive site.

As many have seen at the Georgia Aquarium, these gentle giants swim effortlessly in pursuit of krill (shrimp-like m a r i n e c r u s t a c e a n s ) . These two pictures were taken in North Male Atoll in the Maldives. We cruised up and down a channel between islands until they were spotted and we could jump in to catch a view!

9 9

For information about prints and Aaron Fink go to

Upcoming ELECTIONS 2011 2012

Recycle Curbside
By MARY LOU FLOYD Mt. Paran Road

November 8, 2011 Shall the governing authority of the City of Atlanta be authorized to permit and regulate package sales by retailers of malt beverages, wine and distilled spirits on Sundays between the hours of 12:30 P.M. and 11:30 P.M.? Atlanta Public Schools seek to continue the special purpose one percent local option sales tax (SPLOST) for another 5 years. APS proposes to raise $499,962,831 to be used for capital projects (new schools, land, additions, renovations, debt service and equipment). Sandy Springs voters will be asked to approve the special purpose one percent sales tax for another 5 years for Fulton County schools. Fulton schools propose to raise $1,412,364,278 to be used for upgrading, adding to, reconfiguring, renovating, replace, modifying and equipping existing support facilities and athletic facilities. Note: This is the fourth time that school systems have asked voters to approve the one percent sales tax since 1996. SPLOST funds were approved in three previous elections with about 5% voter participation. For complete language for the above referendum and a sample ballot, go to the Fulton County website: 2012 No date set for the presidential primary at the time of printing July 31 General Primary November 6 General Election For information on voting, registering, absentee ballot, sample ballot, poll locations, etc., check out the following websites: State of Georgia: MyVoter Page (MVP) Fulton County: League of Women Voters: Fulton County Dept. of Registration & Elections: 404-730-7020 Secretary of State Elections: 404-656-2871

All recyclables are placed together in the bin and are separated for recycling at the processing facility. Paper: all paper products (NO food contaminated boxes or paper like pizza boxes, paper towels, or napkins, NO wax coated cartons) Shredded paper in a clear plastic bag Glass: all bottles and jars (rinse) (NO Plates, Cups, or Windows) Aluminum cans (rinse) (NO Foil, Trays, Plates) Steel (tin) cans (rinse) (NO metal hangers/wire) Plastics: all (RINSED) hard plastic food containers and plastic bottles stamped with a number 1,2,3,4,5,6 or 7 inside the chasing arrows (NO polystyrene, NO hangers) Cardboard, broken down or cut to fit in the bin (Keep it Dry) (NO STYROFOAM) Request a blue 95-gallon rolling recycling cart by calling 404330-6333 or send an email to Materials that cannot be recycled curbside can be recycled elsewhere: Batteries at the Northside YMCA on Moores Mill. Styrofoam egg cartons and Styrofoam food trays at the recycling boxes outside Publix in the West Paces Ferry Shopping Center. Plastic bags at the recycling boxes outside Publix in the West Paces Ferry Shopping Center. E-scrap (anything electronic) at Walden Middle School, 320 Irwin Street on 2nd Saturdays monthly. For other material, access and send an email to or call 404-330-6333. Reduce Reuse Recycle

City of Atlanta

Sign Ordinance

Your vote is your voice, your right. Contrary to popular belief, one vote (yours) does make a difference!
a) one "for sale" or "for rent" sign on the property that is itself for sale or rent. The sign cannot be larger than 6 square feet (2' x 3'). b) one contractor sign while a house is under construction or renovation. c) civic campaign signs during a time-limited civic campaign. d) political campaign signs during a campaign. Limits on signs on commercial property. Before any sign or banner can be placed outside of a building on commercial property, the owner of the property must obtain a sign permit from the City's Bureau of Buildings. Usually, the only signs that will be allowed are durable permanent signs, with no more than 3 signs allowed per property. The biggest offenders are foam board advertising signs, such as cigarette, alcohol, and soft drink ads at gas stations, and advertising banners and foam board signs at fast food restaurants and strip shopping centers.
Continued on Page 15


No signs in the public right of way or other public property. When it comes to our parks, streets, traffic intersections, and other public property, it's really very simple -- the placement of signs anywhere in the public right of way (a distance generally within 6 - 7 feet of the curb) or other public property, other than by a governmental entity, is illegal at all times. That applies to any signs and posters nailed to telephone poles and to any signs placed along the road, at highway off-ramps, at intersections, or on traffic islands, such as real estate "directional" signs, political campaign signs, civic campaign signs (such as church and charity fundraiser and event signs), yard sale signs, etc. Limits on signs on residential property. On residential property, the following signs are allowed with a setback out of the public right of way (generally at least 6-7 feet from the street):


