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Vol. XXVI No. 67 12 Pages, 2 Sections
P18.00 SATURDAY, May 5, 2012
Biazon wont hear
calls for his ouster
Rebel group vice chair dies of stroke
SC asked
to halt black
sand mining
Still summer
despite rains
Richer than the rich at age 27
Lack of capital forces
farmers to sell land
SWS shows
govt failure
on poverty
ADB meet delegates
told of Arroyos sins
Grandma farmer. After almost 50 years, Mercy Fernandez, 72,
expects to get a 7,000-square-meter lot after the Supreme Court
decided to award the Hacienda Luisita to farmers. JESS MALABANAN
Black sand. Senator Aquilino Pimental III and civil society groups have
asked the Supreme Court to stop black sand mining in the Ilocos prov-
inces and Pangasinan to prevent the destruction of the coastline.
Presidential address. President Aquinos is seen on a giant
screen as he addresses the 45th meeting of the Asian Development
Banks board of governors at the Philippine International Convention
Center in Pasay City.
Aquino trumpets gains
FACEBOOK Inc.s $11.8-bil-
lion initial public offering will
cement the status of 27-year-
old Mark Zuckerberg as one of
the worlds richest men and put
his social network among the
highest-valued companies in
the US.
Facebook is offering about
337.4 million shares for $28 to
$35 each, according to a regula-
tory ling on Thursday.
At the upper end of that
range, the co-founders stake
would be $17.6 billion, mak-
ing him richer than Microsoft
Corp.s Steve Ballmer and Rus-
sian steel billionaire Vladimir
Lisin, who are both twice his
age, according to the Bloomberg
Billionaires Index.
By Rey E. Requejo
AN OFFICIAL has asked the
Supreme Court to issue a writ
against a mining project to ex-
tract magnetite ore in Ilocos
and Pangasinan, claiming its
legitimacy is suspect and the
residents living near the coast-
line fear they will be displaced
and the mine will cause saltwa-
ter ooding, soil erosion and
Senator Aquilino Pimen-
tel III and several civil society
groups claim that former Execu-
tive Secretary Leandro Mendo-
za, acting on behalf of ex-Presi-
dent Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,
By Maricel V. Cruz
THE latest Social Weather Sta-
tions survey saying 2 million
more Filipino families have rat-
ed themselves poor is a serious
indictment of the Aquino admin-
istrations failure to provide the
Filipinos with their basic needs
and to protect them from hunger,
lawmakers said on Friday.
Opposition and administra-
tion lawmakers took President
Benigno Aquino III and his
Cabinet to task for allowing
this shameful and totally un-
acceptable condition of 11.1
million families now claiming
to be poor.
House Deputy Minor-
ity Leader and Zambales Rep.
Milagros Magsaysay said the
Aquino administration had
failed to protect the poor. That
11.1 million Filipinos were liv-
ing in poverty and squalor was
unacceptable, she said.
This administration has a
skewed sense of priorities and
lacks the vision and direction
that should eradicate poverty
By Joel E. Zurbano
CUSTOMS Commissioner Roz-
zano Runo Biazon on Friday
brushed aside calls for his resig-
nation by hog and chicken farm-
ers who complain that his failure
to curb meat smuggling is killing
their business.
Its hard to explain to those
who dont want to listen and to
those who dont want to under-
stand, Biazon said.
I want to talk and listen to them.
If you have specic information, I
will act on it, but if you dont have
the basis, its so difcult to act.
Biazon said he was doing ev-
erything to address the problem,
including subjecting all ship-
ments of refrigerated goods to
mandatory X-ray scanning to
prevent technical smuggling or
the declaration of frozen meat as
something else.
I dont know where its coming
from, said Biazon of the alleged
rampant smuggling of meat.
He said his agency was tak-
ing extra steps to pinpoint ac-
countability in the valuation of
Biazon also said that all meat
imports would be subjected to
By Florante S. Solmerin
ALEEM Abdul Azis Mimbantas,
the vice chairman of the rebel
group Moro Islamic Liberation
Front, died of a stroke on Thurs-
day and was declared dead on
arrival at a hospital in Lanao del
Sur, one of the groups ofcials
said Friday.
Yes, he succumbed to a
stroke last night at around 10:25,
Ghadzali Jaafar, the MILFs vice
chairman for political affairs,
told the Manila Standard in a
phone interview.
He said the MILFs Central
Committee was already prepar-
ing an ofcial announcement of
Mimbantas death.
Mimbantas was a native of
Masiu in Lanao del Sur. He
studied at the Al-Azhar Univer-
sity in Egypt. Before his death,
there was talk in the MILF
leadership circle that he was
being eyed as the groups next
chief. The group is now being
led by Murad Ibrahim.
Mimbantas was a former vice
chairman for military affairs. He
had been very close to the late
MILF chief Salamat Hasim, who
died in 2003.
Jaafar said they mourned
Mimbantas death, but it would
not affect his groups peace talks
with the government.
He is an inspiration of the
Bangsamoro people, [but] his
death will not affect the peace
talks, he said.
By Jess Malabanan
ers in Hacienda Luisita who are
waiting to get their share of the
vast sugar estate as part of the
agrarian reform program want
to sell some of the land once it is
distributed to them.
Mercedez Fernandez, 72, one
of the oldest farmers within the
sugar estate, said she planned to
sell part of her property to put up
a small business while using the
remaining land for farming and
growing livestock.
We have to maximize the
land use. This is what weve
been waiting for in almost ve
decades, said Fernandez while
tending her backyard farm
planted to eggplant.
Next page
Before an audience of more
than 4,000 development ex-
perts, nance ofcials and gov-
ernment leaders, Mr. Aquino
began his speech by criticizing
the past administration for al-
legedly wasting public funds
and foreign aid.
Endemic corruption had
sapped the system of its vitality;
public funds ceased to be used
for the public good and found
themselves in private hands,
whom we are now holding ac-
countable, he said.
The message for nine and
a half years was nice guys n-
ish last. To nish rst, you had
to lack conscience, exhibit a
certain degree of shameless-
ness, and be an expert at giving
handshakes with one hand while
picking pockets with the other.
Mr. Aquino said even the
past administrations poverty-
alleviation programs had been
politicized, with slots for the
Conditional Cash Transfer pro-
gram handed out in exchange
for votes.
It would not be far from the
truth to say that, during the ear-
ly days of our administration,
we all eagerly looked forward
to weekends for a short respite
By Joyce Pangco Paares
PRESIDENT Benigno Aquino III
trumpeted his administrations accom-
plishments at the 45th annual meet-
ing of the Asian Development Banks
board of the governors on Friday.
HEAVY rain and thunder-
storms sent people scampering
indoors in Metro Manila and
other parts of the country on
Friday, but the weather bureau
said summer had not ended
and the rainy season was yet to
Weather forecaster Chris
Perez said the rain was caused
mainly by the tail of a cold
front, a technical term for rain-
fall triggered by an advanc-
ing mass of cold air pushing a
mass of warm air.
Its still summer. The rainy
season is yet to come, Perez told
the Manila Standard.
Next page
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Next page
100-percent inspection, but
did not address the complaint
from hog raisers that the ex-
amination was being done
outside the Customs area, in
the cold storage facilities of
the importers.
The men and women of nance in Asia. President Aquino (Center) and Vice President Jejomar Binay (third from left) pose for a souvenir shot with Asias nance ministers and central bank governors who had
beenw attending a four-day meeting of the Asian Development Bank in Manila that ended on Friday.
ManilaStandardToday MAY 5, 2012 SATURDAY
Doctors fret over hormone cure
Eli Lilly & Co. and Abbott Laborato-
ries are offering help to the 13.8 million
American men who have low levels of
testosterone. Doctors warn that demand
for the treatments could lead to overuse
with deadly side effects.
In what may become one of
the most sought-after sex en-
hancement treatments since the
introduction of Viagra 14 years
ago, new testosterone drugs
from Abbott, Lilly and other
drugmakers are in hot demand.
Prescriptions for testosterone re-
placement therapies have more
than doubled since 2006 to 5.6
million, according to data com-
piled by Bloomberg. Sales are
expected to triple to $5 billion
by 2017, according to Global In-
dustry Analysts Inc.
In clinics and treatment cen-
ters sprouting up around the
country, men are lining up to
get shots, gels and patches to
boost their testosterone. Mi-
chael Murray, 43, a home stag-
er in New York and Chicago, is
one of them.
Am I making a deal with the
devil? A little bit, but I have to
think about my quality of life,
Murray said. It is like Im in
my 20s again.
Murray said he doesnt have
any obvious symptoms of low
testosterone levels. He simply
wants to raise his energy level
and give his bodybuilding re-
gime a boost. That sort of en-
dorsement may offer promise
to the pharmaceutical indus-
try. Still, a growing number
of doctors warn that relying
on the drug as a fountain of
youth risks serious health con-
Like the millions of women who
have opted for hormone replace-
ment therapy, men are choosing
to get their hormone levels in line.
As many as 13.8 million men older
than 45 in the US have low levels
of testosterone, according to a 2006
study in the International Journal
of Clinical Practice. The male sex
hormone begins to decline after
age 30, and tends to drop about 1
percent each year, though the level
of decline varies. Lower-than-nor-
mal levels can lead to a loss of libi-
do, a decrease in bone and muscle
mass, and depression, according to
the Cleveland Clinic.
Problems may occur when
the drug is taken by those who
dont need it, according to
health experts. Testosterone can
increase the growth of prostate
tumors and cause blood clots,
infertility and liver damage,
said Edmund Sabanegh, chair-
man of urology at the Cleveland
Clinic. He said he is careful to
prescribe the drugs only to pa-
tients with a medical need and
has seen a rise in patients com-
ing to him seeking a prescrip-
tion for testosterone who dont
need it.
There are a lot of really
bad things that can happen
from misuse of testosterone,
Sabanegh said. I think it is
a highly addictive drug and I
think we need to be very care-
ful about treating patients ap-
Abbott and Lilly said they
dont condone the use of testos-
terone treatments by men who
dont have clinically low levels
of the hormone. Lilly said its
testosterone therapy, Axiron,
was approved by US regulators
in 2010 based on a study of 155
men who were followed for as
long as six months.
Abbott only promotes use of
its Androgel for Food and Drug
Administration-approved uses in
men diagnosed with low levels
of testosterone by a doctor, said
Greg Miley, a company spokes-
man. Abbott said its marketing is
intended to raise awareness about
low testosterone.
Both companies said that
when used properly, their prod-
ucts Provide tremendous help to
men with manageable side ef-
fects. They said men taking the
treatments should be monitored
for prostate cancer. Bloomberg
Lawmakers and hog and poul-
try growers on Thursday de-
manded that heads must roll next
in the Bureau of Customs after
two Agriculture ofcials were
relieved for allowing smuggled
meat to ood the market.
Rosendo So, of Swine De-
velopment Council and chair-
man of the Abono party-list
group, said Biazon was also
accountable for killing 20 per-
cent of the backyard industry
because of the unabated smug-
gling and over-importation
supposedly being perpetrated
by a syndicate and corrupt bu-
reau officials that he admitted
existed in his bureau.
We expect Customs Com-
missioner Biazon to relinquish
his post if he cannot revamp,
cleanse and remove the corrupt
examiners and inspectors in his
bureau, So said.
The hog raisers said they
were giving Biazon a week to
take action.
To address complaints that
the top importers were guilty
of technical smuggling, Biazon
ordered Customs Deputy Com-
missioner Danilo Lim to purge
the list of accredited importers
of pork and other meat products.
I have ordered the intelli-
gence community to go after
all those involved in technical
smuggling, Biazon said.
We have to determine in
the list the legitimate or ille-
gitimate corporations and in-
dividuals in this kind of busi-
ness. If this can be done, the
operations of technical smug-
glers will be hampered.
Biazon said the use of dummy
corporations made it difcult to
charge the real smugglers.
Earlier, he admitted that im-
ported frozen meat was being
smuggled into the country in
connivance with some dishonest
members of the bureau.
One common practice is de-
claring imported choice meat
cuts as offal, which carries a
low 5- percent tariff rate.
In an earlier interview, Bi-
azon said small backyard hog
raisers who had been com-
plaining about the rampant
smuggling were not really
affected by the frozen meat
These do not compete with
wet markets or the public mar-
kets which get their supply from
local hog growers, he said. He
said it was misleading for them
to claim otherwise.
The hog raisers, however,
say imported meat is ood-
ing even the wet markets and
being passed off as freshly
slaughtered meat.
On Friday, the former director
of the Bureau of Animal Indus-
try, Efren Nuestro, denied that
he head been sacked, saying he
had merely applied for an inde-
nite leave. He called for an in-
vestigation that said would clear
him of charges of involvement
in smuggling.
I deserve to be cleared. I
cannot take anymore the as-
sault on my character and my
profession, he said. With
Macon Ramos-Araneta and
Othel V. Campos
Military spokesman Col. Ar-
nulfo Marcelo Burgos Jr. said
Mimbantas death would not
leave a vacuum in the MILF
leadership because it was an or-
ganization with second liners.
In terms of military struc-
ture, for example, any organi-
zation has a lineage of leader-
ship, he said.
We are condent that the
ongoing peace [talks with the
group] will move on.
The cold front caused the temperature to drop
from 36 degrees Celsius since Tuesday to 35 de-
grees Celsius on Friday. It went up to a high of 37
degrees Celsius on April 25 in Cabanatuan City.
The bureau says the weather will be sunny
during the weekend. The temperature will again
rise to between 35 and 36 degrees Celsius on
Central Luzon will have cloudy skies with
scattered rainshowers and thundershorms in
the afternoon and evening, while the rest of the
country will be partly cloudy with isolated rain-
Perez said a hailstorm of grain-size ice crystals
struck the residents of Commonwealth Avenue in
Quezon City around 11 a.m. Friday, but there were
no reported incidents or injuries.
A hailstorm is caused by cumulonimbus
clouds, the coldest, thickest and lowest clouds
that release ice crystals that fail to melt before
reaching the ground. Rio N. Araja
Zuckerberg, who began the
service for Harvard classmates as
a 19-year-old in his dorm room,
built Facebook into the most pop-
ular social-networking site in the
world, topping 900 million users
last quarter. Now he has to prove
he has the leadership skills to de-
liver enough growth to justify the
companys valuation, says Paul
Saffo, managing director at Dis-
cern Analytics in San Francisco.
The whole story about the Sili-
con Valley is hard-working, entre-
preneurial tech geeks getting big
payoffs, said Saffo, whose rm
provides analytics to institutional
The challenge he has is: Can
Mark grow as quickly as his com-
pany has grown? And can Mark
grow faster than his company has
grown? Because, of course, thats
what a leader must do.
Zuckerberg, who has devel-
oped a reputation for introducing
new products quickly, helped the
company supplant MySpace as
the most popular social service
while also navigating competitive
threats from Google Inc., Twitter
Inc. and other social-media sites.
The company has expanded its
appeal by enabling developers to
build applications on top of the
platform, offering users music,
movies, e-commerce options and
other extras.
They stayed nimble, like a
startup of a smaller size, said Jer-
emiah Owyang, an analyst at Al-
timeter Group.
The culture encouraged them
to experiment and innovate on a
regular basis, even when they had
the lead.
Facebooks IPO would value
the company at as much as $96
billion. It is offering 180 million of
the shares, while existing owners
such as Accel Partners and Digi-
tal Sky Technologies are offering
157.4 million shares, according to
the ling.
Zuckerberg is offering 30.2 mil-
lion of his 533.8 million shares.
The majority of his net proceeds
will be used to pay taxes associat-
ed with exercising a stock option.
He may control about 57 per-
cent of the voting power of Face-
books outstanding capital stock
after the offering, according to the
Zuckerberg has shown pa-
tience in bringing Facebook to
the brink of an IPO. After starting
the company in 2004, he rolled it
out to other college campuses,
reaching 1 million users by the
end of the year. Zuckerberg also
received a key investment from
Peter Thiel, who made much of
his wealth as a co-founder of
online-payments service PayPal,
later sold to EBay Inc.
It wasnt until 2006 that Zuck-
erberg opened up the service so
anyone could join. Facebook ac-
cumulated 12 million users by the
end of 2006.
Zuckerberg was able to woo
other investors along the way to
handle the growing user base.
That included software company
Microsoft, Accel and Russian in-
vestor Digital Sky.
Facebook, while preparing for
the IPO, has remained active on
other fronts. After being sued by
Yahoo! Inc. in March for patent
infringement, the company has
been looking to buy intellectual
property from other owners of
it. Facebook plans to spend $550
million on some of the patents Mi-
crosoft had earlier said it would
purchase from AOL Inc.
Microsoft CEO Ballmers
net worth was $15.4 billion as
of Thursday, according to the
Bloomberg Billionaires Index.
struck a midnight deal with
Altamina Exploration and Re-
sources Inc. a day before Be-
nigno Aquino III assumed the
presidency on June 30, 2010.
The other petitioners are Ka-
bataan party-list Rep. Raymond
Palatino, Santa, Ilocos Sur May-
or Jose Jesus Bueno, and some
residents of Ilocos Sur. They
want the high court to issue a
writ of kalikasan, a legal relief
that seeks to protect the environ-
Allowing mining opera-
tion in the coastal areas within
the province is contrary to the
ndings of [experts on] the
susceptibility of Ilocos Sur to
tsunamis, liquefaction, and
other natural disasters such as
ooding and erosion, the peti-
tioners say in their plea.
They say the fishing in-
dustry in the area will also
bear the brunt of the min-
ing operation because it will
cover the fishing sites in the
two provinces.
The petitioners lawyer says
the 1987 Constitution does not
allow an executive secretary to
sign a Financial and Technical
Assistance Agreement on be-
half of the President.
Such power is personally
reposed on the President,
and cannot be delegated
to a mere alter-ego, Terry
Ridon said.
Such other personal powers
include the power to declare
martial law and call for the sus-
pension of the privilege of the
writ of habeas corpus, he said.
The petitioners claim that
the exploration permits for the
project were approved by the
Mines and Geosciences Bu-
reau without consulting with
and seeking the approval of lo-
cal government units, in viola-
tion of the Local Government
The approval of the [agree-
ment for the project] on June
29, 2010 is one of the midnight
deals of Gloria Macapagal-Ar-
royo and mired with irregulari-
ties, Ridon said.
Apung Mercy, as her neighbors
and co-farm workers call her, also
sidelines as a health worker, help-
ing community residents in times
of emergency.
I see my sacrices being ful-
lled in the near future, she said.
Im happy, I can rest peace-
fully and have something to
leave to my four in-laws and 21
grandchildren, said Fernandez
who started working in Haci-
enda Luisita in 1965.
The government has said the
farmer beneciaries in Hacienda
Luisita will have to wait six to 12
months before they can get their
land titles.
Agrarian Reform Secretary Vir-
gil de los Reyes said the process
would involve determining who
among the farmers were entitled
to the land and how much of
the land would be distributed to
them. He reminded the farm
workers that they could not im-
mediately sell their land until after
10 years.
The Supreme Court unani-
mously voted Tuesday to reaf-
rm its November 2011 decision
to distribute some 5,000 hectares
of Hacienda Luisita land to more
than 6,000 farmer beneciaries
inside the vast Cojuangco-owned
sugarcane plantation.
Others farm workers in Balete
village say they want to sell part
of their land.
Each farmer beneciary is en-
titled to a 7,000-square-meter lot,
says Lito Bais, president of Unit-
ed Luisita Workers Union.
Bais and Ambala Chairman
Felix Nacpil Jr., however, say
they have grouped the benecia-
ries who will not sell their shares
without the approval of their clus-
ter leader.
Nacpil says selling the acquired
land will not be easy because the
farmers must make sure it does not
end up with the previous owners.
and provide the basic needs of the
people, like three square meals a day,
Magsaysay said.
The SWS poll, conducted on March 10
to 13, found that 55 percent of the respon-
dents, or about 11.1 million families, had
rated themselves poor. That was 10 points
higher than the 45 percent or 9.1 million
households who rated themselves poor in
December last year.
The SWS said the latest poverty gures
were the highest to date for the Aquino
It is clear that in more than two years
of being on top of the government, Presi-
dent Aquino has adopted a misguided,
ill-focused and irrelevant program of
government that have made the poor a
lot poorer, and those who were not poor
rating themselves as poor today, Siquijor
Rep. Orlando Fua said.
If this is not cruel retrogression and
suffering for the poor among us, I dont
know what is.
The SWS said the poverty rates were
basically the same in Metro Manila (46
percent from 47 percent) and unchanged
in Luzon at 45 percent.
But they rose by nine points to 61 per-
cent in the Visayas and by 34 points in
Mindanao to 72 percent, the highest in
eight years or since November 2003s 77
percent, the SWS said.
The increase in the number of people
who consider themselves poor and poverty
stricken indicates the failure and inadequacy
of the Aquino governments program to al-
leviate the suffering and deprivation of the
poorest of the poor among us, Maguindan-
ao Rep. Simeon Datumanong said.
An administration ally, Ifugao Rep. Ted-
dy Brawner Baguilat, said the government
should be able to address the fundamental
needs of the people and increasing prices.
We must consider the fact that this
survey was administered after the latest
round of fuel price increases, said Bagui-
lat, chairman of the House committee on
national cultural communities.
Agham party-list Angelo Palmones said the
survey results were due to the governments
inability to pump-prime the economy.
Palmones, vice chairman of the House
committee on science and technology,
said the slowdown in government spend-
ing can be realistically translated to reduc-
tion of work and employment opportuni-
ties for the jobless poor.
Another administration ally, Western
Samar Rep. Mel Senen Sarmiento, said
the poverty problem was complex and
should be addressed well.
The government should identify the
areas with high self-rated poverty index
based on the SWS survey so it could
work closer with local government units
where poverty exists, said Sarmiento,
vice chairman of the House committee on
national defense.
from the shock of discovering
the extent of the problems that
were bequeathed to us, Mr.
Aquino said.
He said the governance re-
forms instituted by his admin-
istration had reaped economic
gains for the country.
We have had six positive rat-
ings actions since we took over
government a little less than
two years ago, a stark contrast
to the single upgrade and six
downgrades in the nine years of
the previous administration, he
The Philippines now has a BB+
rating from Fitch Ratings, its high-
est rating at one level shy of in-
vestment grade. It also has a BB
rating from Standard & Poors and
a Ba2 rating from Moodys Inves-
tors Service, both two notches be-
low investment grade.
Ahead of the ADB meeting,
Mr. Aquino said he would be sur-
prised if the country did not get
an investment grade rating soon.
We have experienced all-
time highs in our stock market
27 times in our 22 months in
