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Century Learning Spaces

Understanding how and when learning happens.

21st Century Learning Spaces

Learner Centered Classrooms Flexible and Malleable
Focused individual work CollaboraBon PresentaBon Social

Flexibility and variety Integrated Technology Learner Centered Spaces

Furnishings Student focus

Campre Watering Holes gathering spaces Cave Space

How is Educa-on Delivered? A shiK in educaBonal delivery

Linear Tradi*onal Model Teacher Controlled Support the Lecture Transfer Knowledge Prescribed Approach Classroom Customizable / Balanced Model Student Centered Many teaching/learning methods Inquiry / Discovery and Understanding Choice, Experiment, Risk, Assess Variety of Learning Environments

21st Century Learner Centered Environments:


Learning Environment Flexibility

Lecture Campre

Discussion Campre

Teams Watering Hole

Small Group Watering Hole

Campres are a way to learn from experts or storytellers.
TradiBonal Classroom Space for presenter
In clear line of site Ability to be heard Ability to project or show visuals

Space for students

Able to see presenter Ability to hear presenter Ability to see visuals

Watering Hole
Watering Holes are opportuniBes for more informal learning.
Small Groups Teams Partners

Caves are an area for focused learning Provides opportuniBes for individual study, reecBon, quiet readying and creaBve ow Should include a variety of nooks and crannies to suit dierent needs.
Students like anchors in their caves:
Against walls Against heavy furniture Comfortable furniture Could even be under a table for younger children

Learning Environment Flexibility

Will I need to combine dierent types of learning at the same Bme? How will this look?

Learning Environment Flexibility

Teacher providing direct instrucBon Students watching video and taking notes

Small groups meeBng together to work on projects

MulBple groups meeBng together: Share project ideas Give feedback to each other

Teacher providing direct instrucBon Campre

Student engaged in individual learning Cave

Student group engaged in cooperaBve project work Watering Hole

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