Do You Worry that a Tree Can Fall On Your House

By SHELDON SCHLEGMAN Mt. Paran Road Chairman, The Tree Next Door

Recent storms have damaged many trees in our neighborhoods, some which had to be taken down. Perhaps this has made you a bit wary about the trees in your yard that are still standing. How likely are they to fall in the next windstorm? you may be thinking. Should you be taking them down now before the next storm? Before cutting any tree, you should consult with an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborist who can advise you on the health and structural integrity of your trees. A certified arborist is one who has passed a qualifying exam given by the ISA. Because there is no license required to perform tree services in Georgia, the ISA certification is the only way that you can be sure you are dealing with a competent tree professional. You should attempt to use a certified arborist that is not affiliated with a tree cutting service in order to receive an unbiased opinion about your trees. If your arborist recommends removal, ask for specifics as to why the tree needs to be removed. Sometimes trees are removed unnecessarily, particularly if the same company that you hired to do the tree inspection does the removal. If both you and your arborist are convinced that a tree should be removed on your property, make sure that you know the law before you take down the tree. Atlanta has a Tree Protection Ordinance (TPO) that provides for the protection of our citys trees. You cannot rely on tree services to inform you about the ordinance requirements. The ordinance requires every tree with a diameter at breast height (DBH) 6or greater to have a permit from the city Arborist Division prior to being removed, even if the tree is dead. If a tree that is protected by the ordinance is removed on your property without a permit, you, as the owner, can be assessed substantial fines, even if the tree cutter failed to inform you about the permit requirement. Be forewarned: ignorance of the law is almost never accepted by the City as a legitimate excuse for taking a tree down without a permit. The Tree Protection Ordinance can be found on the City of Atlantas website (see below for more information), but the average homeowner will find it a bit cumbersome to read all 31 pages of the ordinance to find out how to legally remove a tree. Therefore, the following FAQ list has been created: Tree Removal FAQ Is a permit needed to remove a tree on private property? A permit is required to remove any tree of 6 inch or greater diameter at breast height (DBH) on private property. DBH can be determined by measuring the circumference of the tree with a tape measure at 4.5 feet above the natural ground at the base of the tree and dividing by 3.14 (pi). Is a permit needed to remove a tree on city property? A permit is required to remove, destroy or injure any tree on city property, regardless of size. Does one need a permit to remove a dead, dying or hazardous tree (DDH), or a tree that would be better replaced by a hardier specimen? Any tree on city property or any tree on private property that is 6 inches or greater diameter at breast height (DBH) needs a permit to remove, regardless of species or present condition. Even dead trees require a permit for removal. 11

What should I do if I apply for a permit to cut dead, dying or hazardous tree (DDH), but the city arborist wont grant me the permit? You should ask the city arborist for more specific facts as to why he found the tree(s) to not be DDH, which would automatically qualify for a permit. If you disagree with the city arborists opinion, you can appeal to the Tree Conservation Commission. (See below for more information on how to appeal.) What should I do if I see a tree being cut but I dont know if the tree is permitted to be cut? Ask the tree cutter and/or the homeowner to show you the permit. If they are unable to physically produce the permit, report it immediately. Do not take their word for it that they have one. If I see a tree being removed without a permit being made available for my inspection, whom do I contact? If the tree is on city property, contact the Forestry Division of the Office of Parks at 404-817-6813. The Office of Parks handles park maintenance requests, trees down in the street, and requests for inspection of a City-owned tree. If the tree is on private property, contact the Arborist Division of the Bureau of Buildings at 404-330-6836. Both foresters and arborists have police power to enforce the ordinance. If you are unsure whether or not the tree is on city or private property, contact the Arborist Division first. Also, the Atlanta police department may also be called (911) to halt any tree removal or tree destruction activities until a permit for the removal or destruction is obtained. Sometimes the police should be called first as they can respond more quickly. Many trees are cut illegally on weekends when the city offices are closed; so dont hesitate to call the police if you see illegal tree cutting activity on the weekend. (It is written in Sec.158-33 of the Tree Protection Ordinance that the police must respond to calls about illegal tree cutting, so if the police dispatcher does not seem receptive to sending an officer out, make sure that the dispatcher knows that the police are legally obligated to respond.) Should I report a tree being cut illegally if its already down by the time I see it? Absolutely. Recompense can still be charged for a tree that has been cut down, which puts money back into the citys tree planting programs. Take pictures and measurements of the part of the tree that is still remaining, even if it just a stump. If a tree has been removed without a permit, the top diameter of a stump less than 4.5 feet tall shall be considered the "DBH" of an illegally destroyed tree for the purpose of calculating recompense. How can I get a permit to remove a dead, dying, or hazardous (DDH) tree? If the tree is on city property, contact the Forestry Division of the Office of Parks at 404-817-6813. If its on private property, contact the Arborist Division of the Bureau of Buildings at 404330-6836. DDH permit applications are approved or denied based on an individual tree inspection by a city forester or arborist. Denied DDH applications may be appealed. Approved permits may not be appealed.
Continued on Page 14