ofce, he said. He said that,
weather permitting, the Philip-
pines would be a net exporter of
rice in less than a year.
The Agriculture Department has
reported an unexpected bumper
rice crop this year. It said rough
rice production was expected to
triple by the end of 2013.
Mr. Aquino said the Philip-
pines was now really open for
business with the level-playing
eld and his administrations
efforts toward transparency, ac-
countability and prudent spend-
ing that had been put in place.
Strict adherence to public
spending rules had allowed
the Public Works Department
to save P6.14 billion last year.
With the leaks plugged, the tax-
payers money was now going
to projects that would really
benet the people.
Mr. Aquino said that as of
April 15, the Public Works De-
partment had bid out 92 percent
of the 2,139 projects in the pipe-
line this year.
The Conditional Cash Transfer
program was now beneting the
neediest of Filipinos---not mere-
ly those well connected.
Gone are the days when the
funds you funnel to our coun-
try will end up like water leak-
ing through a broken pail, Mr.
Aquino said.
You will continue to see re-
sults; you will continue to see a
Philippines that is nally living
up to its potential.
Welcome rain.
Anti-riot policemen
dont mind an early-
morning drizzle as
they bar protesters
on a street in Manila
from getting near
the CCP complex in
Pasay City, where an
Asian Development
Bank meeting is be-
ing held.
A3 News
Party-list congressman
gives up 1-UTAK seat
President names envoy
to Poland, other ofcials
SC disbars Negros mayor
rm told
Pasay court again defers bail petition of Abalos
Its more fun campaign logo wins
grand prix award in design contest
In a per curiam decision, the SC
approved the recommendation of
its committee on ethics and ethical
standards, which investigated Pea
over his insinuation against Senior
Associate Justice Antonio Carpio
and Associate Justice Maria Lourdes
The controversy arose from the bid
of Pena to collect P28.5 million in
attorneys fees from the defunct Urban
Bank, predecessor of the insolvent
Export and Industry Bank that was
recently placed under receivership by
the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.
In November last year, the SC issued
a ruling penned by Justice Sereno
dismissing his claim and awarding
him only P3 million as reimbursement
for his expenses and P1.5 million as
compensation for his services.
He then led a complaint against
Justice Carpio before the Ofce of the
Chief Justice for allegedly falsifying
a November 13, 2002 ruling of the
tribunals First Division to favor
Urban Bank. This case involved
the controversial auction of 85
By Rey E. Requejo
THE Supreme Court disbarred lawyer
Magdaleno Pea, incumbent mayor of
Pulupandan, Negros Occidental, for falsely
accusing two associate justices of conniving to
falsify a ruling on Penas bid to collect P28.5
million in attorneys fees from the defunct
Urban Bank.
condominium units in Makati City
owned by the bank that he earlier
Pea also accused Justice Sereno
of protecting Carpio by refusing to
inhibit from the active case despite her
closeness to the latter.
The high court took offense in
Peas charges, which it dismissed as
unfounded claims, and scored Pea
who has shown and displayed in these
proceedings that he has fallen short
of the ethical standards of the noble
profession and must be sanctioned
accordingly and that he has not
shown remorse or contrition for his
Aside from this case, Pea has
also gured in several political
controversies in Negros and an
acrimonious child custody case
against his ex-girlfriend, actress
Marie Roxanne Plinky Recto. He
lost the custody battle over their
seven-year-old son last year.
In disbarring Pea, the high court
held that his conduct, demeanor and
language with respect to his cause of
actionin this court, no lesstend to
undermine the integrity and reputation
of the judiciary, as well as inict
unfounded accusations against fellow
However, the court expressed alarm
over the lawyers uncanny ability to
obtain condential and internal court
records and to use them shamelessly
in his pleadings in furtherance of his
The SC consequently directed Clerk
of Court Enriquetta Vidal to investigate
how Pea obtained several condential
and internal court records that Pea
used against the justices.
Vidal was also instructed to
to submit such an investigation
report with recommendations on
the administrative and disciplinary
liabilities, if any, of all court personnel
possible involved therein, as well as
suggestions for protecting condential
and internal court documents of
pending cases within 90 days from
receipt of this resolution.
Playing in the rain. Children play in the rain at one of the sidestreets along E. Rodriguez Sr. Blvd. in Quezon City. The
afternoon showers are welcomed by most Metro Manilans as a respite from the summer heat. MANNY PALMERO
By Joyce Pangco Paares
MALACAANG yesterday
said the Philippine Deposit
Insurance Corp. must hasten
the processing of the claims
of depositors of the Export
and Industry Bank which
has been placed under
receivership last week.
Deputy presidential
spokesperson Abigail Valte
said the Palace hopes the
claims could be released
before the start of the school
year in June.
We expect PDIC to do
its work, most especially
since some of the affected
depositors have savings for
their childrens education, she
said. The school year is fast
approaching. We hope that the
claims can be processed at the
soonest possible time.
The PDIC has guaranteed
the return of deposits up to
P500,000 within 90 days upon
determination of the validity
of each deposit claim. The
bank has more than 50,000
depositors, with total claims of
over P15 billion.
Last week, the moribund
bank got a reprieve from
the Court of Appeals, which
stopped the garnishment of
P1.47 billion worth of shares
managed by the banks stock
trading unit.
The appellate court issued
a permanent injunction
on April 26 stopping the
Makati City regional trial
court from enforcing the
latters two orders holding
the beleaguered bank liable
for unauthorized sale of
32.18 million DMCI shares
by brokerage rm EIB
REP. Homer Mercado is resigning from
1-United Transport Koalisyon (1-Utak)
party-list to represent a group of farmers
in Region 4.
Vigor Mendoza, lawyer-national chairman
of 1-Utak, said Mercado is giving up his
congressional seat in favor of Zenaida Maranan,
president of the Federation of Jeepney
Operators, who is the partys second nominee.
Mendoza said Mercado will run for
Congress in 2013 under a new party-
list group and has led a petition for
accreditation of 1-Joint Alliance for the
Marginalized (1-JAM) for the 2013 polls
before the Commission on Elections.
The petition is now on its third
hearing to see if I-JAM truly represents
a marginalized sector, he added.
He said he is optimistic of the approval
of his petition.
Mercado is the owner of Jam Liner Inc.
and president of the South Luzon Bus
Operators Association. He said 1-Jam
is a multisectoral organization, mostly
farm workers from Southern Tagalog.
Rio Araja
PRESIDENT Benigno Aquino III has
appointed Foreign Affairs assistant secretary
for American affairs Patricia Paez as the
countrys new ambassador to Poland.
Paez holds a Master of Arts in
International Relations from the
Australian National University and a
bachelors degree in anthropology from
the University of the Philippines.
She replaced Ambassador Edgardo
Manuel who manned the Warsaw post
for close to a year.
Mr. Aquino also appointed Rex
Bingabing as executive director of the
Philippine Center for Post-Harvest
Development and Mechanization of the
Department of Agriculture.
Bingabing, who will be co-terminus with
the President, replaced Ricardo Cachuela.
Eduardu Chu, for his part, was
appointed general manager of the
Philippine Fisheries Development
Authority, which is also under the DA.
The President also appointed three
members to the Board of Respiratory Therapy
of the Philippine Regulatory Commission.
Julita Toleda was appointed as board
chairperson for a term of three years
while Senen Teope and Jesus Espinas
were appointed as members with
terms expiring in two and one year,
respectively. Joyce Pangco Paares
MNTC in Panagbenga. The Manila North Tollways Corp.s (MNTC) North Luzon Expressway (NLEX)
oat glides through a street in Baguio City for the Grand Float Competition, a highlight of the 17
Panagbenga Festival. The NLEX oat bagged the third prize at the contest. MNTC has been participating
in the festive ower parade for three years in support of Baguios tourism. Reecting this years theme
Community Convergence for a Sustainable Tourism Growth, the oat highlights NLEX as a gateway to
northern Luzon, making travel between Baguio City and Metro Manila faster and more enjoyablethus
contributes to the countrys tourism goals.
By Ferdinand Fabella
A PASAY City court hearing
the electoral sabotage case
of former Commission on
Elections (Comelec) Chairman
Benjamin Abalos has deferred
the resolution of the detained ex-
Comelec chiefs bail petition.
Judge Eugenio Dela Cruz of
Regional Trial Court Branch
117 ruled that he would have to
resolve rst the pending motions
led by Comelec prosecutors
before deciding whether to allow
Abalos to post bail and gain
temporary liberty.
Dela Cruz is handling the 11
counts of electoral sabotage cases
Comelec led against Abalos,
which are separate from the
similar case now pending before
another Pasay court, Branch 112
under Judge Jesus Mupas.
In deferring his decision on
Abalos petition for bail, Dela
Cruz said it is necessary that
three motions led by Comelec
be resolved rst, one of which
is the poll bodys appeal on the
courts earlier order declaring the
prosecution panel to have waived
their right to present evidence on
the petition for bail.
This after Comelec lawyers
failed to present on April 18 their
supposed witness and Abalos co-
accused, former South Cotabato
elections supervisor Lilian
Radam, whom the Department
of Justice (DoJ) wants to be
discharged as an accused so she
could be a state witness.
Dela Cruz said he would also
have to decide rst on the motion
of the DoJ.
The two other pending motions
of the Comelec are the motion
for the court to issue an order
on the pre-marked documentary
exhibits, and the motion for
extension of time to le a formal
offer of evidence.
Abalos counsel Brigido
Dulay said the motions led
by Comelec were only made to
delay the resolution of Abalos
bail petition.
Dulay pointed out that the
Comelec prosecutors were given
enough opportunity to present a
witness but failed to do so even
after ve hearings on the bail
petition, and that the order on
the pre-marked documentary
exhibits is not necessary because
Abalos had already admitted
these exhibits for purposes of the
bail petition in previous hearings.
Moreover, he added the
prosecution can readily submit
its formal offer of evidence even
without a court order because the
markings were done jointly by the
prosecution and Abalos counsel.
The decision on Abalos bail
petition should not be made
contingent upon the resolution
of the court or Comelec on the
discharge of Radam as a state
witness. They (the prosecution)
are punishing Chairman Abalos by
keeping him in jail while they are
trying to salvage their obviously
weak case, Dulay stressed.
He further said that Abalos has
already led his reply opposing
DoJs move to discharge
Radam, saying that the DoJ has
no authority to act contrary to
Comelec Resolution 9403, which
denied Radams immunity from
suit in exchange for turning as
state witness.
It is the Comelec that has the
exclusive power to prosecute
election-related cases while the
DoJ merely assists the Comelec.
Without the conformity or consent
of Comelec, the DoJs motion to
discharge Radam is a mere scrap
of paper, according to Dulay.
The prosecution can put
Radam on the witness stand at
any time. We are ready for that.
But she will testify as an ordinary
witness not as a state witness. If
the prosecution doesnt want to,
thats their problem but Chairman
Abalos shouldnt be made to
suffer in jail in the meantime.
Anyway, the prosecution can
always present Radam during
the trial on the merits in the main
case, Dulay said.
By Macon Ramos-Araneta
THE countrys new tourism campaign logo, Its
More Fun In The Philippines, won the Grand
Prix Award for Best Design for Corporate/ Brand
Identity Category at the recent Adobo Design
Awards 2012.
Tourism Secretary Ramon Jimenez Jr. said
the logo, which is a banig weave (local mat)
that forms the map of the Philippines, was also
judged as Best Design in the Logo Category,
making it a double victory for the Philippine
tourism brand.
He noted that the banig design of the logo is
indicative of our nature as a people.
Our country is made up of people from
different regional cultures and backgrounds.
Yet, just like the weave, we are united by our
similaritya warm, easy-going and fun-loving
quality that is inherent in all of us and attractive
to foreign friends, Jimenez said.
The secretary said the lively colors of the
logo represent the Filipino peoples fun-
loving nature a quality we are known for
around the world and a quality that assures
visiting tourists that their experience in our
country will be positive, enjoyable and most
of all, FUN.
The logo was created by DesignWorks, the
newly-launched design division of BBDO
Guerrero | Proximity Philippines, for the
Department of Tourism (DOT) country brand
campaign. It has already been adopted and used
in merchandising materials by the department
and several trade partners.
Held last April 20, at the M Cafe, the
Adobo Design Awards champions the best in
Philippine design and recognizes the talents
behind them.
Originally launched in 2007, submitted works
were judged by top advertising executives and
designers who seek to nd works measuring up
to global standards of excellence.
With this achievement, Jimenez said the DOT
looks forward to sustaining its efforts in building
a new sense of excitement around the tourism
brand and eliciting renewed enthusiasm for the
countrys tourism industry.
Opinion Adelle Chua, Editor
ManilaStandardToday MAY 5, 2012 SATURDAY
BAR none, the Philippines has the
longest Christmas season in the world.
Save for the hairsplitting legalese, it
may also have the longest de facto
electoral campaign period.
This week, President Benigno Aquino
III, on more than one occasion, asked the
public to vote for his chosen candidates
in the 2013 senatorial election. In
Oriental Mindoro, he endorsed Aurora
Rep. Sonny Angara and TESDA chief
Joel Villanueva. At Xavier School in
Metro Manila, the President did the
same for Risa Hontiveros-Baraquel,
who lost in the 2010 senatorial race.
Mr. Aquino was profuse with his
compliments for his political allies, but
the Palace was quick to deny that this
constituted early campaigning.
There is no premature campaigning
because nobody has led a certicate
of candidacy, argued a Palace
The law is on their side on this one.
In it are loopholes that are virtual
oodgates for abuse. One election
season after another, these have never
been plugged because, when exploited
to the hilt, they benet the incumbents.
The Omnibus Election Code says it
is unlawful for any person, whether
or not a voter or candidate, or for
any party, or association of persons,
to engage in an election campaign
or partisan political activity except
during the campaign period. But
this, too, is a provision of law that
flashes a toothless grinone which
the Commission on Elections admits
cannot be implemented with a bite
unless amended by Congress.
According to Comelec Commissioner
Rene Sarmiento, jurisprudence has
already voided premature campaigning
as an election offense. By its current
application, electioneering applies only
to candidates, and one is considered a
candidate [only] when it is campaign
period, said Sarmiento.
Under Comelec Resolution 9385,
certicates of candidacy may be led
from Oct. 1 to 5 this year. The 90-day
campaign period for senators and party-
list groups starts Feb. 12.
Before those dates is that period of
ambiguity, if not absurdity, that has
become all too familiar to the Filipino.
Any candidate or his endorser can
spend wantonly for a campaign,
say vote for x, y, and me until he
turns purple, without violating any
law. This contradicts common sense,
but it adheres to the law: he is not
a candidate so his actions do not
qualify as campaigning.
The tyranny behind this electoral
reality is that it changes nothing
amid promises that the elections
will reform everything. Because the
playing field is anything but level, the
same politicians and their relatives,
or just about anyone moneyed enough
to mount a year-long campaign, will
always win.
They are the same ones who see no
problem subverting the law as publicly
elected ofcials because they see no
moral dilemma in circumventing it when
they are non-candidate candidates.
They are those who, when elected for
xed terms, spend most of their time
campaigning for the next onefor
themselves or for their allies.
They are those who walk like ducks,
look like ducks, quack like ducks but are
not ducks. They areas far as power,
inuence, and sometimes the law, will
allow themwhat they say they are.
The tyranny of the season
THE title of the column sounds like
the alphabet soup of Campbells.
For those too young to remember,
Campbells is an American quick
fix food in a tin can and a favorite
of our generation.
The abbreviations in the
column title are the ingredients
in the simmering pot of the
Scarborough Shoal standoff
between the Philippines and
the Peoples Republic of China.
The United States and its
Mutual Defense Treaty with the
Philippines complete the recipe
for a flashpoint in the region.
The US stated it was not taking
sides on the territorial dispute in the
South China Sea or West Philippine
Sea, depending on the geographical
divide where youre standing.
After the recent
2 + 2 meeting
in Washington
between Foreign
Secretary Albert
del Rosario
and Defense
Secretary Voltaire
Gazmin with
US counterparts
Hillary Clinton
and Leon Panetta, Washington
said it was sanguine both parties
would exhaust diplomatic efforts
to settle their dispute. US interest,
Washington stressed, was to make
sure navigation lanes in the South
China Sea are kept open for all
international vessels. Washington
also reiterated its commitment to
stand by its longtime Philippine ally
and, as a gesture of this friendship,
pledged to give another US coast
guard cutter to strengthen the
Philippines maritime security.
There may be more to what
happened during the Washington
meeting. But often in diplomacy
what was not said in the back
channel is more important than
what was said officially.
On propinquity alone (more
than 800 miles from Hainan ,
the nearest Chinese coastline,
and less than 140 miles from
Masinloc, Zambales), you know
why China does not want to join
the Philippines in bringing the
case for arbitration before the
International Tribunal on the Law
of the Sea. Manila has a strong
case under the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the
Sea which mandates a 200-mile
economic exclusion zone for UN-
member countries. China is a
signatory to UNCLOS but refuses
to abide by its rules.
The Philippines will go it alone in
a move to internationalize the issue
since it does not stand a chance of
a shooting war with its superpower
neighbor across the pond.
In a display of gunboat diplomacy,
the Chinese have deployed eight
ships against two Philippine
vessels. Although outnumbered,
the Philippine coast guard ships are
holding their positions even as they
helplessly watch poaching Chinese
fishermen plumb the riches beneath
the West Philippine Sea.
State of NPC affairs
Meanwhile, we received a
visceral reaction to our column last
Wednesday on the state of affairs at
the National Press Club from a well-
meaning reader, Berteni Cataluna
Causing of the Pamantasang
ng Maynila. He brought to my
attention information relevant to
why the NPC has fallen into such
an abysmal state.
Causing says
the old guards
in the leadership
then of the Press
Club are much
to blame for the
problems now
ailing the NPC.
He traces the
press clubs woes
to the earlier
NPC officials who neglected
the clubs financial obligations
to the City of Manila and the
Government Service Insurance
System. Under the stewardship
of the old guards, NPC arrears on
real estate taxes owed the City of
Manila and penalties on unpaid
loans to the GSIS, which owns the
NPC building, piled up.
This probably has some truth to
it as newsmen are never known to
be good administrators.
Many of your facts upon which
you base (sic) yours opinions are
false. wrote Mr. Causing.
They wont be facts if they were
false. They are either facts or they
are not. Maybe they were facts not
available to me when I wrote the
I take note and thank Mr. Causing
for certain facts on the history of the
NPC whose interest we mutually
share at heart.
As far as lifetime members
like myself are concerned, I wish
to point out we are no longer in
sufficient numbers who should
come and vote in tomorrows NPC
elections. If you read the obits,
our ranks are being decimated,
to quote a colleague when told
the sad news of Gani Yambots
People of the Philippines vs. pagpag
SCENE 1: Pagpag
Woman meticulously going
through the garbage of fast food stores
scavenging for left-over food. The same
woman washing and re-cooking the
thrashed food she managed to salvage.
Several children happily feasting on
their mothers culinary creation.
Pagpag is a Filipino word used
when dirt is removed from something by
dusting it off. It is also used for re-cooked
food from the garbage consumed by the
poorest and most desperate of our people.
Pagpag maybe the ugliest image
of poverty in the country. This was
recently shown by CNN for its feature
on the Philippines and the reproductive
health bill.
Scene 2: Its more fun in the
Philippines advertisement
Our most beautiful places, beaches,
touristic activities, our heritage, vibrant
and happy peoplethese were captured
by the ad showing that indeed, its more
fun in the Philippines!
The advertisement is part of
governments campaign to boost our
tourism industry. And we paid many
millions for CNN to air this.
Both scenes are quite powerful.
Pagpag showed how bad the poverty
situation is especially for big Filipino
families. The ad showed how beautiful
and rich our country is, how much fun
we have here.
Thus, when CNN showed them
one after the other, I was jolted. Such
contrast! And both are true images of
one countryours.
According to the latest Social
Weather Stations (SWS), 55 percent of
our people rated themselves as poor.
This was a signicant leap from last
years 45 percent. How could a country
such as the Philippines, with our rich
natural resources, have millions and
millions of families living in poverty,
with the poorest reaching the point of
surviving on pagpag?
There is no simple answer to this.
Poverty is a complex problem caused by
many factors and therefore, requires a
multi-faceted set of strategic solutions.
No one law can solve poverty.
As an RH advocate, I say that the
passage of the RH bill is one crucial
step to curb poverty. At the very least,
a rights-based, comprehensive, and pro-
poor RH law will make available RH
information and services that will:
educate poor young people
about their RH-related rights AND
responsibilities including protection
from abuse and making intelligent
choices and decisions. RH education
is known to signicantly bring down
numbers of adolescent pregnancies.
make family planning options
accessible to poor couples who want
to use them to achieve the number of
children they want and can adequately
provide for; and
save poor mothers from pregnancy
and childbirth complications that cause
maternal deaths.
These will unquestionably redound
to the improvement of poor families
quality of life.
Better quality public education
is another key to solving poverty.
Improved training for our teachers,
addressing the disconnect between
courses schools offer and the demands
of the market, more scholarships for
poor but deserving young people (on
condition that they will work in the
country for a number of years after
graduation), more schools, better
facilities, equipment, and booksall
these will help the youth from poor
families overcome intergenerational
poverty and make a better future for
themselves and their future families.
Education, after all, is a right.
Good governance is also crucial
in ghting poverty. I cringe whenever
cynics say that we deserve the kind of
leaders we get. But, there is some truth
to it. Those who win elections determine
the type of governance we have.
Turn to page 5
CHIN WONG/ RAY S. EANO Associate Editors
ROMEL J. MENDEZ Art Director
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Heres an
interesting alphabet

