HASPI Medical Biology Lab 19 Effects of Diabetes & Simulated Diabetes Testing

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HASPI Medical Biology Lab 19 Effects of Diabetes & Simulated Diabetes Testing

Teacher Information Description

This lab activity is actually three labs in one. Lab 19a is the actual simulated diabetes testing, while 19b and 19c are short activities that reinforce standards concepts. Lab 19a is a simulated diabetes test. Students work as lab technicians to test the blood and urine of patients for levels of glucose that would diagnose diabetes. The students then fill out a patient report with recommendations and follow-up by retesting the patients blood and urine that have been collected a few weeks later. Lab 19b is a demonstration activity using high water-content vegetables and sugar to show how high sugar content of blood in a person with diabetes actually pulls water from surrounding body tissues and results in dehydration and frequent urination. Activity 19c is a calculation and graphing activity that determines the relationship between blood glucose and insulin glucose levels. Students will also calculate the speed of kidney filtration, called glomerular filtration rates (GFR), and then graph the results. In addition, comparisons between the GFR of healthy kidneys and diabetic kidneys are made.

1. Understand how blood sugar levels are maintained through insulin secreted by the pancreas. 2. Relate the function of insulin to how all hormones work to maintain homeostasis within the internal environment of the human body. 3. Understand how diabetes affects different parts of the body; in particular the excretory, digestive, and cardiovascular systems. 4. Calculate glomerular filtration rates (GFR) and be able to determine how high sugar content may affect GFR. 5. Graphically represent collected GFR data.

CA Biology State Standards

1a. Students know cells are enclosed within semi-permeable membranes that regulate their interaction with their surroundings. 9c. Students know how feedback loops in the nervous and endocrine systems regulate conditions in the body. 9i.* Students know how hormones (including digestive, reproductive, osmoregulatory) provide internal feedback mechanisms for homeostasis at the cellular level and in whole organisms.

CA Investigation & Experimentation Standards

1a. Select and use appropriate tools and technology to perform tests, collect data, analyze relationships, and display data.


Time: 19a: 50-60 minutes, 19b: 15-20 minutes, 19c: 20-25 minutes
Lab 19a will take an entire class period. Students will be testing 3 patient blood and urine samples for glucose, write-up results, and then retest blood and urine samples taken from a later date to see if there have been any changes. The testing portion of this lab can easily be done within a class period, so you may want to have the students perform the tests and complete the patient write-up after all testing is complete or as homework. Lab 19b would be a great one to set-up quickly before lecture, and then have the students observe while you are discussing. Activity 19c is set up so the students get lab results on a patient and are required to graph a few portions of the lab results to compare to normal levels. This activity would be great for use before Lab 19a as an introduction, or afterwards as reinforcement.

Materials Supplies needed for 10 lab groups

19a Simulated Diabetes Testing

Spot plates Initial patient urine samples A, B, C Initial patient blood samples A, B, C Final patient urine samples A, B, C Final patient blood samples A, B, C Glucose test strips (must be cut in vertically to have the 120 strips needed for this lab) Glucose level comparison chart 19b Diabetes & Dehydration

Provided (P) or Needed (N)

10 20 ml of each 20 ml of each 20 ml of each 20 ml of each 60 10

Provided (P) or Needed (N)

Honey High-water content vegetables (squash, egg plant, etc.) Scale Timer Paper towels 19c Diabetes & Glomerular Filtration Rate

1 bottle 2-3 (cut into 1 inch


1-10 10 10

Calculators Rulers

Provided (P) or Needed (N)

10 10


Additional Information
It is not necessary to complete all three activities the primary lab is 19a but 19b and 19c help to reinforce the effects of diabetes on the body. Lab activity 19b is simple, but makes the effects of diabetes on the hydration of the body very clear. Squash is the best choice and will need to be sliced into 1-inch sections. Lab 19b would be a great activity to set-up and then lecture. Activity 19c reinforces math and graphing skills as well as the effects of diabetes on the kidneys.
HASPI Medical Biology Lab 19, Diabetes, Teacher Info; Revised July 2011


Kit Replenishment Instructions- HASPI Supported Sites Only

Funds permitting, HASPI will replace annually: Glucose test strips (MUST return bag for refill) Patient urine and blood samples A, B, and C (MUST return bottles for refill) Not being replaced annually, please recycle and reuse: Spot plates Glucose level comparison chart

Resources and References

American Diabetes Association, 1995-2011. www.diabetes.org Neo/Sci Simulated Diabetes Lab Investigation. 2011. Adams, A. 2000. How does diabetes affect my body? Genetic Health. http://www.genetichealth.com/dbts_consequences_of_diabetes.shtml University of Texas Health Science Center. 2001. Lesson Four: Lab: Why Diabetics May Have Frequent Thirst and Urination (a demonstration of Osmosis). http://www.uthscsa.edu/ Cohen, R.M. and Sadler, L. 2006. Diabetes and the Body: Pancreatic Function. NetWellness. http://www.netwellness.org/healthtopics/diabetes/pancreasdiabetes.cfm McClellan, W. and Young, B. 2009. The Kidneys and How they Work. National Institutes of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, NIH Publication No. 09-3195. http://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/yourkidneys/ University of Rochester, Science Take Out. 2009. Diagnosing Diabetes. www.sciencetakeout.com University of Texas Health Science Center. 2001. Lesson Three: Graphing Glucose (Sugar) Tolerance Test Results. http://www.uthscsa.edu/ University of Texas Health Science Center. 2007. The Clean Up Crew: Diabetic Kidney Disease by the Numbers, Activity 2F. http://www.uthscsa.edu/ Heather Peterson, HASPI Curriculum Coordinator. www.haspi.org Edited by Janet Hoff-Kneier, HASPI Program Manager. www.haspi.org

Images (in order of appearance) http://img2.timeinc.net/health/images/journeys/diabetes/prediabetes-risks-sugar-200.jpg http://www.agwest.sk.ca/events/ihh08/donut-veggies-scale600px.jpg http://www.databaseanswers.org/data_models/diabetes_diagnosis_and_treatment/images/dia betes_map_2025_lge.jpg http://www.diabetesandrelatedhealthissues.com/images/diabetes_symptoms.gif http://www.health.com/health/static/hw/media/medical/hw/h9991433_001.jpg http://www.footcareaide.com/images/diabetes-nerves.jpg http://www.stlukeseye.com/images/img-diabetic-retinopathy.jpg http://www.pre-diabetes.com/download/medical/how-insulin-works.jpg http://savvyhealthfitness.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/diabetes_type2.jpg http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/ency/fullsize/1101.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_pMxMXFn7L-4/SmYGkVnajI/AAAAAAAAJHw/qqZAeKftDIo/s400/Nephron.jpg http://signsofhighbloodsugar.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/1307737831-20.jpg

HASPI Medical Biology Lab 19, Diabetes, Teacher Info; Revised July 2011


HASPI Medical Biology Lab 19, Diabetes, Teacher Info; Revised July 2011


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