By HOWARD MARGOL Mt. Paran Parkway

A genealogy friend of mine heard that synagogue in this city will at once be taken. I was planning a trip to Jacksonville, 1886 - AHAVATH CHESED SYNAGOGUE built in 1882 Florida, the place of my birth and at a cost of $9,000. Dedicated September 8, 1882. (no Bucki or where I had lived for forty-one years. Bucky listed as an officer or trustee). She asked if I could do a little research In 1891, Jacob D. Bucky still owned the clothing establishment for her, during my time in Jacksonville, on Bay St. However, he had become the president of Ahavath and I was only too glad to oblige. Chesed Synagogue and was probably less active in his business My friend had an ancestor named on a daily basis. His son, Albert, had become the manager of the Edward Buckey. Edward had two store, Frederick was still the cashier, and another son, Daniel, brothers living in Jacksonville, Florida had become active in the business as a clerk. From this, one can using the surnames BUCKY and BUCKI. assume that Albert was either the eldest of the sons or the most Edward had lived in Jacksonville, capable, and a third son, Daniel, had become old enough to work with his brother J.D. Bucky, for a few years after the Civil War in the business. before moving elsewhere. J.D., and his brother Louis, remained in Also in 1891, a change occurred in the business of Louis Jacksonville. Bucki & Son. Louiss son Charles, was living in Ellaville where After arrival in Jacksonville, I went to the main library in the lumber mill was located, and they had an agent, W. F. downtown Jacksonville. Once in the genealogy department of the Coachman, in Jacksonville. After 1892, Louis Bucki & Son were library, I had to decide what my plan of action would be. I knew not listed in any of the Jacksonville city directories. the Federal census records for Jacksonville were there, on microIn 1892, Jacob Bucky and his sons were no longer living in film, but decided against perusing those. My friend could view the house on Monroe St. but were living instead at Tremont those records right there in Atlanta at the branch of the National House, apparently a hotel or boarding house. After that, they Archives in Morrow. I then decided to look at the Jacksonville each lived at various boarding houses and/or hotels. city directories and see if I could find anything there. To my surprise, In 1896, Jacob D. Bucky Clothing was replaced by J.D. and delight, the directories turned out to contain a goldmine of Buckys Sons (A.J. and F.W. Bucky), boots & shoes, 7 & 9 E. information. Following, are the conclusions I reached about the Bay Street. Apparently, two of the sons had taken over the business life and times of those families based on the information in the from their father. Jacob D. Bucky is listed as being in the lumber Jacksonville City Directories. Generally speaking, city directories business so possibly; he took over the Jacksonville operation of are one of the most over-looked resources by genealogists even his brother Louiss business or at least worked for him. After though some city directories have been around since the 1700s. 1896 no mention is made of Jacob D. Bucky. My friend tells me In many instances, they can prove to be extremely valuable. that later in life; J.D. Bucky remarried, lived in New York, and The first mention of Jacob D. Bucky was in the 1870 Webbs City died there. This probably explains why he is not listed in the Directory. He and a partner by the name of Levi had a firm of some Jacksonville directory after 1896. kind on Adams St. In 1871, J.D. Bucky owned a dry goods establishment As you can see, the information contained in the city directory on Bay St. and a home on Monroe St. Also in 1871, his brother proved to be invaluable. The life and history of the Bucky and Louis Bucki is mentioned for the first time. He, and a partner Bucki families in Jacksonville can be reconstructed and brought Drew, owned a steam saw mill in Ellaville, Florida with an office to life. Advertisements in the city directories, by the Bucky and in Jacksonville.Withlacoochee Steam Saw Mill Co. Drew & Bucki businesses, also enable one to paint a picture of the Bucki, proprietors, Ellaville, FL. Bucky/Bucki families. In addition, it illustrates the importance of The next issue of the city directory covered the year 1876. the genealogical importance of city directories a resource that Jacob D. Bucky apparently upgraded his wares as his store is largely ignored and too little utilized. changed from dry goods to clothing and gents furnishings. Through the magic of modern technology, you can see an Louis Bucki was still in the lumber business but now he appeared 1875 photograph of the Bucki Lumber Mill in Ellaville, Florida to be living in New York City instead of in Jacksonville. by going to the following URL on the internet; The situation for Jacob D. Bucky appeared to be the same up to and including the final issue of Webbs city directory in 1887. However, in 1887, the first issue of Richards City Directory was published and a major change had occurred in the business life of J. D. Bucky. One of his sons, Albert J. Bucky, had become an agent for rubber stamps and another son, Frederick W. Bucky, was a cashier. Both worked at their fathers store and lived in his home at 35 W. Monroe Street. Apparently, the two sons had become old enough to become active, in the business, on a full time basis. In 1882, Louis Bucki appeared to be prospering as he and his partner, Drew, purchased a steam ship; named it the Louis Bucki, and started a shipping line transporting goods from Jacksonville to New York. They still owned the steam saw mill with offices in Jacksonville and in New York. In 1887, a major change also occurred in the business life of Louis Bucki. Drew was no longer his partner and Louis son, Charles, was now running the company. (Later, it was learned that Louis Bucki had died in 1886). Page 224 AHAVATH CHESED (Lovers of Justice) New Editors Note:Howard Margol is a Past President of the International Association awarded the IAJGS Lifetime Hebrew Congregation. The officers were not elected when this of Jewish Genealogical Socie Achievement Award. Email: book went to press. Measures for the immediate building of a 12

Neighborhood Briefs
Lucinda Bunnen in Exhibition Join Crime Stoppers at the Blue Jean Ball, October 22
I have 3 shows of my Photographs The event, promises to be the most comfortable gala in Buckhead and is intended in September and October. September to raise awareness and support for Crime 16 is the opening of the Women in Stopper Greater Atlanta. Denim-clad guests Focus show at Mason Murer with 6 will enjoy a night of music by Livin Large, of my gorgeous Gold fish shots food by LowCountry Barbecue and fun with under ice. October 13 is the opening friends and neighbors to benefit the Crime of my shows at Hudgens Center Stoppers reward fund. Its an opportunity on Sugarloaf Parkway. Mexico in for citizens to come together and take an one gallery and Fluid Matter in the active role in keeping their neighborhoods other gallery. Then on October 21 is the opening at Sandler Hudsafe. Saturday, October 22. Tullie Smith son Gallery in Atlanta of my new Cuba work. If any one would like a n e m a i l invite, please send your email address to lbun- Farm, The Atlanta History Center. 6:30-7:00PM VIP Reception; 7:00-10:30PM Party. Tickets available at: All of the shows will be up until Nov19.

St. Dunstans Annual Family Events: Oct 2 and Oct 9

Bring your furry, feathered, and finned friends to the annual Blessing of the Animals on October 2 at 10:45 a.m. at St. Dunstans Episcopal Church, 4393 Garmon Road. All neighborhood animals and their people are welcome. We ask that animals be on a leash or in a cage.