A5 Opinion Adelle Chua, Editor
IF IT is true that in every commodity
produced by the application of labor,
capitalists earn their prot by forcing
the workers to produce an amount
beyond what they are paid for in what
Karl Marx termed as surplus value,
then there would be no reason for some
businesses to go bankrupt. Maybe
Marx was correct, but his theory is
more of a general proposition than a
realistic assessment on how that theory
would work in a system such as ours.
This is the same fallacious proposition
that has blindly goaded much of our
workers to demand higher wages as their
defensive mechanism to overcome the
inationary increases in the prices of
basic commodities.
Following the same proposition,
they are wholly unaware that a general
increase in the minimum wage could
trigger another round
of ination that often
puts to an end that
vicious cycle, for
then employment
comes t o an end
for many of them.
They always tend to
focus their demand
on wage, whi ch
t hrough years of
unabated increases,
have r ear ed i t s
u g l y h e a d s o f
employment scarcity
and consigned the
remaining jobs to
labor-only contracting, thus effectively
shamming their constitutional right to
security of tenure.
Many of them could not see the
di fference bet ween empl oyment
and wage or could analyze that the
logical basis for any wage increase
is employment. In fact, without
employment there could be no talk
about labor rights or much more for them
to collectively organize for their own
welfare and protection, including their
right to demand for higher wages. But
as it is, they want the best of both worlds,
envisioning a workers paradise that
even the former Soviet Union failed to
fulll its promise to liberate the workers
from the yoke of capitalist exploitation.
For the incessant demand for wage
increases, contractualization made a
rapid inroad that today, regular workers
have been marginalized. Residually,
contractualization destroyed the very
system that promoted organized labor, and
labor invariably lost its clout to bargain for
higher wages, better rights and benets.
Unfortunately, the government that has
consented to this odd socialist practice of
xing the cost of wage pushed the cost of
labor to the limits; that today, the country
stands as one of the highest in minimum
wage in Southeast Asia but sourly failed
to match its productive output.
Yes, many employers will possibly
comply with the adjusted minimum
wage, but in so doing would resort to
the nefarious practice of labor-only
contracting. They may comply to give
their employees what they are entitled
to receive under the law. But that would
not allow any of them to stay beyond
six months for that would mean their
regularization, that by law would compel
them to pay incremental benets due to a
regular employee, contribute to the Social
Security System, PhilHealth, Pag-Ibig,
Employees Compensation, pay for their
13th month pay, and possibly haggle
with the labor unions which happen to
companies that opt for direct hiring.
It is for these reasons why many
employers are scratching their heads
on where to get P426 daily to pay the
minimum wage. If they will have to
include their monthly contributions and
pro rata the 13th month pay, that would
run to over P500 a day. The sad part is
that increased wages did not result in
the efciency of our workers. For our
outlandish pricing in the cost of goods, our
products have gradually been eased out of
the market. This explains why in our time,
a worker who is hired
for his labor need
not always result
in him producing a
surplus value for the
capitalist. Employers
now are likely to lose
than earn.
Workers have
to live up to that
hard reality that for
them to enjoy their
constitutional right
to security of tenure,
they have to accept
that compromise
postulate that there is
a need to adopt a new wage mechanism
by making it flexible. The system of
minimum wage in a capitalist system
is a US model that has gotten their
economy nowhere, and is being imposed
here by their minions so for us to suffer
the same fate. We have to restudy, not
discard, the Marxist theory; that for as
long as capitalism prevails, the socialist
mechanism of pegging wage would
have no place in our system. In fact,
treating the value of labor as an intangible
commodity is no different from the rest
that can be sold and exchanged in the open
market. Mass production in capitalism
has effectively substituted and reduced
labor as a commodity vulnerable to the
indefensible vicissitudes of the law of
supply and demand.
Only under a regime of deregulated
wage could our workers put the
economic system in labor back on track.
Abolishing the minimum wage would
not only unburden the employers of
the high cost of wage, but could restore
our competitiveness, usher in more
employment, which is what we really
want, generate more production with an
assurance of continuity of employment
so they could exercise their right to
collectively bargain based on the true spirit
of collective bargaining negotiations.
Work, not wage
Only through
deregulated wage
could our workers
put the economic
system in labor back
on track.
Born in the Philippines
By Karl Allan Barlaan
BEING born in the Philippines is easy.
Owning a piece of it is not.
The population growth rate is around
two percent. There are 200 Filipinos born
every hour. Of course, there are deaths
but the absence of a comprehensive
law on reproductive health addresses
that. There can and will always be a
According to government statistics,
there were 88.5 million Filipinos in
2007. The gure ballooned by more than
11 million from just nearly 77 million a
decade ago. Five years later, in 2012,
living in the Philippines means having
to compete with more than 95 million
others for meager resources.
Anyone born here will have a one in
three chance of being poor, a 15-percent
probability of not having enough to
eat, and about the same probability of
growing up illiterate.
Government statistics deem one
third of the population poor (NSCB,
2006), more than 15 percent of the
population living under the per capita
food subsistence threshold, and about
15 percent as functional illiterates (NSO,
2005). Earning less than P41.26 per
day, these people see basic necessities,
including education, as luxuries.
Probability-wise, a newborn Filipino
is also going to grow up a farmera
poor farmer at that. The agriculture
sector employs one-third of the countrys
work force. That is, if one is lucky. He
could be one of the 7 percent who are
unemployed as of January 2012 (NSO,
2012). And whether employed or not,
he could be among the 19 percent who
are underemployed and seeking better
Should one be fortunate enough to be
working as a farmer, in all likelihood,
8 out of ten times at least, he will plant
rice, coconut, corn, sugarcane, or banana,
depending on his place of birth.
In Luzon, the crop of choice is
rice; in the Visayas, sugar cane; and in
Mindanao, banana.
Wherever ones fate takes him and
whatever he decides to plant as a member
of the agriculture sector, poverty comes
by mere membership in a rural structure.
Half of the countrys population
resides in rural areas, three-fourths of
the countrys poor belong to the rural
poor (NSO 2003). Most of them are
in the agriculture sector where poverty
incidence is high, according to the World
Bank (2001) and countless other studies.
In these places, sanitation and basic
facilities for water and electricity are the
worst in the country. Compared to their
urban counterparts, so is the rate of school
dropouts (NSO, 2003). Starting young as
farm hands is one of the reasons; having
to travel long distances to school is another.
In both instances, poverty is the root cause.
With little access to resources and
working long before he can cast an
electoral vote, chances are, he will be
tilling the fields for most, if not all,
his life. Landlessness is the rule in his
country of origin.
In the last decade, 80 percent of all
farms were small-scale farms of less
than three hectares, a majority of which
are not owned or only partly owned by
their farmers. More than 13 percent of
the farms are cultivated by share tenants
(NSO, 2004), hacienda style.
According to the Philippine Network
of Food Security Programmes, land
ownership in the country is concentrated
only to a few. Only five percent of
farmers own forty-ve percent of the
countrys agricultural lands. Seventy
percent of farmers remain landless.
In these arrangements, where the
farmer cultivates farmlands owned
by another, engagements are often
exploitative. The harvest is most often
divided among landlords and tenants in
50-50, 1/3-2/3, and 1/4-3/4 schemes.
There are instances however when
the harvest is divided 2/3-1/3 with the
landlord getting the lions share.
Here, too, relationships are feudal.
And should one be intrepid enough to
oppose it, say, by pursuing his rights
under agrarian reform, disappointment
and threatnot necessarily in that order
await him at every step of the way.
Provided even that all the requirements
of law are satised, petitioning for land
reform takes time and, in places where
literacy is an issue, a whole lot effort.
Filing it also means questioning the
status quo and challenging the authority
of the landowner.
Jennifer Franco, in a paper for the
Institute of Popular Democracy, entitled
On Just Grounds: Struggling for Agrarian
Justice and Citizenship Rights in the
Rural Philippines described two kinds
of documented landowner response
to agrarian reform petitions and their
petitioners: the fear evoking harassment
and the economic harassment.
Fear evoking harassment includes
death, kidnapping, and threats of
eviction. The economic kind involves
withholding payment to tenant after
selling the harvest, destruction of houses
and agricultural facilities by armed men,
and prohibition of harvesting and fencing
of plantation, among others.
These threats persist from the time the
petition is led until the land is awarded
the petitionera process that may take
years if not decades. In between which,
the landowner may use legal system to
his advantage.
In the mid-90s, at the height of
Agrarian Reform implementation,
pending case at the Agrarian Reform
Adjudication Boards numbered nearly
20, 000 (DAR, 1994). Most were
perceived to have been led simply to
delay the process.
In some instances, criminal cases have
also been led against tenants. The
often decidedly biased legal system is
used to punish tenants for petitioning for
CARP coverage by ling bogus criminal
charges against them such as qualied
theft, wrote Franco.
To date, several cases involving
Agrarian Reform remain pending in
various courts.
The Hacienda Luisita has been
decided recently though a majority of
its original famer-beneficiaries have
already died because of old age. The
process took all of three decades. It could
have been worse.
The impeachment trial so far
IN the past few weeks, we have
enjoyed a breather from Chief Justice
Renato Coronas impeachment trial.
Enl i ght eni ng, even ent ert ai ni ng,
nonet hel ess t he Senat e and t he
prosecution and defense teams have
earned this post-Lenten recess, to give
themselves and the audience time to
catch their breath. That said, in the Social
Weather Stations survey released March
29, 49 percent felt that the impeachment
was moving too slow. the onus is now
on the Senate to wrap up and come to a
decision on the fate of the Chief Justice.
Given the long break, it would be
useful to map out where we are in the
impeachment process, before looking
forward to where we are (or where we
should be) going with this. Here well
revisit a few of the more significant
events in the trial, and see what they
have to say about the prosecution, the
defendant, and the impeachment as a
whole. On Tuesday, I will forward and
share my thoughts on what could lie
The most significant outcome so
far in the trial is the prosecution
dropping Articles of Impeachment 1,
4, 5, 6, and 8. Their case now stands
on the remaining articles: disclosure
of Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and
Net Worth (Article 2), ip-opping on
high court decisions (Article 3), and
partiality towards former President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo with regard
to the temporary restraining order on
the hold-departure order against her
(Article 7).
The decision to drop five of the
Articles helps streamline the prosecution
teams efforts. The retained Articles
(especially 2) have the best evidence
available, where the impeachable offense
is relatively unambiguous. As the team
explained their move, they felt they had
presented enough evidence to argue for
the removal of Chief Justice Corona from
the Supreme Court.
That said, one may ask yet a
wholly different question: how has the
impeachment court performed? Apart from
the too slow sentiments expressed above,
in the same survey, majority of Filipinos
give the Senate a fair shake, willing to
accept its verdict come what may.
That comes with due process and
respect for the rights of the chief justice.
He is of course entitled to a proper
defense, even with relaxed rules of
evidence compared to that of a criminal
proceeding. This means he is entitled to
clear accusations and evidence and to trial
rules that are consistent and predictable.
Sen. Enrile had already warned the
prosecution that their allegations were
not very precise, ruling significant
pieces of evidence and witnesses should
not be admitted. We should also note
though that Senate President and chief
presiding officer Juan Ponce Enrile,
over defense objections, allowed the
prosecution to at least enumerate into
the public record what some witnesses
might have testified to. Or, for that
matter, the other times the impeachment
court denied defense objections to
other evidences. But trials are not about
keeping score on objections, but whether
the evidence properly leads to a fair
conclusion of the guilt of the accused.
And thats where we leave off our
discussion for now, to be taken up
next Tuesday in covering where the
impeachment trial goes from here. Sufce
it to say that, too slow notwithstanding,
I welcome the painstaking efforts of the
Senate to ensure that this impeachment
is not derailed, that it remains clear for
the prosecution and fair to the accused.
The prosecution has also shown wisdom
in streamlining their efforts, even if
it means unanswered questions. The
defense of course has been generally
acknowledged as excellent. No matter
my biases, I recognize that and reject all
criticisms against them, including those
that imply that excellence (on technical
issues for example) is a bad thing. The
Filipino people do deserve the truth,
but this can only be reached through an
exacting and precise impeachment, based
on clear allegations and solid evidence.
So am I hopeful of the outcome of
this impeachment trial? Yes, I am, and
in a way I thought I would never be.
As I have said in my rst writings on
this issue, I am most concerned not
about the guilt or innocence of the
Chief Justice but on whether or not the
impeachment process followed is worthy
of a mature democracy. On this, the
Senate, and Senator Enrile in particular,
have exceeded expectations. And so the
stage is set for what comes next.
Email: Face-
book: Twitter:
People of the Philippines...
From A4
Good governance will only happen if we put people with integrity, capability,
and bias for the poor in government positions AND make them accountable by
closely monitoring their performance while in ofce.
In short, citizens need to be intelligent voters and active players in governance.
If we want good governance, we must take our right to vote very seriously. We must
also drastically change our perception that those in government are above us.
For all intents and purposes, the voters are the employers and candidates
are the applicants. We employ them to be at the forefront of OUR ght against
poverty and see to it that they perform as needed.
Yes, the ght is ours.
Health, education, and good governance are some crucial steps but more is
needed. Citizens action is one.
We will only win against poverty if we do our share. Government should do
a lot but so do we.
The case should be: People of the Philippines vs. Pagpag. and @bethangsioco on Twitter
By Nick Turner and Dina Bass
YAHOO! Inc. will review the educational
record of Chief Executive Ofcer Scott
Thompson after investor Third Point
LLC, which is ghting for representation
on the company board, highlighted an
inaccuracy in his credentials.
While Thompson lists a bachelors
degree in computer science from Stonehill
College, the school didnt begin offering
such a degree until four years after he grad-
uated, Third Point CEO Daniel Loeb said
yesterday in a letter to the board. Thompson
has an accounting degree from the school.
Yahoos board plans to review the
matter, and will later make an appro-
priate disclosure to shareholders, the
company said in a statement late yester-
day. The company had earlier called the
discrepancy an inadvertent error and
said it in no way alters that fact that Mr.
Thompson is a highly qualied executive
with a successful track record leading
large consumer technology companies.
Third Point, the owner of about 5.8
percent of Yahoo, announced plans in
March to seek shareholder votes on its
slate of four directors. Yahoo has been
struggling to keep pace with rivals
Google Inc. (GOOG) and Facebook,
which have lured away users and ad dol-
lars. Third Point has demanded changes
at Yahoo, calling it one of technologys
most mismanaged companies.
One course
In his letter yesterday, Loeb said that
Stonehill only had one computer-science
course when Thompson attended the
Boston- area school. Presumably, Mr.
Thompson took that course, he said.
Martin McGovern, a spokesman for
Stonehill in Easton, Massachusetts, said
that Thompson received a bachelors of
science in business administration, with
a major in accounting on May 20, 1979.
He declined to comment further.
Thompsons biography from his time
at EBay Inc.s PayPal unit, as submitted to
events such as the 2009 Web 2.0 Summit,
also stated that he had a degree in compu-
ter science. Anuj Nayar, a spokesman for
PayPal, said that in recent EBay lings,
Thompsons degree was listed correctly.
Under Mr. Thompsons leadership,
Yahoo is moving forward to grow the
company and drive shareholder value,
Sunnyvale, California-based Yahoo said
in its rst public statement on the matter
Loeb said that Patti Hart, a Yahoo board
member who chairs the search committee,
inated her degree too. Hart, who also
serves as CEO of International Game Tech-
nology (IGT), is listed in lings as holding
a bachelors degree in marketing and
economics from Illinois State University,
Loeb said. However, we understand that
Ms. Harts degree is in business adminis-
tration. She received a degree in neither
marketing nor economics.
Marketing specialty
Yahoo said in its response that Patti
Hart holds a bachelor of science degree in
business administration with specialties
in marketing and economics from Illinois
State University.
Jay Groves, a spokesman for Illinois State,
corroborated the business administration
degree, saying she graduated in 1978 with a
concentration in economics and marketing.
Embellishing resumes has led to
executive firings and resignations in
the past. In 2009, Intrepid Potash Inc.
President Patrick Avery stepped down
after conrming he hadnt received de-
grees from two universities listed on a
company prospectus. RadioShack Corp.
CEO David Edmondson resigned in 2006
after acknowledging he hadnt earned the
degrees in theology and psychology that
he listed on his resume.
Veritas executive
Kenneth Lonchar, chief nancial of-
cer at Veritas Software Corp., quit in
2002 after admitting he had lied about
having a masters degree in business
administration from Stanford University.
Others kept their jobs. Microsemi
Corp. CEO James Peterson was censured
and ned after a 2009 review found hed
fabricated degrees from Brigham Young
University, but the company retained
him as CEO. In 2002, Ronald Zarrella,
CEO of Bausch & Lomb Inc., was found
to have listed an MBA from New York
University on his resume, when he had
only taken classes at its business school.
He hung on to his job as well.
Third Point faulted Thompson last
month for embarking on a round of job
cuts before he articulated a more com-
plete strategy. Thompson, the former
president of PayPal (EBAY), took over
as Yahoos CEO in January.
Yahoo named three new independent
directors in March, part of its own effort
to shake up the board and appease inves-
tors. The company had negotiated with
Third Points Loeb about adding one of
his nominees and another that both sides
could agree on. The discussions broke
down when Loeb insisted that he himself
be added, Yahoo said at the time.
Yahoo chief embellished credentials
ManilaStandardToday MAY 5, 2012 SATURDAY
Moreno: Manila workers
suffer as Lim overspends
Light plane caught on Palawan fish run
4 cops in Makati
shootout held
A caretaker of the Crocodile Park in Pasay City spray water on a white-breasted sea eagle to cool the
bird amid the sweltering heat in Metro Manila the past few days. DANNY PATA
Moreno, Francisco Domagoso in real life, said
these are the reasons why 28 out of 38 councilors
openly declared their support for his election
bid in 2013 and even joined him in joining the
United Nationalist Alliance (UNA), a coalition of
the Pwersa ng Masang Pilipino (PMP) of former
President Joseph Estrada and PDP-Laban of Vice
President Jejomar Binay.
The vice mayor lamented that local policemen
have not been paid their allowances for two years
already and even non-uniformed personnel of the
Manila Police District are suffering the same fate.
He said there were also several delays in the
issuance of the benets of public school teachers
and Manila City Hall employees,
At the same time, Moreno said the city
councilors were profoundly disappointed that
the Commission on Audit (COA) admonished Lim
for spending over P1.1 billion while the citys
workers have to bear the burden of cost-cutting
For instance, the vice mayor said most of
the city council cannot understand the reason
or the explanation why City Hall has to lay off
employees as provided in Lims Executive Order
No. 15, which calls for the removal of 50 percent
of employees from the City Council and 30 percent
from the ofce of the mayor.
He said the majority bloc in the city council found
the executive order unacceptable since the camp
of Mayor Lim repeatedly claim that the city has
collectibles to fund the councils appropriations.
Moreno pointed out it is not acceptable to
deprive city workers of his job during difcult
times when people are burdened with the high cost
of living.
He said during last Labor Day celebration,
it was revealed that 12 million are currently
And now, we will be adding to this problem of
the community. Others will not be given their pay.
So our point here is, if there is indeed the desire to
cut spending, why not opt for the construction of
only two roads instead of 10 roads? said Moreno.
Roads will not go hungry. Roads have no
children to feed. But the people who are working,
the people who will lose their jobs, or who will not
be given their pay, they have mouths to feed, said
Moreno who noted that he literally felt hunger,
having come from a very poor family in the slums
of Tondo, Manila.
He said the employees at the Manila City Hall
are small workers who need their jobs.
If they will be deprived of their jobs, they will
denitely go hungry. These are our disagreements
with the mayor, said Moreno, who said he is not
sure if he will run either as mayor or vice mayor
since his the decision will be made by his new
Estrada himself has yet to decide if he will slug
it out with Lim or eld Moreno as his anointed
mayoral candidate. He said he will announce his
nal decision on May 12, although he had already
bought a house in Sta. Mesa, Manila, to satisfy
residency requirements.
If Estrada will not for run mayor, the citys
highest elective position will likely be a toss-up
between Moreno and Lim, whos seeking his third
and last term of ofce.
With 28 councilors on Morenos side, Lim
only has 10 councilors with him, including his
Lim used to be with Estradas PMP when he ran
for senator and mayor. But in the last elections,
Lim jumped boat and carried the banner of the
ruling Liberal Party under President Noynoy
Aquino who ran against Estrada.
By Macon Ramos-Araneta
THE delay in the release or the outright failure to pay the
allowances of Manila government employees and the ongoing
lay-off of workers are among the main issues that sparked the
disenchantment of the city council, led by Vice Mayor Isko
Moreno, with Manila Mayor Alfredo Lim.
Street, Port Area, Manila
(MST-May 5, 2012)
The DPWH South Manila Engineering District, through its Bids and Awards
Committee (BAC) invites contractors to bid for the aforementioned project;
1. Contract I.D. N0. 12OH0045
Contract Name: Proposed Drainage System along 17
, 12
, 10
, 16
, 8
and 21
Streets, Villamor Airbase
Contract Location: Pasay City
Scope of Work: drainage system
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Ph P 9,689,810.69
Contract Duration: 120 cal. days
Bid Documents: Ph P 10,000.00
The BAC will conduct this procurement process in accordance with the Revised
Implementing Rules & Regulations (IRR) of the Republic Act 9184. Bids in excess of the
Approved Budget for the Contract shall be automatically rejected at the opening of bid.
To apply and to bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of Intent (LOI)
signed and submitted by the person authorized in the Contractors License issued by
PCAB. Upon submission of the LOIs, the interested Contractor must also submit the
photo copy and original (for authentication purposes) of the following documents: 1. Class
A Documents (Contained in the Contractors Registration Certifcate)(CRC), 1.1 Legal
Documents: a) Department of Trade and Industry Business Name Registration (DTI)
or SEC Registration Certifcate or CDA; b) Valid and Current Mayors Permit/Municipal
License; 1.2) Technical Documents; a) Valid Joint Venture Agreement, in case of (J.V.) and
Eligibility Docs for each member; b) Valid PCAB License and Registration; 1.3) Financial
Documents; a) Prospective Bidders Audited Financial Statement for the preceding
calendar which should not be earlier than 2 years from the date of bid submission;
b) Prospective bidders computation of its NFCC. The LOIs shall be submitted by the
Authorized Liaison Offcer as specifed in the Contractors Information (CI). Submission
of LOIs by persons with a Special Power of Attorney shall not be allowed. The contractor
must purchase bid documents and must meet the following major criteria: (a) prior
registration with the DPWH & PHILGEPS (b) Filipino citizen of 75% Filipino-owned
partnership, corporation, cooperative, or joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to
the type and cost of this contract, (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50%
of ABC within a period of 10 years, and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least
equal to ABC, or credit line commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The contractors
submitted proof of required equipments for the project are subject for inspection. The
BAC will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary
examination of bids.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to
the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LOI. The DPWH-
POCW Central Offce will only process contractors applications for registration, with
complete requirements, and issue the Contractors Certifcation of Registration (CRC).
Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
Issuance of Bidding Documents - - - - - - - - - - - - - - May 3-23, 2012
Pre-Bid Conference - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10:00 A.M. May 11, 2012
Deadline of LOI Receipt from Prospective Bidders- 12:00 Noon May 17, 2012
Deadline of Bid Receipt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12:00 Noon May 23, 2012
Opening of Bids - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 02:00 P.M. May 23, 2012
Prospective bidders may download the LOI Forms from DPWH website: (allowing the fling of Letter of Intent free of charge and prescribing
fxed costs of bidding documents as per D.O. No. 52 dated October 3, 2011).
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BDs) at South Manila
Engineering District, upon payment of a non-refundable fee as stated above for bid
documents. Prospective bidders may also be download the BDs from the DPWH website,
if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BDs from the DPWH website
shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bid documents. The Pre-
Bid Conference shall be open only to interested parties who have purchased the BDs.
Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, stated in
Section 27.2 of the revised IRR.
Prospective bidders shall submit thei8r duly accomplished forms as specifed in the
BDs in two (2) separate bid envelop to the SMED-BAC Chairman; otherwise, It will be
a ground for an outright disqualifcation. The frst envelope shall contain the technical
component of the bid, which shall include a) copy of the CRC; b) if a propose Key
Technical Personnel is an employee of the bidder and working on another project at the
time of the bidding, the bidder shall submit a certifcation that (1) the personnel will be
pulled out from the on-going project once the bidder is awarded the contract, and (2) he/
she will be replaced with another person with equal or better qualifcations, as certifed
by the head of the implementing offce and c) The bidder may propose a Key Technical
Personnel who is not its employee provided that the said personnel is required to submit a
certifcation that he/she will work for the bidder if it is awarded the contract under bidding.
The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the bid. Contract will be
awarded to the lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined in the bid evaluation
and the post-qualifcation.
The South Manila Engineering District reserves the right to accept or reject any or
all bid to annul the bidding process any time prior to Contract Award, without thereby
incurring any liability to the affected bidder/s.
A P P R O V E D:
Chief, Planning & Design Section
BAC Chairman
N O T E D:
District Engineer
Notice is hereby given that the following companies/employers have with this Regional
Offce Application/s for Alien Employment Permit/s:
Name and Address of
Name and Citizenship
Foreign National
Position and Brief
Description of
Park-Gill Corporation
Sabang, Puerto Galera,
Oriental Mindoro
1. MR. MINHYUK PARK Diving Instructor
If you have any information/objection to the abovementioned application/s please
communicate with the Regional Director.

