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Problem Set 1 Y2/Y3 1) An air-conditioning system involves the mixing of cold air and warm outdoor air before

the mixture is routed to the

conditioned room in steady operation. Cold air enters the mixing chamber at 5C and 105 kPa at a rate of 1.25 m3/s while warm air enters at 34C and 105 kPa. The air leaves the room at 24C. The ratio of the mass flow rates of the hot to cold air streams is 1.6. Using variable specific heats, determine (a) the mixture temperature at the inlet of the room and (b) the rate of heat gain of the room.

2) An adiabatic air compressor is to be powered by a direct-coupled adiabatic steam turbine that is also driving a
generator. Steam enters the turbine at 12.5 MPa and 500C at a rate of 25 kg/s and exits at 10 kPa and a quality of 0.92. Air enters the compressor at 98 kPa and 295 K at a rate of 10 kg/s and exits at 1 MPa and 620 K. Determine the net power delivered to the generator by the turbine.

3) A 2-m3 rigid tank initially contains air at 100 kPa and 22C. The tank is connected to a supply line through a valve.
Air is flowing in the supply line at 600 kPa and 22C. The valve is opened, and air is allowed to enter the tank until the pressure in the tank reaches the line pressure, at which point the valve is closed. A thermometer placed in the tank indicates that the air temperature at the final state is 77C. Determine (a) the mass of air that has entered the tank and (b) the amount of heat transfer.

4) Consider an evacuated rigid bottle of volume V that is surrounded by the atmosphere at pressure P0 and temperature
T0. A valve at the neck of the bottle is now opened and the atmospheric air is allowed to flow into the bottle. The air trapped in the bottle eventually reaches thermal equilibrium with the atmosphere as a result of heat transfer through the wall of the bottle. The valve remains open during the process so that the trapped air also reaches mechanical equilibrium with the atmosphere. Determine the net heat transfer through the wall of the bottle during this filling process in terms of the properties of the system and the surrounding atmosphere.

1)Consider a device with one inlet and one outlet. If the volume flow rates at the inlet and at the outlet are the same, is the flow through this device necessarily steady? Why? 2)How is a steady-flow system(SSSF) characterized? 3) Consider a steady-flow heat exchanger involving two different fluid streams. Under what conditions will the amount of heat lost by one fluid be equal to the amount of heat gained by the other?

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