Trip Through Time at the Sandy Springs History Center

The Sandy Springs Historic Preservations Societys founding President, Clarke Otten, is presenting a series of 4 lectures on the History of Sandy Springs in cooperation with the City of Sandy Springs and Heritage Sandy Springs. Each lecture on Oct 3, 10, 17, and 24 begins at 6:30 pm and ends at 8:00 pm in the city hall chambers, 7840 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs, GA 30350. The first topic on October 3 will cover significant moments in the founding of Sandy Springs to the Civil War Battle of Atlanta; On Oct 10, Prehistoric Native Americans to the Settler Farmers; October 17 Post Civil War to the bedroom community and the institutions that brought it about such as the church camp meetings; the Roswell Railroad; and the Morgan Falls dam; October 24 will focus on remaining cultural resources still existing in Sandy Springs today and we will go on an arm chair tour of the Roberts House, Glenridge Hall; the Tiller Mitchell house, and the Coach Stop House, among others.

The Flying Pig Barbeque

That enticing aroma wafting through the neighborhood on October 9 is calling you to join us at St. Dunstans for our annual Flying Pig Barbeque. Dinner begins at 5 p.m. Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 for children. Come join us for good food, good music, and good times.

Twelfth Annual Neighborhood Social

Dont miss the Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association neighborhood celebration, One Event to Benefit 5 Local Childrens Charities Sunday , October 9, 5:30-7:30PM at the Mark your calendars for home of Brenda & Dick Smith, 4271 Thursday, December 1 Garmon Road. $25 a person for Buffet Saturday December 3. and Wine catered by Atlanta Ala Carte. Neighbors Kim P. Chesney If you havent reserved your place, and Debi Lamb are hosting email to see if you still can join a memorable holiday the party and pay at the door. Remember, youll need a babysitevent benefitting many of Atlanta's needy children. This event, ter, its adults only! appropriately named Hope for the Holidays, embraces five local charities that will join hands this holiday season to help brighten The Fabulous Pace Academy Fall Fair: October 15 the eyes of a child. Atlanta Mission The Pace Academy Fall Fair, to be Children's Restoration Network held October 15, promises to be great Chris Kids fun for everyone! Jerusalem House Parking will be easy with the Fall Sheltering Arms Fair shuttles that run all day, 10 AM will partner with Kim and Debi to help reach a goal of giving to 4 PM Simply park at The Church hope to over 1,000 Atlanta children aided by shelters. Your gift of the Apostles, 3585 Northside Pkwy. of $50 will not only invest in a child's smile but give you admission NW and catch the next shuttle, which to a wonderful holiday opening reception filled with great art, will drop you off at the front gates to wine, food and music. Please join us at: The Art House Gallery, 3193 Paces Ferry Place Pace and the Fall Fair. Don't miss out on this great event! Tickets go on sale in the Thursday, December 1st from 6-9pm and help us reach our goal! For more information and how to donate please contact Kim fall. We will update this web site with pertinent information as Chesney at or Debi Lamb at necessary. Regular ticket sales will begin on Oct. 5. For more information about the Fair, go to More Neighborhood Briefs Next Page


More Neighborhood Briefs

City of Sandy Springs Celebrates Veterans Day
The Second Annual City of Sandy Springs Veterans Day Event is Friday, November 11, 10-11:30AM, 200 Morgan Falls Road, at the Morgan Falls Overlook Park Pavilion; Featuring dignitaries from the community, the 116th Army Band, Georgia Army Reserve Keynote Speaker, Lt General Ron Helmly (ret). The program highlights area veterans; The Marine and Army Wounded Warrior Program; Shepherd Centers SHARE Program for brain injured veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars; the West Point Class of 1947-48. And 8 area Veteran Service organization will have booths including the Council of Georgia USO and the Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association, among others. Lunch for purchase will be available following the ceremony. Shuttle parking will be provided; No charge for the event.

First Annual Elegant Elf Marketplace in time for Holidays

The Sandy Springs Society, a non-profit, organization that raises funds to support the community needs in Sandy Springs, will be holding its first Elegant Elf Marketplace event at the Hitson Center, 86 Mt.Vernon Highway November 11-12, 9:00AM - 7:00PM and Breakfast with the Elves Nov 12, 8 -10 AM for the children. Cost is $5.00 for the Elegant Elf Marketplace featuring gifts from upscale vendors in perfect time for the holidays.

Why is Gabby so Happy?

Gabbys happy because shes in the Book the Mt. Paran Pet Registry book, of course. And Gabby knows that if she EVER got lost or wandered away, an email blast will immediately be sent to over 900 neighbors, with her picture and description, to help reunite he because her family had emailed j with a digital photo (or mailed a photo that could be scanned) with a full description. Please make sure your pets are in the Book! Posting Lost & Found signs on street light and telephone poles can result in illegal sign citations and fines. Emails produce results and are totally legal! Editors note: special thanks to all the contributors in this issue. an arborist by city or zip code. Verify a Certification under Certification and Credentials in the menu bar. To learn more about Atlantas Tree Protection Ordinance visit The Tree Next Door website, The Tree Next Door is an Atlanta advocacy group that educates the community about their rights and responsibilities under the law and advocates for Atlantas Tree Protection and arboricultural standards to be enforced as written. To obtain a permit to remove a the Arborist Division at 404.330.6836. If the tree you want removed is on public property, contact the Office of Parks at 404.817.6813. To appeal a decision by the city the Tree Conservation Commission at 404.330.6235.

A Weekly Womens Bible Study Group

Join us every Wednesday afternoon at 4:00pm for a Christ-centered, non-denominational Women's Bible Study! Come and enjoy God's Word with a great group of about 1015 ladies that live in our neighborhood! We are currently studying the Book of Romans and would love for you to join us! We meet every Wednesday in various members' homes and enjoy the Bible discussion and fellowship that develops in a small group of Christian women. Please contact me at or 404754-2316 if you would like further information.