OIC Regional Director
Republic of the Philippines
Oriental Mindoro Occidental Mindoro Marinduque Romblon Palawan
(MST-May 5, 2012)
(O R M E C O)
Simaron, Calapan City
(MST-May 5, 2012)
All interested parties are invited to participate in the prequalifcation bidding set by ORMECO, Inc. on 2:00
p.m. of May 15, 2012 and actual bidding on May 22, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. for the clearing activity.

LOT - I Supply of Line Clearing Activity for 1 Year Term
(June 1, 2012 to April 30, 2013)
District 1: Baco, San Teodoro and Pto. Galera
Ceiling Price: P 66,150.00 per month
District 5: Pinamalayan and Gloria Coverage Area
Ceiling Price: P 66,128.73 per month
District 2: Calapan and portion of Baco and Naujan West Area
Ceiling Price: P 63,000.00 per month
District 6: Bansud and Bongabong Coverage Area
Ceiling Price: P 62,002.09 per month
District 3: Naujan and Victoria Coverage Area
Ceiling Price: P 75,600.00 per month
District 7: Roxas, Mansalay, Bulalacao Coverage Area
Ceiling Price: P 84,997.91 per month
District 4: Socorro and Pola Coverage Area
Ceiling Price: P 51,471.27 per month

1 Interested parties may secure BID DOCUMENTS / INFORMATIONS from the Procurement Section,
ORMECO, Inc., Simaron, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro. A non-refundable fee of Php 6,000.00 shall be
collected as payment for BID DOCUMENTS.

2 Interested Bidder must notify us the confrmation of interest not later than May 14, 2012 of 5:00p.m.. You can
call at telephone number 043-2882349 / cp#09175040113 or email at

3 SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at 2:00 p.m. of May 22, 2012 and immediately after which, the
said proposals will be opened during the actual bidding in the presence of the attending bidders.

4 ALL BIDS must be accompanied by a BID BOND payable to ORMECO in the form of CASH, CASHIERS
CHECK, MANAGERS CHECK or BANK DRAFT issued by a reputable bank equivalent to FIVE
PERCENT (5%) of the BID. No Bid Bond in the form of Surety Bond shall be accepted.

5 The winning bidder shall issue an additional FIVE PERCENT (5%) in the form of CASH, CASHIERS
CHECK, MANAGERS CHECK or BANK DRAFT froma reputable bank, representing the PERFORMANCE

6 If the bidder who submitted the best offer refuses to push through with his / her proposed BID during and
after the bidding, his / her Bid Bond shall be forfeited, and failure of bidding shall be declared.

7 ORMECO reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all Bids
at any time prior to award, without incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders. ORMECO also
assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnity bidders for any expenses incurred in
the preparation of their bids.

General Manager

QC to build 2 more
Bistekville projects
THE Quezon City government is
planning to develop two more low-cost
shelter projects in two depressed areas in
the city to provide more homes for the
citys informal settlers at danger zones.
Mayor Herbert Bautista said he has
tasked Tadeo Palma, secretary to the
Ofce of the Mayor, to negotiate the
acquisition of land in Barangay Escopa,
Project 4 and Barangay Culiat for the
immediate construction of Bistekville
III and Bistekville IV.
He ordered Palma to head his pro-
poor housing program to provide safe and
affordable homes to the poor to be affected
by looming relocations from ood-prone
areas and other danger zones.
The city government has already put
up two socialized housing projects, the
Bistekville I in Barangay Payatas and
Bistekville II in Barangay Kaligayahan,
The Quezon City Association of
Filipino-Chinese Businessmen Inc.,
headed by its president Bobby Chua-
Ching, backs the citys shelter program,
Bautista said, adding the group has
promised to nance at least 10 units of
pro-poor housing projects in either of
the two socialized housing sites under a
private-public partnership.
The Habitat for Humanity helped fund
Bistekville I while Phinma Properties
nanced Bistekville II.
The city government would also build
housing units to be rented out to the citys
public school teachers in a 2,000-square
meter lot on Kalantiaw Street, Project 4.
Rio N. Ar aja
2 Taiwanese denied entry
for being undesirable aliens
THE Bureau of Immigration on Thursday
denied entry to two Taiwanese nationals
whom they believe to be members of the
notorious Bamboo Gang in Taiwan.
Immigration supervisor Mario de
Vega identied the two Taiwanese
nationals as Wa Tao Hsien, 30 year and
Lin Yu Hsiang 20, who both arrived from
Taiwan on board Eva Air.
Travel Control and Enforcement
Unit (TCEU) ofcer Anthony Lopez
spotted Hsien and Hsiang line-up at the
immigration counters for stamping of
passports as immigration formalities when
he notice a tattoo on Hsiangs shoulder who
is wearing a pink t-shirt. Lopez invited the
two men to the arrival immigration ofce
for questioning. Er ic B. Apolonio
By Eric B. Apolonio

