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Title: The Study of Youngsters Perception towards the Effect of the Baby Dumping Baby Issues.

Questionnaire Section A: Demographic Background

1. Gender:


] Male


] Female

2. Age:

1[ 3[

] Below 15 ] 19 - 21

2[ 4[

] 16 - 18 ] 22 - 25

3. Marital status:

1[ 2[ 3[

] Single ] Married ] Divorce

4. Races:

1[ 3[

] Malay ] Indian

2[ 4[

] Chinese ] Other

5. Monthly income:

1[ 2[ 3[ 4[

] Less than 500 ] RM 501- RM1000 ] RM 1001- RM 2000 ] Above RM 2001

6. Education level:

1[ 3[ 5[

] LCE/ SRP/ PMR ] STPM ] Degree & Above

2[ 4[

] SPM ] Diploma

Section B: Effects of dumping babies problem On the scale from 1 to 5, tick (/) the relevant number that best describe your opinion: 1= Strongly Disagree 2= Disagree 3= Neutral 4= Agree 5= Strongly Agree


To the baby itself High rates of babys death Humiliated by the society once they grown up Difficulties to process childs birth certificate Hard to enter into school due to no birth certificate Might involve in negative lifestyle when grow up

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

To the family Family will feel embarrass Humiliated by the society Must bear unwanted child cost Need to face many bureaucracy procedure Must tighten the relationship between them and the mothers to ensure she do not become worse

No. 1. 2. 3. High risk of death

Individual herself

Damage mothers womb Cause psychological effects on mental & emotions such as depression

4. 5.

Need to faces many difficulty in life Need to take care of childs alone

No. 1

To the country Give bad impact and negative perception from the other country

Decreasing number of foreign investor to invest in Malaysia


Increasing cost to support the mothers and child in term of health


Need to come out with the best solution to decrease the cases


Need to enforce more strictly act towards the baby dumping issue

Thank You for your cooperation

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