What to DO about a Tree

Continued from Page 11

Can a healthy tree ever be taken down without recompense being required? Yes, a tree within 5 feet of the foundation of a single-family residence or a duplex is usually approved for a permit as a DDH tree if it meets several additional criteria. See TPO Sec 158-101(i). Additionally, a permit to remove certain healthy trees of undesirable species Mimosa, Ailanthus, White mulberry, Paper mulberry, Chinaberry, Paulownia, Cherry laurel, Bradford pear and Leyland cypress may be granted without recompense if the tree in question is less than 12 inches DBH and meets certain other criteria. Can someone be forced to take down a tree on his or her own property that is DDH? Yes, a DDH tree on private property may be declared a nuisance tree and its removal forced if it threatens public streets or public property. Call the Arborist Division at 404-330-6836 if you feel that there is a nuisance tree that should be removed. What requirements must be met to legally remove a healthy tree? All requirements of the ordinance must be met; a tree replacement plan must be approved; and, in the case of building permits, the tree must be located within the buildable area of the lot. The only exception is if the tree is in the setback or required yard areas that must be used for driveways or utilities that cannot be accomplished through any other means. Tree Information Resources To find a certified arborist.visit the International Society of Arborists (ISA) website, You can search for

Keeping our 'Hood Trash Free

Continued from Page 3

If you have a great corner lot, then you have a little more curb to check. If picking up someone elses trash bothers you, put on some gloves and take a sack with you. It doesnt have to be done everyday, it just requires some observation. Another problem with trash is the free newspaper in our area the Buckhead Reporter. It is not delivered through the mail as the Northside Neighbor is but thrown out at your driveway. This is particularly bad when the house is vacant, but Ive seen many papers slowly rot in driveways where someone lives. If you dont want to read it, throw it out, but it is certainly unattractive. I think many think this plastic bagged paper is an 14 advertisement. It isnt and you may find it worth a read.

The New North Atlanta High

Continued from Page 2

Theyre Back!
By Jay R Smith Harris Trail

working in partnership with Trinity School on traffic and shared roads. In addition, The MPNCA board has formed a committee, under the leadership of Jennifer Moyers, who has begun working with the City of Atlanta, the Georgia Department of Transportation, and neighbors, on traffic issues related to the neighborhood. J. Moyers APS will provide information on the construction schedule on their website and hold public meetings for interested parties. The school is expected to open in August 2013.


Continued from Page 10

Penalties. Placement of an illegal sign is a criminal misdemeanor, punishable by fines up to $1000 per sign per day and/or jail time up to 6 months.* With limited enforcement staff, the City was awarded over $40,000 in fines for illegal signs by the Municipal Court during just one recent 6 month period. The City has now ramped up its enforcement staffing, so we expect even larger fines until compliance improves. How can you help? 1) If it is on public right of way or other public property, take a photo and email it with the date and the nearest street address or intersection to Or just email the name and location of an illegal sign or a particularly bad stretch of road or intersection and ask the City to send its sign enforcement squad to that area. The City should then remove the sign(s) and issue a citation to the violator to appear in court. 2) Help educate people about the sign ordinance. For more information and to download this flyer, visit 3) Neighborhood organizations can designate one or more people to be sign monitors to report illegal signs to the City. *Editors Note: This summer, Discount Paintn received a court citation and fine for its illegal signs.

Last year, Chip Elliott (in photo at left) trapped eight coyotes, including a mother and her cub. Despite our efforts of a year ago, other coyotes will move in during the winter-spring and repopulate vacant areas. That is why this is a recurring problem. If we dont catch the coyotes each year, they will only become more comfortable and more brazen in their attacks. In the spirit of full disclosure, I want you to know the coyotes are euthanized. By law, they must be when they are trapped. Chip holds them for three days to insure their availability for rabies investigators if there are any reports of bites. Because he uses blunt leg traps that hold an animal in place, Chip's leg traps do not injure the animals. In fact, last year a large Labrador Retriever was trapped in a location where four coyotes were taken. He checks his traps daily and we were able to return the dog to his grateful owner who was unaware of the coyote threat. Well, they're back. Like clockwork, Labor Day means the active season for coyotes in our neighborhood. Neighbors have reported numerous sightings, injuries resulting from coyotes attacking their pets, and several sudden missing pets never to be seen again...all points to active coyote activity. You may have noticed the yellow signs on telephone poles warning that we have begun setting traps. Chip has found evidence of significant coyote activity in the Randall Mill and Harris Trail areas, and homeowners have allowed Chip to set traps on their properties. It is imperative that all of us spread the word. If you have pets, especially small ones, please do not allow them to roam. As the Paran Trail owners of Spike the Westie discovered, coyotes are fierce predators. There is no one further up the food chain to control them in urban environments where hunting is banned. We plan to trap for at least four weeks, we will still be at it through mid-October. If necessary, we can extend on a week-toweek basis. So, please contact me if you spot a coyote, suspect a coyote has been on your property, or your pet has been the victim of a coyote attack. For information contact
Editors note: In the 1st week of trapping, 3 coyotes were caught including a 40lb male, on Harris Trail, and a 30lb female and a cub both caught at different times on the same Randall Mill property. Following week, 30lb female on Harris Trail, older male and 25lb female caught separately from Randall Mill area. All appeared healthy and well fed.