A BEECHCRAFT light cargo
plane was grounded while its
pilot was held for questioning
after it was caught on Thursday
undertaking a sh-run from
According to Reynaldo T.
Bersabal, head of the Intelli-
gence and Investigation Division
of the Civil Aviation Authority
of the Philippines, sh runs are
ights that illegally transport
marine products from Palawan
to Manila.
Bersabal said the Beechcraft
plane with registry number RP-
C1970 took off from the Fran-
cisco Reyes Airport in Busuanga,
Palawan and was to y from
Manila, but airport ofcials in
Busuanga received information
of the aircrafts illegal operation
because it was carrying misde-
clared cargo of live sh.
Bersabal immediately mobilize
his team and went to the general
aviation hangar of the Ninoy Aqui-
no International Airport to check
the veracity of the report. Upon the
planes arrival, they requested the
pilot Raffy Batungbakal Jr. to sur-
render the ight plan and subjected
the aircraft to inspection.
The authorities later learned
that the aircraft was carrying an
unmanifested cargo of live sh
and the plane only had a sus-
pended airline operators certi-
cate from CAAP.
The investigating team
learned that the plane was regis-
tered under the name of a certain
Gelta S. Caliso and was using the
suspended AOC license of Avia-
tion Technology Innovators, the
operator of the light cargo plane
that crashed into a Paraaque
City neighbourhood last Decem-
ber 10, 2011 that resulted in the
deaths of 14 people, including 3
The IID team conscated the
pilots commercial license and
the cargo.
CAAP-IID said that the air-
line operators violated Section
72 of the CAAP law which pro-
vides prohibitws any person from
operating an aircraft without an
air operator certicate. Viola-
tors may be meted a ne rang-
ing from P300,000 to P500,000
and repetition of the said offense
shall be sufcient cause for the
revocation of the certicate.
By Florante S. Solmerin
PHILIPPINE National Police
chief Director General Nica-
nor Bartolome has placed un-
der restrictive custody the four
Makati policemen involved in
an alleged shootout with two
volunteer re ghters.
Our chief, Gen. Nicanor
Bartolome, has already placed
the four involved Makati po-
licemen under restrictive cus-
tody at the National capital Re-
gional Police Ofce (NCRPO)
headquarters pending comple-
tion of the investigation by the
NBI, said PNP spokesman Se-
nior Supt. Generoso Cerbo Jr.
In the best interest of im-
partiality and due process, we
are placing the involved police-
men under custody to allow the
opportunity to be available to
present their side in the con-
tinuing investigation of the
case, Cerbo read from Barto-
lomes statement, adding that
the police with cooperate fully
with the National Bureau of In-
The four Makati policemen
were Police Ofcer O2 Car-
melo Tuzon Jr., PO2 Elmandy
Arconado, PO3 Christopher
Abeleda and Senior Police Of-
cer 1 Raul Tamarion.
The four policemen claimed
that the April 1 incident was
the result of a legitimate police
operation against notorious rid-
ing-in-tandem robbers.
But the NBI released a copy
of the closed circuit television
camera footage of the incident
showing that Ronald Infante,
acting chief of the Manila-Set-
ba re volunteer brigade, and
his companion, mechanic Jenny
Almanon, were not killed in a
Bartolome also ordered
NCRPO Police Director Alan
LM Purisima to initiate the l-
ing of the administrative case
and was ordered to surrender
their badges and service re-
A7 Sports Riera U. Mallari, Editor
Kensei formalized its entry into the
nals with an emphatic, abbreviated
10-0 shutout of Zamboanga City in
only four innings, punctuated by a six-
run scoring spree in the third inning.
Earlier, Kensei set the tone for the
game with three runs right in the rst
inning, followed by another run in he
second. The team nished with seven
wins against a single loss.
Meanwhile, the Philippine
Army and Philippine Air Force are
contesting the other nals slot that
will depend on the outcome of the
protest led after the game by the
Armymen for alleged illegal batting
Protecting Filipino boxers
Kensei makes softball nals
THE VISITING Brunei team Kensei showed
up the local teams by claiming the rst nals
slot in the Mens Open division of the Ce-
buana Lhuillier Summer Grandslam National
Softball Open at Clarkeld, Pampanga
WE have often complained, sometimes
bitterly, about the abject failure of
the Games and Amusements Board
to protect the interests of our lesser-
known ghters, who engage hometown
favorites especially in world title ghts
in places like Thailand.
The World Boxing Council light
yweight title ght between Jonathan
Taconing and Thai world champion
Kompayak Porpramook was a classic
example of why at least one GAB ofcial
should be present during a title ght of
such importance to at least show the
local boxing ofcials and referee and
judges that they are there to look after the
legitimate rights of the Filipino boxers.
Anybody, who has a clue about pro
boxing would realize after watching
the ght on television, that Taconing
was robbed blind by the Thais, whose
penchant for cheating in pro boxing is
known the world over, no matter how
vehemently they deny it.
Taconing hammered Kompayak most
of the ght and while indeed the small
cut suffered on the left eyebrow of the
champion was the result of an accidental
head-butt, there was absolutely no reason
for the ght to be stopped.
As required by WBC rules, the
scores were announced at the end of
the fourth round and the Thais knew
that Kompayak was ahead on the
scorecards of two of the three judges
Geoff Belton of New Zealand and
Takeaki Kanaya of Japan. The doctor
and South Korean referee Jae -Bong
Kim, who appears to be a particular
favorite among the Thais, conspired to
stop the bout in Round 5, when there
was hardly any blood from the cut and
it was not in any way threatening or
even hampering the champion.
Comfortable in the knowledge that the
scores could not have been overcome
in favor of Taconing when the ght
was stopped, the Thai ring doctor and
referee Kim helped Kompayak retain
his world title in another ugly display
of the lack of integrity in boxing.
It was a painful loss for Taconing, who
deserved to win and add to the roster of
Filipino world champions and a shameless
display of a hometown decision.
Thats why when Filipino boxers
ght Thais in title bouts, they go into
the ring realizing that the only way
to win is to batter their opponents
Patriots battle Slingers
ALREADY assured of the No. 2 spot,
AirAsia Philippines can well afford to slow
it down in its last two elimination games in
the AirAsia ASEAN Basketball League.
But Patriots coach Glenn Capacio isnt
going to do
it when they
clash with the
S i n g a p o r e
Slingers in the
PG Flex Linoleum Home Game at the
Ynares Sports Arena.
Having lost three of their last four
games that cost them the No. 1 spot,
Capacio said they have to win their two
remaining games to have the winning
feeling going into the semis round
against either Westports Malaysia or
We need to have to have the winning
mood going into the semis series so its
going to be business as usual for all of
us, said Capacio.
Game time is at 6 p.m. with the Patriots
of businessman Tony Boy Cojuangco
and Harbour Centre Chief Executive
Ofcer and president Mikee Romero out
to improve their 14-5 record. The San
Miguel Beermen are leading the eight-
team eld with a 16-4 mark.
THE search for the next racing superstar
moves on to the next phase as Tuason
Racing School and the Global Karting
Westgate stage the second leg of the
C! Top Driver Challenge Season 10
today at the Global Karting Westgate at
the Serenity Parking Area in Westgate
Alabang, Muntinlupa City.
Qualiers from the rst round at the
SM Mega Trade Hall Transport Show
will battle each other anew in a grueling
karting challenge of this event powered
by Castrol, Bridgestone, Global Karting
Westgate, Standard Insurance, Coke
Zero, Speedlab, Aguila Auto Glass,
OMP, Oakley, Toptul, and C!Magazine.
Karting is the basic or the grassroots
of four-wheel racing. Those, who have
the real knack for racing can be best
identied in karting, and even most of
the Formula One racing champions
started with karting, said Tuason
Racing School president JP Tuason.
Participants will go through a three-
round series. Qualifying times will be
ranked from fastest to the slowest, while
the Finals will be a Race of Champions
style or a head-to-head knockout system.
This event is open to all drivers 17 years
old and above. LTO Drivers license is
required. Registration is P1,500 for non-
members and P1,000 for GKW members.
Forty drivers will be chosen from
among the qualiers and will get a
chance to win circuit car scholarship and
other products.
For more details, interested parties may
contact Global Karting at 0939-9375744 or
email, and Like the event
on facebook for more updates and promos
or call TRS secretariat, c/o Aileen Urgelles
and Abi at 820-4203.
Top Driver
leg set
Millet shoots for 2 drag-racing titles
SOME 120 cars head to Clark as top
drivers try to boost their chances for
the titles at stake in the third and pen-
ultimate leg of the 2012 Philippine
Drag Racing Championships Northern
Series today at the Clark International
Aside from the four-way battle for
the Northern plum, spectators will also
focus their eyes on teener Arvin Jay
Millet, whos vying for two crowns in
this event sanctioned by the Automo-
bile Association Philippines and spon-
sored by GT Radial, HKS Motor Oil,
M&H Race Master, Yokohama and
powered by Racing Beat@Wave 89.1.
Millet expects a tough journey against
Edison Cayco of H3 Autoworks in the
M&H Pro Class. Cayco leads the stand-
ings with 16 points, leading Millet,
whos second overall with 15.
Hes also locked in a three-way tie
in the Yokohama Expert class, with
Dietro Carlo Evangelista of Mohspeed
and Jaybee Alinea of Team Ready tot-
ing 15 points apiece.
And with the expected huge eld
joining this race, Drag Racing director
Fil Guln urges all drivers to come
early and avail of more time to test
and adjust their car set-ups in the
qualifying runs.
Registration starts at 6 a.m., while
the drivers brieng is set at 8 a.m.
Drivers are also urged to observe ut-
most safety with the strict implemen-
tation of safety gears, like helmets,
race suits and the required roll cages
in their cars especially for those com-
peting in higher classes that runs 12
seconds or faster.
Equally exciting are the hunts for the
top spots in the HKS Sportsman Class
and the GT Radial Hotstreet division.
Hubert Canarias of Bertspeed and
Marky Baquiran of Kapshop dispute
solo lead in the HKS Sportsman Class
as both hold 16 points apiece.
Marton Brylle Samson of Skyline
hopes to keep his hold on the solo lead
against Aaron Lao and Joms Licup in
the GT Radial Hotstreet division.
For further details, log on to www. or con-
tact the Batangas Racing Circuit,
c/o Nelson Gayola or Rodini Rivera
at (632) 817-2241, 729-5365 or fax
844-7766 or like the event on Face-
book, Batangas
Racing Circuit.
by JK.Com Zamboanga.
In the womens side of the competition,
University of the East, piloted by Blu
Girl Joy Lasquite, will go up against
the Adamson University Alumni team,
handled by national coach Ana Santiago.
First time namin sumali dito sa
National Open, kaya di namin expected
na aabot kami sa nals. Pero nandito na
rin lang, pangatawanan na namin, said
Maganda ang laban na ito,
parehong may kalibre ang teams namin,
tinalo namin sila sa University Athletic
Association of the Philippines, said
Santiago, whose team bowed to UE in
the elimination round.
The tournament is sponsored by
Cebuana Pera Padala, Cebuana Lhuillier
Bank, Phiten, Cebuana Lhuillier Insurance
Solutions, Just Jewels, Le Soleil de
Boracay, TJ Hotdogs, Purefoods Chicken
Nuggets, Smokeys Sausages, Hungry
Juan, DOT Region 3,hosted by the Clark
Development Corporation, and organized
by the Amateur Softball Association of
the Philippines.
Marikina, which swept the elimination
round in the mens club division,winning
all its six games, will gun for the crown
against Laguna, which nished with a
4-2 record.
Loyola seeks payback
THE Loyola Meralco Sparks targets the
top spot anew as it seeks payback against
Stallion Saturday in the United Football
League at the University of Makati.
A victory by the Sparks in the 4 p.m.
clash against the
f o u r t h - r a n k e d
Stallion will push
them past Global
at the top.
Global, two
points ahead of
Loyola with 30 points, is scheduled
to play Sunday night against Nomads
Auction Manila.
Colliding in the rst match today at
2 p.m. is Air Force and Armytwo
teams nursing slim title hopes. The two
matches will be aired live by AKTV on
Stallion prevailed in the rst-
round duel against the Sparks, 4-1, a
victory that boosted its stock as a title
But Stallion has struggled since its
three-game win streak to start the season,
picking up just 13 of a maximum 24
points in its last eight matches and has
fallen to fourth spot.
Phil Younghusband, the leagues
leading scorer with 16 goals, will also
be seeking redemption against Stallion,
after he was sent off in the second half of
their initial clash.
Eagles keep share of lead
NICO Salva and Justin Chua scattered
14 and 11 points, respectively, for the
Ateneo Blue Eagles, who trounced the
STI College Olympian, 69-51, Thursday
at the San Andres Sports Complex in
Malate, Manila.
Their efforts enabled the Blue Eagles
to earn their third straight victory in the
Fr. Martin Summer Cup Basketball
With Greg Slaughter and Ryan
Buenafe hitting eight points apiece, the
Blue Eagles kept their share of the lead
with the Adamson University Soaring
The University of the East Red
Warriors, who climbed to third in Group
A at 2-1, blasted the Our Lady of Fatima
University Phoenix, 67-60.
In the junior action, the University of
the Philippines Integrated School Junior
Maroons walloped Tiong Lian champion
Chiang Kai Shek, 64-53, to pick up their
rst win two outings.
THE hunt for qualifying points for the Lon-
don Olympics triathlon event intensies
among elite triathletes as the K-SWISS ITU
Subic Bay International Triathlon, presented
by Century Tuna res off today at 6 a.m.
In the male elite category, Zimbabwes
Christopher Felgate and Moroccos Mehdi
Essadiq will face stiff competition from a
large delegation of Australian triathletes, as
well as entries from China, New Zealand,
Mexico, Japan, Chinese Taipei and Hong
Kong. Felgate and Essadiq are within strik-
ing distance of qualifying for the Olympics.
On the distaff side in the event sponsored
by K-SWISS, Century Tuna, Subic Bay Met-
ropolitan Authority, SPEEDO, Harbor Point
Ayala Malls, SM City Olongapo, Davids
Salon, Travelers Hotel, Asian Centre for In-
sulation Philippines, Gatorade, Fitness First,
Philippine Sports Commission and Standard
Insurance, the Philippines Kim Mangro-
bang will take another shot at the title, along
with tough eld of competitors, that include
Australias Grace Musgrove, Koreas Jang
Yun-Jung, Macaus Hoi Long and a trio from
China led by Zhang Yi.
The elite entries, as well as those in the
Elite Under-23, will be swimming 1,500 me-
ters at the Dungaree Beach, followed by 40
kilometers of biking around the freeport and
10 kilometers of running near the waterfront,
with a new nish line located at Lincoln
street beside Legenda.
Along the way, some tweaks have been
made to the bike route to ensure the safety of
both the participants and the spectators.
Other than the London Olympics qualify-
ing points, a total of P350,000 in cash prizes
are at stake as well as premium items, med-
als, entitlements and giveaways for winners
of varied race categories. Age-groupers will
compete tomorrow.
Subic Bay triathlon fires off today
and knock them out cold, just as
Sonny Boy Jaro did to veteran World
Boxing Council yweight champion
Pongsaklek Wonjongkam.
While watching the ght tape, we
realized that Taconing was trying
desperately to do just that and when
Kompayak was being hammered in
a corner and embraced and held on
to Taconing, the referee didnt even
caution the Thai for holding, instead
he broke up the action and derailed the
momentum of the challenger.
We ourselves will call WBC president
Don Jose Sulaiman to follow up on our
urgent request for him to review the ght
tape and order a rematch in a neutral
venue and to take specic action against
the ofcials involved for either blatant
incompetence or questionable decision-
making. Don Jose cant do any less and
knowing him as we do, we are condent
he will do the right thing.
In the meantime, our GAB ofcials
should hang their heads in shame once
again for having utterly neglected to
protect the interests of a Filipino boxer
in a world title ght in a notorious
venue such as Thailand.
What is even more exasperating
is that when Manny Pacquiao ghts,
GAB ofcials travel to the US to
watch the ght and add to the number
of junketing politicians. Pacquiao
is perfectly capable of looking after
himself and protecting his interests and
doesnt need the GAB.
Since the GAB is under the Ofce of
the President, we sincerely hope that
President Noynoy Aquino will crack
the whip and ensure that nobody from
the GAB ies to Las Vegas for the
June 9 ght of Pacquiao and wastes
taxpayers hard-earned money.
We also fervently hope that Rep. Manny
Pacquiaos efforts to establish a privately run
Philippine Boxing Commission succeeds
and that the inefcient, incompetent GAB
boxing division is dismantled or better still
knocked out!
Game Today
(Ynares Sports Arena,
Pasig City)
6 p.m. AirAsia PH Patriots
vs Singapore Slingers
Games Today
(University of Makati)
2 p.m. Air Force
Phoenix vs Army
4 p.m. Stallion vs
Loyola Meralco
Oldlympics backed. Tsoko.
Nut Batirol has signed up to
be one of the sponsors of Paco
Catholic School Batch 1974s
100 74s 4 PCS 100, the class
meaningful celebration of the
schools centennial in November.
One of the awaited event is the
Oldympics, the groups sportsfest
to be held on Nov. 5 at the SHMI
in Paranaque. The proudly Pinoy
coffee and chocolate shop will
be the ofcial food and drinks
provider of the one-day activity
of the members of the class to
promote physical tness. Tsoko.
Nut Batirol, which has 10 outlets
in Metro Manila, including
the newly renovated outlet
at SM North EDSA is likewise
supporting the batchs 100 Trees
4 PCS 100 as part of its advocacy
for a greener environment.
Photo shows (from left) the four
team captains, Henry Selecios of
Team Paz, Teddy Perea of Team
Herran, Jay Ferrer of Team Trece
de Agosto and Melvyn Regala of
Team Estero during the formal
launching of the Oldympics held
at the Tsoko.Nut Batirols branch
at RCBC Plaza in Makati.
JUNIOR national player Jerome Romualdez
won the 14th Angeles City National Age-
Group Championship Open title recently
after beating all his opponents at the Angeles
City Tennis Club, Villa Gloria Subdivision
in Angeles, Pampanga.
Romualdez, the 12-year-old ace player
of Xavier School in San Juan, did the
best he could to cop the boys 14-under
crown by outlasting Josshua Kinaadman,
6-0, 6-0, in the nals of the tournament
participated in by 100 young netters from Luzon.
I never expected to have a result like this. I just kept playing
my best, said Romualdez, who is considered to be one of the
best talents available in the 12-under category. The players
who participated were all tough.
In the elimination round, Romualdez beat Rommel Arcilla 4-0,
4-0, followed by a win in the quarternals against Justin Suarez,
6-2, 6-0, to make it to the seminal round. He walloped Jacob
Martin, 1-0 retired, to advance to the nals. Martin retired due
to the scorching heat.
Romualdez wins netfest
Riera U. Mallari, Editor
Manila Standard TODAY
There was really only one
way to put it after they trailed
throughout in a 95-79 loss
Thursday night that gave the
Oklahoma City Thunder a
commanding 3-0 series lead.
We picked a bad time to put a
stinker out there, Nowitzki said.
After losing the rst two games on
the road by a combined four points,
the defending NBA champions were
Thunderstruck by Kevin Durant and
young Oklahoma City.
Durant nally found his
postseason shooting touch, scoring
15 of his 31 points in the rst quarter.
After shooting a combined 15 for
44 in the rst two games, though he
did have the game-winning jumper
with 1.5 seconds left in the series
opener, the three-time NBA scoring
champ made 11 of 15 shots in Game
3. Even when he missed the games
rst shot, Serge Ibaka converted
a putback to put Oklahoma City
ahead to stay.
The Thunder get their rst chance
to close out the series with Game 4
on Saturday night in Dallas.
We know we havent done
anything yet, Durant said.
While they havent won the
AUTSRacing karters ash dominance
NEWCOMER Carl Luig and lady
karter Yvana Carangan spearheaded
another impressive show by
AUTSracing Team recently in the
second leg of the 2012 Petron Karting
Super Series at the Batangas Racing
Circuit in Rosario, Batangas.
Luig and Carangan topped
their respective classes, showing
consistency and defensive strategy
aboard their reliable Birel Competition
Karts to ward off their rivals.
Together with new recruit Francis
Tanlu and Brian Thorp, AUTSracing
Team harvested two titles, a runner-up
and a fourth-place nish in the event
through the big support of Kiplings,
Birel Competition Karts, Yamaha
Winforce, Maynilad Water Services,
Kart Care Lubricants and FreeLine
Go Kart Parts.
The 22-year-old Luig captured
his second consecutive win in the
Formula SL Novice class. Much like
in the kickoff leg, he again upstaged
all the expert drivers in the combined
nine-lap Final race.
He claimed the checkered ag after
14 minutes and 36.882 seconds of
racing, winning by a mere 0.021 second
ahead of runner-up and last years Cadet
Karter of the Year Raymond Cudala.
Carangan posted the fastest laptime
of 1:26.943 as she checked in third
overall in the same race, just 0.1012
second behind Luig to clinch the
Formula SL Expert crown
Brian Thorp, last years Cadet Novice
champion, checked in sixth overall in
the same race to grab the third runner-
up trophy in the Formula SL division.
Francis Tanlu, who bagged third place
on his debut race last month, posted a
better nish with his runner-up feat in
the Formula Cadet Novice division.
Indy Villalon, a multiple local
and international kart champion,
who rigidly prepared and trained the
AUTSracing karters, was himself
surprised and inspired by their
improved performances.
DALLASDirk Nowitzki leaned back
in the chair at the podium, trying to explain
what went wrong for the Dallas Mavericks
once they got home for the playoffs.
(First of a series)
By Ronnie Nathanielsz
MANNY Pacquiao, the boxing
icon and acknowledged
crossover superstar, is slowly
but surely shedding his bad boy
image, if you can call it such,
and emerging as a thoughtful,
insightful individual, who draws
strength and inspiration from
the Bible, while continuing
his career as the pound-for-
pound king and taking the rst
deliberate steps in his journey to
higher public ofce.
When we spoke to Pacquiao
at his MP Towers building in
a narrow street that reects the
widespread poverty that he himself
broke away from by his grim
determination and dedication,
we began to realize that he has
changed rather dramatically from
the young man, who enjoyed late
nights, big-time gambling on pool
games, in cockghts and casinos
and the women and the drinks that
were part of the wild and wooly
The change within him came
about too late to correct the aws
that marked his preparation and
troubled personal life, leading to
the third ght with Juan Manuel
Marquez, a bout he won but which
was questionable to say the least.
Pacquiao knew then that he
had to mend his wayward ways,
return to the family values
that Filipinos, by and large,
cherish and renew, in a real
and meaningful manner, his
Christian faith.
Today, wherever he goes, he
carries a Bible with him, in his car
or even when training, which an
aide holds onto as he works out.
During a brief lull before he
began his punch-mitts routine with
loyal childhood friend Restituto
Buboy Fernandez, who is his
Filipino trainer, Pacquiao recited
one of his favorite verses from the
scriptures (Isaiah 41: Verse 10)
So do not fear for I am with you.
Do not be dismayed, for I am your
God. I will strengthen you and
help you; I will uphold you with
my righteous right hand.
Fernandez said he was
surprised that after one weeks
training in General Santos
City, he saw a huge difference
between the Manny Pacquiao
of his previous ghts and a very
different Pacquiao today.
He is like the hungry, teenage
ghter who rst came to Manila.
Hes hungry again. Its the old
Manny, Fernandez said, explaining
that this is because of a dramatic
change in Pacquiaos lifestyle, with
no late nights and no problems
to think about. His only mission is
to study the Bible. When you see
that he is known the world over
and is a congressman and you see
him in front of you explaining the
scriptures, no matter who you are,
your hair will stand on edge.
In a recent gathering at ABS-
CBNs Dolphy Theater before
an overow crowd, Pacquiao
demonstrated his appreciation
of the Word of God in a power-
point presentation, where his
sincerity shone like a beacon.
To be continued
6/45 000000000000
4 DIGITS 00000000
3 DIGITS 000000
2 EZ2 0000
Pacquiao believes God will strengthen him
SAN Sebastian College
reinforcement Jeng Bualee
said that the Philippines has
got what it takes to become a
r e gi ona l
power in
a g a i n ,
but badly
needs international exposure.
It is hard to say if the
Philippines can match other
countries like Thailand,
Vietnam, Indonesia and
Malaysia because they do not
join international matches,
said the 28-year-old Bualee,
a resident import of one-
time Shakeys V-League
champion SSC, having been
with the team since 2005
with eight individual awards
to boast of.
The Philippines established
itself as a volley power in
Southeast Asia in the early
1990s but lost its ranking since
with poor showing until Sports
Vision and Shakeys linked
up to put up the V-League in
And the level of Filipino
play can only get better.
They are better now than
before, not only my team
but the other teams as well.
They play good now and they
learned well from other Thai
players, said Bualee, a former
Thai pro star who also suits up
for a Vietnam squad.
When I rst came here,
some only play to enjoy, but
now many of them already
know how to win games, said
Bualee. I think they (Filipino
players) should learn from
other countries, because there
are many good players from
Thailand and Vietnam.
exposure for
spikers sought
Heat, Thunder
lead series, 3-0
By Peter Atencio
WITH seven gold medals at
stake on the rst day, track
sensations Romnick Nor and
and Mae Barit will once again
try to dominate early in the
2012 Palarong Pambansa.
Bigger and stronger this year,
they are expected to come up
with better performances when
the games open with the athletics
competition at the Narciso Ramos
Sports and Civic Complex in
Lingayen, Pangasinan on Sunday.
The 16-year-old Nor, now a
junior at the Datu Paylas National
High School in Maguindanao, came
close to breaking meet records in the
100-meter and the 200-meter of the
secondary boysdivision last year in
Dapitan City after he had clockings
of 10.99 seconds and 22.19 seconds,
in the said events respectively.
Records set by Ronald
Calaunan of Cagayan Valley in
1998 (10.9 and 22.19) could fall
if Nor submits faster clockings
during the heats or in the nals.
By Jeric Lopez

