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A study

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Open spaces. We give it in plans and roughly name it landscaped area. Why? It looks good on paper. Agreed. This is a space that dictates the user as much as the closed spaces do. Open spaces: parks, maidan and the like as we generally know them, are places of congregation of people in and around the usable precinct. Are these spaces only designed? Or are they natural? Are they needed? Where do we give them?

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

From a Design perspective and putting an ideal theory into practice, open spaces are given in neighborhoods at roughly the nodes such that it is easily accessible from all edges. However, they develop wherever we get, well, any open place. Open spaces, unless private, are generally public spaces. (Obviously.) And an integral part of the Livable Urban Setting.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Some public open spaces are

Parks, Gardens. Streets, Malls, Theatres. Temples. Stations, Bridges. Campuses.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Activities in a Public Space

Seeing, Meeting, Talking, Making Acquaintances. Sitting, Eating, Drinking, Relaxing. Walking, Running, Playing, Napping. Shopping, Discussing, Meets, Gathering. Observing, Contemplating, Introspecting, Meditating.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Open public spaces vs. Closed public spaces.

You answer.

Given a huge open hall. And a direct corollary: a maidan. A hall with furniture. And a park.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Strange thing, humans love to interact with nature, but only when they feel safe and protected enough from the elements. In a closed hall, a person will feel alone and lost, due to psychological effects. Though you are protected, you are not in touch with nature. A hall with furniture, no matter how modern, will never exclude a few greens. Its a fact. We love our greens, but only when we are not overpowered by it.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Deccan: An area where the rush of humans makes it physically impossible to find a niche for yourself, we saw the following open spaces predominating. 1. Planned parks. 2. Streets. 3. Underpasses.
Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.


Open planned or naturally preserved areas with a variety of flora (and fauna) meant for recreation and exercise. And whatever else you can really do there. Located in neighborhoods. Ideally, one in the centre. May be zoned into play and gathering areas for efficient division of different age groups.
Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Kamala Nehru Park

Located in the middle of a residential neighborhood. A well planned garden with a tall visual and acoustical barrier of trees all around. Zoned and symmetrically planned. (We all felt rejuvenated and refreshed after a tiring roam about the street)
Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.


Sometimes streets develop as open public spaces. In India, we have had a tradition of leading half our public interactions on the streets, as seen in old village and town planning, and the elements of social architecture thru the ages. Now, however, it happens as an addition to existing parks or places of high consumer density.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.


And then we have some really different areas that develop as public spaces

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

People will gather wherever they find an interlude from the high pressure hectic life of a constant rush and human push. These spaces, where the additional human presence is an entity, enough only to guarantee a sense of safety without stepping in our personal bubble, spring up wherever possible.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Do we need it?

Youre angry. You have had a bad day in college. Your teacher is ticked off at you. You had a fight with your best friend. Some girl is bad mouthing you with utter lies. You got a redo. The sheet you got a good on, got soaked in the rain. Youre feeling ill. The food was disgusting. You broke your specks and lost your tee. You have a new assignment, due tomorrow. You go home late and now your mother is angry at you. Just when you decide to step out, dad gets mad. Because of something that is not your fault.
Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Imagine trying to cool off all this. In a PMT bus.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Its practically impossible.

What helps? A walk in the park? Sitting with your thoughts? Alone, but not lonely? A nice walk? Looking at trees and flowers and all?

These are things you do in open spaces.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

What we saw

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Give them place, and people will sit anywhere.

As long as its above the ground.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

And they are perfectly happy doing so.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

A solitary contemplation session A rare blessing in a city!!

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

As you can see, we totally agree.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

And then there are some who enjoy the socialization riots in the midst of boredom filled working hours.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

And that was a technique only recently perfected. With the advent of our extreme necessities: to possess a driver so that he can drive you to the park for your evening walk.

How to Sleep. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

We know why teens gather here. We also know that working men need their socialization time.
What this proves

The food is good, too. Really.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

And we not only cater to humans. We love our animals too!!

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Um. Please dont ask us why.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Defying the Prospect-Refuge theory!

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Serenity. This place is in the middle of the city, and its past 5.30 pm.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

And the consensus.

Do we need open spaces? Does it help improve the quality of life? Does it instill a sense of community?

Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

Thank you
Neeharica, S.Y. Gen.

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