The end of a journey

Someone said that if experience was so important, wed never have had anyone walk on the moon! Although moon walking (celestial or musical) didnt bring us together, a desire to continue and expand what began in 1985 as the Citizens Review neighborhood newsletter, did. A decade ago, two neighbors met for the first time and began a 10-year We need your help to keep up journey to co-edit and publish the Citizens Review. Along the way, we with new neighbors so tell us charted new territory that resulted in expanding and growing the original whenever you sell your house 4-page publication to more than 20 pages. They say that if you can laugh together you can work together. Always or see new neighbors moving in. Our hospitality committee looking for ways to improve and new ideas, we laughed (and cried) even glitches has developed a welcome when the inevitableto a loyal occurred. that has allowed us to grow We are grateful membership package for new residents that the newsletter and, hopefully, provide something of interest for everyone. includes helpful information and Along the way, neighborhoods (ours and others), guest writers, artists, some surprises. Please contact reporters and other readers have expressed appreciation for the Citizens Ruth McGehee with the information and she will make Review as a source of interest and information. We are humbled and sure that a Mt. Paran-Northside Association welcome bag is appreciative to those who took the time to contact us over the years. For our team, its been a fascinating and fulfilling learning experience. delivered: However, our long journey ends with this publication. Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end. We wish the next newsletter The Citizens Review is online and in color tell everyone! team every success as they begin a new journey! go to click on Citizens Review Lynne Moscow (1985) Jo Ann Rau (2002)




Return Service Requested

MT. PARAN-NORTHSIDE CITIZENS ASSOCIATION, INC. P.O. BOX 724153 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 31139 OFFICERS President/Ann OConnell Vice President/Communications/Jo Ann Rau Secretary/Marilyn Midyette Treasurer/John Gordon BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sandra Adair, John Adams, Hillary Baker, Pat Daly, Rita Fink, Debra Fowler, Al Goodgame, John Gordon, Lynn Irvin, Ruth McGehee, Reshama McGovern, Jennifer Moyers, Paul Muldawer, EX-OFFICIO (PAST PRESIDENTS) Marci Vincent, Yolanda Adrean, Brenda Smith, Lynne Moscow, Sheldon Schlegman, Robert Hurst (d), Edward Floyd, John R. Martin (d), Robert Miller, H. Clay Moore, Jr., J. Martin Turbidy Editors: Lynne Moscow and Jo Ann Rau Design & Typeset: Jo Ann Rau WEB SITE

Association Newsletter and Crime Report Inside

Our human resources (neighbors) are the lifeblood of the Mt. Paran-Northside Association. You can help to keep the association viable and engaged by volunteering for a committee. Please let us know how you would like to participate by contacting or Also let us know any interests that may not be covered in the committee list. We are waiting to hear from you! Membership, Newsletter, Directory, Website, Political, City Services/Code Enforcement, Security, Atlanta Public Schools, Welcoming New Neighbors, Social and Beautification.

October 2011

The Crime Report

The Mt. Paran-Northside Citizens Association produces this public safety report for the benefit of our neighborhood. If you see suspicious activity, or are the victim of a crime, call 911 and then report the details for this newsletter to our Security Patrol (404)310-7361.

Security Patrol Activity

During the months of January through August, 2011 Officers Doug Cole, George Robertson and Sergeant Ellis
Logged 17,349 miles patrolling our neighborhood Made 2,790 house checks for traveling subscribers Responded to 77 alarm calls Investigated 82 suspicious persons or autos Investigated 2 incidents of vandalism Investigated 8 incident of larceny from vehicle Investigated 3 break-ins January: No notable incidents. February: Eggs thrown during the night at house in 700 block of West Conway Dr. March: A black male knocked out a glass panel in the front door and entered a house in the 3900 block of The Highlands. A cleaning lady confronted the man and he left without taking anything. Within an hour a male fitting the same description broke into a house on Peachtree Battle and was arrested. He is believed to be the same person. Homeowner in the 1500 block of Mt. Paran Rd. came home and discovered 4 trays of assorted plants missing. April: Worker on a house under construction in the 4000 block of Wickersham Dr. reported several items taken from vehicles parked on the street. Lawn mower and yard blower taken from a carport in the 3800 block of Randall Ridge Rd. during the night. Tools missing from a garage in the 3800 block of Randall Ridge Rd. Garage door was not shut. May: Raccoon bit employee in the 1200 block of West Garmon Dr. Worker reported several items missing from his unlocked car in the 4100 block of Paran Pines Dr. Homeowner on Randall Ct. reported several items thrown into pool during the night. Note: There have been several reports of suspicious vehicles in the area. The Security Patrol believes these people are looking for things to take and homes to break into. Several tag numbers have been given to an APD detective. Security tracks all suspicious cars and people, so please report this information when you see it. June: Security found broken water pipe while checking a home in the 1500 block of Mt. Paran Rd. Plumber contacted for homeowners who were out of the country. Workers gas power saw taken from sidewalk in front of home in 1100 block of Regency Rd. Entrance made to side door of house in the 900 block of Buckingham Circle while homeowner was out of town. Several items were taken. Rock mailbox destroyed in the 4200 block of Garmon Rd.
Continued on Page C2

Security Patrol Information The Mt. Paran Security Patrol is a neighborhood funded patrol staffed by retired and active duty Atlanta police officers. Officer Doug Cole and Officer George Robertson work full time8 hours a day and Sgt. Ellis (J.R.) works parttime3 evenings a week and some weekends as necessary. To date there are 522 patrol members. The patrol monitors the Atlanta police radio and responds to alarms in the area. The patrol checks doors and windows daily while you are out of town and picks up newspapers. The fee to join the patrol is $250 a year and covers the time period from January 1 to December 31. The fee for new residents will be pro-rated. Subscribers receive Membership in the Mt. ParanNorthside Citizens Association, neighborhood Directory, a mailbox Security decal, telephone stickers and access to the security hotline as well as daily surveillance of your house and property. For information on joining, or to meet the patrol officers, call (404)310-7361. Be sure to leave a message during off-duty hours and one of the patrol officers will call you back.