NINE of the 10 squads in the Philippine Basketball
Association already have imports for the coming
Governors Cup.
Powerade, Petron and Meralco already named
their respective reinforcements for their campaigns
in the season-ending conference late this month.
The Tigers are tapping a proven scorer and
playmaker in former NBA player and North
Carolina standout Rashad McCants.
The 65 McCants was a vital cog in North
Carolinas 2005 National Championship run,
wherein he played alongside notable names such
Raymond Felton of the Portland Trail Blazers,
Atlanta Hawks starter Marvin Williams, Sean May
and former Barangay Ginebra import David Noel.
Excited for our import. Excited for the next
conference, said Powerade assistant coach Charles
Tiu on his Twitter account.
As for the Boosters, they are bringing in a well-
experienced guard in Eddie Basden, who also had a brief
appearance in the NBA, when he played 19 games for the
Chicago Bulls in the 2005 to 2006 season.
Meralco picked up its import last season in Tim
Pickett, who will be the third reinforcement in the
third conference making a return trip. Jason Forte
of Alaska and Paul Harris of Talk N Text were also
called back for duty.
The other teams imports are as follows: Jamelle
Cornley for Rain or Shine, Marquis Blakely for
B-Meg, Cedric Bozeman of Barangay Ginebra, and
Zach Graham for Air21.Only Barako Bull Energy is
yet to name an import.
Meanwhile, the trade sending Doug Kramer to
Barako Bull was nally approved by Commissioner
Chito Salud.
After the Energy and Powerade revised their deal,
the transaction wherein Powerade sends Kramer to
Barako Bull in exchange for Jondan Salvador, plus an
additional rst-round draft pick in this Augusts draft,
was given the go-signal yesterday.
Powerade to tap NBA veteran
series yet, the Thunder have put
Dallas in an 0-3 hole that no
NBA team has ever overcome
to win a series.
That means a nearly
impossible climb for the
Mavs to avoid being the rst
defending champion knocked
out in the rst round of the
playoffs since Miami ve
years ago. After beating Dallas
in the 2006 NBA nals, the
Heat were swept in four games
by Chicago in the opening
round the next season.
Weve got to win A game,
Nowitzki said, emphasizing the
singular focus. Youve got to
show some pride on Saturday
and just play a better game.
Nowitzki had 17 points and
Jason Kidd 12 for Dallas, which
shot only 34 percent (26 of 76 AP
Multiple local and international kart champion Indy
Villalon (center) congratulates his wards (from left)
Formula SL Novice third runner-up Brian Thorp, Formula SL
Novice champion Carl Luig, Formula SL Expert champion
Yvana Carangan and Formula Cadet Novice runner-up
Francis Tanlu for their achievements.
Games tomorrow
2 p.m. FEU vs NU
4 p.m. SWU
vs Ateneo
6 p.m. UST vs USLS
B-MEGs Mark Pingris (right) hacks the ball from behind TNTs Harvey Donnell and fouls him in the
process in Game 5 of the PBA Commissioners Cup at the Smary-Araneta Coliseum. LINO SANTOS
Manny Pacquiao (center) with Manila Standards Ronnie Nathanielsz
(left) and ABS-CBNs Diane Castillejo
Manila Standard TODAY
Ray S. Eano, Editor
Roderick T. dela Cruz, Assistant Editor
Inflation accelerates
to 3% on fuel prices
firms eye
Capital markets financing Asias growth
rm buys
PH plant
Closing May 4, 2012
LPG/11-kg tank
Unleaded Gasoline
Auto LPG
Currency Unit US Dollar Peso
United States Dollar 1.000000 42.2090
Japan Yen 0.012469 0.5263
UK Pound 1.617900 68.2899
Hong Kong Dollar 0.128894 5.4405
Switzerland Franc 1.094691 46.2058
Canada Dollar 1.011225 42.6828
Singapore Dollar 0.804117 33.9410
Australia Dollar 1.026062 43.3091
Bahrain Dinar 2.652661 111.9662
Saudi Arabia Rial 0.266652 11.2551
Brunei Dollar 0.800897 33.8051
Indonesia Rupiah 0.000109 0.0046
Thailand Baht 0.032310 1.3638
UAE Dirham 0.272264 11.4920
Euro Euro 1.315100 55.5091
Korea Won 0.000886 0.0374
China Yuan 0.158604 6.6945
India Rupee 0.018751 0.7915
Malaysia Ringgit 0.329902 13.9248
NewZealand Dollar 0.800769 33.7997
Taiwan Dollar 0.034241 1.4453
Source: PDS Bridge
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
Friday, May 4, 2012
Closing MAY 4, 2012
VOLUME 842.300M
HIGH P42.180 LOW P42.320 AVERAGE P42.234
By Maria Bernadette Lunas
and Elaine Ramos Alanguilan
INFLATION rate in April climbed for the rst
time in six months, on higher utility, food and
fuel prices, the National Statistics Ofce reported
The NSO said ination rate hit 3.0
percent in April, up from the 30-month
low of 2.6 percent in March and 4.7
percent a year ago. It marked the rst
time that ination accelerated since
October 2011.
Ination slowed from 5.2 percent in
October to 4.7 percent in November,
4.2 percent in December, 4.0 percent
in January, 2.7 percent in February and
nally to 2.6 percent in March.
The higher-than-expected ination
in April nearly breached the Bangko
Sentrals forecast for the month of 2.1
to 3.0 percent.
Although higher than that for March,
the ination turnout for April still points
to a within-target full-year average,
said Bangko Sentral Governor Amando
Tetangco Jr.
Average ination in the rst four
months was estimated at 3.0 percent,
which is the lower end of Bangko
Sentrals target range of 3 to 5 percent
for both 2012 and 2013.
Tetangco said the bank remained
watchful on ination risks, particularly
the volatile oil prices. We are also
watching for any changes in market
activities to see how our past actions
are working their way through the
economy, he said.
The Bangko Sentrals key policy
interest rates stood at record-low levels
of 4.0 percent for overnight borrowing
and 6.0 percent for overnight lending.
Bangko Sentral Deputy Governor
Diwa Guinigundo said the bank may
tweak its ination forecast for 2012,
given the increase in April ination.
Maybe, but well know four weeks
later because we have to input the
3-percent ination for April, said
Guinigundo when asked if central banks
ination forecast for the year would be
adjusted upward following the higher-
than-expected ination in April.
The Bangko Sentral has pegged its
ination forecast at 3.1 percent for the
Monetary ofcials will have their
regular review of the ination outlook and
other monetary indicators next month.
We continue to expect the Bangko
Sentral to revise up its 2012 average
ination forecast, currently 3.1 percent,
towards our forecast of 3.5 percent,
said Prakriti Sofat, economist of
Barclays Capital Ltd. of Singapore.
She said Barclays ination forecast
was still comfortably within the
ination target range of 3 to 5 percent
for this year.
Our base view remains that the
central bank has done its bit to support
growth and will keep rates unchanged
for the rest of the year at 4 percent, as
the baton of supporting growth is passed
on to the government, said Sofat.
Economist Trinh Nguyen of HSBC
Global Research said the acceleration
of prices is just beginning.
Ination, while still at the bottom
of the Bangko Sentrals 3- to 5-percent
target, is set to rise from now on. The
pressures are coming from the ltering
through of easing measures in the rst
quarter, secondary effects from higher
oil prices as well as stronger growth,
said Nguyen.
By Lailany P. Gomez
TWO of Japans biggest
conglomerates have expressed
interest to build the 20-kilometer
monorail project that will connect
the Ninoy Aquino International
Airport Terminal 3 to the Makati
and Bonifacio Global City central
business districts, a government
ofcial said Friday.
Arnel Casanova, president
and chief executive of the Bases
Conversion and Development
Authority, told reporters
Mitsubishi Corp. and Hitachi
had shown interest in the
countrys rst monorail. BCDA
has proposed the monorail.
Its their initiative [to look
for the funding for the feasibility
study]. After that, whatever the
result of the study is, we will make
a decision on whether the BCDA
would then pursue the project and
secure the funding from Japan
or any other funding sources,
Casanova said, referring to the
Japan International Cooperation
The BCDA has proposed to
build the Makati-Taguig-Pasay
Monorail alignment project to
enhance mobility within Metro
Manila through the construction
of an elevated monorail that will
interconnect with the existing
rail transit network. The agency
has preferred the monorail
because of the narrow streets in
Makati and Taguig.
Casanova said the project
could be implemented with the
private sector.
Preliminary estimate cost of
the project is P21 billion. But
that is subject to the feasibility
study, he said.
The projected monorail
system will link up with the
Metro Rail Transit servicing the
Edsa route, the Light Rail Transit
traversing the entire length of
Taft Avenue from Baclaran,
Paraaque City to Monumento in
Caloocan City, and the Philippine
National Railways system that
cuts across the Metro Manila
toward the Southern Luzon.
THE withdrawal of European
banks from Asia in the wake of
the euro zone crisis may bolster
demand for nancing through
the capital markets and other
alternative sources of funds.
Lito Camacho, managing
director and vice chairman
of Credit Suisse Asia Pacic,
said the gap created by the
deleveraging of European banks
in Asia was lled by alternative
types of nancing and sources of
Some of the gaps created
by the withdrawal of European
banks can be lled in by the
capital markets, said Camacho,
who was one of the panel
speakers in a luncheon seminar
at the 45
annual meeting of the
Asian Development Bank. He
was nance secretary in 2001.
Camacho said the regions
funding requirements had
prompted companies in Asia to
turn to capital markets, instead
of the usual bank nancing and
bank syndications.
Standard & Poors Ratings
Services president Douglas
Peterson said Asian credits
markets had the opportunity to
help ll the gap for companies
and projects in the region that
could struggle to tap sufcient
and cost-effective funding from
traditional banking sources.
Standard & Poors estimates
that bank loan and debt capital
markets will need to nance more
than $40 trillion of corporate
borrowings between now and
mid-2017 in the worlds biggest
economies (United States,
Europe, China and Japan). The
amount comprises outstanding
debt of $30 trillion that requires
renancing. A signicant
portion of the overall nancing
requirement is expected in Asia,
with estimated about $7 trillion
coming from China and $6
trillion from Japan.
Coping with the huge demand
for credit will be a challenge for
banks and capital markets in the
coming years, said Peterson
in the same seminar hosted by
Standard & Poors.
Given the stretched banking
systems across the globe,
alternative sources of nancing
will need to be found, and
we believe that Asian credit
marketsif developed further
have an opportunity to help ll
the funding void.
He said the regions
policymakerswho have
the added burden of nding
sufcient funds to pay for growth
and development, especially
in the area of infrastructure
had the challenging task of
channeling surplus savings
within the region. That will
be key to stimulating domestic
demand and tackling ongoing
global imbalances.
Standard & Poors remains
deeply committed to helping
develop and connect the regions
capital markets, Standard &
Poors executive managing
director and head of Asia Pacic
Yu-Tsung Chang said.
Elaine R. Alanguilan
By Jenniffer B. Austria
EMPERADOR Distillers Inc.,
the liquor arm of Alliance Global
Group Inc., has acquired the
local production plant of British
beverage giant Diageo Plc.
Alliance Global said in
a disclosure to the stock
exchange Emperador Distillers
had concluded the purchase of
Diageo Philippines production
facility at Laguna Technopark
in Bian, Laguna.
The AGI acquisition aims
to boost Emperador Distillers
Inc. productions capacity and
competitiveness here in the
Philippines and abroad, the
conglomerate said.
The company did not provide
additional details on the
acquisition cost and production
capacity of the production
Diageo, the worlds leading
premium drinks manufacturer,
is the one behind famous
brands such as Johnnie Walker,
Crown Royal, J&B, Windsor,
Buchanans and Bushmills
whiskies, Smirnoff, Ciroc and
Ketel One vodkas, Baileys,
Captain Morgan, Jose Cuervo,
Tanqueray and Guinness.
Emperador is currently
manufacturing brandy under the
Emperador and Generoso labels
and avored alcoholic beverage
under the brand name The Bar.
Emperador posted net income
of P2.31 billion in 2011, up 38.1
percent from P1.67 billion in
2010 as sales grew 106 percent
to P17.35 billion from P8.42
billion during the same period.
HOMEBUILDER Filinvest Land
Inc. said Friday net income in the
rst quarter jumped 20.6 percent
to P748 million from P620
million in the same period last
year, on higher real estate sales
and rental income.
The company said in a
disclosure to the stock exchange
revenues jumped 41 percent to
P2.73 billion in the three-month
period from P1.93 billion a year
ago, as real estate sales rose 50
percent to P2.03 billion and rental
income went up by 14 percent to
P410 million.
Reservation sales reached P3.2
billion in the rst quarter, or 15
percent higher than the P2.8
billion generated during the same
period last year.
The property rm spent
close to P2 billion in capital
expenditures in the January-
March period, up by 47 percent
from a year ago.
It said capital spending
was expected to accelerate
in the coming quarters as the
expansion of Festival Supermall
and construction of Il Corso
lifestyle strip at Citta di Mare in
Cebu begin.
The company has recently
won the bid to develop a 1.2-
hectare property owned by the
provincial government of Cebu
in Lahug, Cebu. The project will
involve the construction of four
business process outsourcing
buildings, with the rst building
targeted to break ground in
second quarter.
Jenniffer B. Austria
Special banknotes. The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
issued 500-piso Philippine banknotes with an overprint of the
logo of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Asian Development
Bank to express solidarity with the ADBs goal to free Asia
and the Pacic from poverty. The overprint is on the 500-piso
banknote that features the late Senator Benigno Aquino Jr.
A total of 10 million pieces of the 500-peso banknotes were
printed by the Bangko Sentral to make it available to the
general public.
Philexs shipments up
GOLD and copper miner Philex Mining Corp.
reported a 20-percent growth in shipments to
P4.33 billion in the rst four months of 2012
from P3.62 billion a year ago.
Philex president Eulalio Austin Jr. said in a
disclosure to the stock exchange that in April
alone, the company made two shipments with
gross value of P2.06 billion.
The two shipments involving 10,013 dry
metric tons of concentrates, both for Louis
Dreyfus Commodities Metals Suisse SA,
contained 16,614 ounces of gold, 5.38 million
pounds of copper, and 16,692 ounces of silver.
The shipments were valued at P1.17 billion in
gold, P860 million in copper, and P23 million
in silver, based on the average provisional metal
prices of $1,659 per ounce of gold, $3.75 a pound
of copper, and $31.98 per ounce of silver.
Philex said its Padcal mine delivered 711,331
dry metric tons of ore in April, resulting in 5,319
DMT of concentrates worth P1.11 billion.
The concentrates contained 52.47 grams of
gold per DMT, 24.77 percent copper, and 51.39
grams of silver per DMT. This was equivalent
to 8,973 ounces of gold, 2.9 million pounds of
copper, and 8,788 ounces of silver.
Jenniffer B. Austria
Petron unit raises $847m
PETRON Oil and Gas International Bhd.,
a unit of San Miguel Corp.s Petron Corp.,
completed 2.57 billion ringgit ($847 million)
of loans, according to two people familiar with
the matter.
Proceeds will be used to help pay for oil
assets in Malaysia and the loans included a
770-million-ringgit two-year acquisition bridge
loan and a 1.8-billion ringgit ve-year working
capital facility, the people said, asking not to be
identied because the details are private.
Petron spokesman Raffy Ledesma was
not immediately able to respond to an e-mail
seeking comment on the nancing.
San Miguel, through Petron Corp., agreed
to acquire Exxon Mobil Corp.s 65-percent
stake in Esso Malaysia Bhd. in August for
about $610 million, its rst acquisition of
overseas oil assets. The Philippines largest
food and drinks company by market value said
in an Aug. 17 ling it will acquire Exxons
entire 65-percent stake in Esso Malaysia for
about $206 million. It will also purchase all
of unlisted ExxonMobil Malaysia Sdn. and
Exxon Mobil Borneo Sdn. for a combined
$403 million. Bloomberg
Commemorative stamps. President Aquino views commemorative stamps presented by Philippine Postal Corp. postmaster
general Ma. Josena dela Cruz during the luncheon hosted by Malacaang for the participants to the annual meeting of the Asian
Development Bank. With him (from left) are Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima and ADB president Haruhiko Kuroda.
Filinvests profit jumped 21% to P748m in Q1
Market ends rally;
ICTSI leads gainers
52 Weeks Previous % Net Foreign
High Low STOCKS Close High Low Close Change Volume Trade/Buying
FRIDAY, MAY 4, 2012
70.00 46.00 Banco de Oro Unibank Inc. 66.60 67.00 66.55 67.00 0.60 2,076,830 (3,836,262.00)
76.80 50.00 Bank of PI 74.95 74.95 72.50 73.10 (2.47) 754,490 (25,673,674.00)
1.82 0.69 Bankard, Inc. 0.74 0.75 0.73 0.73 (1.35) 510,000
512.00 370.00 China Bank 521.00 530.00 520.00 528.00 1.34 11,480 (862,300.00)
1.95 1.42 BDO Leasing & Fin. Inc. 1.77 1.80 1.76 1.80 1.69 172,000
23.90 12.50 COL Financial 23.10 23.10 22.80 23.00 (0.43) 98,100 2,089,080.00
22.00 7.56 Filipino Fund Inc. 11.00 11.30 11.00 11.00 0.00 3,400
0.95 0.62 First Abacus 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.79 0.00 9,000
80.00 40.00 First Metro Inv. 68.05 68.05 68.05 68.05 0.00 10
3.26 1.91 I-Remit Inc. 2.36 2.30 2.30 2.30 (2.54) 11,000
775.00 475.20 Manulife Fin. Corp. 535.00 541.00 540.00 540.00 0.93 220 108,000.00
29.00 3.00 Maybank ATR KE 27.25 28.50 26.80 28.40 4.22 368,700
93.50 60.00 Metrobank 92.25 93.00 91.80 92.00 (0.27) 3,000,670 3,026,615.00
3.06 1.30 Natl Reinsurance Corp. 2.07 2.20 2.20 2.20 6.28 57,000 13,200.00
126.00 35.00 Phil Bank of Comm 77.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 3.90 10
16.85 41.00 Phil. National Bank 76.05 77.80 76.00 77.40 1.78 1,205,570 31,667,869.50
539.00 204.80 PSE Inc. 372.00 373.00 366.00 368.00 (1.08) 196,150 32,856,770.00
44.40 25.45 RCBC `A 44.40 45.00 44.20 44.55 0.34 1,389,900.00 (27,206,445.00)
151.50 77.00 Security Bank 155.00 155.20 150.10 154.00 (0.65) 1,509,440 73,123,862.00
1390.00 950.00 Sun Life Financial 1005.00 1005.00 980.00 1005.00 0.00 500 9,900.00
140.00 58.00 Union Bank 106.50 106.50 104.00 105.50 (0.94) 128,590 (1,556,055.00)
2.06 1.43 Vantage Equities 1.86 1.88 1.86 1.88 1.08 73,130,000
35.50 26.50 Aboitiz Power Corp. 34.80 35.25 34.80 35.10 0.86 4,609,700 103,276,640.00
13.58 7.32 Agrinurture Inc. 12.30 12.40 12.22 12.24 (0.49) 483,800 183,004.00
23.50 11.98 Alaska Milk Corp. 23.65 23.65 23.60 23.65 0.00 1,900
1.86 0.97 Alliance Tuna Intl Inc. 1.52 1.55 1.50 1.54 1.32 1,025,000 (15,400.00)
54.90 26.00 Alphaland Corp. 30.00 30.00 29.00 30.00 0.00 1,200
1.65 1.08 Alsons Cons. 1.40 1.42 1.40 1.41 0.71 1,177,000 239,700.00
Asiabest Group 47.50 48.50 46.45 46.60 (1.89) 55,300
138.00 45.00 Bogo Medellin 62.00 62.05 62.05 62.05 0.08 30
102.80 3.02 Bloomberry 9.40 9.90 9.52 9.70 3.19 62,633,100 63,366,836.00
2.88 2.24 Calapan Venture 2.20 2.30 2.21 2.30 4.55 51,000 (88,400.00)
3.07 2.30 Chemrez Technologies Inc. 2.68 2.68 2.66 2.68 0.00 199,000
8.33 7.41 Cirtek Holdings (Chips) 8.14 8.19 8.11 8.19 0.61 17,100
7.06 4.83 Energy Devt. Corp. (EDC) 5.99 6.06 5.97 6.00 0.17 18,723,100 11,929,212.00
6.28 2.80 EEI 6.40 6.41 6.30 6.35 (0.78) 393,900
3.80 1.00 Euro-Med Lab. 1.89 1.89 1.89 1.89 0.00 40,000
25.00 5.80 Federal Chemicals 13.80 15.00 12.80 12.80 (7.25) 42,700
15.58 12.50 First Gen Corp. 14.18 14.48 14.16 14.18 0.00 1,590,900 1,483,708.00
67.20 51.50 First Holdings A 64.95 65.50 64.80 65.00 0.08 921,870 28,212,296.00
31.50 22.50 Ginebra San Miguel Inc. 22.50 22.50 22.20 22.45 (0.22) 62,600
0.10 0.0095 Greenergy 0.0170 0.0170 0.0150 0.0160 (5.88) 516,000,000 872,000.00
13.50 7.80 Holcim Philippines Inc. 12.30 12.36 12.00 12.02 (2.28) 172,900 632,440.00
9.00 4.71 Integ. Micro-Electronics 4.70 4.79 4.76 4.76 1.28 29,000
2.35 0.95 Ionics Inc 1.580 1.590 1.480 1.480 (6.33) 292,000
120.00 80.00 Jollibee Foods Corp. 112.90 112.90 108.50 111.00 (1.68) 1,228,920 (50,489,952.00)
91.25 25.00 Liberty Flour 53.30 53.30 53.30 53.30 0.00 40
8.40 1.04 LMG Chemicals 3.07 3.28 2.88 3.00 (2.28) 602,000 6,140.00
3.20 1.05 Manchester Intl. A 2.14 2.38 2.02 2.13 (0.47) 465,000
24.70 17.94 Manila Water Co. Inc. 25.00 25.55 25.10 25.55 2.20 941,500 5,987,825.00
6.95 0.75 Mariwasa MFG. Inc. 3.50 3.51 3.50 3.50 0.00 69,000
15.30 8.12 Megawide 16.70 17.08 16.70 17.00 1.80 1,843,200 2,337,500.00
295.00 215.00 Mla. Elect. Co `A 261.00 263.00 257.40 263.00 0.77 84,400 7,465,196.00
3.00 1.96 Pepsi-Cola Products Phil. 2.89 2.87 2.85 2.85 (1.38) 3,561,000 6,966,450.00
17.40 9.70 Petron Corporation 10.80 10.84 10.70 10.74 (0.56) 2,357,400 (2,406,908.00)
15.24 9.01 Phoenix Petroleum Phils. 9.45 9.45 9.26 9.40 (0.53) 351,200 950,230.00
2.55 1.01 RFM Corporation 2.73 2.80 2.60 2.60 (4.76) 13,577,000 (24,272,300.00)
6.50 2.90 Salcon Power Corp. 3.80 3.80 3.80 3.80 0.00 20,000
33.00 27.70 San Miguel Brewery Inc. 29.95 30.00 29.25 29.90 (0.17) 21,300
132.60 105.70 San Miguel Corp `A 112.10 112.90 112.00 112.90 0.71 660,040 (8,808,609.00)
1.90 1.25 Seacem 1.77 1.80 1.78 1.78 0.56 6,989,000
2.50 1.85 Splash Corporation 1.90 1.89 1.86 1.89 (0.53) 266,000 2,010.00
0.250 0.112 Swift Foods, Inc. 0.135 0.136 0.134 0.135 0.00 2,020,000
5.46 2.92 Tanduay Holdings 3.80 3.88 3.79 3.80 0.00 127,000
3.62 1.99 TKC Steel Corp. 2.37 2.37 2.35 2.35 (0.84) 74,000 (4,700.00)