More Crime News: Pro-active prevention tips Security Patrol Activity

Continued from Page C1


By LARRY JACOBS Senior Officer/Crime Prevention/ Community Affairs

July: Lady walking her dog on Randall Mill Rd. reported two black males in a silver car slowing down trying to engage her in conversation. While the family was asleep in the 4300 block of Northside Dr., someone removed the lower glass portion of a French door and entered the house. The alarm was not activated; several pieces of silverware were taken. Items removed from a vehicle parked in a church lot on Northside Dr. during the day. Security received several calls about solicitors in the area during late evenings. August: Neighbor on Paran Trail reported a coyote attacked family dog and husband ran the coyote off. Swathmore Dr. neighbor reported two men in a red SUV tried to offer her a tree. Whitewater Creek neighbors reported a black male in a dark SUV (GA 2925 APB) pulled in the driveway while they were outside. When confronted the man, he said he was just doing his job and drove off. Homeowner in the 4200 block of Sentinel Post Rd. reported a white male on a bicycle stopped at their mailbox. He rode off after the homeowner spoke to him. Homeowner on Swims Valley Dr. saw a small light in her carport at 5:30 a.m. She turned on the lights and saw a black male running away. Nothing was taken from the carport. Someone took a flat screen TV from a pool house on Garmon Dr. The TV was installed two weeks prior and had a black bag over it. Jewelry that was in a drawer was taken from a house in the 4300 block of Northside Dr. while the homeowners were away

Crime Defined
Burglary is typically defined as the unlawful entry into almost any structure (not just a home or business) with the intent to commit any crime inside (not just theft/larceny). No physical breaking and entering is required; the offender may simply trespass through an open door. Unlike robbery, which involves use of force or fear to obtain another person's property, there is usually no victim present during a burglary. For example, Dan enters Victor's boathouse through an open window, intending to steal Victor's boat. Finding the boat is gone, Dan returns home. Though he took nothing, Dan has committed burglary. Robbery is theft through the use of physical force or fear against a victim. Where a deadly weapon such as a gun is used or the victim suffers injury, the robbery may be charged as armed or aggravated. Unlike burglary, the crime of robbery almost always requires the presence of a victim who suffers actual injury, or is threatened with harm. Theft/Larceny: The wrongful taking of the personal goods of another with the intent to convert them to the takers own use. Vandalism: The willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property.

Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn and other Social Networking are great ways to stay in touch with family, friends and co-workers. The problem is that crooks are constantly scanning these sites for social security numbers, dates of births, addresses and anything else that can be used to find out more about you and your family. Something as innocent as posting when your familys going on vacation leaves you vulnerable. Yet, every day Facebook and other social network users publish personal information that could put them at risk without thinking twice. "An awful lot of people think when they get online and communicate with their friends that they are invincible," says Adam Levin, chairman of Identity Theft 911. A seemingly benign post or piece of information could make you a target of identity thieves and traditional crooks. To protect yourself, here are five things you should avoid posting online. 1. Date of birth. Almost 60% of social networkers post their date of birth, according to a survey by Identity Theft 911. After all, most of us like to be wished a happy birthday. But resist the urge to post your complete birth date -- including the year -- on your Facebook profile just to get a lot of messages on your big day. This is valuable information for identity thieves. I know you're thinking only your friends see what you post. But if a stranger does a search for your name, hell also see your birth date if it's listed in your profile. 2. Child's date of birth. When you post "Happy Birthday to my sweet Susie, who turns 5 today," you're giving identity thieves valuable information about your child. When it comes to your kids, resist the urge to post any information about them. 3.Travel plans. Surely you've seen Facebook posts like this: "We're going to the beach next week. Can't wait." In fact, you may be guilty of it yourself -- 18% of social network users post travel times, according to the Identity Theft 911 survey. Guess what? You've just extended an invitation for people to burglarize your home. Three men in New Hampshire burglarized more than 18 homes by checking Facebook status updates to see when people wouldn't be home. 4. Address. If your address is on your profile AND you let people know when you're going out of town, well, you know where I'm going with this. Nonetheless, 21% of social network users post their address, according to the Identity Theft 911 Survey. 5. Mother's maiden name. It may seem like common sense not to post your mother's maiden name on a social networking site, but about 11% of the people who responded to the Identity Theft 911 survey said they did. Identity thieves hit the jackpot if you reveal this information online. Not only should you avoid posting any of this information, but also you should fix your Facebook settings to control who sees what on your page. Use different passwords for social media sites than you use for financial sites, such as your bank or credit card site. Be careful about clicking on links on Facebook or similar sites because they could contain viruses that will secretly track your passwords, account numbers and other things. C2

More Crime News: See something, say something!

By SCOTT JAMESON South District Commander North Metro SWAT Team Commander

I hope that you had a great summer and are adjusting well to the new school year and back to the routine. I wanted to take a minute and address the burglary at 45 Stewart Drive and all of the emails that I have received about it, including the car break-ins. Over all, crime in the South District (and the City of Sandy Springs) is down for 2011 by about 27% from last year. This includes residential burglaries and violent crimes. Last summer, we experienced a spike in residential burglaries in a very short period of time that alarmed everyone (including me). There was a crew of burglars that were cruising around the North Atlanta area committing these burglaries and they often came into the Sandy Springs area. They were arrested in Atlanta

and are being prosecuted for numerous burglaries to include several here in our city. Since their arrests, residential burglaries have fallen sharply, further indicating that they were the ones responsible for most, if not all, of the burglary wave that plagued us last summer. Since then, residential burglaries have remained low. The burglary on Stewart Drive is unfortunate, but I assure you that it represents an incident and not another crime wave. Our detectives are actively and aggressively working to identify, and arrest, those responsible. The car break-ins are a completely different story. There were 162 car break-ins last month alone. These crimes are occurring both night and day, residential and commercial areas and predominately Monday thru Friday. We have made several arrests over the last few months, but we still have to fight this problem. Without question, the most significant factor are items left in plain view for the thieves to see (purses, cameras, GPSs, iPods, briefcases, cell phones, lap tops, etc.) and cars that are being left unlocked. These vermin are criminals of opportunity. If they look into a car and see nothing to take, they move on. I encourage everyone to take responsibility to ensure that your personal items are secure and that your car is locked. As things develop, I will let you know. Stay safe. Scott The question may seem senseless, but the call takers are there to get the best help available to you without delay. Stay on the line until the 911 call taker advises you that they have all the information they need. After the completion of the call, its transferred to the dispatcher who assigns the call to an APD or AFD unit ASAP.

Everything You Need to Know

About the 911 Call Process

When calling 911, DO NOT HANG UP even if you miss dialed, a 911 call taker will call back to verify If you hang up and re-dial your call goes back to the back of the line. When your call comes in to the Center it automatically goes to the next available call taker, they do not have a switch, the connection is automatic. After 12 seconds on hold you will hear a recording not to hang up, AGAIN STAY ON THE LINE AND DO NOT HANG UP. All 911 landline calls will show the billing address on the call takers screen, the call taker will ask for your address. Cell phone calls will only show the phone number. Cell phone calls transmit to the closes cell tower If the tower is on the border of city or county your call my not hit the needed 911 Center. When the center receives the call and its not the correct center, your call will be transferred to the center you need. It will be a one button transfer so stay on the line (DO NOT HANG UP). The call taker will ask for your phone number, your address, name, and nature of the emergency. Always try to REMAIN CALM, listen to the call taker, they are there to help.

When DO you call 911

When there is a life threatening emergency. When the potential for bodily harm or property loss exists. When you believe a crime is about to be committed or in progress. To report traffic accidents, traffic hazards or other traffic related problems. To report suspicious people, vehicles or activity at the time you see it If there is a fire explosion. Anytime you need help and are not sure of whom else to call.

L 1

Police rely on you to be the eyes and ears of a safe city See Something Say Something

CALL 911

Secure Your Home

Follow these Burglary Prevention Tips:


If you notice anything suspicious, or any other problem arises after you have begun your transaction, cancel your transaction, pocket your card, leave. Dont accept help from anyone, or let anyone see your PIN, shield it with your body If someone approaches you and demands your money, give it to them. Dont resist. Call the police immediately At a drive-up ATM, keep all doors and windows locked except for the window at the ATM. Stay alert with your motor running. Always wait until youre home or in secure surroundings to count your money. Always save receipts to compare with account statements

Always lock your doors and windows. Invest in high-security locks, solid entry doors, and lamented windows. Install bright outdoor lighting with motion detection. If you have an alarm system, use it. Post warning signs or window decals on your property. Trim bushes and trees so burglars cant hide and so branches dont block lighting. Never leave valuables in plain sight. If you have garage windows, keep them covered. If you suspect an intruder is in your home, do not enter. Call Protect Your Card 911 immediately. Magnets, such as those on purses and wallets, damage your card. If you see a suspicious car and driver parked in your neighborhood, or a car repeatedly driving up and down your street, call 911 immediately. Trust your instincts. If it seems suspicious, call the police. Its the Law

Protect Your Vehicle

All Pets MUST be Kept on a LEASH

The City of Atlanta urges you to be a responsible pet owner. Walking your pet on a leash and cleaning up after your pet is the law! Please urge violators to clean up after their pets as well. Fines for allowing a dog to run off-leash or for not cleaning up after them include penalties up to $1,000, a prison term up to 1 year, community service up to six months, or a combination of the above. Don't let this happen to you. City Ordinance 110-70. Pets. No person shall walk any pet in any park except on a leash, unless the area of the park is explicitly designated as an off-leash dog area. Protect your pet. Be considerate of your neighbors. Leash your pet.

Follow these Crime Prevention Tips

Never leave your vehicle unattended with keys in the ignition (even in your driveway or garage). Lock your doors and keep the windows closed, even when parked in front of your home. Park in busy and well-lighted areas. Do not leave valuables GPS, GPS holder, cell phone in plain view. Equip your vehicle with an alarm or other anti-theft device. Never leave your vehicle registration or other personal documents in your vehicle. Report auto theft immediately. Provide local authorities with the make/model/license plate and Vehicle ID number

HOW TO BREAK INTO A GARAGE IN 6 SECONDS NOT to have your Garage broken into!

Keep Your Bike From Being Stolen

Install a ULock through the frame, not just through a wheel. Dont park your bike overnight in public if you will be away for a long time, even in your own driveway. Visit a bike store for several items to help secure your bike, and ask for ideas on safety procedures you can use. Hide identification on ownership contact inside the Handle Bar or under the Seat in a Tube. Take pictures of your Motorcycle or Bike, or engrave important numbers onto them. If you keep your bike in a garage with a window, be sure the window is covered and the garage door is always down and locked. Remember, serial #s are given at the time of purchase, place them in a safe location and remember where you put them.

Here's the link to a youtube video that shows just how easy it is to break into a garage---in 6 seconds! The suggestion given by my friend who passed it along is to take the string off and zip tie the lever up to the slider. You would have to cut the zip tie in order to release the lever. It will make sense after you watch the video Editors Note: sent by a West Paces/Northside neighbor who lives on E. Wood Valley. Following this video, youll find more videos offering easy to follow how-to fix-its. C4


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