1.41 0.90 Trans-Asia Oil 1.25 1.28 1.25 1.28 2.40 3,689,000
68.00 36.20 Universal Robina 67.00 69.20 66.00 66.20 (1.19) 4,259,330 82,448,747.50
1.12 0.285 Vitarich Corp. 0.630 0.770 0.650 0.730 15.87 33,244,000 (22,100.00)
18.00 2.55 Vivant Corp. 10.50 11.50 10.50 10.50 0.00 200
1.22 0.68 Vulcan Indl. 1.04 1.08 1.05 1.05 0.96 1,122,000 525,000.00
1.18 0.65 Abacus Cons. `A 0.75 0.76 0.74 0.75 0.00 316,000
59.90 35.50 Aboitiz Equity 53.00 53.90 52.80 53.90 1.70 1,346,540 (1,133,652.50)
0.019 0.014 Alcorn Gold Res. 0.0170 0.0160 0.0160 0.0160 (5.88) 6,600,000
13.48 8.00 Alliance Global Inc. 13.40 13.42 13.18 13.40 0.00 29,974,000 41,643,850.00
2.97 1.67 Anglo Holdings A 2.14 2.15 2.14 2.14 0.00 10,000
4.60 3.00 Anscor `A 4.91 5.00 4.90 4.90 (0.20) 307,000
6.98 0.260 Asia Amalgamated A 4.84 4.78 4.50 4.50 (7.02) 50,000
3.15 1.49 ATN Holdings A 1.79 1.79 1.70 1.70 (5.03) 39,000
437.00 272.00 Ayala Corp `A 462.60 460.00 450.00 454.00 (1.86) 663,980 8,533,154.00
911.00 260.00 BHI Holdings Inc. 600.00 600.00 600.00 600.00 0.00 10
59.45 30.50 DMCI Holdings 62.40 64.80 62.20 62.35 (0.08) 2,914,590 (21,472,708.50)
5.25 3.30 Filinvest Dev. Corp. 4.98 5.09 4.90 5.02 0.80 2,411,000 (70,280.00)
0.98 0.10 Forum Pacic 0.260 0.260 0.255 0.260 0.00 480,000
GT Capital 500.50 512.00 501.00 511.50 2.20 465,260 76,130,160.00
5.22 2.90 House of Inv. 4.82 4.82 4.74 4.75 (1.45) 125,000
34.80 19.00 JG Summit Holdings 35.50 36.20 35.40 35.50 0.00 3,403,500 46,376,945.00
5.17 2.30 Keppel Holdings `A 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 8,000
6.95 4.00 Lopez Holdings Corp. 5.85 5.76 5.70 5.70 (2.56) 1,471,300 (3,249,085.00)
1.54 0.61 Lodestar Invt. Holdg.Corp. 1.25 1.25 1.19 1.21 (3.20) 10,691,000 48,000.00
0.91 0.300 Mabuhay Holdings `A 0.650 0.600 0.590 0.600 (7.69) 550,000 (60,000.00)
3.82 1.500 Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. 3.650 3.650 3.190 3.250 (10.96) 32,700,000 (29,202,460.00)
4.45 2.56 Metro Pacic Inv. Corp. 4.55 4.64 4.49 4.50 (1.10) 42,793,000 88,238,840.00
6.24 2.10 Minerales Industrias Corp. 5.11 5.15 4.90 4.90 (4.11) 112,100
0.0770 0.054 Pacica `A 0.0580 0.0570 0.0570 0.0570 (1.72) 3,100,000
2.20 1.42 Prime Media Hldg 1.510 1.520 1.500 1.500 (0.66) 160,000
0.82 0.44 Prime Orion 0.510 0.510 0.510 0.510 0.00 400,000 (102,000.00)
4.10 1.56 Republic Glass A 2.20 2.05 2.03 2.05 (6.82) 18,000
2.40 0.91 Seafront `A 1.48 1.45 1.40 1.40 (5.41) 20,000
0.490 0.285 Sinophil Corp. 0.360 0.350 0.350 0.350 (2.78) 2,650,000
699.00 450.00 SM Investments Inc. 710.00 705.00 695.00 698.00 (1.69) 188,150 360,010.00
1.78 1.00 Solid Group Inc. 1.53 1.63 1.47 1.50 (1.96) 1,535,000
1.57 1.14 South China Res. Inc. 1.30 1.30 1.28 1.28 (1.54) 11,000
1100.00 97.50 Transgrid 490.00 445.00 445.00 445.00 (9.18) 20
0.420 0.099 Unioil Res. & Hldgs 0.2550 0.2600 0.2550 0.2600 1.96 360,000
0.620 0.056 Wellex Industries 0.3800 0.3950 0.3700 0.3800 0.00 7,380,000 (49,400.00)
1.370 0.178 Zeus Holdings 0.610 0.620 0.600 0.600 (1.64) 4,692,000
2.82 1.70 A. Brown Co., Inc. 2.75 2.75 2.70 2.70 (1.82) 87,000
0.75 0.31 Araneta Prop `A 0.800 0.830 0.780 0.780 (2.50) 1,094,000
0.218 0.150 Arthaland Corp. 0.186 0.183 0.183 0.183 (1.61) 520,000
22.40 13.36 Ayala Land `B 21.90 22.50 21.50 22.00 0.46 10,689,900 6,811,715.00
6.12 3.08 Belle Corp. `A 4.95 4.95 4.90 4.94 (0.20) 7,619,000 17,528,350.00
9.00 2.26 Cebu Holdings 8.10 8.07 7.75 7.97 (1.60) 1,788,800 2,063,821.00
5.66 0.26 Century Property 1.67 1.69 1.64 1.68 0.60 2,843,000 (8,350.00)
2.85 1.20 City & Land Dev. 2.47 2.49 2.30 2.45 (0.81) 138,000
1.65 1.07 Cityland Dev. `A 1.24 1.29 1.23 1.28 3.23 133,000 18,450.00
0.127 0.060 Crown Equities Inc. 0.083 0.082 0.081 0.081 (2.41) 12,690,000
1.16 0.67 Cyber Bay Corp. 0.89 0.89 0.88 0.88 (1.12) 2,529,000
0.90 0.54 Empire East Land 0.800 0.840 0.800 0.820 2.50 50,767,000 6,405,000.00
3.80 2.90 Eton Properties 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 0.00 8,000
0.310 0.10 Ever Gotesco 0.190 0.189 0.189 0.189 (0.53) 200,000
3.06 1.76 Global-Estate 2.02 2.14 2.02 2.08 2.97 19,405,000 8,505,520.00
1.35 0.98 Filinvest Land,Inc. 1.39 1.41 1.38 1.39 0.00 93,261,000 (24,314,080.00)
3.80 1.21 Highlands Prime 1.85 1.85 1.84 1.84 (0.54) 9,000
2.14 0.65 Interport `A 1.25 1.30 1.17 1.30 4.00 1,407,000 36,000.00
2.48 1.51 Megaworld Corp. 2.14 2.21 2.14 2.17 1.40 208,011,000 180,471,310.00
0.80 0.215 MRC Allied Ind. 0.2030 0.2030 0.2000 0.2000 (1.48) 6,810,000 59,800.00
0.990 0.072 Phil. Estates Corp. 0.7000 0.7200 0.6400 0.6800 (2.86) 39,576,000 (1,282,540.00)
4.77 1.80 Polar Property Holdings 3.50 3.51 3.35 3.51 0.29 42,000
18.86 10.00 Robinsons Land `B 17.64 18.58 17.70 18.20 3.17 8,856,000 15,921,512.00
2.70 1.74 Shang Properties Inc. 2.60 2.60 2.60 2.60 0.00 458,000
9.47 6.50 SM Development `A 7.09 7.09 7.00 7.01 (1.13) 5,006,600 5,645,509.00
18.20 10.90 SM Prime Holdings 16.74 16.82 16.74 16.78 0.24 8,149,600 (68,854,374.00)
1.14 0.64 Sta. Lucia Land Inc. 0.75 0.75 0.74 0.74 (1.33) 228,000
0.80 0.45 Suntrust Home Dev. Inc. 0.570 0.570 0.560 0.570 0.00 200,000
4.30 2.60 Vista Land & Lifescapes 4.310 4.380 4.240 4.290 (0.46) 4,627,000 (1,209,180.00)
2GO Group 1.93 1.95 1.90 1.90 (1.55) 83,000 (7,600.00)
43.00 28.60 ABS-CBN 40.00 40.00 38.00 38.00 (5.00) 22,600
14.76 1.60 Acesite Hotel 10.60 10.92 10.30 10.80 1.89 8,600
0.80 0.45 APC Group, Inc. 0.690 0.710 0.690 0.690 0.00 1,446,000
9.30 7.30 Asian Terminals Inc. 9.15 9.20 9.15 9.20 0.55 1,400
0.5300 0.0660 Boulevard Holdings 0.1770 0.1850 0.1780 0.1780 0.56 66,860,000 (129,200.00)
98.15 62.50 Cebu Air Inc. (5J) 70.45 70.60 69.70 70.00 (0.64) 108,250 1,551,332.00
10.60 8.20 Centro Esc. Univ. 9.90 10.00 9.90 9.90 0.00 20,000
9.70 5.40 DFNN Inc. 7.30 7.65 7.18 7.18 (1.64) 969,500 136,202.00
5.90 1.45 Easy Call Common 3.42 3.50 3.50 3.50 2.34 22,000
1750.00 765.00 FEUI 915.00 920.00 919.00 920.00 0.55 500
1172.00 11.70 Globalports 31.95 34.50 32.00 34.00 6.42 10,900 50.00
1270.00 825.00 Globe Telecom 1111.00 1122.00 1110.00 1121.00 0.90 90,330 (14,319,985.00)
10.34 6.18 GMA Network Inc. 10.06 10.22 9.99 10.06 0.00 954,200
69.00 43.40 I.C.T.S.I. 70.00 75.00 70.00 74.00 5.71 3,623,510 143,408,214.00
0.98 0.34 Information Capital Tech. 0.460 0.445 0.445 0.445 (3.26) 6,020,000 8,900.00
18.40 5.00 Imperial Res. `A 11.00 9.60 9.00 9.00 (18.18) 2,200
6.00 4.00 IPeople Inc. `A 6.11 6.50 6.00 6.50 6.38 10,100
4.29 2.20 IP Converge 3.07 3.30 3.09 3.14 2.28 1,056,000 (32,740.00)
34.50 0.123 IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 0.071 0.072 0.058 0.058 (18.31) 160,160,000 (608,830.00)
3.87 1.16 IPVG Corp. 1.14 1.17 1.13 1.15 0.88 1,836,000 (604,050.00)
0.0760 0.040 Island Info 0.0570 0.0570 0.0570 0.0570 0.00 120,000
5.1900 2.900 ISM Communications 3.0800 3.0700 3.0500 3.0700 (0.32) 316,000
3.79 1.58 JTH Davies Holdings Inc. 2.50 2.50 2.45 2.45 (2.00) 170,000
11.68 5.90 Leisure & Resorts 7.10 7.40 7.10 7.20 1.41 1,421,800
4.28 2.65 Liberty Telecom 2.82 2.82 2.75 2.82 0.00 142,000
2.35 0.92 Lorenzo Shipping 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 0.00 25,000
3.96 2.70 Macroasia Corp. 3.00 3.01 3.00 3.00 0.00 145,000 (141,040.00)
0.84 0.57 Manila Bulletin 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.71 0.00 169,000
3.00 1.00 Manila Jockey 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.00 445,000
21.00 17.20 Pacic Online Sys. Corp. 21.65 21.65 21.00 21.00 (3.00) 27,500
8.58 4.50 PAL Holdings Inc. 7.58 7.59 7.45 7.51 (0.92) 60,400
3.32 1.05 Paxys Inc. 2.78 2.78 2.62 2.70 (2.88) 1,616,000 (1,216,310.00)
10.00 4.60 Phil. Racing Club 9.02 9.00 9.00 9.00 (0.22) 23,800 200,700.00
60.00 17.02 Phil. Seven Corp. 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 0.00 1,400 61,600.00
17.18 14.50 Philweb.Com Inc. 17.60 17.68 17.60 17.62 0.11 393,000 338,052.00
6.90 3.80 PLDT Comm & Energy 4.09 4.30 4.09 4.10 0.24 48,000
2886.00 2096.00 PLDT Common 2572.00 2578.00 2558.00 2566.00 (0.23) 137,460 74,807,870.00
23.75 10.68 Puregold 25.00 25.00 24.50 24.75 (1.00) 983,000 5,251,805.00
3.30 2.40 Transpacic Broadcast 2.70 2.75 2.75 2.75 1.85 8,000
0.79 0.26 Waterfront Phils. 0.530 0.530 0.510 0.520 (1.89) 2,011,000 41,600.00
0.0083 0.0036 Abra Mining 0.0054 0.0054 0.0053 0.0053 (1.85) 52,000,000
6.20 3.01 Apex `A 5.50 5.50 5.20 5.20 (5.45) 71,000
6.22 3.00 Apex `B 5.50 5.50 5.30 5.35 (2.73) 33,000 (166,850.00)
25.20 14.50 Atlas Cons. `A 19.18 19.22 19.00 19.00 (0.94) 3,218,300 8,638,400.00
31.00 20.00 Atok-Big Wedge `A 30.00 31.90 29.10 30.00 0.00 2,400
0.380 0.148 Basic Energy Corp. 0.290 0.295 0.285 0.290 0.00 2,800,000
30.35 15.00 Benguet Corp `A 25.50 26.10 25.60 26.00 1.96 231,200
34.00 14.50 Benguet Corp `B 25.90 29.00 25.90 28.50 10.04 51,800 (39,100.00)
2.51 1.62 Century Peak Metals Hldgs 1.74 1.75 1.71 1.71 (1.72) 552,000
50.85 4.35 Dizon 56.90 57.50 53.75 54.00 (5.10) 1,329,500 1,252,485.00
1.21 0.50 Geograce Res. Phil. Inc. 0.89 0.91 0.85 0.87 (2.25) 34,853,000 (4,761,480.00)
1.82 0.5900 Lepanto `A 1.420 1.430 1.410 1.410 (0.70) 74,982,000
2.070 0.6700 Lepanto `B 1.530 1.530 1.510 1.510 (1.31) 4,538,000 4,425,470.00
0.085 0.035 Manila Mining `A 0.0740 0.0730 0.0710 0.0710 (4.05) 538,290,000
0.087 0.035 Manila Mining `B 0.0730 0.0720 0.0710 0.0720 (1.37) 68,970,000 (180,000.00)
34.80 15.04 Nickelasia 34.85 35.40 34.15 34.20 (1.87) 1,279,000 9,505,885.00
12.76 2.08 Nihao Mineral Resources 11.76 11.98 10.70 10.80 (8.16) 13,975,900 (27,944,322.00)
1.100 0.008 Omico 0.7700 0.7900 0.7600 0.7900 2.60 310,000
8.40 2.12 Oriental Peninsula Res. 7.290 7.360 6.790 6.900 (5.35) 19,231,500 (7,368,196.00)
0.032 0.012 Oriental Pet. `A 0.0230 0.0220 0.0210 0.0220 (4.35) 409,300,000
0.033 0.013 Oriental Pet. `B 0.0220 0.0230 0.0220 0.0220 0.00 4,700,000
7.14 5.10 Petroenergy Res. Corp. 6.50 6.50 6.40 6.40 (1.54) 35,000
28.95 17.08 Philex `A 25.55 25.90 24.80 25.00 (2.15) 7,978,000 (16,949,120.00)
14.18 3.00 PhilexPetroleum 27.00 29.00 25.00 25.90 (4.07) 8,067,500 11,575,280.00
0.058 0.013 Philodrill Corp. `A 0.059 0.058 0.054 0.055 (6.78) 2,362,910,000 (15,172,760.00)
69.00 46.00 PNOC Expls `B 57.00 57.00 57.00 57.00 0.00 10
252.00 161.10 Semirara Corp. 255.00 255.80 251.60 253.00 (0.78) 400,630 (48,991,032.00)
0.029 0.013 United Paragon 0.0210 0.0210 0.0200 0.0210 0.00 101,200,000
47.90 27.30 ABS-CBN Holdings Corp. 41.80 40.00 40.00 40.00 (4.31) 50,000 (1,600,000.00)
570.00 520.00 Ayala Corp. Pref `A 545.00 545.00 543.50 543.50 (0.28) 1,000
109.80 100.50 First Phil. Hldgs.-Pref. 105.10 105.20 105.20 105.20 0.10 5,000
11.02 6.00 GMA Holdings Inc. 10.10 10.20 9.90 10.00 (0.99) 2,004,100 1,950,008.00
116.70 106.20 PCOR-Preferred 115.80 115.40 115.20 115.40 (0.35) 12,800
80.00 74.50 SMC Preferred 1 76.25 76.00 75.50 76.00 (0.33) 1,730
1050.00 990.00 SMPFC Preferred 1040.00 1030.00 1030.00 1030.00 (0.96) 500
6.00 0.87 Swift Pref 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 0.00 27,000 (18,000.00)
1.35 0.62 Megaworld Corp. Warrants 1.15 1.23 1.15 1.19 3.48 943,000 723,800.00
0.210 0.00 Omico Corp. Warrant 0.0900 0.0990 0.0990 0.0990 10.00 50,000
FINANCIAL 106,440,585 1,727,791,501.26
INDUSTRIAL 686,148,334 1,693,157,030.25
HOLDING FIRMS 160,902,039 1,920,939,378.28
PROPERTY 493,108,177 1,459,361,661.23
SERVICES 253,630,166 851,954,669.50
MINING & OIL 3,711,497,226 1,336,430,498.79
GRAND TOTAL 5,411,726,527 8,989,634,739.31
FINANCIAL 1,303.72 (DOWN) 7.92
INDUSTRIAL 7,950.08 (UP) 5.03
HOLDING FIRMS 4,621.14 (DOWN) 27.77
PROPERTY 1,968.68 (UP) 11.77
SERVICES 1,733.02 (UP) 10.81
MINING & OIL 26,475.37 (DOWN) 509.07
PSEI 5,297.55 (DOWN) 2.86
All Shares Index 3,500.66 (DOWN) 4.96
Gainers: 63; Losers: 107; Unchanged: 44 Total: 214
Vitarich Corp. 0.730 15.87
Benguet Corp `B' 28.50 10.04
Omico Corp. Warrant 0.0990 10.00
Globalports 34.00 6.42
IPeople Inc. `A' 6.50 6.38
Natl Reinsurance Corp. 2.20 6.28
I.C.T.S.I. 74.00 5.71
Calapan Venture 2.30 4.55
Maybank ATR KE 28.40 4.22
Interport `A' 1.30 4.00
IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 0.058 (18.31)
Imperial Res. `A' 9.00 (18.18)
Marcventures Hldgs., Inc. 3.250 (10.96)
Transgrid 445.00 (9.18)
Nihao Mineral Resources 10.80 (8.16)
Mabuhay Holdings `A' 0.600 (7.69)
Federal Chemicals 12.80 (7.25)
Asia Amalgamated A 4.50 (7.02)
Republic Glass 'A' 2.05 (6.82)
Philodrill Corp. `A' 0.055 (6.78)
PSE board candidates down to 15
Philodrill Corp. `A 2,362,910,000
Manila Mining `A 538,290,000
Greenergy 516,000,000
Oriental Pet. `A 409,300,000
Megaworld Corp. 208,011,000
IP E-Game Ventures Inc. 160,160,000
United Paragon 101,200,000
Filinvest Land,Inc. 93,261,000
Lepanto `A 74,982,000
Vantage Equities 73,130,000
Bloomberry 608,698,985.00
Megaworld Corp. 453,965,490.00
Alliance Global Inc. 400,433,240.00
PLDT Common 353,025,260.00
Ayala Corp `A 302,045,148.00
Universal Robina 287,293,119.50
Metrobank 277,214,494.00
I.C.T.S.I. 266,585,340.00
GT Capital 236,945,405.00
Ayala Land `B 235,616,265.00
STOCKS fell Friday, snapping a three-
day rally that sent the benchmark index
past the 5,300-point mark, as the local
market nally reected the growing
concerns over the strength of US recovery.
The Philippine Stock
Exchange index, the 30-company
benchmark, dropped 2 points, or
0.1 percent, to close at 5,297.55.
The index still ended with a 1.0-
percent gain this week, despite
the decline Friday.
The heavier index representing
all shares also tumbled 4 points,
or 0.1 percent, to 3,500, as losers
outnumbered gainers, 107 to 63,
with 44 issues unchanged. Some
P9 billion worth of shares were
traded Friday.
International Container
Terminal Services Inc., the
largest Philippine port operator
led by businessman Enrique
Razon Jr., rose 5.7 percent to P74,
after it said its unit acquired 80
percent of PT Karwell Indonesia.
Bloomberry Resorts Corp.,
another Razon-led company,
increased 3.2 percent to P9.70.
GT Capital Holdings Inc., the
holding company of billionaire
George Ty, added 2.2 percent
to P511.50. GT Capital turned
property unit Federal Land Inc.
into its wholly-owned subsidiary
after acquiring a further 20-
percent stake in Federal for P2.7
billion, the company said in a
stock exchange ling.
Megaworld Corp., a builder
of residential and ofce towers,
rose 1.4 percent to P2.17.
Alliance Global Group Inc.
said its unit Megaworld had a
strong performance in the rst
quarter. Reservation sales at its
four real estate brands, including
Megaworld, surged 52 percent to
P16.4 billion last quarter.
Robinsons Land Corp., the
Philippines second-largest mall
operator, increased 3.2 percent
to P18.20. Deutsche Bank AG
raised the companys share-
price estimate by 23 percent to
Meanwhile, Asian stock
markets were mostly lower
Friday after disappointing US
retail sales stirred concerns about
the robustness of the recovery in
the worlds no. 1 economy.
Major retailers such as Costco
and Macys reported that April
revenue rose less that 1 percent
the worst performance since
2009 when the US economy
was just coming out of a bad
That put a crimp in trading in
Asia, where many exporters are
reliant on demand from American
consumers. Hong Kongs Hang
Seng fell 0.8 percent to 21,089.17
and South Koreas Kospi lost 0.4
percent to 1,987.46. Australias
S&P/ASX 200 shed 0.8 percent
to 4,393.90. Benchmarks in
Singapore, New Zealand and
Indonesia fell. Mainland China
and Taiwan rose.
With Bloomberg, AP
RiteMed partnership. RiteMed, the largest selling unibranded line of medicines in the country, sets the bar
for the safety and quality standards of pharmaceutical products through its partnership with University of
Sto. Tomas Center for Drug Research Evaluation and Studies Inc. Nicandro Salud (second from left), sales and
marketing head of RiteMed, shakes hand with William Torres, president of UST-CeDRES and former Bureau
of Food and Drugs director, after signing an agreement. With them are (from left) Remigio Olveda, director
of UST-CeDRES and the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine; Jose Maria Ochave, senior vice president of
United Laboratories Inc.; and Leonardo Abadilla, chairman of UST-CeDRES.
THE ofcial list of candidates
for todays election of board of
directors of the Philippine Stock
Exchange is now down to 15.
Three candidates, namely
Alliance Investments president
Roberto Atendido, Fund
Managers Association of the
Philippines senior vice president
Paul Joseph Garcia and FMAP
director Marvin Fausto pulled
out of the race.
The 15 remaining ofcial
candidates will automatically be
elected to the 15-man board as
directors of the exchange.
Eight of the 15 candidates
for PSE board of directors are
non-brokers. They are Hans
Sicat, the current president of
the PSE; Amor Iliscupidez of
SMC Retirement Plan; Robert
Vergara, president and general
manager of Government Service
Insurance System; Annabelle
Chua of Philippine Long Distance
Telephone Co.; Edgardo Lacson
of the Philippine Chamber of
Commerce Inc.; Jose Pardo, the
current PSE chairman; Dakila
Fonacier, incumbent PSE director;
and Cornelio Peralta, who has
been nominated as independent
director of the exchange.
The seven brokers nominated
for the PSE board are
Emmanuel Bautista, Eddie
Gobing, Alejandro Yu, Francis
Chua, Eusebio Tanco, Vivian
Yuchengco and David Chua.
Under the PSE election rules
approved by the Securities and
Exchange Commission, PSE
board will be composed of eight
non-broker directors, comprising
the president, at least three
independent directors, and at least
one director each to represent the
interest of issuers, investors and
market participants.
Jenniffer B. Austria
(MST-May 5, 2012)
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the DPWH-Cavite District Engineering
Offce, through the (stated below), invites contractors to bid for the aforementioned
Contract ID: 12DF0058
Contract Name: Improvement of Multi-Purpose Building (Phase
II), Imus Plaza, Imus
Contract Location: Imus, Cavite
Scope of Work:
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 16,053,500.00
Contract Duration: 120 calendar days
Cost of Bidding Documents: PhP 10,000.00
Contract ID: 12DF0059
Contract Name: Const ruct i on/Wi deni ng of Al apan-Carsadang
Bago-Medicion R-1 Extension
Road including RROW, Sta 000+000 Sta 01+003,
Imus (Phase IV)
Contract Location: Imus, Cavite
Scope of Work:
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 37,077,808.05
Contract Duration: 190 calendar days
Cost of Bidding Documents: PhP 20,000.00
Contract ID: 12DF0060
Contract Name: Repair/Rehab. of Kawit-Noveleta-Rosario Diversion
Road, Km. 24+847 Km. 26+273, Kawit
Contract Location: Kawit, Cavite
Scope of Work:
Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC): Php 49,000,000.00
Contract Duration: 60 calendar days
Cost of Bidding Documents: PhP 20,000.00
The BAC will conduct the procurement process in accordance with the Revised
RR of R.A. 9184. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected
at the opening of bid.
To Bid for the contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of ntent (LO), purchase
bid documents and must meet the following criteria: (a) prior registration with DPWH,
(b) Filipino Citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation, cooperative, or
joint venture, (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and cost of this contract,
(d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of ABC within a period of 10
years, and C Net Financial Contracting Capacity at least equal to ABC, or credit line
commitment at least equal to 10% of ABC. The BAC will use non-discretionary pass/
fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary examinations of bids, evaluation of
bids and postqualifcation. All interested bidders should present the original copy of
their PCAB License, Two (2) valid D's, CRC, Tax Clearance, PhilGEPS Certifcation
to the BAC Secretariat, DPWH-Cavite District Engineering Offce, Trece Martires
City for authentication.
Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration
to the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline for the receipt of LO.
The DPWH POCW-Central Offce will only process contractor's applications for
registration with complete requirements and issue the Contractor's Certifcate of
Registration (CRC). Registration Forms may be downloaded at the DPWH website
The signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
BAC Act i vi t i es Schedul e
1. I ssuance of Bidding Document s May 4 29, 2012 until 9:00 A.M.
2. Pre-Bid Conference May 11, 2012 at 10:00 A.M.
3. Deadline of Receipt of LOI from Prospect ive
May 24, 2012 until 10:00 A.M.
4. Receipt of Bids May 29, 2012 at 10:00 A.M.
5. Opening of Bids May 29, 2012 at 10:30 A.M.
The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BD's) at DPWH-Cavite
District Engineering Ofhce, Trece Martires City, upon payment of non-refundable
fee of (stated above). Prospective bidders may also download the BD's from the
DPWH website, if available. Prospective bidders that will download the BD's from
the DPWH website shall pay the said fees on or before the submission of their bids
Documents. The Pre-Bid Conference shall be open only to interested parties who
have purchased the BD's. Bids must accompanied by a bid security, in the amount
and acceptable form, as stated in Section 27.2 of the Revised RR.
Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the
BD's in the BD'S in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC Chairman. The
frst envelope shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include a
copy of the CRC. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component of the
bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as determined
in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.
The DPWH-Cavite District Engineering Ofhce reserves the right to accept or
reject any bid, to annul the bidding process at any time prior contract award, without
thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder/s.

Approved by:
BAC Chairman

District Engineer
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Public Works and Highways
Regional Offce No. V-A
Trece Martires City
Tel. No. (046) 419-0058 /Tel. Fax No. (046) 419-0694
Republic of the Philippines
sabela 4th District Engineering Offce
Quezon, San sidro, sabela
(MST-May 5, 2012)
The Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) of the DPWH sabela 4th District
Engineering Offce, through the Continuing 2011 Regular Fund, invites contractors
to bid for the aforementioned projects:

1 a Contract D No. :: 12BH 0027
b Name of Project and :: Construction of Annafunan Flood Control Project
Sta. 000 + 000 to 000 + 496
c location: :: Annafunan, Echague, sabela
d Brief Description :: River Bank Protection
e Major tem of Work :: FHR-Flood Control/River Control
f Approved Budget for
the Contract :: P 19,070,000.00
g Duration, C.D. :: 120
h Cost of Bid Documents :: P 10,000.00

2 a Contract D No. :: 12BH 0028
b Name of Project and :: Construction of Gucab Flood Control Project Sta.
000 + 000 to 000 + 448
c location: :: Gucab, Echague, sabela
d Brief Description :: River Bank Protection
e Major tem of Work :: FHR-Flood Control/River Control
f Approved Budget for
the Contract :: P 15,600,000.00
g Duration, C.D. :: 120
h Cost of Bid Documents :: P 10,000.00

3 a Contract D No. :: 12BH 0029
b Name of Project and :: Construction of Gucab Flood Control
Project Sta. 000 + 000 to 000 + 448,
c location: :: Gucab, Echague, sabela
d Brief Description :: River Training/Rechanneling
e Major tem of Work :: FHR-Flood Control/River Control
f Approved Budget for
the Contract :: P 3,580,000.00
g Duration, C.D. :: 60
h Cost of Bid Documents :: P 5,000.00

3 a Contract D No. :: 12BH 0030
b Name of Project and :: Repair/Restoration of Flood Control Sta.
000+000 - 000+220 Rang-ay,
c location: :: San Agustin, sabela
d Brief Description :: River Training/Rechanneling
e Major tem of Work :: FHR-Flood Control/River Control
f Approved Budget for the Contract :: P 15,480,000.00
g Duration, C.D. :: 150
h Cost of Bid Documents :: P 10,000.00

Procurement shall be conducted through open competitive bidding procedures in
accordance with R.A. 9184 and its Revised mplementing Rules and Regulations.

To bid for this contract, a contractor must submit a Letter of ntent (LO), purchase
bid documents and must meet the followingmajor criteria: (a) prior registration
with DPWH; (b) Filipino citizen or 75% Filipino-owned partnership, corporation,
cooperative, or joint venture; (c) with PCAB license applicable to the type and
cost of this contract; (d) completion of a similar contract costing at least 50% of
ABC within a period of 10 years; and (e) Net Financial Contracting Capacity at
least equal to ABC, or credit line commitment of at least 10% of ABC. The BAC
will use non-discretionary pass/fail criteria in the eligibility check and preliminary
examination of bids.

Unregistered contractors, however, shall submit their applications for registration to
the DPWH-POCW Central Offce before the deadline of receipt of LO. The DPWH
POCW Central Offce will only process contractor's applications for registration with
complete requirements, and issue the Contractor's Registration Certifcate (CRC).
Registration forms may be downlloaded at the DPWH website

Signifcant times and deadlines of procurement activities are shown below:
1 Deadline of Receipt of LO May 10, 2012 4:00 PM
2 ssuance of Bid Documents May 4- 22, 2012
3 Pre-bid Conference May 10, 2012 10:00:00 AM
4 Deadline of Receipt of Bids May 22, 2012 9:00 AM
5 Opening of Bids May 22, 2012 10:30 AM

The BAC will issue hard copies of Bidding Documents (BD's) at DPWH-sabela
4th DEO, Quezon, sabela upon payment of non-refundable costs indicated above.
Prospective bidders may also download the BD's if available, from the DPWH
website. Prospective bidders that will download BD's from the website shall pay
the stated fees on or before the submission of their bid documents. The Pre-Bid
Conference shall be open only to interested parties who purchased the BD's. Bids
must be accompanied bya bid security, in the amount and acceptable form, as
stated in Sec. 27.2 of the Revised RR.

Prospective bidders shall submit their duly accomplished forms as specifed in the
BD's in two (2) separate sealed bid envelopes to the BAC chairman. The frst
enveloipe shall contain the technical component of the bid, which shall include the
eligibility regquirements. The second envelope shall contain the fnancial component
of the bid. Contract will be awarded to the Lowest Calculated Responsive Bid as
determined in the bid evaluation and post-qualifcation.

The DPWH sabela 4th DEO reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and
to annul the bidding process anytime before contract award, without incurring any
liability to the affected bidders.

Approved by:
BAC Chairman
Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Engineer's Hill, Baguio City
This Bid Bulletin No.12 dated May 4, 2012 is issued to modify or amend items in the
Bid Documents. This shall form as an integral part of the Bid Documents.
1. Contract D : 12P00024
Contract Name : a. Rehabilitation/Reconstruction/Upgrading of
DamagedPaved National Road (Intermittent Section)
Contract Location : 1. Baguio-Bontoc Road, K0259+000 K0259+890
2. Baguio-Itogon Road,
a. K0258+887 - K0258+938
b. K0259+128 - K0259+160
c. K0259+220 - K0259+247
d. K0259+750 - K0259+803
e. K0259+918 - K0260+196 (V.S)
f. K0265+884 -K0265+922
b. Road Upgrading (gravel to paved) along
1. Pico-Lamtang Road
a. K0255+108 K0256+500 (V.S)
2. Shilan-Beckel Road
a. K0265+000 K0265+922 (K0265+000 K0265+952
as per RBIA)
3. Itogon-Dalupirip Road
a. K0271+460 K0278+587 V.S. (K0271+460 -
K0278+648 as per RBIA)
Approved Budget Cost (ABC)
From To
95,713,780.00 92,198,030.21
Submission/Receipt and of Opening of Bids
From To
Postponed IndeniteIy
Submission/Receipt- May 14, 2012 until 10:00am
Opening of Bids - May 14, 2012, 10:00am
For guidance and information of all concerned.
Chief, Maintenance Division
BAC Chairman
(MST-May 5, 2012)
ManilaStandardToday MAY 5, 2012 SATURDAY
Aboitiz Power posts P5.6-b profit
UCPBs net income climbs 34% to P884m
House key to ending
John Hay stalemate
Pasar gets award.
Philippine Associated
Smelting and Rening
Corp. chief operating
ofcer David Halley
(center) received
the outstanding
performers award
from President
Benigno Aquino III
(left) and Philippine
Economic Zone
Authority director-
general Lilia de Lima
during the Peza
investors awards
night held recently
at the World Trade
Center. Pasar
was cited for its
commitment to the
UNITED Coconut Planters Bank
said prot grew by 34 percent to
P883.7 million in the rst quarter
from a year ago, owing to strong
trading gains and high interest
income posted by its business
The bank made the
announcement, a day after
shareholders approval of the
extension of its corporate life by
another 50 years.
Businesses normally slow
down during this period but
we still managed to sustain our
growth in 2011. Our strong rst-
quarter performance bodes well
for the future of the bank, UCPB
president and chief executive
Jeronimo Kilayko said.
UCPB took advantage of the
volatile xed-income market thereby
expanding its trading gains by more
than threefolds during the rst three
months of the year to P486.9 million
from P111.2 million in the same
period last year.
Interest income from loans
rose 15 percent as the bank
expanded its loan portfolio to
P73.6 million by end of March
2012 from P62.1 million as of
March 2011.
Consumer loans from the
parent company went up at a
faster rate primarily due to the
banks tie-ups with major real
estate developers. This provided
the bank access to more clients
who would like to borrow money
for their dream house.
Funding for these loans came
from the inexpensive checking
and savings accounts which
amounted to P102.2 million as
of end of March 2012 from P98
million a year ago.
Checking and savings accounts
comprised 63 percent of the total
deposits which rose 9 percent to
P162 million in the rst quarter
versus P148 million in 2010.
The bank said as its business
grew, management successfully
kept the growth of its operating
expense at a minimum.
UCPBs rst quarter feat comes
at the heels of its robust income
growth in 2011 which reached
P3.05 billion or 25 percent higher
than the previous year.
For 2012, UCPB is setting its
sights on a P3.5 billion to P4.0
billion in net income.
By Alena Mae S. Flores
ABOITIZ Power Corp. reported Friday
consolidated net income in the rst
quarter rose 9.8 percent to P5.6 billion
from P5.1 billion a year ago, supported
by the strong performance of power
generation and distribution businesses.
The company also announced
it would invest P170 billion in
the rehabilitation of existing
power plants to increase capacity
and improve reliability. This
would include P35 billion for
354 megawatts of new capacity
in Mindanao by 2015.
Aboitiz Equity Ventures Inc.,
its parent company, recorded
consolidated net income of P5.9
billion in the rst quarter, up 27
percent year-on-year.
The parent rms core net
income amounted to P5.5
billion, up by 28 percent from
the same period last year.
Power accounted for 73 percent
of Aboitiz Equitys earnings in
the quarter, while banking and
food contributed 23 percent and 4
percent, respectively.
Aboitiz Power said in a report
its higher net income in the rst
quarter translated to earnings
per share of P0.76 for the period
in review.
Aboitiz Powers core net
income amounted to P5.1 billion
during the period, up 9 percent
from P4.6 billion in the same
period last year.
Our revenue growth for the
rst quarter was propelled by
a higher demand for energy,
something we foresee continuing
with higher levels of economic
activity. Aboitiz Power is
anticipating this increased
demand for electricity by building
the right mix of energy sources in
its generating portfolio to be able
to deliver better power solutions
to customers at reasonable and
competitive prices, Aboitiz
Power Corp. president and chief
executive Erramon Aboitiz said.
The rst quarter saw a 34-
percent increase in the average
price of electricity in the
wholesale electricity spot market
due to both supply and demand
conditions in the Luzon grid.
Demand picked up during the
period with the Luzon grids peak
demand surging by 5 percent to
breach 7,200 megawatts.
The hotter climate was one of
the factors that led to the increase
in power requirements. Aboitiz
Power said it recorded a 5-percent
improvement in its average selling
price for its power.
Net generation in the quarter
grew by 13 percent to 2,452
gigawatt-hours in the rst quarter
from 2,168 GWh a year ago, led
by the 22-percent expansion in
power sales through bilateral
The companys attributable
capacity was at 2,350 MW in the
rst quarter, posting a 15 percent
from the previous year.
THE Bases Conversion and
Development Authority said the
House of Representatives will
play a major role in the resolution
of the dispute between BCDA
and the Sobrepea-led Camp
John Hay Development Corp.
Dean Santiago, BCDA vice
president for business development
and operations, told Manila
Standard in a chance interview
that the agency was awaiting the
start of the House technical working
groups hearing on the matter.
We hope this will be settled
soon. Hopefully, we can nd a
win-win solution, Santiago said.
The House has created a
technical working group to address
the concerns of both parties. The
group was created with the power
to issue a subpoena to all nancial
documents to CJHDevco and its
afliated companies to shed light
on their business practices.
CJHDevco currently owes
P3 billion in unpaid lease
rentals for leasing a portion of
the government property in the
John Hay Special Economic
Zone in Baguio City. The city
government will receive P750
million if BCDA, the government
agency that governs the JHSEZ,
is able to collect the unpaid lease
rentals of CJHDevco.
CJHDevco claimed losses while
operating in the JHSEZ, and cited
these as reasons for defaulting in
their payment. But BCDA said
CJHDevco had been declaring
dividends while defaulting on
payments to the government.
CJHDevco has also claimed
losses in business opportunities
due to the Supreme Court ruling
nullifying tax incentives in the
JHSEZ in 2003. CJHDevco cited
the delay in the processing of its
permits by the One-Stop Action
Center as reason for the non-
payment. Julito G. Rada
Manila Standard TODAY
Edited by Leo A. Estonilo
Govt loses mining taxes
Recto family rules Batangas race
Crablet mentality stalks young earners in Sorsogon
in top 4
By Macon Ramos Araneta
THE government lost over P10 million in
taxes from the shipment of 49,000 metric
tons of chromite hauled off from a mineral
reservation in Sitio Mandaloy, Masinloc,
Zambales, said a company ofcial.
In a media brieng at Manila
Hotel, Antonio Ernesto San Jose,
general manager of Consolidated
Mines Inc. said truckloads of
chromite from their stockpiles
have been brought to a port in
Palauig without an operating
Since December last year up
to April 14, 2012, he said seven
cargo vessels have been shipped
to China where the commodity
was in high demand.
San Jose also said the
government 100,000 tons of the
mineral have been scheduled
for delivery.
He said Consolidated Mines lost
P150 million worth of chromite
stocks noting that ofcials have
been barred from entering the
Coto Chromite Projects mine
and mill facilities.
While their application for
renewal of a new mining permit
remains pending, San Jose
and CMI president Benicio
Eusebio said they still have
the responsibility over the
management, maintenance and
upkeep of the Coto mining
concession including the tailings
ponds, stockpile areas, fabrication
and other support facilities and
San Jose and Eusebio said
a small-scale mining permit
was issued under questionable
circumstances to a private
operator on September 2010
covering concessions in Sitio
Mandaloy, Masinloc.
San Jose and Eusebio said they
have appealed to Environment
Secretary Ramon Jesus Paje
through letters sent on Nov.
25, 2011, and last Feb. 23 to no
In the letters, they sought the
cancellation of the permit by
Provincial Mining Regulatory
Board chairman Danilo Uykieng
due to the need to verify the
technical description of the said
permit as the same covers Towers
8 and 9 where the stockpiles of
chromite nes emanating from
the Coto Mines are located.
They noted that the permitee
did not mine or extract minerals
but started hauling the existing
chromite nes since Nov. 17,
San Jose and Eusebio claimed
local authorities disregarded the
mandate of the ?Environment
ofce over the disposition of
the mineral ores coming from
the mines belonging to their
By Chris A. Ibon
LIPA CITYWho faces
Mayor Meynard Sabili
will be known on Oct. 5,
the deadline of ling for
candidacy for next years
mid-term polls.
Vice Mayor Lydio Lopez
heads the list, wishing to
give up his spare-tire role
for a more engaging position
even as top councilor Merlo
Silva has been seen making
the rounds to announce
his availability. Other
notables are former Mayor
Ruben Umali, Provincial
Engineer Dudoy Ronquillo
and Marauoy Barangay
Chairman Mel Olan.
Any Lipa mainstay
worth his salt will have to
be annointed by the Recto
couple, Senator Ralph and
Governor Vilma Santos-
Recto, for a political career
to get somewhere. The
Rectos have established a
political franchise and they
hold the key to city hall and
higher places.
But Silva appears to be his
own man and will not settle
for anything but second to
Interviewed by Batangas-
based broadcast journalist
Rommel Arguelles over 95.1
Kiss FM, he was standing
by his mayoral bid come
hell or high water.
Seasone Batangas observers
see Silvas posturing as a
tactical move because the
Rectos are known to support
whoever has the greatest
chance of winning based on
a series of surveys before and
until the campaign period.
If Lopez shows rmness
in replaing Sabili, credit it
to his being a top councilor
like Silva before winning
the post next to local chief
By Butch Gunio

Joyet Garcia is urging all-out
support for Jessica Sanchez
she makes it to top 4 in the
American Idol eliminations.
I am calling again all
Filipinos to continue supporting
Jessica Sanchez not only
because she is our kababayan
but because she is truly the best
among the contestants, he
told Manila Standar d.
I again appeal to all
Filipinos in the USA to vote
for Jessica.
Santi Salazar, secretary of
Samal Mayor Gene Malibiran-
Dela Fuente, said the whole
town have been rooting for the
16-year-old singer.
Jessica is pride of Samal,
Bataan and we will continue to
gather support in USA to vote
for her, she said.
Garcia mobilized city
residents to contact their
relatives and friends abroad by
text or social network to vote
for Sanchez.
Jessica is truly world-class
and we will continue praying
for her to nally become
the American Idol 2012
champion, he said.
Retired US Navyman
Eddie Bugay, the maternal
grandfather of Jessica, hailed
from Samal town.
The young Filipino-Mexican
singer is the daughter of Editha
Bugay Sanchez.
By Oliver Samson
BARCELONAChildren in
this seaside town brave sun and
rain to gather day-old crabs to
eke out a living.
At low tide, they gather
crablets that sell for 75
centavos to P3 a piece to local
buyers in Sorsogon for delivery
to Pampanga and other regions
where they are processed and
sold as a gourmet food.
Imelda Romanillos, Labor
provincial ofcer, said state
policy prohibited child labor.
No person below 15 of age
is allowed to work, she told
Manila Standar d. If these
minors collect crablets in the
seaside only, there is no serious
problem. The possible negative
effect on children is loss of
interest to go to school because
they are earning.
In case the children failed
to attend their classes, will the
parents face criminal charges?
We will go to the place, not to
reprimand, but assess the situation
to base the safety nets on and offer
help, Romanilos said.
Chief Insp. Roque Merdegia,
also a lawyer, agreed with the
labor ofce.
There is no violation of the
labor law except when parents
use coercion and expose the
lives of children to danger, he
Darzy Gacosta, a resident,
commended the self-supporting
kids doing a decent job.
They would rather (work)
than steal for food, she said,
noting that a crablet gatherer
averaged about 30 pieces
in summer and as many as
a hundred during the cold
Aldrin, 11, said the fruits of
his labor went to good use.
I can provide my own
allowance in school and save part
of my earnings for a new pair of
pants and T-shirt, he said. We
are able to help our parents serve
enough rice on the table.
Elementary schoos Principal
Liza Salonga said work could
distort priorities for the young.
It can cause dropping
out because if they get used
to earning money they will
become lazy to attend classes,
she said, adding that a suitable
arrangement is needed. Its
good if they do it only during
weekend because they can help
their parents.
Hapinoy wins award
THE Hapinoy Community Store
Program won the 2012 Sankal
Award in the the Southeast Asia
Category for social enterprise.
Hapinoy was founded in 2006
by youth leaders Paolo Benigno
Ba m
a n d
M a r k
Ru i z
t h e
award in
Mubai ,
I n d i a
d u r i n g
t h e
o f
Sankalp Network, a group of
400 social enterprises, over 400
investors and funders, and 10,000
other stakeholders from around the
It is a great honor to be
recognized as a best practice
undertaking, especially when pitted
against equally amazing initiatives,
Aquino said.
Last year, Hapinoy won the
Women Empowerment Grant from
the United Nations Project Inspire.
Aquino and Ruiz were also cited by
the Schwab Foundation for Social
Entrepreneurship as the Asian
Social Entrepreneurs of the Year
Sun covers south
AIMING to intensify its
nationwide network expansion, Sun
Cellular further boosts its signal
down south with wider and stronger
network coverage in Davao and in
Cagayan De Oro.
Regarded as the nancial and
tourism hub of Mindanao, Davao
City is ranked 87th in the City
Mayors Foundations list of fastest
growing cities in the world.
Cagayan De Oro is a growth
center that is attracting locators to
genrate employment.
We want to ensure that our
customers will experience the best
network coverage wherever they
are in the country. Whether in
northernmost reaches of Luzon or
down south in Mindanao, customers
may now rely on a stronger Sun
Cellular signal, says Charles Lim,
Chief Operating Ofcer of Sun
Sun Cellulars network
expansion can experienced in the
northern parts of Luzon. We like to
extend the promise of a better Sun
Cellular network in areas where our
customers would go.
Sun Cellular has embarked on
a large-scale network expansion
alonside sister companies in the
PLDT Group to cover Central
Luzon as well.
Saluyot swing. High school students whip up a dance routine using the claypot of Ilokano home-cooking during the Dinengdeng festival in Agoo, La Union. Known as Port of
Japan in the 14th century, the town was a trading center where tribal products from the Cordillera range were exchanged with Japanese goods. DANNY PATA
Irrigation upgrade
manager Helsey Bermudez of
National Irrigation Administration
Magat River Integrated Irrigation
System said the rehabilitation work
will soon allow release of water
from Magat dam to signal the
expanded planting scheme to spur
food productivity.
He said NIA was backing the
ve-cropping-in-two-years plan
of the agriculture department for
bumper harvests to boost rice
Wilfredo Gloria, MRIIS
engineering division chief, said
work is being speeded to meet the
May 7 water release.
At least 20,100 hectares of
ricelands will benet from the
improved water distribution
following the irrigation networks
According to Bermudez,
irrigation forms a critical role
in achieving food security
which is targeted by the Aquino
administration next year.
Jessica M. Bacud

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